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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. I wish there was a 'Whoa!' icon. You are the bravest person I know, so far, in 2021. . .. wait a second.. there is, but I couldn't give it to your post.
  2. Hey Goodlookin, What u got Cookin?

    ummn crispy pork belly.. a good kind of evill..
  3. Hey Goodlookin, What u got Cookin?

    <a post from my blog. wanted to open it up to get others suggestions> Yesterday, an easy chicken parmesan. Started w/ decent quality frozen Chicken kiev stuffed w/ broccoli cheese mix. Baked in toaster oven for 35 minutes, last 4 minutes put on spaghetti sauce and slice of mozzarella cheese. While cooking made spaghetti and a salad. Plated pasta & sauce, w/ Chicken Kiev covered in baked cheese on top. Very little effort and looked good tasted good. Nutritionally, so so, but in winter, fatty and carb is more forgiveable. Today, making a thick soup,, I like that its a split pea that uses potato. Gives it a thicker body. Uses liquid smoke too, being veggie it needs some extra flavor boost. Sorry I don't have any sea weed around. I'll hit it up w/ a little fish sauce, just a tad, knocking out its pure veggie nature to give it even more umami. I'll serve it with salad and 7 grain bread, w/ butter and hummus on the side. <I'm getting tired of chopping and peeling. So used a square box shredder. Instead of peeling the potato, I gave it a light scoring along the sides w/ the box shredder, then shred it into the hot oiled pan. Same w/ the onion, shredded it thickly into the pan. No tears or knife work. Gotta to remember to use that more often. Especially for turning tomatoes into sauce> Tomorrow a grain bowl. Farro (boiled), corn (nuke or run under hot water), edamame(boiled), chopped salad from bag, cooked chickens.. served w/ a lime and balsamic dressing. Perhaps leftover soup. < w/ the farro no need for rice > Like the soup menu, this is solidly good nutrition. I'm a coffee guy. Generally 2 small cups a day. At 2:30 had the decision- coffee or tea. Chose the tea. Good decision. Sipping Gunpowder Green. Mellower, a taste I have to reach out to savour, versus coffee, an overwhelming but pleasing bitterness. Plus getting a different 'hit' of antioxidants, the wider variety the better.
  4. of all the things I've lost, I think it's my mind, I miss most. (been one of those days)
  5. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    or I'm just getting older..and lack the heat of my younger days. When I'd practically sweat after some meditations and could rub my hands hot enough to make other people jump.
  6. The gardener also prunes. Sometimes best cultivation is in what can be taken away. Feels like lately I'm in a semi-recluse situation due to covid, yet the temptations and vices are still all around me.
  7. Upper Dantian 101, please . . .

    I am certainly no expert but found when doing a meditation system by Spotless, you began breathing with a focus on the middle of the head (not 3rd eye). Stayed there til comfortable, then moved on and ended, wisely, at the lower dan tien. In the past I hadn't done much focus on the head. My early readings tended to warn against it, ie don't accumulate energy there it could get stuck. Anyhow, I found with increased focus (at the start) on the upper dan tien, my energy and body seemed to run cooler. When I'd be 100% on the lower dan tien, seemed my energy and body ran hotter.
  8. Happy to Join You

    Greetings Mufan99, I'd love to see examples from your collections. There was an art store in New Orleans where all paintings were inspired by tarot cards. Wonderful place. I think many have found direction and inspiration from fiction and fantasy books. You don't want to live there or get too literal but great fiction can come from knowledgeable and inspired sources. imo all great books are, in the end, philosophy books. Welcome to the site. We're an eclectic philosophy forum for learning, discussing and cultivation. Below are 3 important sections: Our Rules, The Insult Policy and our 3 Foundations. Before you join give them a read. Most of it boils down to being respectful. No name calling or trolling. Post as if your mom's looking over your shoulder. Discussion and arguments are what the board is about. Keep it civil, don't get personal. Don't be a troll or one issue zealot. We're here for good conversation and making some friends along the way, to be a community. Jump right in, start threads, ask questions, look for interesting threads and post your (relevant) thoughts. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. TDB team At your leisure, please review-
  9. Excited to be here.

    Warm greetings SainThomasXI, you have studied widely. I look forward to your writings. For what its worth I'm a fellow studier of mycology and Stock movement. Welcome to the board. We're an eclectic philosophy forum for learning, discussing and cultivation. Below are 3 important sections: Our Rules, The Insult Policy and our 3 Foundations. Before you join give them a read. Most of it boils down to being respectful. No name calling or trolling. Post as if your mom's looking over your shoulder. Discussion and arguments are what the board is about. Keep it civil, don't get personal. Don't be a troll or one issue zealot. We're here for good conversation and making some friends along the way, to be a community. Jump right in, start threads, ask questions, look for interesting threads and post your (relevant) thoughts. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. TDB team At your leisure, please review-
  10. Moderator note: If you've made your point, complete and clear. then why don't we Move On. Nothing more to say here. unless there's another on topic angle members would like to mention.
  11. Bums I am missing

    I miss @dawei he (and that old mod squad Karen, Chang, Fa Xin) put alot of heart and sweat into this place.
  12. I understand the OP's Chino's (& Xiangong's) view. In the past, I've indulged in such myself. And been told by my Sensei's and seniors not to.. for all the reasons people have mentioned on this thread. Living in the electronic world, taking without paying is easy. And widespread. But beyond the questionable ethics, it makes us lazy and unappreciative. Collectors instead of do-ers. Consumers instead of cultivators. Less is often better. There is no growth without some sacrifice. Payment is a form of respect to the teacher and art.
  13. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    This is an interesting tangent. Good news, in that lives are being saved or rather not lost. ( 5 Reasons Flu Cases Are Way Down This Year ‘I don’t want to jinx us, but this may turn out to be the mildest flu season on record’ Bo Stapler, MD Jan 9 "..It’s nearly halfway through the 2020–2021 flu season, and as I walk the halls of the hospital where I work, I realize none of the patients are here with influenza. In fact, only 925 cases of flu have been confirmed in the United States thus far this season, and none in my home state of Montana. This compares to 63,975 confirmed cases in the United States at the same time last year.." If true, what a change in numbers. From 63,975 to 925 cases of flu! The article goes on to state the reasons why its' gone down so dramatically. If accurate or even half accurate its an interesting insight into how our group behavior affects general health. I'd say it also points to a darker reality if we hadn't done anything to keep Covid numbers down. I expect other communicable disease are down. Some cancers are 'seeded' by virus's. Wonder if we'll see a decrease 'bump' in cancers along the road in a few years? What other links will a drastic social restriction reveal? I've read that at times recession has proven healthier to a population then times of excess. People forced to eat in, eat less, eat simpler..
  14. Was Jesus A Taoist?

    I read an article about how a monk knows another monk, by sight; how they walk, eat, move.. see. A monk is in a situation where they can focus themselves 24/7 on disciplined spirituality. They live a life of intensive training. Anyhow.. the article went on that when an Eastern monk sees a Western Christian monk they recognize a brother.. a fellow being who's mind, body and being are focused on the transcendental.. beyond what the layperson is generally able to accomplish. Different philosophies but similar path and mindset.
  15. I am that I am

    I've seen some people live by that philosophy and it works great, they live in flow. I've seen others and for whatever reason, it leads them from disaster to disaster. So experientially, its good to try, but realize if its not working, take a few steps back. imo, Some of us, maybe many, don't do well operating thru the quiet subconscious. < for me a quiet mind is a good mind, but not so quiet that it doesn't make peeps and chews on problems now and then. Not that my consciousness out of meditation is all that quiet.>
  16. For the Record- this forum has a policy against copyright infringement. Simply, don't list or give away copyrighted e-material here. Other than Torrent sites which can be rife with virus's, it's likely against most board's rules.
  17. Phrases we never want to hear again.

    "President Trump [announced/tweeted/said/.." I'll add ".. and breaking news from White House". I prefer things quiet. Well discussed and telegraphed so no more sudden breaking news.
  18. Where do you sit?

    When I sit inside, my hands are folded loosely on my lap against lower dan tien. When I sit outside, my hands usually rest on my knees. Sitting that way feels.. more open. I'll sit hands to knees in a sauna too, it seems a bit more cooling.
  19. Damo's very generously has a 7 hour free course- Many good books too, with nice discount for Kindle based.
  20. Indian Martial Arts -- a good resource

    That reminds me of this youtube series- This couple is so earnest and fun to watch. It slips in some education too. Here they spend a month learning and living Kalaripayattu from classic South India masters. Fascinating.. kinda weaponized yoga
  21. I am that I am

    Hello Master Milo, Welcome to the Dao Bums. Good to have you here, though you should note that introducing yourself as a 'Master' puts a certain chip on your shoulder. I hope that you write in the spirit of sharing and Humility. Nobody likes to be talked down to. I look forward to hearing about your experiences. We're an eclectic philosophy forum for learning, discussing and cultivation. Below are 3 important sections: Our Rules, The Insult Policy and our 3 Foundations. Before you join give them a read. Most of it boils down to being respectful. No name calling or trolling. Post as if your mom's looking over your shoulder. Discussion and arguments are what the board is about. Keep it civil, don't get personal. Don't be a troll or one issue zealot. We're here for good conversation and making some friends along the way, to be a community. Jump right in, start threads, ask questions, look for interesting threads and post your (relevant) thoughts. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. TDB team At your leisure, please review-
  22. Where do you sit?

    Where its most convenient. Nowadays my family room. People keep moving my zafu, so I've taken to folding a wool blanket twice, lengthwise then rolling it up, leaving a foot stretched out for my knees. Works pretty well. I look forward to Spring when I can meditate outside more. Preferably a spot near the water, where its not too buggy.
  23. I wanted to make sure members were all aware of it. I encourage people to apply. If you enjoy the board, give back a little. It can fun, it can be aggravating, it can be quiet for long periods. Here's the official thread- please comment there:
  24. New Moderator

    that brings back high school memories. As a group of us poorer students would announce before a test- All Hail Mr. Williams We who are about to fail, Salute you!