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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Disturbing conclusion

    yup blame game. The real world is made up of people too complex to fit into such a tight box. The person who holds such views is crippling themselves in my opinion. Isn't the second part your friends theory, Men are poor victims unless they're assholes? Don't be an asshole, don't be a victim, don't buy into woman are masochists. Be a good person, find a good person; it might not be easy, but I think it will be impossible if you keep mindset where your friend's philosophy. Michael
  2. Strange things with MCO

    I don't know how relevant it is, but Minke De Vos from the HT school starts teaching the microcosmic orbit as two balls moving through the orbit. First at opposite ends, then chasing each other w/ additional 'balls' added into the path. So interestingly enough, you're feeling one her teaching methods for the orbit Michael
  3. Confused

    Daniel Reids books on Taoism make for a good primer. The Tao of Health Sex & Longevity. He has another older book thats quite good. Remember there's no Taoism Pope. Views vary widely. Use the search function (above) to find old threads on the subjects you're looking for. You'll find controversy and maybe some answers. Yours Michael I have a best of Tao bums blog I keep, its getting pretty long. I'll create a new section in the Personal Practice section for thelerner and throw it up under Best of TB IMHO.
  4. Lion Ba Gua or Lion asana?

    Man & Lion as friends. Maybe this video will be useful? Michael
  5. On another vein, I'd posit thoughts..they come and go. Some 'I' know I create, most of them come and go as they will, leaving little or no trace of their existence. One thought creates another, building into something then collapse into nothingness, a thousand times a day. My test of a Great Truth is this: The opposite of a great truth is another great truth. Michael
  6. The sound of one hand clapping

    If one pays attention one can hear the sound of one hand clapping. M.
  7. 365 Tao - ORIENTATION

    There is a very cool guided meditation that works with this imagery. Its Rawn Clarks Center of Stillness Meditation (CSM) & its a free download from his site-just google it. It has you separating out sensory organs and putting them into orbit around you. Then you do the same for thoughts and emotions, detaching them from your self. Like the title says,it puts you into the center of stillness where sensory and thoughts occur outside of you, leaving you in a deep state of peace, where you can look at the issues of your life without encumbrance. Worthwhile if anyone is interested. Michael
  8. Best book for learning TCM?

    Like 3 other posts I like 'The Web that has no Weaver'. Its not necessarily a book with lots of depth, but for a lay person it explains and connects TCM world theories from medicine to Feng Shui beautifully. Michael
  9. tea

    Someone posted green teas are supposed to be refrigerated. I've never heard that before. I'm under the impression keeping teas in an air tight container is fine. Any thoughts on storage? Thanks Michael
  10. Want to be a moderator of The Tao Bums?

    I think thats great. Taomeow rounds out the mod squad nicely. She brings to it an expertise in Magic & esoterica where so often some of the nastiest discussion lie. Michael
  11. New Kundalini Website

    Nice site. Clear, middle of the road, written from a Western perspective. Michael
  12. Lao Tzu, proof he existed?

    Its an interesting question from a cultural point too. I've wondered about his existence out loud. A woman who went with Stigwerd to a big Taoist convention in China had an article censored by the Chinese. I think its because it asked that question. It may be considered taboo in some circles. Michael
  13. 1 Glass of Wine?

    I think I'll join you. I usually have a glass with dinner. Statistically those who imbibe a glass or 2 a day have fewer heart problems and live longer. A glass of wine is actually a potent tonic, tastes good too. Michael
  14. Forum upgrade ...

    No emoticons!! Thanks for all your work Sean, Still exploring. The old board had the promise of not only live chat but an audio chat function we never got to work. This week I want to see how live chat works and explore audio and even visual chat possibilities. Michael What the.. scratch that about the no emoticons, seems they've arrived
  15. involuntary celibacy and isolation

    None of us have any magic words, new concepts or startling ideas that can help you. 5Elements is right when he said "celibacy and isolation are not the root or cause of your problems it is the result of your problems. If you work on the true causes of your real issues, the result (involuntary celibacy and isolation) will take care of itself." You've got body, mind and spirit. Your mind is a hornet's nest (we've all been there) and spirit is hard to work with. That leaves your body. Forget woman, let your celibacy work for you and progress slowly. Each morning and night for a week 5 pushups, 5 squats. Thats it. Next week move on to sets of 10 etc., see if there are elements of your diet you can improve, maybe more protein or things that build up Jing. Set up an easy physical program, find a book, progress slowly. You'll start feeling better and learn to trust yourself. Try it, work on developing healthy habits, from the body you'll get to the mind and straighten it out. My 2 cents (though like the others have said, an expert therapist will get you better faster) Good Luck Michael
  16. Crossroads

    Give us detail, if you can. Thats where the devil lies. Michael
  17. Most Underrated Systems, Teachers, Books, etc

    If you're interested in Taoist energy arts, want a skilled teacher and are lazy. I recommend Minke De Vos. Her site is . She comes from a Healing Tao background. The reason I say lazy is because she has a superb line of CD's you can listen to in bed or in meditation. Her Tao Basics covering Microcosmic Orbit, Sexual Energy, Chi Breathing, Deep Body/spirit communication all as guided meditations in one inexpensive CD, with biaural sounds, sound effects, her work is first rate quality. Her Sexual Energy guided meditation is one of the few that make me sweat. She has many breathing CD's and Fusion CD's, all very inexpensive. She's not well known, doesn't actively sell the CD's so you'll be lucky to get them. Speaking of CD's. If you want a more authentic (as far as I can tell) inexpensive experiential guided meditation taoist CD I recommend the The master there has an excellent blog. They have a Morning and Night meditation-( 2 25 minute meditations by a wise Taoist Priest, light stretching, an easy style of reverse breathing, capturing the sun or moon (at night), filling dantien, warming energy, sending out blessings etc. For $25 its hard to beat, though perhaps Minke's Tao Basics does, though I'd say it compliments it. Michael
  18. exercise for stronger erections?

    Usually I'll lie on my stomach and do pushups with my pecker. The first one is the hardest. Once you've worked up to 15 you have a weapon for love or self defense. Actually I've heard good things about Nattokinase, which has a reputation for cleaning up the pipes. I haven't used it myself, but check it out. While frequent ejaculation is bad, I'm of the opinion getting a good hard on every few days is tonifying. It doesn't mean you have to ejaculate but keeping the flood gates in working order is good. My 2 cents. Michael
  19. Being Banned from Taobums

    Drew happy birthday. I appreciate your posts, your passion for SFQ, and tales of your unique life style . but the Lobby is a Hi, how are you, Handshake, kind of place. Anything that smacks of a sales pitch is going to bother some people away, maybe scare away potential members. Its nothing you intended but enough new people have PM'd about it to bother the Moderators. For the sake of everyone who enjoys your presence here just moderate your SFQ messages in the lobby. Please Yours Michael
  20. I thought that was Sean with the other moderators driving a Rolls down 5th avenue Sometimes you gotta kill'em (delete'em) all and let god sort them out. 95% of the time, we look back (a few months later) at the hot topics and infuriating posts and we're struck with the thought 'What the hell was I thinking? Why did I allow myself to get bent out of shape over such a stupid point." Michael
  21. Avatar (the movie)

    I definitely want to see it again at an Imax.
  22. KAP

    I've got to say ditto. Its nice to have experienced teachers on the site sharing. Its great to see people taking classes and writing about there experiences in them, which you see with Kap. People from a martial arts background may be less forgiving then those from a purely healing or religious background. I believe GIH has called Varj a fraud, ape and insulted his religion on numerous occasions. It shows his wisdom to do it 100's of miles away and anonymously, since I doubt he'd do it to the man's face. There are many good posts where people strongly disagree with each other and good productive writings come from them, sometimes consensus othertimes at least a clear understanding of positions. When GIH takes part in a discussion they tends to be hallmarked by insults and nastiness. my 2 cents Michael
  23. Happy New Year!

    In the first decade of life there is much confusion and drooling. In our teens there's much more self awareness and control. Here's to the 20teens, may it be a great decade for us all. Michael