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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Reptilians connected to this forum!

    If Icke's dark paranoid reality was remotely real wouldn't he have been served up on a reptilian platter or have the blood thirsty psychopaths who rule us kill him off years ago? Michael
  2. Virtue is...

    I'll try you Marblehead you.
  3. Virtue is...

    Wanting drama tends to hazardous to my virtue. When things are quiet and nice, I'll often grab a stick and start poking things around me just to see how they'll react. Michael
  4. Tummo?

    How much Dummo do you want demonstrated? Drying wet sheets on a frozen lake? I've done Kap1 (just started Kap2), Santiago teaches Dummo. Nothing to brag about to a tibetan shaman, but it will get you producing some heat, certainly internally and many people end up sweating from it. Not bad for a convenient e-class. Michael
  5. Nikola Tesla

    I disagree with this. When this thinking truly takes hold as it has in countries like North Korea, and in the past like Cambodia under Pol Pot and China under Mao, you see hell on earth. No conspiracy, just misguided people destroying wealth and human life with abandon. Dragon is your definition of sheeple those who disagree with you? I'm sorry you didn't learn about Tesla earlier but the information is out there. Hit the library, learn. The internet is great but the problem with it is it can make learning one sided. If you have an extreme view, you can find boat loads of others who will back it up. Only by being open to all views will you get a complete picture. Ozone, not sure why thats up, but hasn't Sharper Image sold millions of them. I had a cheap unit and I believe that it threw out some ozone. Is it really a super cure, very debatable. Tesla's genius isn't. Americans spend billions on alternative medicine, again you'l get 10,000 of hits on it and the books tend to be on best seller lists. I don't see the black ops invading book stores removing them. Matter of fact I see the opposite, more and more people are taking herbs and many doctors particularly young ones are open to them, people like Dr Weil, are hugely popular with best sellers. But, you do have magazines like Consumer Report that looks closely at studies done w/ leading herbals and they report some, but not great results depending on the herb and dosage. I don't think you can go overboard and claim they are a panacea. Again you must do your own and not be blind. Investigate both sides and realize there are shills and immoral profiteers on both sides. There are a thousand remedies du jour claiming to 'save your life' Modern medicine has big problems, wow, you do realize that been an increasingly hot national debate for years. Dragon I can't tell you what to think, but learn both sides of an issue. I am assume you're strongly anti capitalist, thats fine, but learn where the other extreme leads too. Herbal medicine has many good points, but go beyond the internet hype and learn the good points and limitations. Both sides, you'll never be complete without it. Michael
  6. Nikola Tesla

    There's dozens if not 100's of books on Tesla, 1000's of articles, undoubtedly 10,000's of web hits on him. Though he's become the patron saint of conspiracy techno's, he's always been well known. I've seen more then one TV documentary on him. If you're interested go to the library you'll find books in both the kids section and adult that give thorough explanations of the man. I don't think there's any conspiracy going on, Tesla's always been famous though not the folk hero his rival Edison was. Knowing Tesla or not doesn't make you a sheep just means you don't spend enough time in the library. Michael
  7. Finding my own people?

    Findley, the discussion here shows something. Sometimes the best way to find something is to create it yourself. You could get a Personal Discussion page and create 4 sections. SofTGF Light, SofTGF Heavy, Best of the GF, and Rules. You'd have full power to edit and delete posts in all the sections. To get into the 'Heavy' people would have to apply and answer a questionaire to your satisfaction including how dedicated they are to the process. Otherwise posts there would be erased. Ofcourse you wouldn't get many, but you may get some and the SoftGF light part might lure in some talent as well. Some of your kind may forage around here, you could provide a home. My 2 cents Michael
  8. I'm writing some essays on the Examined Life. Mental, physical, emotional aspects are explainable and measurable. Spirituality is another matter, I know it when I see it, but how can it be measured? It probably has to be broken down into smaller components. How do you go beyond nebulous terms into concrete steps? For example; is an aspect of spirituality Trust in the Universe/god (TUG)? Is lack of anxiety a measure of it? Is optimism? Is a quiet mind an important key? If so how would you measure it? Any thoughts. Michael
  9. Reptilians connected to this forum!

    When I first joined the site and reptiles came up, I made fun of it, that people could believe in such absurdity. Years later I'm more open to the idea, but not necessarily a believer. Lots of stuff out there, our brains carry within them our reptilian past, but we paint reality with the brush of our expectations. I think there is one reality and we tend to be blind to many aspects of it. Yet there is so much drama involved w/ the whole reptilian mythos. Worse there is much paranoia laden within it. How do we separate our thoughts and fears from what Is. I asked Mak Ti Sin that question and he had answers, but along with them came, what I consider, his cultural baggage. Seeing a nasty hell for my ancestors and just about everyone whose not in his system. No thanks. If I'm going to dip my brain into something I'd like it to be positive or at least balanced. Michael
  10. Tummo?

    Rawn Clark offers an interesting series of recordings of a system combining kabalic chants and energy systems. They're at his site and they're free. Its his YHVH mp3's. Its a simple chant but as the lessons go on it delves into some pretty deep magical layers. Best of all (to me) there's little or no philosophy involved. The learning is the doing, nothing to think about. Michael
  11. Finding my own people?

    If everywhere you look there are assholes, blockheads and the retarded then I don't think you'll find your perfect group or maybe you already have but categorized them too harshly too soon or vice versa. Michael
  12. What is the essence of spirituality?

    I'm listening and I like what you say. Yet Yi & Nei Jing, Lotus Sutras are foreign to 99% of people. Is it possible to keep the concept and put them in manner or practice thats simple and trackable. For example, for physical exercise I don't care what you do or how long you do it. I want to record that its been done and how you feel afterwards. I'm assuming exercise is good and relying on a person's native intelligence to decide what to do, but I want to bring focus to how it feels while doing it and afterwards. Keeping it as simple as Exercise 1-10, marked down quickly. How can I quantify silence and jings? Michael
  13. What is the essence of spirituality?

    Journaling is great, but I'm thinking of a piece of paper that stays with you all day. Trifold then in half to make a walletlike piece of paper. You're not recording thoughts or writing notes as much as tic marking states and actions. Measuring what you're doing. One type of engineering is the civil engineer. The first part of there job is watching, finding out what the key elements of a system are then taking it apart. Tim Ferriss of the 4 hour workweek and blog is famous for this. I also like the design work of David Seah. Are we so busy living we don't take the time to see what we're really doing. Control starts with measurement. Michael
  14. What is the essence of spirituality?

    The most powerful thing will always be the human mind, or what I'm aiming at is a slip of paper. We can accomplish so much, but we're unfocused, we forget, the world is siren's call, beckoning us to cruise the net and have a beer. Lots of paper. I'm imagining a loose leaf binder. There's a life time mission statement. Big goals w/ whys, whens and steps. Monthly goals, then daily sheets that are used and put back. Maybe some review mechanisms. Sheets that easily trace your mindset and accomplishments. For one month living an Examined life. Michael Bardon's steps and there accompanying self analysis is excellent. I work with it on and off, but I don't think I'll finish it in this lifetime, but you never know.
  15. What is the essence of spirituality?

    Thanks for the input, I'm still pondering an imperfect Spirituality measurement method. That reminds me, I think I have a free download of Bodri's book by a similar tittle. As usual I'm less focused on enlightenment and more on not kicking the dog. A simple measuring system. Its easy w/ physical health, even w/ mental can be done. Spiritual..hmnn. Ultimately I'm looking for a check list type system (shallow I know). Aspects of spirtuality. Quiet mind. sorta measurable and a quiet mind is the root practice, even when its only experienced between actions. tic marks for quiet focus. 5 minutes, 10? 30? Not necessarily meditation, but focus on one thing. Kindnesses measurable. Within kindness there is connection, less self. Separation the opposite of kindness, tic marks for strong negative thoughts and judgments. If it just any negative thought it'd fill up too fast. I'm looking for a tri folded piece, a paper wallet, which is used to track a persons life. If its involves too much writing, it'll be a burden, slow people down too much. Really, for food, isn't it really healthy meal or unhealthy. Maybe a simple number from 1 to 10 instead of writing down everything you eat. A simple system will still show improvements. I have a couple of time productivity trifold papers that are useful, but I'd like to take the concept deeper. Beyond time management into a tool for awareness. Too bad I'm so lazy. Michael Below might be a link to the todo wallet I made. Its an early version. Spirituality Physical- breath slow deep muscle tension- relaxed
  16. Another spin on placebo

    If a well believed placebo works faster, cheaper and gets good results then don't knock it. In Roman times there was often a specific prayer that accompanied different medicines. In our modern age we poo poo such needless superstition, but I think we handicap a remedy by just swallowing it without a prayer or positive thought to wash it down with. New age or old age, there's more at work then chemical reactions. Michael
  17. Kunlun follow up poll

    Nice sum up. I've gotten a lot out this thread. Some of the longest and most heated posts have been involving Kunlun. Its amazing to see the evolving clarity on it. Different opinions, but after hundreds or thousand of posts it seems we're discussing the same elephant, instead of misc. parts. Some day if there's a book written on the dynamics of internet discussion they could have chapters using the material here . Michael
  18. Reptilians connected to this forum!

    Speaking of chickens and eggs, to me the questions of Reptilians comes down to this: Should I believe it, without seeing it? or Do I have to believe it to see it? Michael
  19. Golden Dragon - Kunlun or other arts?

    Trunk speaks with some authority here. He's been to a seminar and done kunlun practice (as have I). I don't think he's against it, he is saying be cautious. You're paying for a short seminar to a powerful system, w/ very little support afterwards. You're getting incredible bang for the buck, but BANG works both ways. I like Kunlun and would recommend the seminar, but if things start going strange/bad, ease up or stop, there are a thousand other paths that may be better aligned to you. When we over identify w/ a system or religion we tend to over defend it. It creates blind spots. Michael
  20. Unethical advertisments on the Bums

    That's how I remember the story going. The book Cults of Unreason painted a pretty dark picture of him. Critics and ex-members were attacked by any means possible, usually harassing lawsuits. I think they've mellowed out since then, but the best expose is still South Park's . Back on subject. This site and the internet as a whole gives out so many things freely, so I don't get too upset over the light visual spamming that goes on here. Michael
  21. Progress in martial art

    I don't know the style or method of teaching, but only going once a week can give you theory and exercise, but unless you're practicing it by yourself I don't think you'll develop the muscle memory and practice the technique enough to do it 'live'. Who knows maybe it will suck you for another class or two a week. I did many years of martial arts and found 2 days (at least) needed for steady gain. Michael
  22. Solomon

    I don't think so. He built wonderful things and was reknown for his wisdom, but he lived dangerously excessively and taxed the people to the point of rebellion. One son did rebel, the bible quotes the kid calling Solomon an idiot with a small dick. The story involving the son's death also points to foolish decisions on Solomons part. Its story's like that which make me think Solomon was historically real. I also tend to think much of the apocrypha w/ Solomon's name on it was pinned on later to give it prestige. Michael
  23. 3 dantien breathing

    It's probably a good idea to say what the actual practice is. There may be very different versions of 3 dantien breathing. I think of the 3 dantiens to be; main one if its used alone as the belly, hara, 2 inches from the navel. The second to be the heart area, the third being the third eye(but deeper inside), crystal cave, mid brainish. Michael
  24. Faith in Tao?

    Yup Michael
  25. Chaos Magic

    Sounds like one of them Secret Books thats actually a mirror.