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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. More confusion is coming

    True, shit happens, we grow old.. then more shit happens. Yet, as my daughter uses the phrase, to sarcastically and accurately express 'Stop complaining, you've got it good.' about people with 3rd world problems.. apologies to the sensitive..
  2. aww, i don't know maoshan from moonshine . and the video above is so old. we should probably let unpleasant dogs lie, cause the worst thing thing you can really do to them, is leave'em alone. Anything else, any engagement, just gets into game play. course that's true of most of life and doubly on the internet.
  3. Wu xing, transformation of metal into water

    extra credit. Can anyone talk about how this might work in our bodies? How internally in 5 element theory the organ/gods turn metal into water?
  4. The member we're thinking of was (and I'm sure still is) a great guy. Family members were cured through Mak Ti Sin's advice and/or Fu's and boom he ended up a true believer. The terrifying power of a healer and group acceptance. I had conversations with MTS here on the bums, but I can't help but think he's gotten darker and more paranoid over the years. There was another forum that was joined by MTS, he posted several times a day. His followers would echo his posts and praise him there. In short order he took over the forum and his posts were full of swearing and who his people should be against. Always on the look out for enemies. Currently even the (walking) dead aren't safe
  5. Living Family Permaculture Vs Dead Cities

    Good luck to it. It'd be great to see some large island or country taking part in such a bold experiment. It's really doesn't seem too different from an idealized based Communist system with a little bit of sci/fy mixed in.
  6. LDT method: hui yin <-> navel

    I remember Michael Winn had a version of an orbit that just went from the yin-hui point to the dan tien. As I recall he used the colors red and white, kind of a liquidy mix circulating. Red for blood, white for..I forget (semen?). Just doing a miniature orbit. Personally I think you need to begin with concentration on one point at a time, breathing into it, developing 'feel' for it, spending significant time, before moving on to circulation.
  7. Gendao, if you don't have any thoughts Chinese pollution ignore the thread. You don't have to keep switching subjects 3 or 4 times within a post. There are threads around that touch on the various topics you mention. Sorry, but I don't see any connection between the various subjects you brought up and the OP.
  8. Living Family Permaculture Vs Dead Cities

    I haven't looked at it in a while, but didn't the whole Venus Project rely on finding some sort of 'God machine' that would create/manufacture anything you wanted? So without the science fiction like tech isn't the Venus Project impossible?
  9. LDT method: hui yin <-> navel

    Is the Hui yin point what is commonly referred to as the perineum (between anus and genitals) in English? If not what is the more accurrate spot for it?
  10. Safe word, tanglement meme

    Here's a random, unformed thought. We often see arguments on TDB's that get circular and tit for tat on subjects that are so abstract that neither side has any power to change things. I wish there was a way to defuse them. Either by one side, or nudge from a general member. Cause sometimes they cause bad feelings, other times you see they're clearly heading for the pit and in essence, once people's views are out, neither side will change, facts, quotes and sources become meaningless and unread. I'm looking for a meme, I think. We all know what a troll is, but here I'm looking for something to describe a tangled argument that's heading towards bad blood and a warning to stop it. I don't want it to be a moderator's warning, as much as a regular members way to saying enough is enough. Something analagous to 'you've jumped the shark' but in internet terms.
  11. Safe word, tanglement meme

    Too likely be returned with a 'Damn Right I am' Too poetic Too Dirty Harry'ish. though not bad and might make someone's day. Too oblique.. but has a nice creative spark Don't sweat the petty things. best so far imo. could we make it more taoish? daosh.. daesh? it might cause confucian.
  12. More confusion is coming

    Its been rough. how rough you ask- My wrist watch broke which meant a trip to Switzerland to get it fixed. Then at my airfield I backed the lambordini into the lear jet. One problem after another! oh the troubles i've seen. Truthfully (mostly) I was at a college information dinner yesterday. One woman said, 'The school has a great equestrian program, my daughter went there and brought her horse with her.' The other woman said, 'We applied to that school. After filling out the long application form, they accepted our horse, but not our son!'
  13. More confusion is coming

    I get that from my teenage daughter all the time. Its almost not worth complaining to her
  14. Actually if Mak Ti Sin says we're bad, thats actually a good indication we're doing our job as an open forum with various viewpoints. He's not all bad, but he's extremely one pointed with the point being towards himself. Opinion that vary from his aren't just wrong, but evil and he'd tend to turn them into crazed vendetta's with a dozen videos because someone somewhere on the internet disagreed with him.
  15. Full Lotus is a state of being.

    I think thats a good place to be. Sometimes we push, sometimes we just practice.
  16. The Death of Jesus and Buddha

    I hate sometimes troubled that great men have to become mythologized as gods in order for there philosophy to be taken seriously. I think it distracts from there teaching. bit of editing to chillax.
  17. Enlightened movies

    The movie Cafe Low budget filmed in and about daily life in a cafe. Lots of interesting characters, one a computer programmer who writes simulations who is visited by God who tells him, that he and the world are a simulation.
  18. It could be jury rigged now, by creating a topic (in General area) and in the introduction telling people to hit the link to the same thread in the Personal section. Each time someone puts a comment in the General thread put in a Please don't & redirect after it. Maybe they'd learn .. or not. Not as clean as a real Controlled Conversation Area, but doable now. On one hand we've lost people because they've gotten angry (and abusive) when their threads were high jacked. On the other , when its a good topic in the General area, having someone delete or even change someone else's post is treading dangerous ground, unless they're clearly aware thats the risk of answering in the CCA area.
  19. hmm, sounds like the ability to create a post, similar to Personal section where the creator has complete editing rights over the whole thread. Interesting. Might be hard to program. As an experiment I say..why not, if the powers that be can do it. What would we call it?? Ontrack section. Controlled Conversation Area, yeah thats better. CCA's where the conversation is controlled by the creator. Though to me its the opposite of anarchy, its tight control. There is something in the air these days. I know I've been taken on a more negative slant lately. But.. its the dog sled days of winter, we're all tired, cold and hungry for the sun and warmer better times. Less tolerant, seemingly even when almost but don't quite agree with us.
  20. Living Family Permaculture Vs Dead Cities

    Innersound your spending alot of time trying to convince people that smog and pollution is bad. Fine, you win, pollution bad. If it'll make you happier its irreversible and will kill us all. I'd also add people spread can be bad. In the 1910's and 20's the government encouraged and offered free land to homesteaders. People went, they tried to build farms on poor land, ended up scraping off countless tons of topsoil which led to the dust bowl of the late 20's and 30's. An incredibly destructive happening, dropping a couple of atomic bombs on the area would have been kinder the destruction the home steaders wrought. At the same time period Japan was also encouraging homesteaders to move to unpopulated areas. Aikido founder Ueshiba was one those who took the offer and according to stories only his ceaseless hard work and unbreakable spirit kept people alive. Eventually he had to call it quits. My point is, its easy to see pollution is bad, its harder to see that people, especially those in hard scrabble areas can also devastate huge areas. Might be nuclear disaster areas will end up the best cleanest sanctuaries in the long run because they don't have people. <later addition> I'd also add that until a country (or individual) claims responsibility for its own problems, they're up shits creek. Much as you blame America for China's problem, they're screwed if they take the same liberal route. The solution to there problem is painful, but easy and straight forward. No more coal plants, and start rolling back the ones you have. Have better environmental laws and put men and teeth into keeping them. End the corruption that skirts them. England did it, we did it. You want Chinese to smoke less, also easy. Ban U.S cigarettes, raise taxes on them steeply, sponsor campagns on the dangers of smoking. Painful, but hard, but that is what stop blaming the other guy and taking responsibility for yourself is all about. For people and nations.
  21. Full Lotus is a state of being.

    I wonder, how much do I lose by being a half lotus sitter, ie a relatively tight half lotus, one leg rested on top of the other. and sometimes I'm 'looser' then that, sitting 'indian style' with out leg further out, not on top of the other. How would you compare the 2 stances energetically?
  22. I thought meditation was the fundamental .
  23. Living Family Permaculture Vs Dead Cities

    There were 10's of millions of Chinese people who actually starved (not potentially) in the late 60's and 70's. This wasn't maybe starving this was real people dying painfully. It happened because Mao forced millions to the country side to become simple farmers and they starved. That really happened, not a what if. Similarly there was horrible pollution here in the States in the 60's and 70's. Very bad, not that its great now, but we've cleaned up the worst of our smog, stopped the worst the acid rain that was destroying whole forrests. Again we're far from perfect, but in most metrics (clean air and water) we've been moving steadily better for a long while. My point it is, with good policies things can be turned around. There is impetus for China to clean up its act. It has too. Things change and evolve, you usually can't set the future by looking at just 2 or 3 points, because imo things move in pendulum. The damage of pollution is vast; a generations worth, it'll take a generation, say 20 years to clean up. But I bet they will. The Chinese are smart, they've seen there skies darken and people sicken due to smog. The earth can be forgiving, it is the ultimate recycler, especially when given a breather.
  24. Living Family Permaculture Vs Dead Cities

    The sad thing to me is that people on the, lets all go back to the vegan homestead side lose support of those who'd be natural alies because going part way isn't good enough. Anyone who doesn't fall completely into there camp is brain washed. <I've also found many of the most radical believers are hypocrites who don't walk there talk. Its what other people should do, but they don't> Mention 100's of miles of corn are being used inefficiently for enthanol could used for better purpose and you get angry replies about Nafta and corn farmers in Mexico. Are they for ethanol, against it, or the mere mention of corns sets them off?? Many people do well, others do poorly on veganism. Most important of all, unless your hoping for a Maoist revolution where elite and educated are forced into tiny farms (to survive or not) you ain't gonna get your land distribution. You'll get 10's of millions of dead, just like Mao. The dream is a good one. It just has to be done family by family. Hopefully with as little government help or hindrance as possible.
  25. Living Family Permaculture Vs Dead Cities

    So you didn't understand what I wrote. I didn't mention Nafta or Mexico.. I was trying to get across that in ethanol we waste 1.3 billion bushels of corn a year. If that was put on the free market world corn prices would go way down. Personally I found the analysis way to simplistic. To figure out why corn prices move you need to figure in quite a few factors. Concentrating on a single factoid like Nafta and you wouldn't be explain corn prices, like why they exploded from $2 in 2006 to over $7, 2012. Its not that its wrong but putting the responsibilities on a single metric is naive and would keeps you from understanding pricing dynamics. Same blinder I see in far right wing and left wing politics, interpretations that are too simplistic because they ignore important variables. PS. Sorry to stop the flow the OP..