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Everything posted by rene

  1. Why Do We Exist?

    Let go of "either/or" mindset.
  2. Classic on Dao, and the Way of Virtue

    dawei, agree. De has nothing to do with human-morality-virtue. Choosing 'Virtue' to represent the character for 'de' had everything to do with the Jesuit translators. Efficacy is closest in meaning, imo.
  3. gj551 - the printer application has a small buffer. After a thread gets too long, the printer application cant handle it, so when it senses too many pages in a thread - the printer icon disappears.
  4. Why Do We Exist?

    Then quit switching back and forth and do Both at the same time.
  5. Haiku Chain

    Hers is much better! But I live where it's cool, and no sand in my ass.
  6. a very powerful affirmation

    And that is why you fail.
  7. fwiw, i just clicked on two threads: 13-pager it's still there, on the 22-page one it's gone. So..somewhere in between is the line
  8. About the Silent Forum

    Only for those who don't see. ^-^
  9. Chapter 1, Section 4 Concepts

    I am, yes. You folks are like the guy who jumped on his horse and galloped off in all directions.
  10. Chapter 1, Section 4 Concepts

    You guys (yeah, all of you, starting with Zz, lol) make everything so complicated... so many meanings, so little time. This section reminded me of pieces of Lz - knowing when to stop, work is done then forgotten, blue on black, match on a fire, well okay not those last two; I was listening to KennyWayneShephard this morning. But actually - those fit in. No need to over-govern, if things are going well - doing more would only be extraneous; putting in a new ruler is wasted energy. Like tossing a lit match into a campfire. Superfluous.
  11. Christian Mysticism

    Jeff, hi, yes those were the 'two' I was referring to, the seeming either/or choice that happens after the convergence. Sorry my words were unclear. My point was that it does not have to be an 'either/or' choice' between either hanging in bliss or reentering the world... but getting past either/or mindset is not an easy thing to do. (-: warm regards
  12. Christian Mysticism

    As wonderful as it would be for those two approaches to come to the converging point, it might be no small stretch to seam them together on this. Living the way of Both (simultaneously self and no-self) allows one to rest in the quiet of no-self, while enjoying the communion still-self brings. I find no downside; your mileage may vary. (-:
  13. Christian Mysticism

    3bob - right. My question should have been more clear. Thanks!
  14. Christian Mysticism

    Jetsun, agree and well stated. Any path that includes both non-dual and the fullness and richness of communion with life, would be more fulfilling, imo. Is Christianity the only tradition that supports this concept of Both? I don't know; perhaps someone here does.
  15. thelearner. Aikidoka by chance? I look forward to hearing your thoughts on your topic, when the time is right.
  16. Christian Mysticism

    Apech..if it's this "From what I read, it could be deduced that the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost are the Spirit, Mind and the physical world." of Idiot_stimpy's you're asking about... he just mixed the terms out of order in the sentence - but they straightened out in his below stuff. If it's otherwise, he can clarify. G'nite.
  17. Chapter 1, Section 3 Concepts

    Who? I must have missed that, and why would they want to?? To me, Zz should have had more Lz and less Zz in Zz. Don't bother, MH. I can already hear your hehehe from here. (-:
  18. Christian Mysticism

    I agree with Cat in hopes that 3bob stays. I think it's easy for us to see how different traditions call these things by different names - even though the concepts developed downstream vary. Adding in my nomenclature to what idiot_stimpy just shared: From what I read, it could be deduced that the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost are the Spirit, Mind and the physical world, and are the Mystery, Manifest and nature of the Way. The only way to the Father is through the Son. The only way to the Spirit is through the Mind. The way to the Mystery is through the Manifest The Son must die in order to be reborn. The mind must die in order to be reborn. The Manifest must not be held as exclusive, in order to understand the nature of the Way. How does it die, by sitting in emptiness/complete surrender to the Father. How do we know these things? Because of this! (ddj21) I very much appreciate this thread and learning how the depths (Mysticism) of Christianity also sees what others see, and hearing the words - especially of other traditions - of everyone here.
  19. Chapter 1, Section 3 Concepts

    is section 3 done? lead, fearless leader, lead.
  20. Calling Out All Taoists

    This is not unrelated, imo. If, already in our minds, something is a certain way - it can affect any desired results or growth. Making room for something new, sometimes requires emptying the cup first. Practice can be like that, no?
  21. Calling Out All Taoists

    Or, they've never been truly hungry. Don't feed them for three days, then put a live mouse in front of them. Watch what happens. But you'll have to watch closely, because it will happen fast. warm regards
  22. Calling Out All Taoists

    Lions kill quickly to secure their prey because they are hungry. A domesticated cat, when hungry, does the same. Seeing things how they are - instead of how we want to imagine them as being - is not easy to overcome. warm regards
  23. Christian Mysticism

    Jeff, before I read your post re James the Just - my thinking was no successor because none of the disciples had the same perspective as Jesus, i.e. understanding what he understood, seeing as he saw. Does the Gospel of Thomas suggest that James also understood these things - in the same manner that Jesus understood them? Or is your take that maybe Jesus thought James was the closest to seeing? Or? And if so, then yes, I can see how that would keep the Gospel of Thomas out of the Bible.
  24. Christian Mysticism

    ॐDominicusॐ, outstanding post. Thank you. _/\_ In my parlance, it is called WuDao, 無道, no fixed path, and you are right, it is so much much more. It is the natural mechanism for approaching all worlds. (-: warmest regards