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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. anybody here take adaptogen supplements ?

    So many to chose from. I tend to be value oriented. Instead of looking for the best, what gives good value and is under appreciated? What do you consider best adaptogen bang for the money?
  2. Accelerate your cultivation...

    True that. Good kids, yes. Super kids, I don't know, that might be for the comic books. matter of fact, too much, too soon, can drive kids away, ala Krishnamurti. Who pretty much said: Take your theosophy and shove it. (or did he? I'm a little fuzzy on it, but he did walk away I believe)
  3. Get your commune started! :)

    What would your Commune look like? Mine would be a hilly area. Houses would have to be like Hobbit holes. Dug into the surrounding hills. Mostly underground. One wall could be exposed. Wonderfully environmental, keeping things cooler in summer, warmer in winter, better views. Gardens would be considered a norm. A weekly communal party would be a must. Playing a musical instrument or having a particular artistic ability you could use for the community would be a plus. Mine wouldn't follow too much of a communist life style. Money and outside jobs would be fine. I'd require a certain hours of communal work to done each month.
  4. "Needs no special coolant".. interesting. It'd be nice to learn more and one day soon see a scaled down working model.
  5. Befriending Money

    Beware, politics are everywhere and groups without any kind of 'military' tend not to last long. Even if the military takes the form of lawyers and P.R to fight on the legal front. Still, as far as picking a tribe, do you mean 'any' of them, or 'none' of them?
  6. What's the best thing you learned from taoism?

    Learning 5 element theory. Using it to accept and predict how things change and the best way to influence events.
  7. Befriending Money

    I can't help thinking, it looks appealing because you don't do it. Tribes are so diverse, what/which tribe would you, could you join? and is it a real tribe or an idealized one?
  8. Horse stance vs tiger stance

    On Michael Winn's Fundamental II DVD he has a chi gung series. One movement is Crossing the Ocean, you start out positioned like a swimmer about to start a race, very tiger stance like (I think) and then you straighten out while bringing the arms towards and behind you (like your paddling). After straightening and leaning forward you return to the low 'divers' crouch, repeat. Its very good for the back flexing it forward and backwards as you 'Cross the Ocean'. edit> Your tiger stance is what I thought it was. So the chi gung movement is much like paddling forward while going from standing into tiger stance. During standing you push your hips a little forward.
  9. Sorry Folks

    It had a tenth of a second boot up speed as I recall. In some ways tech has been going backwards. And who needs upper And lower case letters anyway?
  10. Sorry Folks

    I like my Mac mini but its 2 or 3 generations old. I'm waiting for the new version to come out. The nice thing is its so small I'll attach it to my TV and wallah, a great entertainment system.
  11. Evil whispering in my ear at night

    glad it worked it worked out well. What you listen to before sleep tends to invade your dreams. If the guy your listening to is into demon attacks and the need for protection you might want to switch and listen to a youtube that's a little more loving and soothing.
  12. How to work on your sub-personalities?

    I don't know if I've 'worked' with them, as much as made peace with'em. My bad habits are like young children who I'll give free reign to play completely every now and then, but have to shut up when I've got serious work to do. Then again, my young children are like bad habits who...
  13. Proving Breathless State to Medical Community

    Buddha boy was an interesting case. A young kid, undoubtedly highly spiritual, able to demonstrate breatharian abilities and long sitting is 'outed'. Gets attention, becomes a 'show' for the West, a spiritual superstar for the East, yet with the attention comes stresses. One of the last stories was Buddha teenager attacking some neighborhood kids who were making fun of him. We all have our buttons. Being a superstar is undoubtedly corrosive. Same with John Chang, or any would be messiah, you show off a 'power' and suddenly its not about spirituality, the art, its all show me magic. Spectacle overwhelms the hard work and spirituality of the art. I guess you avoid it, by keeping your mouth shut, siddhis hidden and eyes open for worthy students and companions.
  14. From California

    Yes, definitely. Some people are good 'bad' examples. You can ask 'What would A.H. do?' and know that doing the opposite is the right thing . Some people are so tense all the time, that being around them actually made me relax more. Seeing there hyper state was a constant reminder to chill, body and spirit.
  15. Proving Breathless State to Medical Community

    Get back 50 years and yoga was an exotic thing and yogi's were reknown for sealing themselves into coffins and being buried underground. I'm sure you can google stories about it and it certainly must take a high level of breathless state. I'm pretty sure its been documented by doctors/science. More a human hibernation then totally non-breathing state. Yet its an 'act' that was taken over by magicians. Such show takes focus from yoga's spiritual aim. It invites charlatans. People died doing it, often when the top of the wooden casket gives way. For those in the know who see masters carrying out a 3, 4 or more minute breath cycle. Its awesome. Quite an attainment in mind/body control. There are stories of Taoist who sit in caves unmoving for years, having a disciple watch over there body, hard to find proof of this. Thats separate from the Taoist hermits who live as near breatharians in caves. Which is documented.
  16. I've got one under the name Spoonk. I love it. It has 1,000's of small knobby spikes. It quickly 'teaches' you to lie perfectly still. I don't know too much about acupressure, but at the end of lying down, your back is full of little indentations from all the spikes. Once you get used to it, its actually feels good. I got mine at Whole Foods, but you can find'em cheaper on the internet.
  17. The David Icke Videocast: ISIS - made in America and Israel

    Beyond there rote paranoia, I think Icke and Alex Jones conspiracy theories dumb things down. Like extreme Fundamentalist view of all science where the answer to every question is: Cause thats the way God made it. With them you have the very simplistic, its cause the Illuminati did it. You don't need to know the motivations/history/movements of the various countries/religions/leaders/movements. Everything is dumbed down, its even pre-ordained. Can any regular listener of them be surprised that any terrorist event isn't an Illuminati job? It has to be, the answer is always 'They did it'. Too simplistic.
  18. Unnatural Humans

    We cannot run down most wild animals, a great runner can but at a heavy cost of calories. Burn through 1000's of calories to run down an animal, then you have to butcher it, transport the carcass, factor in no refrigeration and a successful hunt is no picnic. That versus the long road of domesticating animals, so you either herd them or fence'em in, but once done, you have greater control. Control is nice. You have security. Knowledge is nice, you learn to make things better. Still you don't want things or ones inventions to control you. To me the problem isn't technology its that humans tend to overshoot and miss the sweet spot. A place of balance where tech and time, art work and leisure find a proper balance. That sweet spot will have technology, schools and study. A bigger part is greater commitment to community. Work, party, art. We have the tools, there's just a lack of leadership. There are good models out there in the planned community movement.
  19. Nature = Good

    The food that most of us have been eating since childhood has been heavily modified from how it originally formed from nature. We've been playing with our food for, in some cases, 1000's of years, certainly 100's. Even more so with cattle and fowl. I'm not talking GMO's. I'm saying humans have guided the growth of plants in a way to produce larger, sweeter, better crops. Its basic intelligence and its served us well. Farmers have for centuries taken the best and let it reproduce, cherishing bigger, stronger, sweeter; at times just plain mutations, that are improvements. Its made our lived better, literally kept us from starvation. How anti tech would you suggest we get? Would you abolish farms? Abolish machines? I'm not an Ayn Rand fan, but I remember her short sci fi book Anthem; where any progress, any improvement was illegal. She showed it as a nasty world, and I agree that it would be.
  20. Thanks for this thread, its a good reminder how important it is to go bare foot outside. I've found to my delight if I leave my shoes on the beach and take a walk, they've always been there when I come back.
  21. I am looking for a Teacher

    I wonder if you'd want to repeat your original post here: Its exactly what the thread was made for.
  22. Introduction of me with a bunch of questions

    Hi Chrisrva, I assume when Stosh uses the word self, it should be looked at as 'ego' (I think). While I'm not as anti ego/thought as some, in the West we are to mind heavy and developing a quiet and excellent concentration is a step in the right direction. I find meditation restorative, it can act as a nice reset button but.. it can also be an escape if done too much or too mindlessly.
  23. Befriending Money

    Debt isn't always that bad. You can save up for 30 years to buy a house, say from the age of 25 to 55, then buy it, or take on debt and have a place to live in while you pay it back at relatively low rates. Not that different with a car. Ofcourse its a double edge sword that has to be used intelligently but the ability to borrow can help people live better. If we're talking American Indian tribes they may very well have debt in order to fund major projects for the betterment of the tribe. Improved roads, better schools, better housing etc., Its easy to idealize a primitive life but imo its a very hard one to live. God bless indoor plumbing, refrigeration, these things aren't just conveniences they save lives.
  24. The David Icke Videocast: ISIS - made in America and Israel

    I think the crazy conspiracy theorists like Icke make a lot of money and create much misery for listeners by peddling paranoia. If a person honestly believed him, they'd be very depressed, shivering in a bomb shelter since the early 90's, constantly awaiting disasters and apocalypti he predicts several times a year, every year. I'm amazed at how repetitive there programming is, and how its possible that 'true believers' lap it up, the calls of doom and destruction year after year after year.
  25. Befriending Money

    I get it, i get it. like you, I'd welcome a flatter society. Don't know about aboriginal, but think I'd welcome a more European socialist economic model. Course the devils in the details.