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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Would appreciate help

    Hmnn, that was also a 'case' in the book and TV show 'The #1 Ladies Detective Agency'. The Good Husband of Zebra Drive (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Series #8)
  2. PythagorianfullLotus (ie Innersoundqigong) speaks very highly of him.
  3. What's the signifigance?

    I tried to look it up, couldn't find anything. I'm guessing, its a knife! Blade on both ends. I read something about an elbow knife. edit> or it could be a loom shuttle
  4. Stillness Movement?

    Glad you referred to it as Stillness-Movement. Often people will shorten it to S-M practice and i wonder if people think we're hard core sadomasochists . A member here, Ya Mu teaches it, usually in seminars. Its a healing form of qi gong. He learned it from a famous master that he apprenticed under in China. I took a seminar. Much of it is simple. I'd meditated for years before learning his system where little bobbing motions during meditations are fine. They allowed me to sit longer. Things as simple as keeping my hands laying touching my hara/dantien also made a surprising difference. Then there's a whole set of moving routines in it. I found it worthwhile.
  5. Short Skirts and Bikinis

    I'm still hoping the plump middle aged look comes back into vogue .
  6. I'll have to give this some thought, but thought it'd be a worthwhile open question. What seminars made the biggest impression on you? Why and what practices did they teach. Thanks.
  7. Extent of possibilities

    I'll say yes, but it's not like Iron Fist. On a mundane level if you punch w/ chi, ie relaxed with much intent and extension you hit harder. Not all that mystical. At very high levels there is an energy but thats pretty rarified master level stuff and you still have to connect to the other person, which is not guaranteed.
  8. Thirty minutes of seiza sitting is pretty good. I find after the intense pain, comes numbness- then pain when I get up. Unless you're brought up doing it, I think it'll always be uncomfortable, especially for Western sized people. I find putting a folded blanket between my butt and thighs help, even better when some of its half folded under to cushion my knees. Often when it gets painful I'll switch to half lotus.
  9. The best seminar I ever took was..

    Vitalli has written about how demanding the seminar is. Just how intense was it? He seems to have them in exotic locations, where was it at?
  10. Meditation....

    There are some amazing and strange holy folk down in India. There's one practice where you raise one arm and point your finger towards heaven, you do that 24/7. Til the bones lock and calcify and you can do it in your sleep. Some of the extreme practices seem close to madness, but who am I to say.
  11. being a peaceful warrior?

    a little tangental. I just bought a groupon/coupon for me and a buddy to go to a shooting range. We get a half hour of lessons, then a chance to shoot a variety of guns. Why? I'll probably never own a gun ( could change if enough SHTF) but because they're out there I should learn how to handle one safely, where the safety is, how they're loaded and not to be overly shocked by the sound.
  12. being a peaceful warrior?

    Ofcourse, a quality regular warrior should be a peaceful warrior. With true strength comes an abiding peace and availability of options. Not to say nonviolent, rather more insight, options and a desire for peaceful resolution.
  13. being a peaceful warrior?

    In the U.S such stories sometimes make headlines, but generally there are either unusual extraneous details or they end getting dismissed in court by judges or juries.
  14. Half lotus on cushion. Occasional seiza (on knees) when I want to relive tough Aikido days. added If I'm not on a cushion thats at least 4 or 5 inches I'll sit in a looser more cross legged style.
  15. Upping Sticks

    Good luck getting the cottage Love to see some pictures of it. edit> don't make the pictures too good though I might fall in love and bid against you .
  16. HELP!

    My sister taught special education. She was in her 30's, the kids were 12 or 13, most of them weren't advanced enough to read. A mother walked into the class and asked 'Which one is the teacher?' Life is usually served messy. Glad you're out Captain, stay mellow. or frosty, or heck just act natural and hope you can get away with it.
  17. How many hot dogs does it take to change a light bulb? Answ. None hot dogs can't change bulbs. & change must come from within.
  18. Seems to me you can't visit places like that without a few adventures along the way. Care to tell us one?
  19. & tasting the hot dog the taoist said 'My time here is completed'. His body turned rainbow bright and faded. He spent some time visiting the sacred spots, then crossing through time itself, then inter-dimensional spaces of elemental beings and gods. Finally he traveled our universe, ending up on a huge globe covered by water except one rocky area where he could sit and hum along with green/purple misoelectonic of the world's stratosphere. Just when he got the harmonics perfectly in sync, he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was the Buddhist, saying 'You owe me $3.50 for the dog.'
  20. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Mod Comment (hopefully my last here) You are missing the point. We have 7 pages of discussion in the mod section about your trolling behavior from numerous members here on several threads. It is not about proving what is authentic, its ABOUT BOARD ETTIQUETTE. Perhaps the best way to say this is-If you continue what members and the mods consider trolling another member, then you will be suspended. Please note, this is not what you consider to be trolling, it is what we, the board does. You are enough of a valued member that I will only recommend a 2 week suspension, others may want something longer. You can keep the theme of the discussion going, your view is valid but please leave your vendetta's against other members out of it. A good start would be editing away remarks about another member in the first post. Keep the subject drop the personal references.
  21. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Another Mod Warning We were hoping you could discuss your views on Alchemy without bringing up and insulting another's members view. I'd ask you to edit your first post. You can make your point without bringing in another member. I think this counts as a continuation of trolling behavior (putting u on very thin ice). I don't think you meant it that way and you have a sincere difference of belief. Keep the belief and discussion going, but stop the personal writings about Vitallii. A good start being editing away the reference to Vitalii.
  22. The hot dog vender was Buddhist and the cost came to $3.45. The daoist paid with a $5. After receiving the hot dog the daoist asked for his change. The Buddhist shook his head, no. Saying "Change must come from within" ok now for something slightly original. Two young Zen Buddhists student sat in the yard watching a flag wave. One said: 'The flag is moving.' The other said 'No, it is the wind moving'. The master came by and spoke 'No, it is your mind that is moving' just then the flag detached and flew skyward. The 2 students looked to the master. He said 'Hmnn, now it is the flag that moves', smiled and walked away
  23. Feeling powerless and low

    and sometimes its okay to sing the blues, feel down in the dumps. Not for too long, but its also okay to surrender to it for a while. Thats why they wrote the blues. But after week or two skillful ways should be found to lift yourself out.
  24. Gods created out of Fear

    I infiltrate a yoga ashram every now and then, not because I do yoga, but because the people are so damn interesting. Many Hindu's who have good relations with there Gods. See them as real beings who party down, grant wisdom and even wishes. Its a paradigm different from what I'm used to. I'm not skeptical as much as putting there beliefs in an 'I don't know' file. Even if real, I don't think I'd seek that path, but I do hope.. the world is more multi-dimensional then we suppose. Other worlds criss cross ours and synchronicities are more then just coincidence.
  25. Computer codes found in fabric of reality!

    I know one thing. The video no longer exists, but the Universe does.