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Everything posted by RongzomFan

  1. Lord Shiva

    Now they are, because Hinduism became homogenized with the orientalists.
  2. Dzogchen Teachings

    Then its a simple matter of deploying what you learned.
  3. Dzogchen Teachings

    Most Vajrayana lamas give teachings, transmissions, empowerments en masse. This was the case even in pre-invasion Tibet.
  4. Dzogchen Teachings

    You either recognize unfabricated presence vs the conceptualizing mind. Or you don't There are no "degrees" or "stages" of trekcho, apart from familiarization.
  5. Dzogchen Teachings

    This reminds me of this:
  6. Dzogchen Teachings

    The "hierarachy" that you spoke of is there to preserve the fidelity of the teachings. Or even preserve the mere existence of the teachings. For example, after Chokygur Lingpa died, they purposely created a tulku lineage to preserve his teachings. Its not a religious or cultural thing. Its a practical thing. People like Jason Miller, Poke Runyon and Satanists do appropriate Vajrayana teachings.
  7. Dzogchen Teachings

    In regard to hierarchy which I assume means lineage transmission and samaya... Its there to preserve the fidelity of the teachings. Otherwise you get stuff like this from a supposed student of Norbu and others: Satanists like Aleister Crowley did and continue to rip off eastern teachings.
  8. Dzogchen Teachings

    I don't agree with your characterization of Dharma Wheel or Malcolm or Tao Bums in any sense.
  9. Dzogchen Teachings

    I think the issue was your factual assertions. Anyway, I'm sure you would agree that your new ebook would not surpass this:
  10. Lord Shiva

    Its still sad that you conceive of Buddhism and Hinduism as separate. You do realize that Vajrayana has Ganesha, Brahma, Sarasvati, all the vedic deities etc. right?
  11. Dzogchen Teachings
  12. Lord Shiva

    You grow up. You are as ridiculous as young earth creationists.
  13. Lord Shiva

    Now you are questioning world-wide history? I gotta hear your dating of Rama, so I can further laugh my ass off.
  14. Lord Shiva

    This is standard worldwide history
  15. Lord Shiva

    This guy is a mixed bag. Don't forget he is the guy that destroyed Doniger's Sanskrit translations.
  16. Lord Shiva

    Again these are not "western imposed". Aryan Invasion Theory was first presented by an Indian Ramaprasad Chanda. Furthermore the Aryan Migration Theory has been proved by Harvard genetic studies published in the most prestigious journal, Nature.
  17. Lord Shiva

    That you think you have to go all the way back to 100,000 BCE to be in Prehistory doesn't say much about your history knowledge.
  18. Lord Shiva

    By the way, 3,200 bce is prehistory. So 100,000 bce is fucking ridiculous.
  19. Lord Shiva

    Hopefully they fix Hinduism scholarship, because the same guys get cited in Buddhism.
  20. Lord Shiva

    Saivism was more dominant than it is today. I've never seen Buddhist texts concerned with Vishnu or Krishna, but many concerned with Shiva.
  21. Lord Shiva

    Noone is going to accept Krishna lived before the Indus Valley Civilization. And if you argue about the IVC date, you are crazy, because we have dates for similar Mesopotamian civilization.
  22. Lord Shiva

    You are mixing in Hindu fundamentalism with a genuine critique of American scholarship.
  23. Lord Shiva

    Now I'm starting to doubt all of western scholarship including my beloved David Gordon White. I can't trust if selected translations are correct, let alone analysis and commentary. Although you were correct in the broad sense, you muddied the argument by citing Swami's from the 1800's, believing Krishna dates to pre-history etc.
  24. Lord Shiva

    Its funny how western scholars just make up shit, including what happens at Shiva temples: 0:22:40
  25. Do I need glasses?