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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Looks like most months it's 1 1/2 hours with an almost full day the first and last month of the series. Looks worthwhile. I think I'll sign up. Here is info from the link: Free Yearlong Internet Course on Soul Retrieval Begins Jan. 10Throughout 2015, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will offer a series of monthly webcast teachings on the topic of Soul Retrieval. This yearlong course is based on Rinpoche’s upcoming book The True Source of Healing: How the Ancient Tibetan Practice of Soul Retrieval Can Transform and Enrich Your Life (Hay House, summer 2015). Each live webcast is free and open to all! Register now for the first, full-day webcast event in the series, scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 10,2015. Part 1: Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015 FULL-DAY LIVE WEBCAST Reconnecting with Your Joyful Essence: An Introduction to the Tibetan Practice of Soul RetrievalWhat better way to bring in the New Year than to make a yearlong commitment to heal your soul and revitalize your life? In this daylong “Internet retreat,” Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will introduce his yearlong course on soul retrieval. In two 90-minute teaching sessions, Rinpoche will explain the source of these teachings, what it means to retrieve your soul, and how to identify signs of soul loss. He will guide the practice of the “Three Precious Pills” to help you reconnect with your inherently joyful nature. Two additional guided meditation sessions will be led by a senior teacher. Jan. 10 schedule: 9:00–10:30 a.m.: Teaching with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.: Guided Practice with senior teacher Marcy Vaughn 1:15–2:45 p.m.: Teaching with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 3:30–4:30 p.m.: Guided Practice with senior teacher Marcy Vaughn About This SeriesThese practices of Soul Retrieval can help you tap into the ultimate source of healing. Done daily through the entire year of this course, they have the potential to transform your life. They can help you to: Avoid losing your vitality when faced with difficult life challenges. Revitalize your personal life, family life and professional life. Recognize powerful internal and external sources of healing. Experience healing on all levels—physically, energetically, psychologically and spiritually. Come home to your inherently joyful and creative nature. Bring increased happiness and well-being to others. Progress on the path to higher liberation. The practices in this course draw from the ancient Tibetan Bon Buddhist teachings of Soul Retrieval. They omit traditional soul-retrieval ceremonies and rituals and focus, instead, on the most essential elements of the core teachings. How to ParticipateTo take part in this free course, simply join us from your home computer or at one of Ligmincha’s participating practice groups or centers worldwide. By registering at the link above, you will receive your own, unique link for viewing the next scheduled webcast teachings on your computer. Each webcast is free and open to all and requires no prerequisite. However, to make the most of this course and its truly life-transforming potential, students are strongly encouraged to view all 12 live webcasts and/or the recordings of those webcasts throughout the year; and to put what they learn into practice daily between sessions. Students who participate in the live webcasts will have access to additional, downloadable course materials. For added support, monthly group webcast viewings, as well as regularly scheduled group meditation practices based these teachings, will be available in many locations worldwide. Check back closer to the date for a list of locations. If there is no group available in your area and you are interested in starting one informally, email [email protected] to indicate your interest and learn more. Full Course ScheduleEach live webcast is scheduled for the second Saturday of each month in 2015 with the exception of August (third Saturday). Each webcast will take place from 3-4:30 p.m., except the full-day webcasts as noted below. Within a few days after each live webcast, a link to the recorded webcast will be posted below. All times shown are Eastern Time U.S. (New York time). Jan. 10, 2015, FULL-DAY LIVE WEBCAST*—Reconnecting with Your Joyful Essence: An Introduction to the Tibetan Practice of Soul Retrieval. Register now to attend any and all sessions of this full-day live webcast Feb. 14, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—The Five Natural Elements: Finding a Healthy Balance. March 14, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—Discovering the Deepest Needs of Your Soul April 11, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—Communing with Nature to Nourish Your Soul May 9, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—Tapping Into Relationships to Nourish Your Soul June 13, 2015, FULL-DAY LIVE WEBCAST*—The True Source of Healing: Your Own Inner Refuge July 11, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—Overcoming Loneliness: Finding the Friend Within Aug. 15, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—Nourishing Your Inner Being: The Heart of Soul Retrieval Sept. 12, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—Nourishing Your Inner Being: Questions and Answers Oct. 10, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—The Power of Warmth: Physical Healing Through Meditation Nov. 14, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m.—Healing from the Source: Cutting the Root of Your Pain Dec. 12, 2015, FULL-DAY LIVE WEBCAST*—Soul Retrieval as a Lifetime Practice. *Schedule for the full-day live webcasts on Jan. 10, June 13 and Dec. 12: 9:00–10:30 a.m.: Teaching with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.: Guided Practice with senior teacher 1:15–2:45 p.m.: Teaching with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche 3:30–4:30 p.m.: Guided Practice with senior teacher
  2. Defining concepts: Good and Bad people

    I like this, and while its usually the truth for the great majority of us. Imo there are some plain bad/evil people in this world. Nasty selfish murderous ones who have no conscience. Not many, but a few can do a whole lot of harm. Thankfully there is the other extreme, amazing saintly people, who just light up a room and are selfless.. day after day.
  3. Airy-faery v. Honesty

    I think the honest types can see both sides of an issue and have enough perspective to gauge things with perspective instead exaggerated statistics. There are people with extreme prejudices who live in a black and white world. There lopsided views blind them to seeing the world as it is. Thus they constantly allude to the dangerous Them, 95% of all others; its the simple redneck philosophy of feeling better about yourself by calling most others low or degenerate. Regardless of their politics they are the 'Rush Limbaugh' types of the world. Who must continually reinforce there negative stereotypes in order to keep there angry fire aflame. They'll continually hunt for new sources to feed there prejudice and reheat themselves by looking at the very worst of old sources, no matter how tiny or unrepresentative it is. They need to exaggerate and proselytize. They come off as angry and paranoid. It can keep you from learning and growing. Its a danger for all of us. Without seeking some Airy-Faery good happenings we get lost in the bitterness of the news and gossip, which is often a concentration of the very worst things going on in the world. The reality is much more neutral, even boring; there are damn near infinite (or dozens, millions, lots of- depending on your awareness) good things going on and we don't give them a lick of notice or gratitude for. The great teacher Glenn Morris wrote energy moves best through a happy flexible system. If you're doing esoteric energy work, I think you need to go beyond neutral into positive attitude to protect against the gravity of anger and paranoia that can arise and strengthen due to esoteric energy practice. The real horror story is this: the 'only black and white' people create self fulfilling prophecies. With such negativity there actions; body language, facial expressions, words and tone- create the situation that backs up there beliefs.
  4. Cannot feel chi in the morning

    Shaking/vibrating the body for a few minutes, getting outside for fresh air and sunshine shouldn't be discounted. Facing the sun, feeling the curvature of the earth, watching colors behind your (closed) eyes, standing in a strong posture. All good. I won't even claim this brings on 'chi' since there are so many definitions but its brings relaxation and clearness. I figure those are bridges that most be crossed to get there.
  5. Meditation or adrenaline pepper spray?

    You are brave. Hope you post a link to here when you're done. Personally, I'm hoping meditation gives best results.
  6. Accomplishment

    Lets see. Yes, yes, yes, publishing excellent book, yes, no, yes, yes. There. I think without some short term and long term goals we tend to fritter away out time. Tao is path, not just random wandering, at least not until one gains enough art to become artless.
  7. Daoist Diet - Meal Suggestions?

    interesting. For taste though, I like to unwrap it, rub on some butter and herbs, rewrap the husk then throw it on the barbie or any really high heat, let it sit and sear, turn it. When its open its caramelized as well as steamed. Its very good without the butter rub, but even better with it.
  8. The Great Wasteland

    Not much of an accomplishment but last week, mostly over Labor Day weekend I watched the entire series of Breaking Bad. Five Seasons, 65 or so shows. They averaged about 46 minutes each, but using Netflix I fast forwarded parts which had the sister and brother-in-law in it. At first I could get through a show in as little as 25 minutes, later as they became more content dense I had longer. Did I lose much comprehension by fast forwarding so much? Maybe, I'm pretty sure the show was about car washes and drugs. What happens when you watch so much crime drama so quickly? For one I feel I could cook up a batch of meth. I've learned crime doesn't pay, and grime is also bad, in the lab. I've learned whether you're an uptight violent gang banger boss or cool quiet meth selling mastermind, it doesn't matter, you'll wind up dead. I've learned whether its your wife or DEA brother-in-law, honesty is the best policy, they'll find out the truth anyway. Geographically I've learned Albuquerque and New Mexico are vast empty wastelands, little different then the Mad Max movies. I don't understand how poor people were able to buy 'a tenth' for $300. It seems crazy expensive. I've learned when crazy high its best to sleep on your side, otherwise you'll choke to death, especially if you're not a main character. Was it worth the huge time investment? I don't know. I've learned mercurry fulminate is cool and blows up on the floor, not in your hands. When to use riic in, when to use Lily of the Valley berries. When to misspell things so I'm not hauled off by the police. Things like that. Unlike many long dramatic series it ended well, no loose ends.. literally. All in all I'd recommend it, and let people know it starts off slowly. Any series you guys recommend??
  9. The Great Wasteland

    Just saw an interesting hack for Netflix users. Use the google Chrome browser. Download the add-on 'Hola'. It has a 'Select a Country' option which makes the browser reflect being from another country. Then, going to you can work the magic. Netflix has different movies for available depending on what country you're in. For example shows Frozen is available right now in the Netherlands. So I could set my browser to that and see the movie. Hack found here.
  10. US Mid-Term Elections

    An Online Debate That Isn't a Complete Gong Show I kinda like this picture. It kinda captures the spirit of some of these more contentious debates. from
  11. US Mid-Term Elections

    The talk about building 7 always blows my mind. You've got people (whoever) who crash jumbo jets into several buildings and yet they're spending time rigging another building for collapse? Its like mastermind criminals are going to rob 3 banks at the same time and spend a vast amount of time and effort to sabotage shoe store number 7 and make it look like an accident. The only thing to gain from all the alleged time and effort is well.. nothing. No matter who did it or why, its nonsensical, but because it collapsed they need to make it part of a plot that actually didn't happen. Matter of fact, why plant any explosives, you've just crashed jumbo jets into the frickin buildings, you don't have to do anything else to create outrage. It's done and why complicate a plan a dozen ways and involve dozens or hundreds more people? Ridiculous.
  12. US Mid-Term Elections

    I don't know, the Hillary one is filled with back story conjecture from 40 years ago. Mostly what they said, they said in 1974, but didn't think enough of it to actually write it down or file any charges. Its gets down to two people word from 40 years ago who are hard core political pundits. Then there quotes are picked up by partisan players and quoted like a gospel. Without a smoking gun, the lesson may be that politics is dirty and getting dirtier. Here's what I get: from synopsis: An email says that Hillary Clinton — then Hillary Rodham — was fired for lying and being unethical when she was a 27-year-old working on the Watergate investigation. Is this true? The viral email is mainly derived from a column published on March 31, 2008, by Dan Calabrese, founder of North Star Writers Group, according to fact-finder North Star was a newspaper syndicate that provided services until early 2012. ..So what are we to make of all this? Calabrese’s interview with Zeifman has been published around the Internet and repeated by pundits such as Rush Limbaugh and Neil Boortz. But there is nothing to out-and-out confirm Zeifman’s rendition. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t be true, but it makes it difficult to arrive at the truth." Here's what the Snopes site says about it. Zeif-geist Claim: Jerry Zeifman fired 27-year-old Hillary Clinton from the Watergate investigation.FALSE Example: [Collected via e-mail, 2014] Is this true or false? As a 27 year old staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, Hillary Rodham was fired by her supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When asked why Hillary Rodham was fired, Zeifman said in an interview, "Because she was a liar. She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee, and the rules of confidentiality."" Origins: Former First Lady Hillary Clinton is no stranger to political scandal and controversy, and a specific accusation concerning her work as a young lawyer on the Watergate investigation has dogged her political career for more than a decade. The claim originated with Jerry Zeifman, under whom Clinton worked in 1974 as a member of the impeachment inquiry staff for the House Committee on the Judiciary during the course of the scandal. The notion Hillary Clinton was fired by Jerry Zeifman for "lying" and "unethical behavior" has circulated across social media and in e-mails for years. The belief that Clinton's early career was marked by this buried scandal is widespread, but is there any merit to the claim? By Zeifman's own admission there is not. Statements made by Zeifman himself contradict the claim he fired Hillary Clinton. During a 1998 interview with the Sacramento Bee in which he discussed his work with Clinton on Watergate, Zeifman not only stated he hadn't fired her, but he didn't even have the authority to fire her: If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her. Ten years later, Zeifman's story had shifted. When asked by radio host Neal Boortz in April 2008 if he had fired Hillary Clinton from the Watergate investigation, Zeifman hedged by stating Clinton had been let go, but only as part of a layoff of multiple personnel who were no longer needed: Well, let me put it this way. I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — we no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not recommend her for any further positions. Following Zeifman's 2008 interview with Boortz, a column by Dan Calabrese ("FLASHBACK: HILLARY CLINTON FIRED FROM WATERGATE INVESTIGATION FOR 'LYING, UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR'") cemented the belief that Hillary Clinton had been "fired" from the Watergate investigation in political lore: Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation — one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman's 17-year career. However, one need only go back to the source of the rumor and Zeifman's own statement that he did not have the power to fire Hillary Clinton to discount that now common version of political lore: the evidence indicates that, whatever Zeifman may have thought of Clinton's behavior, she was let go from the Watergate committee because she was one of a number of people who were no longer needed as the investigation wound down (and Nixon's resignation made the issue moot), not because she was "fired" over ethical issues. Read more at later addon: I hate to come off as too one sided. I've just spent half the morning arguing against left wing conspiracy theories with my left wing friend The truth is both sides play this game. I've found if you investigate often the best and the very worst of political accusations are full of it.
  13. US Mid-Term Elections

    The problem is people are so willing to believe a lie that confirms there bias's and do nothing to check out the truth. Also the truth takes some reading and a few sources to get to the truth while a good lie done well is a blurp and picture. Frankly I think Fox news is infotainment and people who watch it the most know the least about current events. Its hyper partisan and truth is secondary or third to any rumor that goes along with its pre-ordained narrative. CNN isn't much better. Take the picture above. It only takes one or two minute or research and you find out its hyperpartisan bullshit. Certainly both sides do it. " Claim: Various critical statements about the September 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya: FALSE: Administration officials watched the attacks unfold in real time but did nothing to intervene. FALSE: Requests issued by U.S. personnel for military back-up during the attacks were denied. FALSE: General Carter Ham was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks. FALSE: Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was relieved of his command for attempting to provide military assistance during the Benghazi attacks. ".. The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's 15 January 2014 review of the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi viewed video footage documenting the dispatch of a security team to the Mission compound within 20-25 minutes of the first report of the attack, and they found that no "stand down" orders were issued to the security team at the Annex:After the Diplomatic Security (DS) agent in the Tactical Operations Center at the Temporary Mission Facility alerted the Annex security team that TMF was under attack at 9:40, the Chief of Base called the [redacted] "who advised that he would immediately deploy a force to provide assistance," according to a September 19, 2012, cable. Two armored vehicles were prepared so the security team could respond from the Annex. Approximately 20-25 minutes after the first call came into the Annex that the Temporary Mission Facility (TMF) was under attack, a security team left the Annex for the Mission compound. In footage taken from the Annex's security cameras, the security team can be observed departing the CIA Annex at 10:03 p.m. Benghazi time. The team drove to the Mission facility and made their way onto the Mission compound in the face of enemy fire, arriving in the vicinity of the compound at approximately 10:10 p.m. Benghazi time. The Committee explored claims that there was a "stand down" order given to the security team at the Annex. Although some members of the security team expressed frustration that they were unable to respond more quickly to the Mission compound, 12 the Committee found no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party. General Carter Ham headed the U.S. Africa Command during the attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi. A late October 2012 rumor claimed General Ham declined an order to "stand down" and attempted to provide military assistance during the attacks, only to be relieved of his command "within a minute" of doing so, and Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was likewise relieved of his command for ordering his forces to support those ordered into action by General Ham. That rumor was fueled by an 18 October 2012 announcement that President Obama had selected a nominee to replace General Ham (who subsequently retired from the U.S. Army in April 2013) as commander of the U.S. Africa Command: President Barack Obama will nominate Army Gen. David Rodriguez to succeed Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command and Marine Lt. Gen. John Paxton to succeed Gen. Joseph Dunford as assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced. In announcing Ham’s successor, Panetta also praised the work Ham has done with Africa Command. "Gen. Ham has really brought AFRICOM into a very pivotal role in that challenging region," Panetta said. "I and the nation are deeply grateful for his outstanding service." However, Secretary of Defense Panetta stated during an October 2012 press briefing that General Ham was one of the military commanders who had judged it too dangerous to send troops to Benghazi without a clearer picture of events on the ground:The "basic principle is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place," [Panetta] said during a joint question-and-answer session with Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey. "As a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, General Ham, General Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation," Panetta said. On 29 October 2012, General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also asserted that this rumor was false:The speculation that General Carter Ham is departing Africa Command (AFRICOM) due to events in Benghazi, Libya, on 11 September 2012 is absolutely false. General Ham's departure is part of routine succession planning that has been on going since July. He continues to serve in AFRICOM with my complete confidence. General Ham himself testified before the House Committee on Armed Services in June 2013 that the decision not to deploy close air support during the attack was made by him based on his assessment of the situation at the time, not because he was ordered to "stand down":I will admit to giving a lot of thought about close air support. And in the lead up to September 11th, in the discussions about what forces should we have available, it was my determination, obviously with advice from others, but the responsibility was mine as the commander, was that close air support was not the appropriate tool in this situation. And as I look back on the events of that night and say ... and think in my own mind would air have made a difference? And in my military judgment, I believe the answer is no. It was a very uncertain situation in an environment which we know we had an unknown surface-to-air threat with the proliferation particularly of shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles, many of which remain unaccounted for. But mostly it was a lack of understanding of the environment, and hence the need for the Predator to try to gain an understanding of what was going on. Read more at
  14. US Mid-Term Elections

    just thought you'd feel left out if I didn't include you.
  15. US Mid-Term Elections

    Call me naive, but I read history as well as some of the modern books on the two presidents. From my angle, You- JoeBlast, Brian, Soaring Crane, VMarco, let me save some typing by saying- everyone on this thread who is not me, is crazy; taking part in exaggerated partisan conspiracy crap.
  16. Best Practices To Build And Energize Your Hara/Dantien?

    from Ya Mu's Stillness Movement, I found his simple advice to move my hands from my lap, a few inches closer so they were against my lower dan tien, produced more heat and awareness in the area. Nice change for no effort.
  17. Zhan Zhuang - Suggestions for Short Practice

    bump.. You talk about remaining active. One of the ways I do that (I think) is feeling a rubber band connected to the back of head (& spine) gently and continually lifting up. One at my spines base, gently and continually pulling down. Two by my shoulders gently pulling them apart, which expands my chest and keeps my arms a little out, away from my body. Does that make sense?
  18. TaoMeow on Coffee

    Demitasse - The Coffee Wik While technically, a demitasse cup should hold four ounces (half of a measured cup), they generally have a capacity of 2.5 to 3.5 ounces, and are suited for single and double shots of espresso. Thus my over caffeinated friend who orders extra large 'Trenta' iced coffees at Starbucks is drinking 31 ounces. Maybe 10 demitasse's worth, 6 1/2 more and he'd be in Voltaire country.
  19. US Mid-Term Elections

    So.. .. .. how's 2016 shaping up?? at the moment, I don't care. I'm just glad the damn mud slinging commercials and robo calls have stopped. I hope we're blessed with a year of peace and nobody starts running til early 2016, but I'm a dreamer.
  20. don't know where to start

    Yup. Self-Healing Archaeous. Good stuff, I usually do my standing to level 1. All his systems are fascinating. If you can get into the right groove his Center Of Stillness guided meditation is impressive, a great teaching of separating the senses. In the shower I'll usually do a few rounds of his Magic of IHVH-ADNI.
  21. Clothing, Colours and Emotions

    I dress in 'fall' colors and try to make everything go with everything else.
  22. I'm no expert but here's what I got. For excess energy exercise is good. If you have any friends in the martial arts, see if you learn a kata from them (or join a martial art school). Even better see if you can learn a weapons kata (sword or staff), with those you get the exercise, learn a skill and they focus your mind even more. Sexually, people talk about playing with the point of no return, but there's another one, the edge of staying hard; where you get Tai chi'ish, moving slowly, intimately, playing the game of connection, exploring different rhythms with the idea of just enough to stay sexually stimulated but far from orgasm, which depending on your reflex may be quite still at times. The other sexual idea is 8,100 strokes. You do a 8 short strokes then one long/deep. That is one, and you mentally and physically count that out on a finger, say your pinkie. Then repeat the 8+1 rhythm, that's two, counted out on the ring finger etc., til you've used all ten fingers, then the begin again (pinkie now 11..), til you've done 80 times plus one more for luck. I believe its from the Tao of Sexuality book. Make you explain what you're doing to you partner ahead of time and its something you work up to.
  23. don't know where to start

    When I do Zhan Zhang often I'll listen to Rawn Clark's Archaeous system. It's a hermetic element stacking system. Its 15 minutes long and works very well with standing practice. Leg region corresponds to earth, stomach to water, chest to air etc., As you progress, you move to subtler pieces of your elemental makeup. Its an interesting system and it makes the 15 minutes go by quickly. You get in your standing and learn a valuable system. A purist would say that you lose something by not having to face your own mind while standing and they're probably right, but there's a nice gain too and you can switch up. The series is free and downloadable at .
  24. I don't know. You may be seeing it over optimistically. This article from The Guardian - is mostly positive. Bama is being advertised as longevity Disneyland village, but the truth is "..In 2005 there were 17 or 18 people aged over 100, but these days there are just two, he thinks – not seven, as the village claims." also "..As the area has grown wealthier and less isolated, it has also grown less healthy. Bama is a microcosm of China: its burst of development made its shift from diseases of poverty to those of affluence even more pronounced."The centenarians eat braised pork every day. Since they have got richer, their diet has been changing," Yang said. "Last time I was there, I told them problems such as high blood sugar and high blood pressure were appearing in this village, and that if they were not careful, it would lead to death. They did not listen to me and despised [my advice]. They said they had just started to get rich, and we were trying to stop them." So my thinking is, like Okinawa it's a great climate, hard work, clean air and good water and traditional diet does wonders. Perhaps a little bit of gifted genetics helps too. But its no magic place where everyone lives to be 100+, in 2013 there were 2 centennials there.
  25. Man has only to know himself

    hmnn Shakespeare comes to mind-- This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. To thine own self be true. To me it means spending the time to figure out what you believe in. Working out definitions of right and wrong and what it means to be a complete human being. Also developing a gut instinct that points you in the right direction.