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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Where do jobs come from?

    any stars next to it?
  2. Book to learn chiqong ? Begginer

    I'm on the mailing list for 'Sounds True' Every other week they seem to have 50% of sales as well as offer shorter free introductory material by famous authors. Worth looking into. They also have podcasts of interviews with famous authors.
  3. To a> wise. To b> Might not make a good decision, but I'd be slowed down making a bad one.
  4. Where do jobs come from?

    note: in my younger days I was usually willing to work for free.
  5. Power

    Not in my opinion, though I'd keep a very close eye on unintended consequences. <I'm probably the rare bird here who's neutral on GMO's, ie they're a powerful tool that can be good or bad based on specifics>
  6. My aikido sensei used to say 'Everything I teach you is a lie, but a necessary one'. He'd also have parts of class where he'd say 'I don't want to see any technique'. There were important lessons internalized in 'no technique' training, but I don't think a beginner would have understood them.
  7. The Dao is Sacred?

    The Dao is Sacred. I think this is one of those great truths wherein the opposite is also a great truth. thus The Dao is not Sacred.
  8. Frankly my first reaction to most of the riots happening in American cities was Fuck those rioters. The lawless ones are burning down there own neighborhoods and acting out the worst stereotypes of the haters. While there's a truth to that there are other truths going on as well. And that Fuck the rioters brand of truth is gonna lead me to a darker place, away from neutrality, where there's heat and some power but its expression usually makes matters worse. An article like above is an antidote to that, my own rationals. A tap on the shoulder saying look at this point of view. If we get caught in a riot situation, which truth we pull out of pocket will have a lot to do with how we react. The very best of us will be able to express 'I understand, but lets keep it peaceful and keep the neighborhood from burning down'. Sympathize with the people on the street and the cops and work towards peace even its only through a calm demeanor and helping someone up.
  9. Where do jobs come from?

    An extremist philosophy often doesn't work out well in real life. Today, or a 1,000 years ago, if you refuse to work, you're at the mercy of those who do; and that often works out poorly. You can learn a trade, get a job and still be an environmentalist - using public transportation, a bike or even a car that get excellent mileage. Without a job your shifting the work to other people, ie the sidewalk you tred on, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the room you live in is all being provided by others who built it. You're not spending a cent, but its being spent for you by others. Your not using vehicles but your supplies are. The world is not as fragile as you think it is. As things get extreme, like the coal use in the late 1800's, we shifted because we had to. The same is happening now. We're smart creatures, or rather we do the right thing when all other avenues are closed. You can give me magic wand theories of how it'd be better if everyone was different and suddenly agreed with you, but it doesn't accomplish anything, not without some drinks.. then theres a certain drunken entertainment value in it. I wrote in another thread you have to harmonize with your environment. In most of the world that means get a job, even if you find a wonderful commune, you'll be kicked out if you don't work. Or become a bum, which isn't horrible; I've met some great people who were bums but its a hard life and you're mercy of many circumstances (even more then most folks).
  10. Where do jobs come from?

    I know, i know. Somehow a balance must be reached. A place gets unlivable when its ghetto-fied, and unliveable when prices soar beyond the everyday man. Chicago has tried to balance it with requirements of low income/inexpensive housing built for every newer expensive condo thats put up. Where economics fail, legislation can or should step in to keep a balance. When it works its symbiotic relation too. Quaint stores and cafes need workers. Places like Starbucks offer health benefits and even tuition reimbursement.
  11. Where do jobs come from?

    My first thought was brave entrepreneurs. But thats not really addressing the problem presented, ie bad neighborhood. So, I'll say police. Police as the solution. I'm thinking in terms of New York, unemployment was high, there was sense it was spiraling downward and out of control. A new mayor introduced a zero tolerance policy. Heretofore nonviolent crimes like graffiti were somewhat ignored, would now be watched for and fully prosecuted. It sounded draconian, but it worked. New York turned around, losing the reputation as a dirty bankrupt crime capital of the U.S back to a world class city. The theory of cleaning up the small stuff flows upward, makes the place better, cleaner. Getting the gangs out, fighting corruption. It brought back businesses, created openings for gentrification and with that came jobs, cafes, coffee houses, service businesses. Money attracted money. People need to feel safe. All people so it should include community policing, more beat cops walking the streets knowing the neighborhood, decentralization. That kind of Zero Tolerance policy can work but its not a supposed to be long term.
  12. Turning vegetarian - need advice

    Hmm, interesting what kind of mileage does he get?
  13. Book to learn chiqong ? Begginer

    Here's a link to a good book on Jhanas Knowing and Seeing that goes pretty deeply into meditation-,d.cGU Likewise here's a few chapters from Ajahn Brahms Bliss and Beyond,d.cGU He has many audio talks and other writings you can find online. You won't get much good qigong from a book (imo) but some on the deeper aspects of meditation there are some good resources, like these books. If you google Michael Winn Pangu on look for it on youtube you'll find a short easy form of gigong that I like.
  14. Won't argue, but its thought provoking. The philosophy at the start that by one point of view, we are, in part, the sum of our genetic and cultural heritage. That's not the whole truth, but there is a truth in it. Its exposing the limits of our free will, the dice rolled to make us who we are. A reminder that if we were born into other, darker circumstances, we wouldn't (hopefully) be the worst amongst them, but most people there aren't. That life would be a much more uphill battle. He doesn't offer any solutions. The article is an exercise in disarming darker conservative arguments in comments that inevitably pop up after any writing on social issues. I don't think Wong is particularly a bleeding heart liberal leaning left or conservative; more a social critic aiming philosophical barbs too far left or right, in this case right. A shock jock philosopher.
  15. Wong takes on White Male privilege amongst other things. Interesting.. may not agree with it all but good food for thought. As usual, his writings are partly to make people squirm, almost reflexively disagree, but give it some thought, or at least read the last two or three paragraphs. There's an uneasy truth in them. Its easy to get lost in defensiveness reading it, but in my opinion the main thrust is: You aren't responsible for anyone else's actions, past or present. You are responsible for helping to improve the society in which you live. It's the sociology-major version of "Don't Be A Dick."- from TvsWanderer 5 Helpful Answers To Society's Most Uncomfortable Questions By David Wong | May 19, 2015 | .. Write an article on the Internet about racism or sexism, and there's always this annoyed backlash. "I did not cause slavery! I'm a white guy who works for minimum wage at Comcast, running the Random Call Disconnection machine! Would you please just move on so we can finally talk about something else?" Then, every reply to that guy seems to come down to, "No, you really don't get it! Slavery and Jim Crow weren't just bad, they were really, really bad!" And then he rolls his eyes because, well, who doesn't know that? "But I still didn't start that fire. Don't make me flip this table!" Personally, I think everyone's understanding of these problems is completely backward. And I think that's why people feel like they're never getting satisfying answers to questions like ... #5. "Why Do People Shit On Me Just Because I'm (White/Male/Straight/Etc.)?" I'm going to tell you the weirdest and, yet, most obviously true thing you've ever heard: You're not a person. This is going to sound like some real Rust Cohle shit, but bear with me because deep down you already know all of this. For instance, you already know that you are, to a certain degree, a product of your genes -- they go a long way toward determining if you would be physically imposing or weak, smart or stupid, calm or anxious, energetic or lazy, and fat or thin. What your genes left undecided, your upbringing mostly took care of -- how you were raised determined your values, your attitudes, and your religious beliefs. And what your genes and upbringing left undecided, your environment rounded into shape -- what culture you were raised in, where you went to school, and who you were friends with growing up. If you had been born and raised in Saudi Arabia, you would be a different person today. If the Nazis had won World War II, you would be a different person, still. So, even when personal choices finally come into play, you're still choosing within that framework -- you can choose between becoming a poet or a software engineer, but only because you were raised in a world in which other people had already invented both poetry and computers. That means every single little part of your life -- every action, every choice, every thought, every emotion, every plan for the future, everything that you are and do and can potentially be -- is the result of things other people did in the past. These mostly dead people shaped every little molecule of you and the world you inhabit. You are the product of what they did, just as they were the product of those who came before them. You are, therefore, not a person any more than a leaf is a tree. It makes far more sense to think of yourself as one part of a whole (the "whole" being every human who has ever lived) than as an individual -- you benefit from the whole's successes, and you pay for its mistakes as if they were your own -- whether you want to or not. As evidenced by you being the one to read this on your laptop, rather than being the one who paid pennies to assemble it. This is not abstract philosophy, this is not something you can choose to believe or not believe -- this is a statement of physical fact. Refusing to acknowledge it will only leave you endlessly confused and frustrated. For instance, when you show up at a job interview, or a trial, or the set of a porno, that whole context will walk in the door with you. Everyone in that room will be making certain assumptions about you and will hold certain expectations, based on the greater whole of which you are a part. That means you can't think of your life as a story. You have to think of it as one sentence in a much longer story ... a sentence that doesn't make any sense out of context. But, understand the context, and you will understand your life. Very few people are really able to do this -- I sure as hell can't -- which is why we get frustrated and say things like ... #4. "Why Is Everything Always Getting Worse?" That's a world population graph dating back over the last 2,000 years. Just look at it! Around 200 years ago, a freaking switch got flipped, and shit exploded. There is no comparing humanity over the last couple of centuries with anything that came before. It's like if you were driving home one day and saw that while you were gone, your goldfish had grown large enough to flatten the entire neighborhood. But make no mistake: What you're seeing on the graph is humanity winning. Winning so hard that we're not even sure how to handle it. That up there is what every single species only wishes it could do. That kind of success requires utter mastery of the environment, food, health, and predators -- humanity just absolutely dunking over all we survey. You and I were born right in the middle of this unprecedented and unfathomable winning streak, during a series of changes that are whipping by at light speed, rendering what we think of as a "normal human life" utterly unrecognizable to someone living just 200 years ago. And change is terrifying. Lots of the old rules have gone out the window -- they were written for a different time, with different problems in mind. Lots of the timeless advice you hear was spoken by people who never anticipated the world you're living in. If you find all of the shit grown-ups say to you to be contradictory and confusing, that would be why. For instance, this is why you will endlessly hear people confusingly talk about how great things used to be, about how men used to be "real" men, how food used to be "real" food, and how people used to make honest paychecks doing "real" work. This is, of course, objectively wrong -- they're referring to a time when humans didn't live as long, didn't have as much, and lived lives with fewer options. "You can die from black lung disease, or you can drown as a fisherman -- choose wisely. Thus concludes career day." All that happened is these people were raised under one set of rules, only to find the next generation "breaking" them. So, you get a grizzled old guy who remembers when a hard day's work meant sweat, sore muscles, and danger. He remembers how that day ended with a meal cooked by a subservient stay-at-home wife. When civilization advanced to put that dangerous job in the hands of a machine that can do it 10 times faster and to give the stay-at-home wife the chance to pursue a career, the guy sees that old life as the "real" one and this new world full of cubicles and political correctness as the world having gone "soft." But, listen closely -- when he boasts that kids these days "have it easy," he's accidentally complimenting the world on its success. Making things easier is, after all, the goal. Which brings us to complaints such as ... #3. "Why Do People Act Like Sexism/Racism/Etc. Are Rampant, When Even Mild Jokes About Those Things Will Ruin Your Career Now?" One of the big reasons for that upward spike in humanity on the line graph is we started to figure out how to get the most out of humans. For instance, 1,000 years ago, if you were a genius born on a farm, it didn't matter -- it just meant you were going to be a genius who shoveled shit. Two hundred years ago, if you were a genius who was born as an African-American, it didn't matter -- you were going to live your life as a genius slave. A hundred years ago, if you were a genius who was born a female, it didn't matter -- you were going to be a genius who stayed home and changed diapers. The upward surge in humanity has coincided with us taking down more and more of those arbitrary barriers because humanity realized it badly needs all those geniuses out in the field doing genius things. I don't even mean "Einstein" type geniuses -- humanity needs people who are geniuses at teaching, plumbing, repairing air conditioners, rapping, etc. And for millennia, we were arbitrarily telling 80 or 90 percent of our talented people that they had to sweep floors or dig ditches, purely because they weren't also born white male heterosexual Christians. Progress came when we started pushing for things such as universal education and literacy, along with rights for minorities and women to pursue careers and advanced degrees. Where upon they made breakthrough discoveries, such as "a penis is not required for chemistry." Sure, we framed this as "equal rights" and a heroic triumph of empathy over bigotry, but the system always secretly had this other, selfish motive. It's no coincidence that desegregation started happening after World War II, when lots of white soldiers came home from having served alongside blacks and realized these guys were capable of greatness when given a chance. It's no coincidence women were only allowed to join the economy after that same war forced industries to turn to them in an absence of males -- and found they could do all sorts of shit that had nothing to do with raising babies or ironing shirts. All they needed was a chance. The advancement of society has, in fact, largely been measured in how good it is at giving people changes to be all they can be. And you can see where we are in that process by looking at what kind of chances people still don't have. (Hint: If you get shot by the cops at age 16 while committing a misdemeanor, you never had your "chance" -- giving people room to make youthful mistakes without dying is part of it.) That brings us to the problem, which is that even though these changes unquestionably made the world better, the world still had to be dragged along kicking and screaming. The big flaw in humanity is that we always cling to short-term comfort over long-term prosperity (because we see ourselves as individuals, instead of part of a whole), and certain classes of people were benefiting from doing things the old way, even if humanity as a whole was not. This is why there are still barriers up all over the place -- only 14 percent of top business executives are women, only 20 percent of congress. A white person is almost twice as likely to have a college degree than a black one of the same age. You weren't born in the aftermath of the battle, you were born somewhere in the middle of it. "I'm going to do everything I can to help my kids get ahead!" isn't such a positive sentiment for all of the other kids who get pushed back for that to happen. And that is the confusing part for most people reading this. All of those numbers in the above paragraph are, after all, way better than they were a century ago. We've clearly improved. So, when some white kid on Facebook starts asking why there isn't a White History Month, it's because, in his lifetime, he's seen that minorities and other marginalized groups have made greater gains relative to his own, without realizing they're still not on his level. He's only seen the part of the game in which these groups have scored the last five touchdowns, but is missing the fact that the score was 64-0 when that streak started. And once again, it's for the same reason: That guy (and all of us, really) instinctively thinks history began with his own birth. That's why if you start talking about the history of Jim Crow and gas-lighting and anti-sodomy laws they'll say ... #2. "Why Do I Get Blamed For Things My Grandparents Did?"U.S. News & World Report Here's another really simple thing that everyone one of us completely whiffs on every time it comes up. There is a difference between being "to blame" for something and being "responsible" for it. It's easy to see the difference in some situations (i.e., you're not to blame for the snow, but you are responsible for shoveling your driveway), but not in others. For instance, if you tell one of my fellow white people that we're responsible for helping fix social justice issues, they'll say, "But I've never discriminated against anyone!" And they'll mean it. They'll be wrong, but they'll mean it, regardless. This is confusing because, as kids, we were taught that you clean up your own messes, and it's easy to accidentally expand that to: "You only clean up your own messes." It then becomes natural to say things such as "Why are you talking to me about racism when I've never owned slaves?" or "Why are you yammering endlessly about sexism when every day at school I get laughed at, while cheerleaders are worshiped as idols?" Now, we circle back to the idea I introduced at the start -- you, hypothetical white male reader, didn't own slaves or systematically shut black people out of the economy for 150 years after. But, you are part of a greater whole, and, thus, you reaped some of the benefits. In theory, we should all have learned this in history class -- not just that slavery happened, but that we were all born at a certain level because we were boosted there by a complicated set of systems developed to reserve the best jobs, schools, neighborhoods, and social systems for people who look like us. Raised from a position of privilege and fighting to root out injustice. You get to be Equality Batman, and you're bitching about it? If they try to teach this in the classroom, critics will scream that they're making white kids "feel guilty for being white." But, there's that confusion again -- telling those kids they're guilty (that is, "to blame") for being white would be wrong. Telling those kids that, as white people, they are responsible for fixing inequality is just a statement of fact. The entire concept of civilization is that things are supposed to always be getting better -- each link in the chain is hopefully a little smarter, richer, and healthier than the one before. That's why the average American today dies at about 79, but the average ancient Roman died in their late 40s (even excluding those who died in childhood). But, improving means fixing things that are broken. That is, things that other people broke. A helpful way to look at it is to view all of human history as a Dude, Where's My Car? situation. You wake up one day and find that you did all sorts of shit -- good and bad -- that you have no memory of. And it doesn't matter because it was still you. And I'm saying, it was literally you -- if put in the same situation, you would have done the same thing your forefathers did. The only reason you've escaped guilt, and the only reason you're able to watch old Bugs Bunny cartoons and cringe at how racist they were, is because you were born in an era after other people had already done a lot of the hard work rooting out that shit. You know what your great-grandparents didn't. It doesn't take a lot of slavery humor to gauge just how much can change in 60 years. You have to keep doing that work because there are still all sorts of imbalances that need correcting. Right now, there's some toddler with a brain capable of curing cancer, and we're never going to know because he was born in inner-city Detroit, and he's going to go to a bullshit school and grow up with no positive role models. And the moment he commits a misdemeanor as a teenager, society is going to declare him a lost cause and flush him away. The process intended to discover his talent, cultivate it, and get him into a lab curing your cancer is still in shambles. Please note that it's just as tragic if, instead of curing cancer, his best-case scenario is to grow up to be a good friend and father while doing oil changes at Jiffy Lube. Helping to rectify that situation is one of the many, many things you're tasked with due to having been born in a fairly high place in the world. It's not "fair," but that's a meaningless word when referencing things you have no control over. You didn't ask to be born half-way up a mountain, but you were, and I need you to look down and realize that mountain is really a pile of bones. Now, the easy response to this is usually ... #1. "Why Can't We Just Put This Stupid Shit Aside And Treat Each Other Like Human Beings?""After all," you say, "I might be a white dude, but the one-room apartment I live in bears a lot closer resemblance to the ghetto than the mansion Flavor Flav lives in. If you don't want me judging people based on the color of their skin, why are you judging me on mine? To say I have 'white privilege' is a cruel joke, considering that for lunch I ate a 'hamburger' that was a wad of ramen noodles between two slices of bread." All of that is technically correct. And I completely get why a low-income, lonely white dude is sick to death of hearing about how his movies, video games, and jokes are racist or sexist or homophobic. The logic is almost impossible to argue with: "If their problems as women are on the level of getting Hollywood to cast a plus-size Wonder Woman, and my problems involve not being able to afford heat in the winter, then it's downright evil to belittle my real problems while demanding I worry about that trivial SJW Tumblr bullshit." Although, if there's one opinion here that can unite us all, it's that Tumblr is absolutely brimming with bullshit. In other words, why can't we start treating each other like individuals based on our position in life, and just drop all of this race/gender stuff that just clouds the issue? Wouldn't that be the fastest way to make things better for everyone? Sure, and we could totally do that, if we were merely people. The problem is that we can't just collectively agree to make the context of history go away, any more than a bunch of leaves can get together and decide that there is no tree; the roots of history are still feeding us. Blacks are still stuck in neighborhoods with terrible schools and no job opportunities where they're being groomed for a lifetime in the corrections system. Women who want to get jobs as software engineers will find themselves in offices that are 84 percent male. So, while race is a social construct as are lots of gender roles*, that doesn't mean they're not real -- the systems we're living under today were all built with them in mind. And if you are a white male in America, you're among the winningest of the winning tribes -- again, even if your own life is a disaster. This is why people say you have "privilege." It doesn't really refer to anything you have, but what you don't have. You may still get shot by a cop some day, but you won't get shot because you're white. As a male, your boss might be less likely to flirt with you, but will be more likely to take your input seriously. And so on. Changing that doesn't mean they're winning, and you're losing. This isn't about you. There is no "you" at all, outside of this larger context. It's about continuing this winning streak humanity has been on, and trying to build a world in which everybody -- from the poor white dude in the trailer park to the black trans woman in Russia -- has the best possible chance to make something with their lives. We can disagree about how exactly to do that, but as for those people talking about the "good old days" and getting back to "traditional" values? The best thing I can say about them is that they can't possibly know what they're asking for.
  16. Streak of bad things happening...just me?

    This got me thinking about probability thus this article. Its on improbable luck, though it could as easily be on the reverse: #1. Probability Dictates That "Miracles" Are RoutineRomoloTavani/iStock/Getty Images The Scenario: Now let's take the example in the above entry and scale it up. For example, we've written a bunch of articles about amazing coincidences -- events that really occurred despite having such an incredibly low probability that it actually sends a chill up your spine. Take for example one of our favorite true coincidences -- in 1974, a 17-year-old kid was killed by a taxi while driving his moped in Bermuda. Almost exactly one year later, his brother was killed driving the same moped, on the same street, by the same taxi, carrying the same passenger. Cue The X-Files theme. The Reality: It's impossible to calculate the odds of something like the above because you can't quantify every single variable (i.e. how often that passenger took a cab down that street, how often the brothers rode down the same street, how many other vehicles encountered them, etc.). But you can calculate something like the lottery, because there we have definite numbers we can look at. So, what are the chances of you winning a lottery jackpot twice? Put away your notepad, we'll just tell you -- it's about one in enough trillions that you should probably begin working on a solid "Plan B" to pay off your student loans. But do a Google search for people who have won the lottery twice, and you'll get dozens of results. It's due to the same logic as the birthday thing above: Although the chances of it happening to any one specific person are infinitesimal, the chances of it happening to someone are just about certain. Our whole difficulty in understanding the odds of things like this is we assume we're the center of the universe. When we ask, "What are the odds?" we're really asking, "What are the odds of this happening to me? Comstock/Stockbyte/Getty Images "Not everything is fucking about you." --The Universe A couple of statisticians did an experiment in which they invited people to share their own one-in-a-trillion coincidences, and calculated how unlikely they actually were. The result? Miracles turned out to be even more mundane than they expected. When one woman reported having won the lottery twice in a four-month period, they calculated that the odds of that happening to that specific woman were one in 17 trillion. On an individual scale, she's the luckiest woman on the planet. However, the chances of anyone at all winning the lottery twice in four months were closer to one in 30. Basically, it's pretty much a guarantee that someone is going to become impossibly wealthy two times over before the end of this year. It just isn't going to happen to you. article @
  17. I want to be a man now ;)

    How do you get more comfortable in your own skin..accept yourself?? age seems to help. little secret things, a bits of color, developing your own individual style..?
  18. The Dao is Sacred?

    I guess you could say He who lives with the most sacred- wins. I'd add In modern the Judaism the goal (imo) is turning the everyday into the sacred, thus a prayer before any act from eating to using the wash room acknowledge God and his hidden aspect and essence within.
  19. Yet another request! LOL

    I believe the word you're looking for is SEX.
  20. I don't want to own anything anymore!

    Sadly the universe will treat us humans impartially, kinda like a straw dogs; wonderful yet discardable.. the universe will let you starve and keep going without missing a beat. (sadly, imo, and from mass reports of starvation around the world.)
  21. The Dao is Sacred?

    No. Un-nameable, but not sacred, unless you think of everything as sacred.
  22. Walking qigong

    rats, no idea what you wrote, but I always look forward to reading and learning from it.
  23. Requirement for Celibacy in Neigong Training

    One point I've seen repeated by respected writers is forced celibacy can do more harm then good. To treat it as an advanced practice and do it seriously only after you've gotten your mind in order, established a firm practice foundation and beginning to transform jing into chi. Personally, at my level and being on the householder path, its not worth the sacrifice. I think there's a bit of placebo effect going on with some guys on how debilitating ejaculation is. Though as one progresses higher there is power there. Things may change later on, but for now, sexuality adds to my life.
  24. Boom baby, nice and clean. Two pinned threads then straight to conversation. Its a little thing but it adds a clarity to the page. People can still ask and be directed to needed information if they can't find it. As time goes on systems get cluttered. Pruning and growth go hand in hand. Thanks. <and as cheya said- great job collecting so many herb and food related threads under it. It must have been quite a bit of work.>
  25. Air Drinking

    Never assume the spiritual (of any tradition) are going to be angels, above corruption or even pettiness. Trust them, but tie the camels and look carefully at the receipts. and as far as the Op goes Each member of the family has there own cup. I put mine in one spot and don't wash it too often, not when I'm just drinking water.