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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. pu'er super medicine

    Its a tea thread! I don't think it'd be out of place to mention the website here, conversationally. I think as long as its not flagrant, ie in many posts, knowing peoples expertise is an asset for members.
  2. What keeps us unconscious? Life itself, day to day responsibilities plus living in a culture that values the physical over the spiritual. and..not enough coffee
  3. pu'er super medicine

    Good stuff. We've had some past discussions on it. See here
  4. I think when we're tired and depressed we all secretly yearn for the world to end. Yet so far, tomorrows keep happening.
  5. 'Fairy Circles' - patterns in nature

    its all fun and laughs until someone mentions nazi death mines
  6. What you do not want done to yourself ...

    Hmnn, Get your own house in order before doing onto others anything.. Be so good and self sufficient that you don't need others to do anything onto you. Do onto others first the thing they would do unto you. Smile when others do onto you good & Smile when others do onto you bad (it'll confuse them & make'em nervous)
  7. Business Opportunities

    Ah, the clitoris. Too easy, not really a challenge. Rather, it's all connected. There are parts neglected, parts that have fewer nerves, but that can be a benefit too. Slow steady rhythmic movements to the outside lower back of the vagina can create long sensual delight. There's the X spot infront of clit, and the Y spot above that. A whole alphabet of spots. Moving away from the genitals, it's possible to get an orgasm through breast touching alone. Using the right order from deeper to lighter to teasing. Lots of opportunities and spots for the patient man to dance with.
  8. Our technological godships

    It struck me that my smart phones gives me limited 'factual omniscience'. I can find out the answer to most factual based information almost instantly. Like what's the weather in Bangladesh right now? I can find out. We can't fly, but we have planes and when you think about it, flying carpets and simply flying around would be very dangerous. We don't have telepathy but for we've had phones that allow us to communicate at light speed with others. We don't have precognition but we have access to news from around the world from local sources. There's a point here someplace. We take our tech for granted, though it gives us incredible powers. How can we make better use of it spiritually? My main 'spiritual tech' is listening to podcasts like infinite smile and zencast, learning from people, experts far away. Also guided meditations and biaurals. Maybe I'll get a pair of kangaroo style stilts that allow you to run quickly and leap 5 or 6 feet high.
  9. Our technological godships

    hmnn, isn't it a Hindu belief that eventually the gods screw up or get lazy and fall back down the chain of grace? Maybe that's what happens when we let our techs dull the senses instead of as tools to cultivate them.
  10. Our technological godships

    I liked the above video, but imo until we've found an intelligent way to control our human population growth, super longevity should probably be on the back burner, lest it make over population worse. On the bright side, sometimes education and opportunity is all it takes to control population growth, as per Europe and the U.S.
  11. 'Fairy Circles' - patterns in nature

    no. not fungal, fairy. You're just not waking up early enough to catch them flying aroun doin there thing
  12. Christian Qi Gong Masters !?

    That's an interesting case study that deserves a thread all by itself. Seems to me he started going down the 'dark' side when he cursed another in medititation and when he said doing chi gung made me feel I was always right. As I've said before if energy arts aren't balanced with a 'wisdom' tradition, ie listening to dharma/ethical talks you get lobsided and issues of paranoia and delusions of grandeur can take root. Without control even little bits of power can lead to corruption. Anything powerful cuts both ways. Bad luck, business loss, random criminal attack happens in life and probably shouldn't be reasons for changing ones religious views. But arrogance, pride, looking down at others (dark side of all isms) that Luke displayed, those are controllable and signs one should alter ones path. Personally I think you can keep the benefits of Chi Gong while avoiding the pits he fell into with a balanced approach. One that either comes with an experienced teacher or if thats not possible, putting in time learning and practicing higher ethical behavior.
  13. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Well.. the video begins with Art crying and saying Them is about to unleash a disaster to decimate the world population and the government isn't doing anything about it. Its been a couple years no population decimation, so Art was wrong or at least didn't need to get so emotional at the time. I think this was created the same time the disaster movie 2011 came out. Could Art have seen the movie and taken it as gospel? Also some of the other video shots of nasa ufo's seem to be from the phenomena of ice chips forming on a window and as the camera pans its picks up the reflection. It'd be interesting to hear what nasa has to say about the others. Odds are some of them are explainable. To find the truth you probably have to at least ask them so you can better divide what's unknown from whats easily explainable.
  14. You know what that means?? another Dzogen practitioner gets there rainbow i have too much time on my hands
  15. Upping Sticks

    Hope you have you have a good move, they can be trying. I'll keep a look out for messenger owls and keep a light on here for your return.
  16. Inspiring Acoustic Music

    After a 30 year absence Fleetwood Mac was back in town. I was going over there classic Rumours album and was amazed at how good the accoustic pickings were.
  17. Christian Qi Gong Masters !?

    ChristianMagus, in the case of board etiquette repeatedly using capital letters COMES OFF AS SCREAMING and is frowned upon. also In the past experience when we've had very religious people, Christian, Moslems, Hindu's.. who set themselves up as sole and final representatives of there religion, they generally don't last long here. In other words, its great to be proud of your form of Christianity (not sure which sect you are from), but beware of coming on too heavy. It tends to create backlash. Just be sensitive the fact there are people with other belief systems including Christians with other beliefs. I wanted to add something constructive here but can't find it. A teacher who impressed me was Anna Wise, who unfortunately passed away. She considered herself a Christian and a Taoist. She did much early brain wave testing of various high level meditators, from a wide swath of groups. One of the most impressive was a Christian faith healer. I'm looking through her book 'High Performance Mind', but I can't find his name. But he did have one of the most distinct brain waves, in this case it was multiple waves going on at the same time. Mantak Chia is one of the few who also displayed that phenomena.
  18. That's a very concise outline of the entire Healing Tao system. Hard to believe it could done in 3 hours. Seems like doing the entire 34 pages of 'morning' practice would end just about when it was time to go to bed.
  19. Is self defense egotistical?

    Yeah. The worst things about fighting be it physical, internet, or whatever is the ripples. Like knocking down a chain of dominoes you'll never know what you've set in motion. But once you set a negativity loose in the world, it may keep going and going and whether you know it or not you've made the world a little worse. On the third hand we're only human. Sometimes we can walk away, othertimes we can't, but we can try to create more peace then problems. ie Realize when we've gone negative and try to balance it with some positive uplifting comments. Be aware of slights we've given others and try to balance them out by going out of our way to help others. Kind of a self imposed penance.
  20. I agree, kinda. There are teachers who won't talk about what you 'should' feel. They want students to find out by themeselves authentically. Otherwise they'll be influenced by what they expect. Expectations can play a significant role in what you experience. Often its best to be a blank page. Otherwise your cultural bias's and beliefs will become your lenses.
  21. You make some good points about moving/nature/awareness but I gotta disagree with adding 'stress' to your list of no's, 2,500 years ago. Wasn't stress and suffering the reason Buddha became the Buddha? I'd also want to double check on pollution too. A big community with no plumbing or refrigeration can get quite polluted. Even porn might be more a mindset problem then exclusively a tech one. Still your solutions are right on.
  22. It was taught by skype, maybe 6 or 8 weeks where a group would skype 'live' with Santiago. I enjoyed Glenn Morris's book, (Pathnotes of a ..) bad title, great book. I'd also purchased his Meditation Mastery tape series. Glenn was a synthesizer taking and testing what he thought worked best from several systems. That would lay the foundation for KAP. You could see clear influences from Healing Tao, also from Hinduism- the chakra system. What I liked best was the secret smile practice. Doing the skype class reinvigorated the practice for me. When I'd do it regularly I'd be clearer, happier, more on. I also enjoyed the tummo taught in it. I probably never practiced long and earnestly enough to get the full potential of the system but there are a couple pieces of it I've integrated.
  23. Where is that crazy guy ....

    I've backpacked with Australian companions, and found- they are the friendliest craziest people on earth. This video has reinforced that opinion .
  24. Santiago Dobles who teaches KAP ( is in Florida. I did an online Kap seminar with him years ago. He seems like a top energy and martial arts guy. You can probably look him up online.
  25. Short answer. Everything. Give away or donate then join a monastery <choose wisely>. Just beware retreat ain't Vegas, no free lunch, it can be a very hard life, unless you have an egoless temperament. On the third hand you can have a very spiritual time at a yoga ashram, for a few weeks or months. Some get pretty extreme. The Sivananda ashram on Paradise island is a nice middle ground. <maybe a bit further from the ascetic side depending on where you stay and how you conduct yourself>