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Everything posted by RongzomFan

  1. Buddha kept silent about God

    Because you repeatedly claim over many pages that the goal of Mahayana is not Buddhahood. Have you heard of Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya and Nirmanakaya? Have you heard of the 10 Bhumis? Have you heard of the Bodhisattva motivation? Have you heard of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutras, Madhyamaka, and Tathagatagarbha Sutras? These are basic Indian texts. All these texts talk about Buddhahood as the goal.
  2. Buddha kept silent about God

    This is hilarious, because Dzogchen doesn't end in nibbana either.
  3. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    Xabir hasn't realized anything. I've known xabir online probably longer than anyone else here.
  4. Iran confiscates Buddhist statues

    They want to destroy Mes Aynak, which is a MAJOR Buddhist archaeological site in Afghanistan. Mining was scheduled to begin last month.
  5. Theravada and Mahayana

    Its funny that you cite people like Swami Sivananda and Swami Prabhupada, the founder of the Hare Krishna cult.
  6. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    The point is that you cannot claim 'my chair is real' because dream-chairs also seem real.
  7. Theurgia-Goetia, on Gods and Demons

    some people say you can substitute hart skin for lion skin (based on a different grimoire). but others who claim to have evoked demons to physical appearance say that there is a reason why the goetia only mentions lion skin.
  8. Theurgia-Goetia, on Gods and Demons

    Actually its all about following the grimoire as close as possible, including especially the lion skin belt.
  9. Theurgia-Goetia, on Gods and Demons

    I was into western occultism as deeply as anyone reasonably could be. Zhongyongdaoist's viewpoints are not even remotely standard. Read the best translation of the Goetia, and go from there:
  10. ...

    You are a moderator. And I noticed you like Babaji. So I decline to elaborate.
  11. ...

    The goal is to be become a physical immortal, like Shiva. Shiva is the real Babaji. Babaji is just some modern invention.
  12. ...

    yes thats the goal of the links I posted.
  13. Shiv Tandav

    Interestingly a scholar that Rajiv Malhotra likes, says Buddhism was the dominant religion of India until the middle ages.
  14. Shiv Tandav

    B. R. Ambedkar also wrote the constitution of India.
  15. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    I'm sure you tell yourself that in dreams too.
  16. Shiv Tandav

    I know there is debate about the caste system's history. But forgetting about the history, you know very well that even today Hindus marry within extremely specific subcastes. In fact its more likely they will marry a white person, than an Indian outside their subcaste.
  17. ...

    This is the way to immortality:
  18. Shiv Tandav

    Historical info at 0:22:22 0:39:00 0:50:20 1:05:50
  19. Shiv Tandav

    It was more of my personal opinion that South India preserves Indian culture, since North Indian culture was severely disrupted by Islam.
  20. Shiv Tandav

    Its BBC documentary with an Indian historian. With the high Indian population in the UK, i'm pretty sure they did their research.
  21. Shiv Tandav

    Historical info at 0:22:22 South India is the only true Indian culture anyway, since Islam destroyed Saiva Siddhanta etc. in the North.
  22. Shiv Tandav

    Mainstreaming of dance from devadasi......see video at 1:05:50
  23. Shiv Tandav

    I'm going by the video. I know that nowadays high class Indians' daughters learn dances from teachers.
  24. Ancient Egyptian symbols

    It is said you can summon some Egyptian deities to physical appearance, as they have been subjugated as some of the Goetia.