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Everything posted by rene

  1. Haiku Chain

    Just Miz Smith singing, joining a chorus of owls; such heart-felt lament.
  2. Anybody that quotes Laozi is fine in my book! My path is different than most; standing in 'Both, same time' enables me to reside in the pleasures (and perils) AND not be encumbered with the outcomes (of either). More simply put - I want what I want, but it doesn't matter if I get it! I enjoy dreaming of Norway AND it does me no harm should it never occur! If an unfulfilled dream (desire) caused me harm or other angst - then any method to try and 'let go' would be useful indeed! I like that we each have our own way, and I wish you well on your path. (-:
  3. Hi allinone, looking forward to Jeff's reply as well. (-: Letting go of desires is an interesting concept; my method is rather than letting go, or suppressing, them - their fulfilment is unimportant. For example: I desire to someday travel to Norway! If it happens, wonderful! If it doesn't that's okay too cause I'm happy where ever I am! Desires are natural, imo; it's how we interact with them regardless of if they are fulfilled, or not. warm regards
  4. Haiku Chain

    "Good thing I like tea," he said, running to the john, "Can't own. Only rent."
  5. Don't Talk Trump

    Amen, brother.
  6. hardcore meditation as a way out

    So can doing the dishes. (-:
  7. Mobile Version Questions

    Oh now thats a good idea! Thanks!
  8. Mobile Version Questions

    Hiya Tech crew! Just wanted to say thanks, this mobile version is wonderful, user friendly & enjoyable! The only thing I would add to it (but I bet it can't be done) is a way to also access the drop-down menu thingy from the bottom of a thread page, especially the long ones with loooong posts... having to scroll waaay back up top to go elsewhere is kinda annoying... But that said, major thanks also for the Ignore function. I only have one person on it - and it does cut that particuar annoyance in half. (-: Warm greetings!
  9. simplify

  10. Could be, sure. Sometimes, though, when there is long term deep rooted anger - it can come up and out; triggered by, but otherwise unrelated to, the situation. IME only.
  11. What does everyone practice :)

    Hi CedarTree, I'm a lay individual and my path is WuDao. Warm greetings (-:
  12. A&P, hi That ^ is a really interesting idea; one worth exploring, imo. Would you mind if I make it into a topic over in the Daoist section?
  13. You had it right the first time. Trouble rather the tiger in his lair than the sage among her books. For to you kingdoms and their armies are things mighty and enduring, but to her they are but toys of the moment, to be overturned with the flick of a finger. ~~Gordon R. Dickson, Tactics of Mistake (kinda)
  14. Why? I thought that once work was done it is forgotten; therefore lasts forever. Just playin with ya, Michael; good catch, that.
  15. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Knowing when to stop is like a river coming home to the sea. The way to stop - is to just stop.
  16. Hi DreamBliss! Are you writing an essay for the contest? Cool if so - let us know how it goes...and if there is any prize money, we want a cut. What I like best about the Tao of Pooh is that it introduces the idea of Tao to a western audience who may have never heard of it before. I yield to others to speak to accuracy; it's been 35 years since I read it and recall only that I enjoyed it. Best of luck!
  17. Persistence

    This is from over in the mopai thread.
  18. Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)

    Yes. Most of our mountain is 50% covered with several species of fir & pine (the rest being rocks/eroded sediment/etc) - but down at the base of our drive (lowest spot in the area) is a large lush grove of cedars that wind along the road out. Up top, the 'flavor' of the fir & pines is powerful, active, freeing, alive; they are mostly indifferent but happy we are there. Down below, though, the energy of the cedars is regal, strong, almost commanding. I know this sounds bizarre but it feels like they are standing watch over us, and welcome us when we come down - and greet us when we return. I always thank them for letting us back in. Cool stuff. (-:
  19. Persistence

    Agree, but hey - everybody needs a hobby.
  20. Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)

    What I like best is that you are where you want to be (-: Forests are so healing, peaceful; especially when you can move through one slowly, dwell a while. If you do decide to Shinrin-yoku, please let us know how it goes. Thanks for the link!