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Everything posted by thelerner
Vaccination - Split from Microchipped Babies
thelerner replied to Taomeow's topic in The Rabbit Hole
Yet life spans and child mortality rates have dropped. From http://data.unicef.org/child-mortality/under-five "The dramatic decline in preventable child deaths over the past quarter of a century is one of the most significant achievements in human history. The global under-five mortality rate has declined by nearly half (49 per cent) since 1990, dropping from 90 to 46 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2013. The under-five mortality is falling faster than at any other time during the past two decades. Thanks to the accelerated progress in reducing child mortality, the world saved almost 100 million children– among them, 24 million newborns – who would have died had mortality remained at 1990 rates. Despite this admirable accomplishment, progress must be accelerated to meet Millennium Development Goal 4: Reduce child mortality. Going beyond the MDG deadline, the momentum to improve child survival must be sustained in all regions. If current trends continue, the world will not meet the MDG target until 2026. - See more at: http://data.unicef.org/child-mortality/under-five#sthash.pGdCJbLW.dpuf" and for life spans http://www.healthdata.org/news-release/life-expectancy-increases-globally-death-toll-falls-major-diseases summary: Global life expectancy for both sexes increased from 65.3 years in 1990 to 71.5 years in 2013, and women made slightly greater gains than men. Female life expectancy at birth increased by 6.6 years and male life expectancy by 5.8 years. If trends seen over the past 23 years hold, by 2030 global female life expectancy will be 85.3 years and male life expectancy will be 78.1 years. or just Americans http://consumer.healthday.com/public-health-information-30/centers-for-disease-control-news-120/americans-living-longer-than-ever-683595.html Summary: Global life expectancy for both sexes increased from 65.3 years in 1990 to 71.5 years in 2013, and women made slightly greater gains than men. Female life expectancy at birth increased by 6.6 years and male life expectancy by 5.8 years. If trends seen over the past 23 years hold, by 2030 global female life expectancy will be 85.3 years and male life expectancy will be 78.1 years.. .. "Life expectancy has been increasing pretty steadily for the last 50 years or so," said Robert Anderson, chief of the Mortality Statistics Branch at the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics. Life expectancy has been increasing for several reasons, Anderson said. But, he added, "improvements in heart disease and stroke mortality have had a big impact. That's a large proportion of total deaths and that's where the action really is in terms of improved life expectancy. That's really what's driving the trend." me. So if you believe there's a Machiavellian plan to destroy mankind or parts of it. Good news, its not working(!); humanities population is growing, and we're living longer. There is the hope that population growth slows down and living standards for mankind as a whole continues to increase, which its done more in the past 30 years then in the previous 1,000. It certainly hasn't all been good, but its not so bad. -
Vaccination - Split from Microchipped Babies
thelerner replied to Taomeow's topic in The Rabbit Hole
The editing in that clip is awful; awfully manipulative and it from the beginning to the end. You have someone who's trying to halve the deaths of children, spending billions to save lives in a dozen different ways you've found a video that cuts and pastes to reverse its true meaning. The Gates speech, a Ted's talk, which outlines ways to save lives is twisted to mean the opposite. Despicable. Its an example of how horribly far anti science people will go to incriminate anyone opposes them. Vaccination is one of the ways the Gates Foundation is going to fight childhood deaths because they're smart and want the biggest bang for there buck. They're going after other diseases and poverty in other ways too. There is a theme in the Foundation that the best way to slow population growth is through education of woman, greater opportunity and prosperity and knowledge that children won't die young. Its not a machiavelian scheme rather its trying to raise the living standard with the hope that when its raised 3rd world populations become more like first; families choose to have fewer children. I recommend reading about the Gates foundation its very worthwhile. He's gotten fellow billionaires to give to it, not because they're like doctor evil and want to destroy the world, but because they want to give back. From purifying water to ending childhood scourges (which it starts saying in your clip before the editing goes nuts). Read about there goals and what they do: http://www.gatesfoundation.org/What-We-Do As always look to the original, listen to the actual talk, make a decision without the manipulation on what he is saying : But its also the same game of continual fraud and substantiated fearmongering we see throughout the antivaccine movement. Let me see if the link here gets copied: (Snopes has a more in-depth rundown of the rumor's origin and history, if you're interested its short.) For readers: http://www.snopes.com/medical/disease/cdcwhistleblower.asp summary: "For a thorough analysis of the flaws and misinformation associated with the current CDC autism "cover-up" conspiracy theory, we recommend the posts on the subject at ScienceBlogs, which note of the claim at the heart of this matter (i.e, allegedly suppressed proof of a 340% increased risk of autism in African-American boys after MMR vaccination) that: Vaccination data were abstracted from immunization forms required for school entry, and records of children who were born in Georgia were linked to Georgia birth certificates for information on maternal and birth factors. Basically, no significant associations were found between the age cutoffs examined and the risk of autism. I note that, even in the "reanalysis" by Brian Hooker, there still isn't any such correlation for children who are not African American boys So is Hooker’s result valid? Was there really a 3.36-fold increased risk for autism in African-American males who received MMR vaccination before the age of 36 months in this dataset? Hooker [performed] multiple subset analyses, which, of course, are prone to false positives. As we say, if you slice and dice the evidence more and more finely, eventually you will find apparent correlations that might or might not be real. In this case, I doubt Hooker's correlation is real. There's no biologically plausible reason why there would be an effect observed in African-Americans but no other race and, more specifically than that, in African-American males. In the discussion, Hooker does a bunch of handwaving about lower vitamin D levels and the like in African American boys, but there really isn't a biologically plausible mechanism to account for his observation, suggesting that it's probably spurious. There are multiple other studies, many much larger than this one, that failed to find a correlation between MMR and autism. What [Hooker] has done, apparently, is found grist for a perfect conspiracy theory to demonize the CDC, play the race card in a truly despicable fashion, and cast fear, uncertainty, and doubt about the CDC vaccination program, knowing that most of the white antivaccine activists who support [him] hate the CDC so much that they won't notice that even Hooker's reanalysis doesn’t support their belief that vaccines caused the autism in their children. Read more at http://www.snopes.com/medical/disease/cdcwhistleblower.asp#WRDkZmyAxRMDTVrz.99" -
Vaccination - Split from Microchipped Babies
thelerner replied to Taomeow's topic in The Rabbit Hole
Fine, we'll ignore measles (though its highly contagious, can cause death and was nearly knocked out before the anti-virus craze kicked in) still its seems obvious to me stopping such things as small pox and polio would result in millions of lives saved. Here's a chart that perhaps explains it better: I think the antivaccine people are the ones putting lives at risk. I get the feeling you don't realize just how deadly some of those diseases used to be. Here's a link: http://www.skepticalraptor.com/skepticalraptorblog.php/vaccines-saved-millions-lives/ summary: Over 5.2 billion people died in the 20th Century. Although the 20th Century ended a mere 13 years ago, from a statistics standpoint, we know we will probably die of different diseases (and other less natural causes) than our forebears. The causes of death evolve over time as medicine improves, science ameliorates risk, lifestyles change, environments shift, and politics reshape our world. British data journalist David McCandless (of Information is Beautiful) created this fascinating infographic based on a project, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, a U.K. charity devoted to human health, called Death in the 20th Century, which shows us, graphically, the leading causes of mortality from 1900 to 2000, worldwide. Some of the numbers are shocking... But the most interest information is in the Infectious Disease section. Nearly 1.7 billion people have died from infectious diseases. Some of the more interesting numbers are: Diphtheria–0.76 million deaths Hepatitis B–12.7 million deaths Measles–96.7 million deaths Meningitis-21.9 million deaths Polio–0.13 million deaths Smallpox–400 million deaths (yes, 400 million) Tetanus–37.1 million deaths Whooping cough–38.1 million deaths Vaccines are life savers and a tool that should not be ignored or thrown out. There may be problems with some but they are too important and saved too many lives to ignore. -
Vaccination - Split from Microchipped Babies
thelerner replied to Taomeow's topic in The Rabbit Hole
My research indicates vaccines have saved the lives of 10's of millions and prevented the suffering of many more. I'm not saying all vaccines are equally good, I'm glad the mercury compound used as a preservative was abandoned. All in all, in total imo we're much better for having vaccination. For me a no brainer, small pox, malaria, measles used to kill off millions of people a year. Polio was a terrible scourge that killed and crippled 100s of thousand. Whooping cough similarly. My hat is off to vaccination, in my opinion its fantastic. I think without them we'd return to the dark old days when millions died and suffered needlessly. I think the serious researcher, looking at the numbers will find vaccination is the way to go. I'm glad the Chinese have looked at the data and are vaccinating. A country without a huge medical industry persuaded by the facts. -
The last year or two I've been spotting more snakes on my walks in the Chicagoland forest preserves. Its a good thing..
After I've meditated for a while and in a good groove I tend to be much less reactionary. The sudden bark or blast won't make me jump. Strangely its the same with brushing my teeth. When I'm in the zone its impossible to trigger the gag reflex, but when I'm in a hurry or poor state of mind it triggers much easier.
I'd add there are problems with looking for 'perfect'. One, you might never find it, or find it and its not recipricated, or discover 'perfect' is not forever or being perceived as perfect is an unwanted burden. There is beauty in the imperfect, maybe because of it. There is a journey and evolution that goes on in all relationships; and in a changing world, the journey and sharing is goal enough.
Your worthless college degree....let's share your story.
thelerner replied to ChiForce's topic in The Rabbit Hole
in weighing the value of things you have to look at the alternatives. If you hadn't gone to (and spent the usually large amount of money) on college, what do you think you'd most likely have been doing over those years? -
To me, the big detail is fraud or not, he's bad news and such study would probably only bare rotten fruit. Even if he was levitating around, you can't let that over come the manipulation and tinge of perverted nastiness.
Native American Council Offers Amnesty to 240 Million Undocumented Whites
thelerner replied to Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan's topic in The Rabbit Hole
This kind of publicity stunt probably generates more ill will then good. Right now there are probably dozens of right wing and redneck sites publishing this and mobilizing action to fight such double reverse racism. -
Here's a good thread with Doc Morris info: http://thedaobums.com/topic/30975-looking-for-some-legit-advice-on-kundalini-and-cultivation/?p=611906
Microchipped Babies - Interesting Development in Europe
thelerner replied to C T's topic in The Rabbit Hole
But it's Oonn the internet. and didn't I read about king herod using micro chips on babies in genesis 64?? Cracked.com does continual articles on this weeks bullshit news on the internet. Factcheck.org does intelligent fact checking for political writings on all sides. -
God, we're maturing like fine wine.. 51 in October.
The profile star system / split from member rankings thread
thelerner replied to soaring crane's topic in Forum and Tech Support
Our destiny lies in our choices not in our stars. -
Looking for some legit advice on Kundalini and cultivation
thelerner replied to Kundanoobalini's topic in General Discussion
I noticed Shaktimama on this thread and I wanted to find an old powerful writing she did here on the subject. Here it is: How To Awaken Your Kundalini 101 From Shaktimama This is very simple. Do not confuse simple with easy. There are three simple practices that when done in combination together will awaken kundalini in about 90 days. Follow the directions. Don't deviate or I can't guarantee anything. But this is free teaching so I can't give you a money back guarantee. You must practice 20 minutes a day, twice a day. Undertake at your own risk without a guide. The safest way to do this is in a group with a guide. 1) Buddha's breath also called Baby's breath or also known as abdominal/belly breathing. 2) Secret Smile: google for instructions in Path Notes of an American Ninja Master 3) Microcosmic Orbit The goal is to do all three at once. Do NOT leave the Secret Smile out. It is necessary for mental, physical and spiritual health during this practice. I am not revealing anything that has not been revealed in Path Notes already. Basic Safeties Tongue up touching behind the back of the upper teeth where the teeth meet the gums when you practice. You must do this to avoid getting chi head or headaches and/or mental imbalances. Keep hydrated with water. Kundalini energy is HOT and will fry your kidneys and adrenals. Take lots of vitamin C for the adrenals which are quickly depleted of their Vitamin C stores with this practice. An acupuncturist can be your best friend. Practice with a group if you can so they can help you stay grounded in reality when the process kicks into high gear. If you have difficulties or need a group or sangha to be a touchstone I have a support group that is free on the net you can join. Here we have people of all levels abilities and of different spiritual paths who practice around the world who will be helpful for you. (note* link in original post no longer works) If your mental/emotional, physical and spiritual bodies are relatively clean you will have an easier time than if you start with an alcohol, drugs, smoking types, anger habits. Kundalini amplifies the character. If you were an asshole before kundalini, afterwards you will be wide and gaping said Dr. Morris. But if you were loving and gentle before you will be even more. Kundalini Shakti can be a fierce and brutal Mistress if you resist her directions. If you can't surrender and relax into the process you can suffer greatly so don't take this process lightly. So don't do it if you don't want your life changed forever. Don't do it if you can't come with an empty cup to be taught by Shakti or you will be miserable. Why do I say this? Because there will be a time in your practice that effort becomes effortless and Kundalini will take the reins and do the whole process for you. It will cause you to mediate, it will cause spontaneous chi gung forms and asanas, pranayamas. If you can't trust in the wisdom of Kundalini Shakti...it will take much, much longer. If you can relax into the process and persevere.. Nirvikalpa Samadhi may be your reward one day. If you carry through and succeed in having kundalini activate then know the journey has just started. You will either despise my name for revealing this to you or be forever grateful. KAP 1 is more than just these three practices. It has been refined to deliver a much more smoother, quicker, and controlled awakening but you can do it with just those three practices above but it can be a brutal process. Drugs, sex, childbirth, prolonged trauma or shock whether physical, emotional,mental, or spiritual will awaken kundalini. Did I say this can be a brutal practice and you could really hurt yourself? Merry Christmas and Good luck, Susan <me again. I suspect this is somewhat overpromising, ie following the instruction could create Kundalini, but for most of us wouldn't. Maybe its because of lack of due diligence or foundation. Perhaps a mental or physical block, or just Karma. More then most Dr. Morris experimented with himself and students to find the equivalent of Bruce Lee's dictum (focus on the essential, drop the superfluous) to Kundalini. That is this approach to a T. Without an experienced teacher giving feedback and encouragement it's a twistier road. -
nice, I particularly liked - https://superaalifragilistic.wordpress.com/2013/01/26/saving-the-planet-one-drop-at-a-time/
The profile star system / split from member rankings thread
thelerner replied to soaring crane's topic in Forum and Tech Support
I'm fearful of the effects of cliques on the board. I worry people will pile on 'dislikes' against others and it may lead to long term vengeance dislikes for old quarrels. The star system on the other hand is relatively invisible. In most cases its a silly skewed number, in a few it may send a genuine message that they should change there tone. Lastly, imo, half the crap on the board is due to someones hurt feelings. We should not bring in a system thats guaranteed to create more. -
The profile star system / split from member rankings thread
thelerner replied to soaring crane's topic in Forum and Tech Support
If you're not pissing off a few people every now and then, you're probably not fully expressing yourself. -
The profile star system / split from member rankings thread
thelerner replied to soaring crane's topic in Forum and Tech Support
Methinks most scores are from people we've either vastly impressed or pissed off. So most have a handful of scores of 5 stars or zeros. -
Not an illusion, at least no more then any other emotional concept. I like to think of it as a tool of the mind. Emotions are powerful both on a mental and physical level. Still gotta control them and not be swept away. When the going gets rough, having some faith and hope, can get you through hard times.
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thanks. at some point I'd love to see a thread about him, talking about peoples experience with his practice and input from those who've studied with him in person. I believed he's been a lecturer for some of the Healing Tao retreats.
the only thing i remember from my 6 years of pig latin is the phrase 'fidious stupidious' meaning- let it go; lit.> you've waxed that pig til its a squealing mess. Fidious Stupidious people, fidious stupidious.
Probably a mistake to make judgements off a static photo. A video, might be better. I find the videos he's posted to be impressive. More so, I find the depth and rigorousness of his teaching as described in the syllabis to be very high order, ie only for the advanced. Not that I've ever seen him in person. His writings seem solid and authentic imo. Probably not the kind to get caught up in egoic measuring either.
i don't know.. we're trying to keep this site pg-13.
When you have time I'd love to find out more about Robert Peng. I've heard he's one of those qi gong masters who can do electric shock stuff.