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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Questionnaire

    1> No. Don't believe or give into people who give you evil choices, best to walk away. 2>same 3>same. Wait, there's a pattern here, do some thing immoral get prize or blessing. Again, I'd walk away, I wouldn't play the game or believe its ground rules. I'd tell the cruel being 'You want to make the world a better place. Just do it. Don't play games. bye bye, catch you in the funny papers.' 4> walk away
  2. Getting pretty Spammy in here

    <sigh>, I'm going to miss Wembalasar and his great deals on purses and vongra. It was very spiritual spambot too. It 'liked' me, even after I repeatedly reported him. Bye Wembalsar you may be the closest thing to an immortal (virus) we get on the bums.
  3. Not that I know of. Its easy to get the 'feeling' of the MCO, though that might be just heightened awareness of the nerves along the circle. For many it stops as just a physical sensation mantra, with the 'real thing' a much more powerful kundaliniesque experience. I tend to think even after years, that's where I am still. I agree w/ Michael Winn and others that the best approaches go beyond mental and have physical components. As someone who is admitted 'not there' I like the guided meditation by Minke DeVos ( on her Tao Basics CD called Microcosmic Orbit. Best to train live with a teacher who's been there ofcourse.
  4. I see we have 2 new pinned posts. I understand why some pinned items are necessary, but my thinking is they should be minimized because the meat of the board is discussions posts, and once they slip beyond the first list, they tend to get lost and forgotten. Pinned items take up too valuable space and should have great value to justify being pinned. The Census Pin is alright, but to pin Census Discussion seems gratuitous. I don't think its needed. I value cleaning up the Pins enough to mention my own pin '30 minute 30 day Mentorships' can be either unpinned or put into the Personal Discussion setting in order to free up more space. Button line, I think Census - Discussion should be let unpinned. Thoughts?
  5. Magnificent 'Super Moon' Tomorrow

    Supermoon June 2013: Everything You Need To Know About Perigee Moon This Weekend
  6. Getting pretty Spammy in here

    Hey Spambot has a great price on Vigora. I'd buy some more but it gives me a stiff neck.
  7. Dorian Black's Final Farewell! :)

    Last but not least, if you study w/ Clyman you're probably in Chicago. I'm in a near North Suburb. PM me sometime and we can get coffee or something.
  8. Good practice for inflammation

    I was under the weather recently. I turned to The Bone Dreaming Meditation, a taoist healing guided meditation by Giles Marin on his Sleeping Chi Kung album. Its 30 minutes long and concentrates and 'lights up' the bone structure, putting you into a state of deep relaxation as it does. Interestingly it doesn't talk about healing, but the bones and there marrow are the source of white blood cells. I think focusing on them does a world of good. Its a relatively inexpensive CD, google it if you're interested. Dietwise it seems like your doing everything right. There is short simple but profound healing form called Pangu that I like. Michael Winn has a version of it on Youtube. Here it is:
  9. Seems to me part of being non-offensive is not to bash other peoples beliefs. Religion was brought to the conversation somewhat lightly, on the level of a T-shirt slogan. Yet you have so much animosity toward religion, (thankfully no one wrote WWMD) that you launch into a long attack that will be very offensive to people of the Christian faith. In your eyes, you're totally right, totally justified, they/it deserves it and much worse, they must be educated about their evils. Someone wrote WWJD and you set the stage (yet again) for religious war. Putting down bait and waiting. Yet this is a thread about being non offensive, one you started. WWJD should not be a trigger for such a Offense/Attack reaction. A peaceful world (and/or board) begins when we can let the little things slide. Someones opens w/ Jesus and hell fire, then by all means blast them, but lets not let the trifles batter us. Maybe the price of peace is tolerance. Push back our red lines of intolerance just a little bit, give others a little more room.
  10. I don't see things as apocalyptcally as most posters here. I don't buy into a few people control everything scenario either. Hell we've seen billionaires spend over 100 million to defeat Obama and fail miserably. Hell if there was poster boy for the rich it was Oil man Bush I, and he was just one term, followed by a man who raised taxes on the rich. Sorry getting off subject. I welcome the possibility of U.S losing Super Power status though. It'd be nice to end the 'We lead and Police the World' mentality. Truly recover a peace dividend and concentrate on rebuilding American from the schools up. Its possible, a source of dependable cheap energy would help, folding down the current wars. Wealth makes for decadence and a sense of too much power and America been compared to a very wealthy man who spends way more then he has. We need to rebalance, and it doesn't need to be abrupt. Slow and steady over a decade or two and there may be changes, positive ones, we can't imagine now.
  11. Problem is, some people ask that question in a stressful situation and come up with 'kick'em in the balls'. Sadly that tends to be the human condition. We tend to be more rationalizing then rational.
  12. well that was easy. Maybe we should rename the board too. I'm thinking 'Tao Bums and Son'. That might make it more family oriented .
  13. Who's interested in becoming a Moderator?

    Celestial doesn't seem too crazy and wants the job. If he understands the work involved and temperance needed, I say great.
  14. Let me add something more positive to the conversation. What is the friendliest nation? I found the Australians and New Zealanders I've met have been strikingly friendly and I assume there civil society while (from my small sample) get along wonderfully. I assume a 'flatter' society like socialism adds to it, though communism which tends to evolve dictatorial is not a great solution. Or is Japan an ideal? They're very non offensive, it's almost a religion. But at a cost. Such non offensiveness comes with the price of tremendous conformity. It's changed a bit in modern times, but there suicide rate is huge. you don't conform its crushing.
  15. Sniff sniff you're accusing people you know nothing about of being spiritually, compassionately lacking. Aww, go away you hater you. Frankly I'm offended but not an 'offender', I'm just troubled by Political Correctness run amuck. Worst being those who call out others because of something they 'thought'. Too easy to stereotype and condemn. You wanna make an example of Paula Deen, then spend time researching and find out if she really is a racist. Odds are she's not. It will take more then 5 minutes, you'd actually need to get some input with friends, her own writing, even heaven forbid write the woman and ask(!). You probably won't, the truth is secondary to outrage in PC field. There are packs of politically correct who search the internet hoping to find the next tid bit so they can be enraged. If the wrong people are smeared, it doesn't matter, the PC thought police are by there very nature fascists. I re-read your original post. What a beautiful example of PC run amuck, like the when a lawyer asks, 'Have you ever used the word Nigger?' She answers 'Yes' and that automatically makes her a racist. Context doesn't matter, definitely secondary, truth isn't in the ball park. Like asking 'Have you ever made fun of anyone?" Bam you're a whatever bigot. Case made and over by Political Correctness Finest. Once you shut down the brain, its easy to decide who's spiritually and compassionately lacking. Worse there's enough real discrimination to fight that these things are just puffery to inflate egos, be they right wing or left.
  16. The best way to live in an offensive world is to take less offense. If a comedienne somewhere in the world says something, who the feck(whoops), really cares? Neither of us know who Paula Deen is, I assume she's low level comedienne, its what they do. Is life really long enough for us to spend time being offended by an idea about how someone wants people to dress for a wedding that's was never put into place? There is so much real crap that takes place in the world why waste a moment on someones <slightly deranged> imaginary weddings plans? A good comedienne should have more lee way then the common folk. The great ones can always be accused of racism, especially against there 'own kind'. They are the jesters before the king able state truths no one else dares. That don't mean they're always right, but its there job, to provoke, engage, enrage, as well as entertain. Often comediennes are on the front lines of social justice issues, the greats are the edgy ones who go out on a limb and shake. Beware of too much political correctness in the comedy world.
  17. 9 to 5, Escaping the Rat Race

    Owning my own business then selling it off to a competitor after 15 years was my way out of the rat race. Not easily replicated, but it worked for me. I've never cared too much about stuff, but money can equal greater freedom.
  18. whats your zodiac Sign ?

    Libra on the cusp of Scorpio. Not that I believe in this stuff, but I like my sign. Striving for balance, but a bit edgy. If you want to get your whole read out, ie what planet is in what thingy, go to put in your birth date and you'll get a pretty detailed report <accurate?> at no charge. example: Sun Libra 28.13 Moon Taurus 3.19 Mercury Scorpio 2.08 Venus Virgo 18.23 Mars Leo 21.32 Jupiter Taurus 23.57 R Saturn Aquarius 28.27 R Uranus Virgo 13.17 Neptune Scorpio 16.52 Pluto Virgo 15.29 Lilith Capricorn 1.16 Asc node Gemini 24.21 Continue to our new site!! Birth Chart This birth chart shows the positions of the planets of aMichael The planets in the signs The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual psyche. Sun in Libra He has a great need to be part of a group. He likes to mix with people and looks for partnerships. He likes and respects justice. He approves of society's values. He is level-headed and assimilates quickly. Weaknesses: does not think enough, he is frivolous. A dilettante in love. He is easily swayed by group pressure. Moon in Taurus Sweetness itself. Convinced of their ideas and strong-willed. He is foresighted and willful. He knows how to trust. He appreciates all the good things in Life. He likes and protects Nature. Weaknesses: excesses in pleasure, laziness, sensuality, thoughtlessness. Mercury in Scorpio Plays on words, argues, criticizes, jokes, is ironical, mocks. He is crafty and always finds a solution to a problem. Weaknesses: mocks, derides, disputes, constantly picks a quarrel. A really awkward customer. Venus in Virgo Gives help to sick and old people. He is very devoted, does not show emotions: he is prudish and never lets himself go, either through fear of ridicule or through fear of not being loved in return as much as he loves. Always suspects the feelings of others. He is therefore sometimes too undemonstrative, so the other (thinking she is not loved) will leave. Weaknesses: likes to flirt and provoke. He is perfectly in command of his own feelings, which often lack passion or force. His love is never for free but must automatically bring a bonus, be it only an intellectual pleasure. Mars in Leo Combative strength. He always realizes his schemes. Can undertake big projects, conclude them successfully and receive the deserved rewards. He likes responsibilities and difficulties above all, and imposes himself forcefully. Weaknesses: Combative force can lead to violence if he thinks it necessary. He is bold, presumptuous, intrepid: he likes to face danger and can naturally have a few hiccups on the way. Jupiter in Taurus He likes the good things in Life and knows how to profit from them. A high liver, but perhaps a little too greedy. He controls and administers his affairs, money well. Weaknesses: he is a little too obsessed by increasing his material possessions, money. Has too great a desire to possess, to be powerful. Saturn in Aquarius Long-term studies and, if family circumstances do not allow this, he will teach himself. He is serious and methodical in work. Likes to visit the elderly and intellectuals, who both enrich his mind. Weaknesses: bad luck, adversity, problems and disappointed hopes. .. <Such things seem close and are intriguing, but from what I've read in psych studies where people are given the wrong forecast they tend to be just as impressed as those who get the right ones.> later edit: and under vmarco's destiny card system I am: Ace Of ClubsThe Ace Of Clubs is the one of the four special semi-fixed cards. People born on the Ace of Clubs birthdays are the best informed people in their circle of friends. There is nothing much to escape their attention. The Ace of Clubs is a born leader, one who knows better the true reasons behind people actions and willing to share his or her knowledge with others. The Ace of Clubs seeks many channels of expression. Their mental abilities are incredible and so their drive for learning about life. They have an extraordinary vision for all kind of metaphysical studies, either they accept it in themselves or not. The Aces of Clubs have a magnetic charm that drives public to them. The Ace Of Clubs is a positive thinker, quick, witty and aggressive debater. The best way to learn for them is a good argument. Strong desire for self-expression may start to manifest in their early childhood. For most Ace of Clubs people, mother plays a vital role in creating their strong character and stimulates their quest for finding their own identity. Quick and passionate tempered nature will never stand slow environment, and will cause arguments with teachers, or any people in charge. The Ace Of Clubs person is born for the professional success. Working with groups of women, or in any area interconnected with beauty and home are the great fields to apply their talents. They are basically people of a large picture. They plan for a long term, and often against anything that limits their horizons. Working as an employee might be a challenge. <It strokes the ego, so it must be true >
  19. I suppose a lot depends on how little and childish ones view of God is. Do we think he reacts like a 3 year old, a 6 year old, a teenager? Like we would? I think we tend to anthropomophisize God, when the very concept should be hugely mind blowing and not reduced to a Zeuslike figure.
  20. Help me refine this mind tool

    I find putting decisions and philosophies through symbolic flow charts can create wonderfully useful models. I'm not sure how exactly how it'd be done, but I immediately 'see' a paper divided in half. The first half blank except for the word empty. The second begins with Everything and from there the decisions and choices flow down.
  21. Hard liquor, but so far it's only temporary. Seriously, sometimes doubts equal intelligence. You don't or can't know what the best thing to do is. We live in a world of standing dominoes. We weigh, we intuit, we hope for the best. Maybe what you're asking is how to stay disciplined when you question the path you're on. A genius (I forget the name Buckminister Fullsomehing) once said real progress takes obsession. Putting away your doubts and giving the system your all. But have a mental trick where at certain picked time periods, a month, a year etc., you clearly and objectively look at the system, your progress and your relation to it, and judge whether to continue or change.
  22. Help me refine this mind tool

    The saying remind me that the opposite of a great truth is another great truth. Yet I also get a feeling that listing them the way you do makes them feel formulistic and a bit sterile. As if less were more.
  23. Vegan Diet

    I'm for limiting grains (very hard to do in this culture), not abolishing them. From what I've read the vast problem with most Americans is that they're too acidic. With meat being much of the culprit (plus sugar and starches). I'd also add maybe TCM thinks of grains as balancing, in classical Taoism they're on of the evil list and not to be eaten.
  24. free will is BS

    Very cool. No yes, no no. Cutting to the solution of the question without philosophy, using real world repeatable experience. Excellent.
  25. Vegan Diet

    Yum, they're all very tasty, though Silverback stew is getting prohibitively expensive these days, thankfully horse burgers are still plentiful and baby elephant is very filling. . Actually I do think going veggie can be very healthy for ourselves and our planet. But its not for everyone, some people crash on it, they need meat be it fish fowl or <can't think of animal f word> fur (! genius) to stay in good health. I have a good friend who was hard core veggie for 20 years but ultimately had to admit he was getting more colds, allergies, and felt increasingly weaker on his diet. Course 10's or even 100's of millions of people are vegetarians and do great, outliving there carnivorous counterparts. Personally I think processed foods are the enemies of health, primarily sugar and grains. I still eat'em, but try to lessen it.