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Everything posted by RongzomFan

  1. no such thing as emptiness

    So you claim
  2. no such thing as emptiness

    None of these claims would survive Madhyamaka analysis.
  3. no such thing as emptiness

    Immortal4life, Are you claiming something exists? If so, read this thread:
  4. no such thing as emptiness

    I learned to stay away from Tibetan Madhyamaka, due to repeated warnings of Namdrol even from Esangha days. I just try to read root texts of Indians such as Nagarjuna, Aryadeva, Buddhapalita, Chandrakiri, Śāntarakṣita, Atisa, Kamalashila and Shantideva. When I read "Center of the Sunlit Sky", I just read the translations of the Indians.
  5. First off, the author of the blog you cite is the author of the book I cited. Secondly, if you don't want me to repeat myself, grasp what I'm saying the first time.
  6. Are you saying that is Buddhism?
  7. Terma history is not actual history. Apart from extremely tiny historical nuggets, there were no Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra, Garab Dorje etc. These are literary characters and/or manifestations of a terton's wisdom. The same goes for Bon terma history. Bon is a post-Buddhist religion,+fact+the+Bonpo+religion&hl=en&sa=X&ei=JpQWUeW-No2v0AHL94H4Bg&ved=0CDMQuwUwAA#v=onepage&q=Tibet%20Sam%20van%20schaik%20In%2C%20fact%20the%20Bonpo%20religion&f=false P.S. 17,000 years ago is squarely in prehistory. Learn basic world history.
  8. Yeah Buddhism is actually Islam
  9. First off, I don't go by Wikipedia. Secondly, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, as usual.
  10. You totally misinterpreted. This book is referring to a terma text. There was no such thing as Bon before Buddhism. If you mix up terma history with actual history, you are going to get confused.
  11. Buddhism aggressively took over Tibet? I read countless books on Tibetan history, but this is news to me. Tibetans genuinely loved and absorbed all aspects of Indian culture from medicine to whatever. Indian culture naturally spread to Afghanistan, China, Japan, southeast asia etc.
  12. Dalai Lama eats meat
  13. no such thing as emptiness

    I don't agree with any of this. Emptiness is this: Everything is illusion. Concepts make things seem real.
  14. no such thing as emptiness

    Jonangpas and their doctrine is not a recent thing. Theres the whole self-empty vs other-empty "debate". From the Indian POV, other-emptiness (and the debate around it) is a Tibetan invention. You don't have to take my word for it. Read "Center of the Sunlit Sky". From the Indian POV, you have 3 options: A. Madhyamaka B. Yogacara C. Tathagatagarbha Sutras Option C was never considered in India as a separate option on the level of A. and B., but I'll give you that option. Modern Zen/Chan people follow B. and C. But the normative Indian tradition, represented by Atisa, Kamalashila etc., puts A. at the top.
  15. no such thing as emptiness

    Its embarrassing how wrong the wikipedia entry for sunyata is. sunyata does not translate to openness or thusness. This is just some Zen nonsense.
  16. Buddhism doesn't teach passivity. Tibetans fought and killed the chinese. You just have to give back your monk precepts first.
  17. no such thing as emptiness

    Emptiness is an english word. sunyata literally means "voidness" and relates to mathematical concept of zero. But you can't just go by literal sanskrit meaning.
  18. no such thing as emptiness

    I think you are greatly confused. The prajnaparamita sutras are basic indian Mahayana. Other emptiness is a tibetan invention. Its not in the prajnaparamita sutras, although I'm sure you can interpret any text the way you want.
  19. I'm not getting this. Are you saying that the Scottish understand emptiness?
  20. karma just means intention in Buddhism, specifically the intention to follow Buddhadharma
  21. So basically Muslims started the whole thing.
  22. "....which erupted after the rape and murder of a Buddhist woman, allegedly by three Muslims, unleashed long-standing ethnic tensions."
  23. no such thing as emptiness

    Other emptiness is a Tibetan invention. There was no such thing in India. In India, you had Madhyamaka and Yogacara. Read "Center of the Sunlit Sky".