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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. The Art of War

    I don't know. In truth luck plays a major role. I was just reading how Hannibal himself allegedly in a badly planned demonstrations, smashed his cane down, causing an avalanche that buried many of his troops and half his horses and some elephants. A catastrophe, yet he won. I've read the British lost not due to American military brilliance but they didn't like the extreme cost in lives and treasury of fighting and killing there backward cousins. From start to finish they lacked the will.
  2. Why some countries are poor, and some rich

    someone making 100% more then you do..?
  3. John Chang

    The whole shpiel of 'You're all lemmings, your delusional, you're afraid of the truth' kind of rhetoric is why MPG is out. That was his constant comment to most. After dozens or hundreds of times it becomes repetitive spam. It happens to hardcore fundamentalist here, and eventually they bow out or end up banned. We're mostly live and let live, regardless of practice or level. The TB is more about members then teachers, though its fantastic to have experienced people here. Forums rules say all voices deserve equal respect (I'd prefer to be a little lopsided to teachers and very experienced members)
  4. Why some countries are poor, and some rich

    I attribute some of 'our' poorness to the 'flattening' of the world. The economy has gone global. There are a lot of boats in the third world that have risen; and our first world boats (now manufactured in China) have gone down a bit because of it. I may be channeling my inner Marx but in terms of the total humanities well being, the human race in toto might be the better for it. Since the low end that was rose, was in bad poverty ridden shape.
  5. Anyone interested in taking the course and being a study buddy? If the coupon works its just $150ish. Better immunity, protection against cold, better mind/body control?
  6. John Chang

    Silly me, there are no other arts. Everything except what you say is a placebo. If that's what you believe then why are you here? The Tao Bums is an eclectic site to discuss many philosophies, arts, thoughts great and small. At its best its a community of friends, sharing. We're a great place to learn and share, agree and argue. We're a bad place for fundamentalists who believe there way is the only way.
  7. John Chang

    I kinda think the vulgarity and bitterness was because he was juvenile. He cared about himself. MPG caused much of Mo Pai's poor reputation. He was a troll who spent much of his time insulting other arts, teachers and practices (especially Mo Pai that strayed from his interpretation), so when he'd write about Mo Pai, people would jump on it. They reflected his negativity back at him. If it wasn't for him, it'd be treated like any other art here. Some criticism (nothing escapes it) and mostly curiosity. Though in truth, it does have a few unique problems to it. Not that it shouldn't be studied.
  8. Why some countries are poor, and some rich

    2 agrees, one a greatly agree, one disagree, and a ???. Slowly your making progress with me .
  9. John Chang

    I can't imagine this site ever descending to the depths, the swearing, vulgarity, bitterness, the crazed vendetta that MPG's went to. We're simply (me not included) too good for that.
  10. Calling on the power of Mars

    Icy cold showers, wearing red . Taking a martial art, especially a hands one, where most of the class is grappling against another, not punching or kicking at air.
  11. Why some countries are poor, and some rich

    I understand canacan's point of view. Internet 'wisdom' is a trap, one I certainly fall into too often. The assumption that a quickie article or 8 minute video will teach me something significant is like the nutritional value of candy. It feels good while I listen and read, some of it, is quality candy, but its no substitute for real food, ie serious study. If I fill up my time (and I do) watching 8 minute youtubes, reading great 8 minute articles, I'll fool myself into thinking I know something, but the reality is: to really know takes real study. Not a book, but books, in depth. So the serious scholar goes deep not wide. Course I'm not a serious scholar, but its good to get away from the internet and pick up a few books on a subject and go deep.
  12. i wish. they set the trial for another date, the same lawyer went, paid the fine and it was over. cept for his bill. i had fantasies of challenging the system and demanding records and pictures and calibrations but at best it'd earn me lots of new appearances 250 miles away. i swear though, i remember the place, i was going the same speed as everyone, probably 20 over the reduced rate and there were no workers nearby. in the words of general akbar- 'it was a trap'. Thankfully I could afford it, there are people that kind of situation throws down a hellish rabbit hole. Where fines are sent to collection agencies and keep doubling til a single traffic accident spells ruin.
  13. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Not necessarily, see corporate polluters. Not necessarily, see my backyard. Maybe, but its in one piece and full of spectacular wildlife that doesn't thrive elsewhere. For the view. Many live in cities, some in suburbs, some have large estates in beautiful areas with spectacular views. Government does many good things and protects some important things. It's not always corrupt. Often its doing the will of the collective people but there are so many cross desires that there is no pleasing everyone. Politics is the art of compromise. Constantly having to make decisions that will piss some people off. It can't be helped. Much of what you're writing about would happen, and my guess be much worse, if there were no government. So you think no oil spills, fracking or power plants if there was no government? You view is so black and white with Government being the devil and market forcing being a gracious god. I see much more shaded world. Less government is fine but I realize, get rid of it, anarchy, then it comes back because we need it. As numbers increase (beyond say 3 people), for order and to get things done We create government; the more people, the more complex we'll build it, out of necessity. Also there are there laws and police yet no government? You know.. I don't think this dog is ever gonna catch its tail. I'm gonna leave the oceans to themselves for a while . With Respect Michael
  14. John Chang

    It'd be wonderful if John Chang would write something himself. Is there a known number 2 or 3 in Mo Pai organization in Indonesia, who is known? Or is it a small closed system and that's the way they like it, closed to foreigners, especially Westerners. I wonder how large it is, and how its taught. More martial art or more Zendo hall? Kids and adults coming in a couple times a week, sitting and meditating? I get the feeling its not a monastery kind of practice. I wonder how they feel about the few Western books. If they find them respectful or laughable?
  15. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    I understand the problems with production under communistic central planning. I also know that without protected National parks, much beauty would be lost to the public, without regulation, despite your belief in rational market forces, forests would be clear cut, because that's where the immediate profit is. The best land would be sold off to housing projects. More roads, more fences that would be disastrous for wild life. Short term profit can mean long term destruction. There is a need for sanctuaries against privatization. On land and on the sea. Places to protect nature. Without environmental rules, modern industry can be a devastating destructive force. In many ways it already is, but unfettered it could be apocalyptic. We saw it in the 1960's and 70's acid rain, deforestation, great lakes on fire. Horrible things, the government upped regulations and put teeth in them and we've seen improvements. Its not an all or nothing game. Your model leads to present day rules, regulations and government. Everywhere, in every state, unless the countries falls into anarchy. Its the nature of the beast. We collectivize and organize; as populations grows we need laws and standards that cover everyone. That's not to saying things have to fall into communism or dictatorship, just that in one nation there needs to be one set of laws. There will always be tension between municipal and central power. There are places that municipalities do better with more autonomy but not always.
  16. There are undoubtedly spiritual applications, but don't think its necessarily Arhat level stuff. There's enough survival and immunity boosting properties in it that it'd be great if schools could teach a light version of it as a gym segment. Matter of fact simple cold showers seem to produce some nice health benefits all by themselves. FWIW info on his 10 Week video course it's $199. U.S course, learning with the man, is probably way better then a video course. On the third hand, such training could save ones life. From the site: How much investment of time will I need to get benefits from this course?The daily investment is 60 minutes of your time. For those who cannot make it for the full hour, included are two special videos of 4 minutes and 10 minutes. So whatever time you can commit to this training, you will be able to experience amazing results. You have life time access so you can follow the course at your own pace. Also found this on (Don't know if it'll work) (Get exclusive 25% DISCOUNT on Wim’s online course with code ‘high25′) could be worthwhile.. winter is coming I've done a little tumo, never got too good at it though. I've also done winter misogi training where you do heavy duty martial arts, meditation, shinto chanting then walk into an freezing icy river and do some kiai's in it. Its good to toughen up. We have houses and hats, but there might be times we don't. In life there are opportunities to give your coat to a person who doesn't have one. And it makes you feel very good. Tumo itself may be a great immunity enhancer. A way to get recover faster, maybe minimize sickness. In the video Hof, and more importantly some of his students were injected with something that'd give them fever and a head ache and they over came it. One of my heroes Joseph Greenstein the Mighty Atom would do breathing exercises outside in the winter and rub snow over his body. Maybe not all that odd in Eastern Europe. He also had superb mind/body connection and could do extraordinary feats of strength. It may all be connected. So.. maybe $150 or $200 for a 10 week class..
  17. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    If this is driven by the theory that people will do the rational thing that produces the most gains, I think you'll be disappointed because reality doesn't work that way. I am pro-capitalist, but humans singly and in groups can be relatively insane. With no government intervention needed we will create irrational commodity bubbles every decade, we will soil our environment, we will vote bread and circus on a family and national level. We are too often greedy and malleable. I digress- Lets keep to OP, selling off portions of the Ocean, privatizing it. I assume someone crossing my water/land is trespassing and will have to pay me a toll or I could say, enter at your own risk of being sunk. This has nothing to do with economic theory. If you needed to drive your boat from a to z, and you passed through 10 or more privately owned pieces of water, it'd be a nightmare. I own a big enough 'piece' of water close to a harbor I can choke people off. Maybe not forever but long enough to put others out of business and buy longer and longer pieces of ocean. Take the Suez Canal, it that was broken up so many people owned a piece of it, there'd be disaster. Own a big enough chunk and you can bottleneck it. Course its been nationalized for decades hasn't it. On land privatization is a good idea, as long as there are public roads people can use. And there are large chunks of public land that all can enjoy. Without parks, people would go crazy. I'd add national parks are huge blessings. Being in Chicago, one of the smartest things done was making the beach public, so all enjoy it, instead of the rich. Same with islands like St. Lucia, all beach front private, it makes for a much better quality of life. I'll go further. Its a good thing there are building and zoning regulations. These are made for the people by the people and keep buildings from collapsing and make for better organized cities.
  18. How to attain Bliss?

    Interesting coincidence- I was just going through my Best of the Bums log, and I saw an old post of yours on Bliss and wanted to add it here. No idea how old it is but probably quite a few years.- From De Paradise My unofficial method to get something going and some bliss: Imagine that moment where a woman is about to orgasm, you when her back is arched back, eyes rolled back a little, and she's in this moment of blissful surrender and reception. If you can imagine that moment, whether you are a man or woman, and put yourself into that state, that feeling, and enjoy that moment yourself as a a woman about to orgasm, or well on the path of orgasming, and just letting go to that feeling. Allow yourself to lose any inhibitions that keep your from that state, and just think of the times you have seen or felt this ecstasy. Keep the kunlun posture while you are doing this. Forget about being a guy or macho or whatever you are, and just enter the orgasmic sensation, of that letting go and reception. And you can feel the bliss rising from your lower chakras, and it may circulate around your body. Just allow the natural movements within the Kunlun posture flow with the whole orgasm symphony. Me> this reminds me a bit, of the last part of Glenn Morris's Secret Smile. Good stuff. Another post that was in the Best of.. about bliss: (I think it was from Karen and/or AYP(?)) The yoga practice of Shambhavi Mudra Or, maybe we should call it amrita, the nectar of immortality. Before you conclude that I’m selling you some new MLM wonderdrink, let me begin by saying that you produce this magickal elixir inside your own head. You can’t buy it. Although, if I could bottle it, I would definitely try to sell it. At the back of your head, just around the occipital ridge, south of Sahasrara chakra, you will find the Bindu chakra. From what I have read and can sense, this chakra releases a kind of mystical substance that flows down the back of the throat to be stored at the Vishuddha chakra (which was the focus of the last post), where it is stored before taking it’s final journey to it’s demise at the fire of the navel. What is it exactly? Well, Wikipedia says it quite well, “In yogic philosophy amrita is a fluid that can flow from the pineal gland down the throat in deep states of meditation. It is considered quite a boon: some yogic texts say that one drop is enough to conquer death and achieve immortality. Modern neurochemistry holds that the pineal gland produces Dimethyltryptamine, a psychedelic tryptamine, which is probably responsible for our REM-dreams.“ Cool huh? Now I’m gonna tell you how to access it… I always teach my students when doing yoga to smile, but I rarely have the opportunity to say why. Although this technique is more sophisticated than simply smiling, that is where it begins. At the roof of the mouth is a point, that when you concentrate upon, gives you a kind of pratyahara, or freedom from input through the five senses. That spot, which acts as a trigger for the bindu chakra (Dr, David Frawley calls it a “watery third eye”) is the meeting point of the five senses. By relaxing it, the mind ceases analysis of the objects in the five senses and the objects are free from mental definition, or grasping. At this point, a kind of compassion come over the spirit and it’s said that amrit drips down, releasing cosmic bliss. Was that a mouthful? It’s easy, try it:
  19. Who would prostrate before...?

    Don't mind bowing to anyone, or everyone. It seems like a good practice, showing respect and I prefer it to shaking hands. Prostration- getting on my hands and knees then putting my head to the ground. The respect feels too one way. I am no slave and you are no lord. When in Rome I'll do what the Romans do, but of my own accord I'd bow deep to those I respect, hold for a respectable time, but prostrate, no, I'm reluctant to do so.
  20. Marine life reduced by 50% since 1970

    Yes, there are so many costs and people and things involved (near infinite if you go deep enough) that divying up the costs and recompense is very difficult. I'm better at imagining what the world would be like if your solution was implemented. Maybe privatizing as far as large sanctuary sites, with studied and controlled harvesting might work out well. My biggest worry would be an ocean with pathways split amongst dozens of hundreds of competing interests that'd be a nightmare of tolls and restrictions to navigate.
  21. Get The Most Out Of Your MCO

    What are your thoughts on speed of the orbit? few sources talk about it. Often it ends up linked to the breath cycle. One respected teacher recommended going very slow. Taking several breaths per orbit. Particularly in the beginning and spending significant time in the various power points along the way.
  22. Ancient Egyptian Postmortem Star Maps

    For those with kids, there a exceptionally good and Sesame Street that dealt with ancient Egypt. Very well done presentation of it.
  23. Methods to turn sleep into cultivation?

    Rawn Clark who extensively studied Hermetic magic ala Bardon, talked about how he'd set up a group of Hermetic magicians and they'd meet in the astral and later call each other to verify what they'd talked about there since things can get fuzzy. They'd schedule and meet regularly. For him, there was no simple formula, rather it was the culmination of decades long study up the Hermetic/Bardon ladder. Unfortunately he no longer has the forum on record on his site. Too bad. I believe it, wouldn't bet the whole farm on it, but he's pretty solid.
  24. John Chang

    I wonder if he wishes that he'd never gotten famous. That'd he'd lived his life as a healer and teacher without the fanfare. Its probably been more trouble then its worth. Especially the longer series youtube which showed him clearly shaken after being reamed out by the Mo Pai ghostly Powers That Be for crossing some lines.
  25. John Chang

    Maybe I'm wrong, I just recall he was pretty nasty to you, especially in the early days after you'd talk about Clyman . but then he was that way to many people. I'll see if I can find the quotes later. <edit- Actually I couldn't find what I was looking for. EB good chance you're right, I mixed him up with H.Uhriar. Several things struck me about MPG. When I asked him how many hours a day he practiced, he wrote back, he didn't want to say. When I told him no problem, "I'll believe you", He wrote 'I haven't practiced in almost a year'. I can respect that when life gets busy, practices take a back seat, but he was getting on the board, almost daily sniping at people who did practice. Seems hypocritical to me. There'd be solid threads he'd get on, diss the subject or people and they'd quickly end up in the pit. It wasn't low level people he'd screw either. We had some excellent members and MPG, a kid who lived in his parents basement would snipe at them, they'd end up threatening him, thus getting banned. Huge losses for the site. He may not be the person with the most bans and suspensions but he's close. After his last banning, he came back quickly Iloveturtles and was immediately kicked out. Then he came back as Blue something, who immediately launched the same youtubes, same topics, same sentences including word for word one about Pokemon that he'd written earlier. As Bluewhatever MPG wrote about how he was in South America teaching Mo Pai to other backpackers as he traveled. Pure bullshit (I highly believe). When confronted, Blue/MPG replied 'Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Game playing, juvenile. Unworthy of respect. Glad he's gone. When he was here this kind of stupid thread was weekly event, he was troll who loved to piss on others.