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Everything posted by RongzomFan

  1. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Are you claiming to be knowledgeable in 5 indian languages? Thats a pretty big claim.
  2. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Nope none of those. Considering I already told you my state and caste, I thought you would be better at this.
  3. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I can understand Telugu just fine. Just not written.
  4. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Considering I never made any such claim, what language do you think that is?
  5. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Even the 'real deal' had stuff about Jesus as an ascended master. How much more New Age can you get?
  6. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum
  7. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Exactly. This is Hindi. Hindi people of the north follow a reformed Hinduism based off European orientalism.
  8. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Please give me a break. Like I said, you don't follow real Hinduism.
  9. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Oh wait there is no such thing as Hinduism.
  10. Dzogchen Teachings

    This is referring to outer phenomena like a gold and dirt. Internally, you need to distinguish between rigpa and sems.
  11. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I'm not militant. Just proud of Indian culture.
  12. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    This is because clueless Buddhists critique Hindus all the time. Go onto any Buddhist forum and read discussions about "atman". By the way, atman is just sanskrit for identity, no matter the philosophy.
  13. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I'm not against Hinduism. Indeed I sent out a mass email regarding "Invading the Sacred" including a link to the youtube video. No Hindu gives a shit. And the local library wouldn't even accept a donation of the book.
  14. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Go to a museum with a huge collection of Indian artwork. Look at the dates of the Buddhist pieces. Then look at the dates of the Hindu pieces.
  15. Dzogchen Teachings

    Have you heard of distinguishing rigpa from sems? Have you heard of the mirror/crystal ball metaphor where you distinguish reflections from the mirror?
  16. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I view generic Hinduism as a subset of Buddhism. Since its a subset, you can view it as either same or different. The Indian deity Hevajra holding all sorts of Indian deities in his various hands is a good visual summarization.
  17. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I laughed at the ridiculousness of the statement.
  18. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    I literally LOL'd at that one.
  19. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    You are like Mr. T
  20. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Even I think you are pushing it.
  21. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Says the man who follows the orientalist version of Hinduism. Atleast I was raised in real Hinduism. Keep citing Babaji's kriya yoga, a New Age tradition unknown by any Hindu I know.
  22. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    "........ have been particularly susceptible to simplistic presentations of a unified Hinduism. They have had to offer reified and dogmatic responses to their Christian and Jewish peers."
  23. Buddhists forum vs Vedanta forum

    Because its the original major religion of India. Rajiv Malhotra's favorite scholar says Indian royalty did pujas to the supreme universal deity Buddha, before they shifted to Vaisnava and Saiva rationales.,+the+Buddha+was+accorded&hl=en&sa=X&ei=41IpUeT_B7G80QHSkoEY&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Buddhist%20Vishnu%20before%20the%20eighth%20century%2C%20the%20Buddha%20was%20accorded&f=true
  24. Dzogchen Teachings

    You are free to argue with konchog uma. But citing Wikipedia for Buddhist info is a joke. Especially unreferenced sentences. Especially an article tagged at the top. And especially declaring "Wrong again" on top of all that.