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Everything posted by mwight

  1. AntiPhonal Taoism

    I'm glad you other people get it, because I sure don't. With all do respect to drew it seems these writings on harmonics etc are more about ego masturbation and less about actually trying to convey insights to others. The sentence structure and vocabulary used are just too complex, for a lay person. Sure we can break out websters and wikipedia and spend the better part of an afternoon deciphering, but who wants to do that? Even then I am still left wondering what is the point, and how is this information even relevant?
  2. AntiPhonal Taoism

    Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. If you can't explain something to a six-year-old, you really don't understand it yourself. -Albert Einstein
  3. AntiPhonal Taoism

    Drew, I consider myself a pretty intelligent guy. I've aced every math, chemistry, or physics class that I've ever taken. I do computer repair, sales and networking for a living. But man for the life of me I cannot ever make sense of your stuff. In the future you could write your posts as though you were trying to explain what was being said to a 5 year old. I think you could reach a lot more people here, myself included
  4. I wanted to order a few books here is a list of what I am getting. Does anyone have any commendations.
  5. scary stuff

    findley, I concur with mantis, everything is monitored and logged, I wouldn't risk it unless you live outside the usa. I am sure everyone has had similar thoughts, and fantasies, but I think its best to keep them to yourself. LDk6jxcSDlQ
  6. scary stuff

  7. scary stuff

  8. scary stuff

    I'm sorry guys, its just people who are willfully ignorant just drive me mad....
  9. scary stuff

  10. scary stuff

    I urge you to watch this video, even though you most likely wont since you have previously concluded its all horseshit.
  11. scary stuff

    No where in the official government version of history does it mention controlled demolition, on any building. Also WTC7 was not hit by any planes, it wasn't packed full of jet fuel, and no time in history has any similar steel building collapsed due to fire.
  12. scary stuff

    The owner of the WTC himself saying they demolished the buildings is BS? Wow man. Just wow.
  13. scary stuff

    Patrick, This isn't arguing. I am pointing out a fact. Watch the owner of the WTC state live on national TV, they demolished WTC7. He said it on national television for God's sake, man. Have you watched it, how exactly do you just magically explain this away? C3E-26oVIIs Here it is again in case you missed it, skip to :28 if you want him speaking about demolishing the building. Would also like to point out he collected nearly 5 BILLION, thats $5,000,000,000.00 on insurance he took out on the buildings which specifically covered terrorist attacks, just before 9/11/01.
  14. scary stuff

    Scotty, Belief has little to do with it. The WTC Owner is on national television saying they had to make the call to demolish the building. This is open and shut, with no room for opinion.
  15. scary stuff

    Scotty, Does the owner of the WTC saying on live television they had to demolish the building, not mean anything to you. Did he just misspeak? Exactly how is it being a nut job, to point this out. Come on people...
  16. scary stuff

    Patrick, I call BS, I don't think you examined the facts, or if you did you didn't dig deep enough. The owner of the WTC is on national tv saying they demolished it. I posted a clip. Many prominent architects stated it was controlled demolition. This is really beyond the realm of opinion anymore, you can bury your head in the sand, and scream "I'm not listening", but ostracizing yourself isn't going to change the reality of the situation.
  17. scary stuff

  18. Sexual Problem giant testicle

    Did the ER test you for testicular torsion? Thats a really serious condition.
  19. scary stuff

    I would say these people are ignorant and apathetic by choice, not mentally retarded by environmental toxins.
  20. LOL I must admit I am an info addict. I love reading and learning, and thinking. I would probably be much further along the path if I didn't read as much.
  21. How to manipulate or control chi?

    I can only feel chi strongly, and work with it after achieving a deep trance, this usually requires 3-4 hours of work to achieve.;BulletinID=269
  22. scary stuff

    I agree contaminated food, water, medicine, and other environmental factors play a big role in a persons IQ. But this isn't so much about intelligence as it is ignorance, and apathy. Most people just don't give a damn, they're sheep, flocking to material comfort whenever possible to drown out the reality around them. Mindless consumerism, work 50 hours per week to afford a new plasma tv, new car, new house, new everything. Trust me I have met some truly intelligent people who just don't give a shit, about anything else than money and material comfort. So the government is collapsing into a fascist dictatorship? Who cares I gotta work 80 hours a week to support the lifestyle I want but can't even enjoy! My aunt is one of these people, she is highly intelligent but ignorant and apathetic by choice. She works all day everyday to support things like her new house, boat, suv, etc. She has no time for any of it, and doesn't really care about the current state of affairs. My father is the same, highly intelligent, works all the time, cares nothing about the reality of our collapsing system. panem et circenses
  23. scary stuff

    The cause of the current situation is ignorance and apathy. 99% of our population are apathetic idiots, plain and simple. They are enabling this situation, they are the cause. Everyone blames the government, I think we need put more blame on ourselves as a society. The battle isn't against the government, its against the minds of the ignorant. We are rotting for the inside out as a society, we reward people for being stupid. Stupid people scare me a lot more than a corrupt government, because I see them directly as the cause of it.
  24. Part 1 Part 2