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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Teas

    While I'm unfamiliar with the two styles of tea, I'd wager mixing them wouldn't do any harm. If you're worried just mix a little of each and drink cautiously. Should be no problem unless the teas are euphemisms for something. Lately I'm making small pots and usually mixing teas. So far no explosions.
  2. Golden Flower Meditation

    I was interested and googled the description. I found this in a review of the book from Amazon by Ger Agrey-thatcher 5.0 out of 5 starsTranslated by Thomas Cleary October 11, 2009 Definitely worth chewing on. IV Turning the Light Around and Tuning the Breath This doctrine just requires single-minded practice. One does not need to seek experiential proof, but experiential proof comes of itself. On the whole, beginners suffer from two kinds of problems: oblivion and distraction. There is a device to get rid of them, which is simply to rest the mind on the breath. The breath is one's own mind; one's own mind does the breathing. Once the mind stirs, then there is energy. Energy is basically an emanation of mind. Our thoughts are very rapid; a single random thought takes place in a moment. Inward breathing and outward breathing accompany each other like sound and echo. In a single day one breathes countless times and has countless random thoughts. So should one have no thoughts? It is impossible to have no thoughts. Should one not breathe? It is impossible not to breathe. Nothing compares to making the affliction the medicine, which means to have mind and breath rest on each other. Therefore turning the breath should be included in turning the light around. When you sit, lower your eyelids and then establish a point of reference. Now let go. But if you let go absolutely, you may not be able to simultaneously keep your mind on listening to your breathing. You should not allow your breathing to actually be audible; just listen to its soundlessness. Once there is sound, you are buoyed by the coarse and do not enter the fine. Then be patient and lighten up a little. The more you let go, the greater the subtlety; and the greater the subtlety, the deeper the quietude. Eventually, even the subtle will be interrupted, and the true breathing will appear whereupon the substance of mind will become perceptible. This is because when the mind is subtle, breath is subtle; when mind is unified, it moves energy. When breath is subtle, mind is subtle; when energy is unified, it moves mind. Stabilization of mind must be preceded by development of energy, because the mind has no place to set to work on; so focus on energy is used as a starting point. This is what is called the preservation of pure energy. Buddha said, "Place the mind on one point, and everything can be done." If the mind tends to run off, then unify it by means of the breath; if the breath tends to become rough, then use the mind to make it fine. If you do this, how can the mind fail to stabilize? Generally speaking, the two afflictions of oblivion and distraction just require quieting practice to continue unbroken day after day until complete cessation and rest occur spontaneously. When you are not sitting quietly, you may be distracted without knowing it; but once you are aware of it, distraction itself becomes a mechanism for getting rid of distraction. As for unaware oblivion and oblivion of which you become aware, there is an inconceivable distance between them. Unaware oblivion is real oblivion; oblivion that you notice is not completely oblivious. Clear light is in this. Distraction means the spirit if racing; oblivion means the spirit is unclear. Distraction is easy to cure; oblivion is hard to heal. Using the metaphor of illness, one that involved pain or itch can be treated with medicine, but oblivion is a symptom of paralysis, where there is no feeling. A distracted mind can be concentrated, and a confused mind can be set in order; but oblivion is unformed darkness, in contrast to distraction, which still has some direction. Oblivion means the lower energies are in complete control, ruling in negativity and darkness. When you are sitting quietly, if you become drowsy, this is oblivion. Repelling oblivion is simply a matter of tuning the breath. The "breath" in this case is respiration, not the "true breathing." Nevertheless the true breathing is present within it. Whenever you sit, you should quiet the mind and unify your energy. How is the mind quieted? The mechanism is in the breathing, but the mind alone knows you are breathing out and in; do not let the ears hear. When you don't hear it, the breathing is fine; and when breathing is fine, the mind is clear. If you can hear it, the breathing is rough, which means the mind is cloudy. Cloudiness means oblivion, so it is natural to feel sleepy. Even so, the mind should be kept on the breathing. Just maintain a subtle looking and listening. What is "looking"? It is the light of the eyes spontaneously shining, the eyes only looking inward and not outward. Not looking outward yet being alert is inward looking; it is not that there really is such a thing as looking inward. What is "listening"? It is the light of the ears spontaneously listening, the ears only listening inward and not outward. Not listening outward yet being alert is inward listening; it is not that there really is such a thing as listening inward. Listening means listening to the soundless; looking means looking at the formless. When the eyes do not look outside and the ear do not listen outside, they are closed in and have a tendency to race around inside. Only by looking inward and listening can you prevent this inner racing as well as oblivion in between. When you sink into oblivion and become drowsy, get up and take a walk. When your spirit has cleared, sit again. It's best to sit for a while in the early morning when you have free time. After noontime, when there are many things to do, it's easy to fall into oblivion. Also there's the need to fix the length of time of meditation; it is only essential to set aside all involvements and sit quietly for a while. Eventually you will attain absorption and not become oblivious or sleepy.
  3. What Have You Learned

    Attempt to pull thread back on course: What I've learned from hobby- gardening 0. Prep work begins in the fall, put layers of mulch (leaves, grass & coffee grounds) over your garden before winter. They'll protect and break down into humus. 1. Don't jump the gun, and plant to early. The cold makes for weaker stunted plants. 2. Grape tomatoes (like Sweet 1000's) are fool proof, regular tomatoes can be picky, heirlooms are painful snobs. 3. Protect your garden when young from animals (it's not all lovey dovey, you are in competitions from a thousand thieves, bunnies, bugs, etc.,), trellis it well too. 4. Keep it watered. 5. Eat it, don't let things go to seed, lettuce especially gets bitter fast. Drink those veggies w/ a blender. 6. Plant a garden infront of your house- it's great to walk outside and grab a couple sweet grape tomatoes. 7. Imo, thin narrow gardens rock. Easy to plant and weed. You can literally put down bags of soil on your lawn and grow from the bag one season, then remove the bags and keep planting the second.
  4. What is meant by "heart"?

    When I want to feel my heart during meditation, I use the sound hAaaahh. It helps me focus on it. addon> I enjoyed reading Small Furs many insights into the Heart. Also, I find humor helps balance out the heart. Not in excess and not the haha type, rather keeping a simple smile and not taking things too seriously. Seeing the humor in situations, like discussions on the heart devolving into a mini flame war. Good humor disarms and joins people together, keeps you from taking offense.
  5. mystical poetry thread

    How long since I've known Silence? I listen The light bulb buzzes, my son plays loudly, Outside a car passes, my house breathes. Even in meditation, my subtlest breath is audible, my heart thumpity thumps, my pulse shakes me. Yet I've known Slence and one day wll return to t.
  6. What Have You Learned

    I agree with Aetherous, though maybe not extremely but in most of our societies, money, the ability to make a good living is important, a requisite for life's necessities, conveniences and freedom. In a hunting society its important to be able to hunt or gather, in Capitalist and European style Socialism it's likewise important to be able to earn a living, all the better if its a good one. To be obsessed with it, is bad, but to have enough is good, and that means training. That's not to denigrate living simply, but even that takes a modicum of income. I've met hobos who live on the charity of others and that can be a very hard life.
  7. Veterans day

    Here here.. like the police they have a damn hard job and deserve our appreciation.
  8. Cutting the root of desire

    Best I can do is downgrade desires into preferences, ie I prefer this to that, but it's all good, cept when its not.
  9. These aren't specifically taoist rituals, but tend to be purifying. (Teacher Ya Mu was into burning Cedarwood as I recall). Ye olde taoist rituals were very shamanic. There is much crossover. I seem to remember burning cedarwood (also sandalwood and sage) being purifying. I prefer the sharp wakeful pungency of clove oil. High quality incense tend to be purifying in some circles, as is bathing with salts. As a twofer you can shower and use a salt scrub w/ oil on yourself. My veggie friend say- Eat fruit for energy Eat vegetables for strength. I'd add: Light foods lift you up- good to a point, heavier and meatier foods bring you down- which can be centering. by my desk I have a small 10ml bottle of cedarwood oil for sniffing, it'll probably last forever, as well as clove oil and lemon eucalyptus.
  10. What Have You Learned

    For Middle age me, learn from others but walk your own path. addon> specific stuff. Adding a little bobbing movement (ala StillnessMovement Meditation) while sitting adds greatly to my meditation. That there's a world of internal focus's possible within the body during meditation. lately I'm counting my breaths 1-10 repeat, then starting breath focused on third eye(deeper then the screen), going down through tip of nose, throat, heart (w/ mental Ahhh), dantien, breath out focused in dantien- repeat. After a while letting that go and just sitting, hands rest of dantien. I've learned the Wim Hof method, a very physical practice of breathing and cold conditioning. Anti-inflammatory and body conditioning for the cold and general resilience. Rawn Clarks YHVH canticle. It's my shower chant and over the years I've enoyed it. Makes my showers a bit more sacred, nice after Wim Hof makes them a little torturous uncomfortable at times. There's great energy possible in group meditation, chanting and singing. People are more important then places. I like gadgets. What we focus on and record, we improve.
  11. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Great writing, but not by Mother Teresa's. It was written by Kent M. Keith when he was 19 and published in 1968. The title the Paradoxical Commandments- In many ways it follows the famous Desiderata, which early copies said it was 'found in an old Church in 1652', whereas it was much more modern. Written by Max Ehrmann in 1927. It is one of my favorites. Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
  12. It's good to have options.. know how to throw a punch and get out of the way of one. As a hobby martial arts can be fascinating; great lessons in strength, endurance, skill..honor, awareness.. a whole myriad. Yet, security is an illusion. It's a world with knives, guns, sucker punches etc., and despite comic book endings, we are all quite vulnerable. I encourage people to take up a martial art but beware of the illusions of grandeur and false pride that can come with them. As easily as an MMA takes down a 'spiritual' fighter, so does a punk with $50 gun take down an MMA fighter, perhaps easier. Still, we need to be aware, not afraid. Have options, live skillfully and let the universe decide.
  13. Its Time To End The War On Salt

    I have the same assumption, more salt, more bathroom trips, especially at night. I make the connection through soups that are often very salty (course I guess there liquidy too, still). There's a lucid dreaming technique where you drink 2 or 3 cups of water before bed. You use the urge to urinate as a reminder to know that you're dreaming. Plus it wakes you in the middle the night allowing you to refocus on getting lucid.
  14. what exactly is "God"?

    I kinda think God is the big YES! Can't be explained or intellectualized, only experienced. Usually in deepest silence.
  15. Plans Promises and Consequences

    New month coming tomorrow. Anyone else want to join in on Promises & Consequences?
  16. All things umami

    I've heard that the American love of coffee is due our lack of getting the 'bitter' taste. It's the bitter that stimulates bile and and digestive juices. Important and oft forgotten, like fiber or probiotics used to be.
  17. Plans Promises and Consequences

    Like the Wim Hof method and Pine Pollen, but find that taking the Pollen regularly causes loss of my pollen due to its affects.
  18. without a teacher again

    and yet I do. every now and then i mourn the things i can't see; concepts ignored or not exposed to. knowing in some alternate universe there is a me who's got there shit together cause they've seen, learned and applied lessons I haven't.
  19. All things umami

    I've been throwing a little Fish sauce (from Trader Joe's) into many recipes (particularly stews), not to get it's flavor but to add to the umami. I notice TJ's also sells a Umami Paste in a tube. Which contains anchovies amongst other flavorings. Haven't tried it yet.
  20. without a teacher again

    I miss having a teacher too. Though its been a long time. Undoubtedly many little errors creep into my sitting, breathing and posture that a teacher would correct. Also my teacher would travel to Japan to learn from masters and fellow high senseis getting new ideas and exercises that been tested through and judged worthy. Plus there's the inspiration one gets from a great teacher. Things change, sometimes improve and going solo we don't know what we're missing.
  21. How do you SEE in the third eye?

    Aimed at Spotless but also any the experienced people- Have you successfully taught students to open up there third eye? If so can you talk a little bit about the experience, yours and their's? I'm wondering such subject as.. length of time.. sudden epiphany or like 8 years. Likewise specific gradual practices or more a paradigm shift.. In your opinions is getting it.. due partially to grace/temperament.. a few will, most won't, kind of thing.
  22. Bed and Body Vibrations during sleep.

    There's the phenomena of sleep paralysis where people feel like they're awake but can't move and it causes great frustration. It could be something like that. When I was 7 or 8 I was climbing up a thick tree trunk. I got up 8 or 9 feet before I fell. For many years I'd wake up with my leg jerking, just like it did when the bark broke away. Leaving me shocked and kinda vibrating..
  23. Vaccine

    No, I'm saying its imperfect in an area where mistakes cost lives. imo, Ultimately each branch and cure should face scrutiny on its own, not as a jumble. imo, vaccines are imperfect, but they've saved countless lives. Ended the crippling killing scourges of polio, small pox, TB and lesser things like measles, mumps.. etc., Our grandparents and great parents on up, lived with these, we've forgotten how terrible they are because, we won. We eliminated them. I'm all for any research that can make them safer. I get the feeling it'd be better to space them further apart and not give newborns so much so soon. Individuals get vaccinated to protect the public, if a vaccine can't do that or isn't for that purpose to stop a communicable disease, then it shouldn't be mandated. Recommended though.
  24. Vaccine

    Yes. I know doctors and they are about curing people. Perhaps you could talk to a medical doctor about this. Ofcourse you can find horror stories on the internet, but talk to a doctor what he does, why he practices. Medical advances the last century have been amazing. Yet it is a huge industry, money is involved there is the inevitable corruption, yet all in all, I think Western Medicine is a very good thing. I think it's been accepted and practiced more in the East, because it works so well, more then the opposite. I think its naive not to see problems in Eastern medicine. Again there is much good, in many ways its ahead of Western with its emphasis on preventative care. Yet because there is so much 'art' to it, the difference between a great doctor and average is huge. Profit motive and thus corruption still exist, and there are some practices imo that are more superstitious then scientifically proven. Again that's due to being a wide spectrum.
  25. Obligations of Life?

    Maybe the long version is- take your desires and opinions less seriously. No need for the dramas and ping ponging between happy and sad depending on outcomes in an uncertain world. Occasionally I'll work with the paradigm 'Take your dreams seriously and consider your life as dream'. Which I take to me look for meaning and direction from your dreams, honor them by taking action according to your interpretation. Lifewise it means looking at life happenings symbolically, as if you're just a character floating through the story, enjoy the show and look for the archetypes and hidden meanings. You can only such saying so far, but it's nice to change up ones point of view every now and then.