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Everything posted by farmerjoe

  1. What's up with those pictures?

    Is there someone who really knows the answers to the following questions as it applies to Kunlun? I think it is reasonable for me to want to understand "transmission" and what it is all about and on what level it all works before I allow it to be done to me, whether intentionally or via teaching "presence" which has been argued by some is the same thing. Thank you. Joe. Max uses Maoshan methods to move Master Kan. He moves him with "bliss"? I have read that at the free lectures Max won't demonstrate this on people in the audience but only on his students because without someones consent he could hurt internal organs. Is this the Maoshan portion of Max's Kunlun practice? Is this a lower level form which does involve the mind and that's why it only moves people with their consent? Is this a form of black magic? What about a transmission? Would a transmission involve the mind and be a lower level form? Or would the transmission be a higher level form and works with our higher self and without the mind and in conjunction with the Will of the Light? Joe.
  2. What's up with those pictures?

    Yes! Wow!!! Thank you goldisheavy!!!!! Your original post regarding this has had a hold of me and I don't know what else to say but thank you! Thank you sheng zhen too for taking it further!!!! I don't normally use exclmation marks. Joe.
  3. What's up with those pictures?

    After 6 Max and 1 Jenny seminar I should hope so! Thank you Cameron for sharing more about your experiences with your teachers. Joe.
  4. What's up with those pictures?

    If I didn't believe in voodoo would it affect me? Is it my mind that gives permission for something negative like that to hurt me? If I fear it will it then have the capacity to harm me? Is a positive thought enough to keep me safe? Are you talking about visualizing protection around yourself? Or is it enough to just walk with a knowing that you are safe and things like that can't hurt you because what you are/what's inside of you will transform it into something positive anyway? I guess you can tell I'd like to know more about this huh? Joe.
  5. What's up with those pictures?

    Thank you. You were very patient with me and I appreciate it. I will buy your book. Joe
  6. What's up with those pictures?

    Thank you cat I appreciate your honesty. Joe. I've read your post again and would just like to thank you for sharing, with what you, cat and other Kunlun students have said I have a better idea of what kind of support I can expect from the Kunlun community if I run into any problems. Joe.
  7. What's up with those pictures?

    Thank you cat. Is that because you or or no one else that you know that also practices Kunlun has had a problem or because they don't have anything set up? Joe.
  8. What's up with those pictures?

    From : Max uses Maoshan methods to move Master Kan. He moves him with "bliss"? I have read that at the free lectures Max won't demonstrate this on people in the audience but only on his students because without someones consent he could hurt internal organs. Is this the Maoshan portion of Max's Kunlun practice? Is this a lower level form which does involve the mind and that's why it only moves people with their consent? Is this a form of black magic? What about a transmission? Would a transmission involve the mind and be a lower level form? Or would the transmission be a higher level form and works with our higher self and without the mind and in conjunction with the Will of the Light? Joe. What would happen in this case? Joe.
  9. What's up with those pictures?

    Thank you Ya Mu. I now have to do some reading and research in regards to linearly and nonlinear quantum level events (all way over my head as you no doubt could tell) before I have anymore questions. Joe.
  10. What's up with those pictures?

    Okay finally!!!!!! So how come it's ineffective in one area and not in another? More in regards to this would be appreciated. Joe.
  11. What's up with those pictures?

    Okay. So in regards to the healing process the mind or what the person on the receiving end thinks about the whole thing is dismissed and plays no part in the outcome. What about in regards to someone using black magic against you would the same thing apply? Joe.
  12. What's up with those pictures?

    What if you weren't operating within the Will of the Light but the will of you, and you weren't using a healers touch but wanted to use your mojo to kick my ass and take all my energy. How much influence would my mind then have then over the outcome? If I thought you could then could you? If I thought you couldn't would you be able to? Joe.
  13. What's up with those pictures?

    What if it isn't good. How much influence will mind, my lower level self have then over what happens? Joe.
  14. What's up with those pictures?

    Is it you that does the healing? Joe. Okay, but what if you were trying to hurt me instead of heal me. Joe.
  15. What's up with those pictures?

    "If you think you can then you can, if you think you can't then you are probably right." What does it matter if you can't or you can? Do people really need all of this flash as an indication of how powerful someone is? Is it the measure of a good teacher or healer? Seems to me that the person on the receiving end; what they believe and where there head is at holds all the cards. Can you heal someone if they think you are full of shit? Joe.
  16. What's up with those pictures? Page 3 mentions those pictures. Joe
  17. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Speaks for itself. Centered. Present. Balance. I need all of that first because my spirit is already buzzing. Joe.
  18. Lama Dorje Student

    "I am a student of Lama Dorje's and one of his close friends. I can answer some of your questions regarding him and his teachings. I do not know everything about him, as he is constantly amazing me with some new area of expertise, but I do know some things." "The only danger is if you have things around you that you can knock into, and if you are practicing something like Kundalini Yoga which is not harmonious with Kunlun. Each has its own process and must be allowed to flow individual of each other. So we recommend to those starting Kunlun, practice Kunlun exclusively for a period of time so that it can work more effectively because you are beginning an internal alchemy process that has its own intelligence. It knows what to do and once activated, it will be working even when you are not practicing." "Kunlun is always first taught as a seated practice. Once your nervous system adjusts to the increase in current, there is a standing version that can be performed. There is also a five-elements moving Kunlun set." "This practice activates the divine bliss that everyone has within. It is similar to the energy of an orgasm but is not sexual in nature. When this energy becomes active in the body it starts an internal alchemical process of rapid change. As it moves through you it releases whatever blocks are in its way. This is why we say one hour can be equivalent to one hundred years in another system. It is that effective. Actually, if performed correctly, one can achieve the same result in only five minutes. As the yin and yang channels merge in the lower dan tien, the bliss rises up the central channel of the body like champaign bubbles and the magnetic potential of the individual can then be realized. Working from this magnetic body, one can do some very interesting things. He uses the term re-enlightenment because you are already there, you just need to re-move the things that are in the way of you realizing it. If you would like to build your jing chi prior to the seminar then celibacy is fine. It won't hurt. We recommend performing the upward draw to prevent the loss of your essence though, should you decide to have sex." "Kunlun should be performed exclusively in the initial phase to allow your nervous system to adjust to the increase in current and to allow the internal alchemical process to work. although the practices you describe should not conflict."
  19. Spontaneous Movement : Form and Formless

    Jenny says that you have to learn the technique in person and not to teach it to anyone else. Max learned the technique in person from Jenny and then added to it, repackaged it and started teaching his version to others. He is also saying it's okay for others to teach his version because he has "certified" teachers. He turned it into a business and now has franchises. Every new teacher will add something to it and start teaching their version and then pass it on and the next person will add something to it and teach their version and so on and so on. I don't know if Jenny asked her teacher if she could teach this practice to others. I don't know if Max asked Jenny for permission to teach it to others. If they didn't ask for permission then would other people based on the example that they've set? So this if the funniest thread but it made me cry last night because it's been so confusing for me.I've been thinking I should just start at the beginning and learn it from Jenny because it just seems to be about being lead within and to your real teacher. Read between the lines freeform? You are kidding right? Real masters learned to master words first and be clear about what they had to say because they knew the ignorant would read them, and the ignorant would add whatever meaning they wanted to words and the spaces between the words distorting it all to suit their purposes. Words are all I've got to measure teachers right now, words and examples that the teachers have set. I got really good advice last night and they said that the best thing would be to talk to the teachers directly and no one else, and I think that's the best advice I've received so far. This is a funny thread, actually this whole situation is funny but, last night I just cried because I'm the funniest thing about all of this. Joe.