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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. singing bowl

    Do all the bowls 'sing' after one has been tapped? Interesting that you say Flower of Life, it can't be seen, but thats probably exactly what's forming sonically within the bowls.
  2. Ofcourse its not true. Don't you people have working BS detectors? Especially when finding evidence that agrees with your position spectacularly. From site: The claimed quote is: Bunk from external source “There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.” - President John F. Kennedy 7 days before his assassination It's often accompanied with this image (which I've annotated in yellow). Note the misspelling of "noble" as "nolbe" (this was fixed in later versions of the image) The first step in debunking a quote is to find the original source. In this case the debunking is easy, because there is no original source. Kennedy never said that. It's a made-up quote. The quote does not exist in any book indexed by Google, or Amazon. Zero results. Compare that with the "Monolithic and ruthless conspiracy" quote, which gets over 1,520 results in Google books. This means the "quote" is so new that it's not even got into any conspiracy books yet. And not only is there no record of him having said it, there's no record of anyone even claiming he said it. Seven days before his Nov 22 1963 assassination would be November 15th, 1963. On Nov 14th JFK gave a news conference: where he said nothing at all like that quote. That news conference is sometimes attributed to Nov 15th, as it appeared in the NYT the following day. Actually on Nov 15th, JFK gave two speeches. The first was to the AFL-CIO labor organization, and was a generally upbeat assessment of American industry. The second was the to Catholic Youth Organization, and is slightly closer in tone, but still nothing like what is claimed. The following is an actual quote from JFK in that speech, and is the only thing of record that he said that day that remotely resembles the claimed quote: Content from external source The world is engaged in the most difficult and trying struggle in its long history. All of the great epics which have torn the world for the last 2,000 years pale in comparison to the great ideological gulf which separates us from those who oppose us. It is our responsibility not merely to denounce our enemies and those who make themselves our enemies but to make this system work, to demonstrate what freedom can do, what those who are committed to freedom and the future can do. The invented quote could possibly be an extreme corruption of this, but is more likely a paraphrasing of elements of the April 27th 1961 "conspiracy" speech that led to other mis-quotes: I did a little digging to try to find some possible origins of the "enslave", and the earliest usages: Earliest full mention on Usenet: 4/10/2004
  3. A Handbook of Zen Meditation- Opinions wanted.

    I like it. Succinct but thorough. You start out w/ controversy, probably negative controversy. I'm talking about the No God, No reincarnation on top. Which should shake up two different groups. Do you want to start readers a little off balance or is that dogma creeping in?
  4. I am just a cog. We've got some very good people here in the mods. I can't imagine how hard it would be for one person to have to read, review and decide the issues good, bad and ugly by themselves. Its worthwhile looking behind the scenes. And when there's openings, I encourage members to join. Its not a just a mod, its an Adventure . Trunk: Always looking for new mods for the pool... Quote We've put in place a model of a "moderation rotation pool", where (ideally) each mod serves for a period of time (say, ~ 4 months) then rotates out of active duty and back into the pool. The idea is to help prevent burnout, amongst other things (balanced life, for instance, lol). Eventually I'd like to have about a dozen moderators in the pool to draw from, only 3-4 on active duty. If you're interested, pm me. In considering whether you'd like to moderate please review: 1. TTBs 3 Foundations - states the vision of the board. In terms of moderation, if your vision of TTBs varies, moderating at TTBs might not be for you. We'd need to at least communicate about differences first. 2. Forum Terms & Rules - basis for most common mod issues.
  5. greetings all, what is stranger than fiction?

    I'm glad your mom is better. During an emergency, its good not to feel anything.?! Feelings can be a luxury that slow you down when you can least afford it. When shit hits the fan, it's wisdom to go into third person mode until danger has passed, then let the feeling back in. imo. What helped bring balance to my life when I was younger; stressed out at work and too much in my head. Martial arts. At 25 I started doing Aikido. The physicality of it; people attack, you throw'em. You attack, they throw you. Think too much and its goes screwy. It demanded focus and attention. Not saying its for everyone but it worked well for me. It also connected me with some very nice people in the club. As important as the physical and focus were, going out afterwards, hitting some special trainings, also put more balance into my life.
  6. NO! Change must come from within. Now about that hotdog.
  7. Thats where Judaism has an advantage. In an orthodox yeshiva (religious school) I was taught that up until Abraham we could take all the stories as parables. Holy parables, but not necessarily literal truth. Though both options were considered fine.
  8. Africans ruled and educated Europeans from 700 to 1492

    What school? Can you give an example of any history book in the U.S that says that? Or are you just making it up cause it fits your prejudice? Our history books may be 'colored' by pop culture, by they aren't that inaccurate. All in all, I disagree. There is a school grade level of history that is nationalistic and 'written by the winners' and filled with P.C myths, but as you progress beyond that you get closer to the true story. By college and above you can find a depth and truth through detective work, contemporary diaries; research beyond the easy sources and get a grasp of what really happened. A great historian sifts through self garbage, even or I should say especially when its contemporary. They're archaeologists digging through history for the clues to find the truth. By and large I think they succeed.
  9. greetings all, what is stranger than fiction?

    No, not at all. There's a magic to writing or least a mind set that it creates. Good writing originates in the subconscious and flows through our filters. Good art changes your how you interact with the world. A photographer looks at the world different, they noticing negative space. A writer notices dialog and possibilities within every day life. Multiply that with kundalini sensitivity and it can be like a strange ride. Your post reminds me of Julia Camerons work. She's written many books on the link between creativity, writing and mood. Her book The Artist Way is in most libraries. Personally I don't think we make/create the world. Rather we create a mindset that notices, focuses and interprets in a unique way. Same world different lens.
  10. While I learned to be comfortable walking to and from classes in a long skirtlike hakama, in general I prefer blending in to my environment.
  11. Africans ruled and educated Europeans from 700 to 1492

    Thing is European culture didn't have a lot to crow about from 700's to 1300's. It was probably eclipsed by China, Arabia and South America too.
  12. You're an impressive artist, to me the first is Alex Grey meets classic Taoist alchemy graphic. Great anatomy on the second, nice show of channels. Artistically the head of the 2nd is a little too complex, it might be better simplified. or not Both feel static though, which is fine. I don't feel motion within them. I wonder if the eclipsed moon is more moon/sun to get a better feeling of hot and cold/ rising falling.
  13. Stillness-Movement Workshop -- Comments

    I also found the people very kind. I wanted to buy his book and he was out. A woman who had 2 gave me one of hers and wouldn't take money for it. It was nice to have a group dinner and informal lunches together besides the time spent in the seminar.
  14. What does awareness mean?

    Beyond schools, deci belle approaches (often) from a poets point of view that moves the subject out of intellects range and into a different, maybe better realm for conceptualizing. imo
  15. I want a diploma.

    oh my.. Oh my god, has this thread really made it to the 18th page! just wow.. what are philosophical implications of that? Don't Answer! you'll only feed the beast.
  16. Little red box

    I miss Chegg too. Very optimistic person. He gave Christianity a good 'face' here.
  17. I was paging through the E vs C and thought I'd take this tangent. If you had to pick a heaven amongst the various religions, what would it be? I'll start: Judaism is all over the place on the after life. Biblically there's a somber Sheol, reincarnation, mass resurrection, back to dust.. Which later moved towards heavenly 'World to come'-much like earth but nicer. and immortal. However it seems an evolution towards bodyless soul at one w/ God. Sorta basking in the ultimate. Seems like Catholicism has been moving in that direction too. In someways would be pick impersonal basking in Oness vs Classical ourselves in heavenly place? I suspect we don't pick, still between those two.. in the short run I'd pick myself in a heavenly settting. In the long run I suppose I'd go for basking.
  18. No, your thoughts and participation are important. (aimed at everyone>) Just argue with good will. Be against ideas, not people. Don't take things personally. State your case honestly and move on. Don't continually rehash, don't hold grudges. Particularly in the Buddhist area, be more respectful, because it is the Buddhist Area; it should showcase Buddhist ideals and mentality. And to get nasty here is to betray those ideals.
  19. What was the Buddhas Name?

    To me, the great thing about Buddhism is his name isn't important. Nor his power, lifestyle or divinity etc., Its all about his teachings. They stand on there own, without claims to the supernatural.
  20. An Experiment in Buddhist Discussion

    wise ass answer 1: It looked alot like my grandfathers, or so I'm told. wise ass answer 2: Mu! (always a good fall back to Zen questions) my best answer, as of right now I had no face. thats the best I got.
  21. Standing

    I was looking up where the weilu point was and found this article (by T.K Shih) that I found interesting: THE FIVE PAIRS A "pair" refers to the mutual relationship between one place and another. It is also the connection between points and lines. The five pairs include the nose pointing at the navel, the wei-lu point being opposite the heel, the kneecap pointing at the tip of the foot, the elbow facing the knee and the mental connection of the middle fingers. By using these five pairs, we can enable the movements of the body to be unified and the upper and lower parts of the body to be joined into an organic whole. 1. The Nose and the Navel A vertical line is made from the tip of the nose to the navel but this is not accomplished by lowering the head and pointing the nose. Rather, there is slight pulling of the two points after they are aligned. In this way the chin and throat are tucked in and the energy at the crown of the head is light and sensitive so that the head and body are connected. This can then cause the "head to be erect" at all times when moving the body forwards and backwards or turning it. 2. The Wei-Lu point Faces the Heel A vertical line is made from the coccyx to the heels (it faces the middle point between the two heels when one is in the horse stance and faces the rear heel when doing the horse or sitting stance). However, when these points face each other, it is necessary to pay attention that the heel, wei-lu point and occipital bone in the back of the head connect into one line.When the body is in a sitting posture these points form a straight line, when doing a bow stance they form an oblique straight line and when the body is bent forwards they form an arched line. When the wei-lu is made to face the heels one must tuck in the hips and buttocks, raise the knees and sit with the body. The head, trunk, lower limbs, the upper and lower parts of the body, will be connected and one will be able to keep the "body straight." 3. The Knees Face the Tips of the Feet This refers to having the force point of the vertical line from the middle of the kneecaps (bi-du points (ST35)) face the tips of the large toes (the yin-bai (SP1) points on the insides of the toe nails). The kneecaps must always face the tips of the feet whether one is doing a bow stance, empty stance or horse stance. When the tip of the foot is raised up it is hooked up and faces the kneecap. When the tip of the foot is turned the force point of the kneecap faces the tip of the foot. If one is able to have the knees face the tips of the feet, this can make the feet flat and the steps stable. 4. Mentally Connect the Middle Fingers This involves connecting the middle line of the two arms. Regardless of the distance of the two hands or whether they are in front, in back, above or below, use the mind to connect the force points of the middle fingers (there is slight pulling). As a result of this, one will feel that the whole body is full and connected with the qi of the dan-tian. The mental connection of the middle fingers is the key to keeping the "two upper arms rounded." 5. The Elbows and Knees Face Each Other The elbows are the centers of the arms while the knees are the centers of the legs. If one is able to pay attention to make the upper and lower connections of the elbows and knees whatever the movement is, then the arms and legs will not become stiff and straight. One can also then make the upper and lower parts of the body correspond each other, protect the ribs on both sides and integrate the head being erect, the body being straight, the feet being flat and the upper arms being rounded so as to cause the body posture to be connected into one organic whole. #4 is a practice I 'discovered' doing Aikido that has added power to my movements. The article reminded me of the power of the little things. Small adjustments and ways of thinking, standing and moving that increase your power.
  22. 10,000 Hawkers Hawking

    I'm reminded about a story, probably true, in a book about hypnosis. The writer of the book had an office and was a professional hypnotist. One day a client comes in, and because they're working on the street in front, a loud jack hammer is going off. They can barely hear each other. Nonetheless the hypnotist goes to work, shouting out the induction and he changes it a bit. He includes- '..the louder the jack hammer the deeper you'll go, the louder the jack hammer the deeper you'll go'. It's successful and at the next session the man told him, 'I really wish we had that jack hammer again!' Perhaps more helpful- in case such an exotic mind trick doesn't work, I'd recommend a white noise machine, any device, computer, CD player, ipod etc., that can broadcast loud white noise. These days there a huge number of scientific noises made specifically to block out noise and entrain listeners.
  23. They've got a job ahead of them. Cosmos is about the whole realm of science, from Big Bang to the DNA in the bacteria on your toothbrush. Creationist are more like one trick ponies.
  24. simplify

  25. One "issue" I have with this site.

    The former. Exalted is probably an expert on arguments because its his thing and it gets him attention. Thus he'll write 4 posts to any of ours and try to goad people into his game- name calling and labeling. back on track. To me the bums isn't a school (though the world certainly is), its more a cafe. People gather, converse, chew the fat. Different groups, different corners, different discussions. Its all good.