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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. How does your Garden Grow

    I was very disappointed to learn that the Whole Foods which was my source for coffee grounds has stopped giving them away. Awful since they were organic and had filters in them which were good for the soil and holding in water. Hopefully I'll find another source. Covering my gardens in coffee grounds and dried leaves over winter has been my secret. This year I want to trellis 'tall'. I'm thinking of 6 foot poles, maybe pvc pipe for my tomatoes which are mostly grape type. So instead of the usual 3 or 4 foot 'cage' I'll train them to grow tall. Two other things, once plants are established, I want to put good mulch down, and I want to remove the sprinkle end from my watering hose and water plants low and at their base. Not sprinkled from above. I'm thinking this will use less water and create less weeds. I'll do my usual gaspacho garden of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. Maybe try Brussel sprouts this year. Maybe do a small garbage can full of potatoes. I had a video which showed an easy way to grow'em and continually harvest them. Its in my PPD, I should try it this year. Nothing like fresh taters. You guys, any gardening plans?
  2. New Dao Bums world map created

    The only person I've excluded is silent thunder, everyone else can.. can't do anything. Apparently from Google- You can't share: A map with your saved locations, which are private A map with a distance measurement Unless someone wiser then I figures out how to share pins? It may not be a feature anymore , which is why our original map went dead.
  3. How does your Garden Grow

    Another year, another garden. Have 2 small plots in the front yard, both started by covering up grass with bags of soil and planting into it. This year trying to grow fewer plants and keep'em safe, loved and well tendered, til I eat them. Tomatoes, I got a sweet 100, a hybrid grape yellow which is even sweeter. I want to grow them tall, so instead of cages I have a tall pole. I intend to prune them at the bottom well. I also have an Early Girl and Big Boy. Have 2 cucumber plants, a Giant Jalapeno, which I find have less heat and a Salsa Pepper. Just 8 plants. The plan is what I can't eat, I drink as gazpacho. For planting, I dug each hole deep, put some Scotts Miracle Grow soil on bottom, put in plant, topped it off with more SMG. The soil was pretty good because it was carpeted last fall with leaves and grass. Which composted over winter. What you guys doing garden wise?
  4. New Dao Bums world map created

    @C T @moment @silent thunder Try this link:{"ids"%3A["1OAtgZd91G_F0P0GX_y-yrSEhSQvrHDjl"]%2C"action"%3A"open"%2C"userId"%3A"105547066867148873474"}&usp=sharing I like that it ends with sharing. I'm gonna change the link on top to it. fingers crossed.
  5. He may check in from time to time. Perhaps try PrivateMessaging him. His handle here is @Ya Mu <after looking it up Looks like he hasn't posted since February >
  6. Very often people's practice of the Golden Flower is very different then others. Being outside the culture and time its hard to know what's authentic. Or even, as some suggest, a part of the practice was kept verbal and somewhat secretive. I've written a bit about it. Here's a post that is one of the most modern action oriented takes on the practice- I started meditating simply, after years got involved in Healing Tao, which led me to more active meditations, esoteric energy stuff. After a decade or two, I went to simple. Just sitting. The last few year or two I've been doing this style of meditation from Spotless-
  7. that reminds me of an urban taoist I ran into. He lived in an apartment and didn't pay for electricity or heating, never had them connected. There was enough ambient heat from the floor and ceiling to keep it from getting too cold. He lived according to the light outside; up with the sun and relaxing, meditating & sleep when it went down. In tune with the seasons.
  8. The end game here is to justify punishing and blaming China? That's not necessarily wrong but shouldn't be a major focus right now. Other then for political purposes, ie wagging the dog, to divert people from judging how Trump handled the crisis and reaffirm he has no blame or responsibility.
  9. Where is Jeff? I would like to contact him

    I'm sorry a few people had problems with him but Jeff was always considerate to me. Not that I was ever in his 'group'. Seems like a person can both listen to the warnings and contact him, see for themselves with openness and caution.
  10. whether happy or sad.. life happens and often requires an action. Not just chopping wood and carrying water.. at some moment you're hungry and the rent is due. That doesn't have to put you off your happiness but it requires action. I don't aim for 100%. Batting 500 with a couple of walks is good enough for me. and damn better then my average.
  11. The Skeptic thread

    For me its a question of what can I get out of this 'map'/paradigm? I don't know if science has found the dan tien, but after years, decades really, I've found mine. There's times I breath deep and hit it, and times I don't. Your scientist may not necessarily be a very healthy person, but odds are your Taoist practitioner is. The good thing is we can reap the benefits of both.
  12. New member

    Welcome, very happy to have you here. Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum terms and rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started. Though it boils down to be respectful. No name calling or trolling. Post as if your mom's looking over your shoulder. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you, Michael and the TDB team Glad to have you onboard, I find the study of yoga to be very rich and strangely under appreciated at times here.
  13. Welcome, very happy to have you here. Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum terms and rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started. Though it boils down to be respectful. No name calling or trolling. Post as if your mom's looking over your shoulder. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you, Michael and the TDB team Welcome aboard. Try posting your question in the Healing section, see if anyone has insight.
  14. Any Dao Bums in the Charlotte Area?

    Welcome, very happy to have you here. Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of this Welcome page and take a look at the forum terms and rules. This covers all you need to know when getting started. Though it boils down to be respectful. No name calling or trolling. Post as if your mom's looking over your shoulder. For the first week you will be restricted to ten posts per day but after that you can post as much as you like. Also, until you’ve posted fifteen times in the forums, you’ll be a “Junior Bum” with somewhat restricted access and will be allowed only two private messages per day. Good luck in your pursuits and best wishes to you, Michael and the TDB team
  15. Mother Meditation

    Sounds cool, makes me want to break out my chi gung balls. But the link isn't working. Any youtubes or site with visuals?
  16. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    Victor Frankl: Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now! I like this. Reframe your initial reaction to a troubling event. See your first reaction as fear, anxious, angry.. whatever it is.. box it, and see what it a 2nd time from a wider, more experienced, solution oriented state.
  17. Training your dragon

    What was it like on it? Easy, hard? What benefits did you find?
  18. On walking

    I've always found the gentle rhythmic slightly heart raising exercise of walking to be anti-inflammatory. Many ills and strains can be walked off.
  19. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    An interesting tidbit on the internet is that while H3N2 virus was very catchy, it was close enough to the virus causing the 1957 Pandemic so that people who'd caught that one had immunity to H3N2, otherwise it would have been much worse. A Good article "Because H3N2 was closely related to the 1957 pandemic, many people were immune. This kept the 1968 H3N2 flu epidemic relatively mild, especially when compared to the 1918 Spanish flu. For some reason, however – possibly antigenic drift – the second wave of the H3N2 flu that struck in 1969 was more deadly. Differences in immunity are evident as the virus mutated during its global spread, as shown by the different patterns of infection and death."
  20. The Midnight Gospel

    Netflix, right? I'll give it a go.
  21. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    Speaking of testing I heard they tested 500 random people in Morocco Afghanistan, Kabul and 29% of them had the antigens. Not sure if that's good or bad news.. not in the long run. It could point to higher infection rates but lower death rate.
  22. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    Please let us know who or what you suspect is killing people in Spain if its not covid19. I'm reminded that Belgium, tiny country, is an outlier in that it is unabashedly considering most deaths of elderly to be caused by covid19. Whereas many other countries, particularly early on, were probably under counting. There simply weren't tests available. Now that tests and anti body tests much more widely available it should be more accurate. And thankfully seems to be going down. Real facts, true statistics are the major weapons in fighting this and future virus's. As the world recovers we will need to look into, correct and punish organizations that knowingly pushed wrong statistics..lied. But crippling the WHO, now, as they are coordinating and publishing the newest info on the virus would be a big folly. When the dust settles, thats a different story.
  23. There are experts in pandemics and virology who know how to manipulate bacteria and virus's; studied how they evolve and mutate. They compare whats out there to stuff that's manipulated and what evolves, looking for markers. So the short answer is decades of study and some very expensive equipment. Even then I don't know if they could be 100% sure. Maybe its easier to say a definitive yes, versus probable no. From my limited reading when such experts looked at the virus they came up with probably not. Course these things mutate, so plain old fashioned, low tech, breeding for characteristics could produce new virulent strains. Which Covid19, isn't. Its much less deadly then SARS was. Its just more catchy, spreads easily during incubation and kills mainly older people. Its not a gun its a hand grenade, one that no one can run away from. Not til there's herd immunity, a vaccine, and or living with it, as we do colds and flu.
  24. About Nazism, sheep and the virus propaganda

    Before you criticize everyone who doesn't think like you or agree with you. Double check the basics, like spelling. Ie, leftists don't think FOR themselves, not by. Crytical analysis, should be critical analysis. Global warning, should be Global warming. Phantasies should be fantasies. When you're telling off people, or as you say 'the sheeple', take the time to do a simple spell check. Otherwise you'll look less educated and careless in writing and thinking. <actually for someone from a non-English speaking country the spelling and idiom use is pretty good. My reply was way too mean spirited, apologies> What else.. I define feminism as woman having equal rights and opportunities. Some define it as the equivalent of female 'Incels'. If you do that then I'd agree its crazy. Political correctness can go wrong on both sides, but the people who'd mock a term like social justice, seem to me, to be those who want to get away with injustice. In the 3rd world when SARS broke out, killing 40% of those who caught it, there were those who claimed it was a conspiracy. Didn't listen to the government and spread it causing more death. We have a handle on Covid19, we know its RO, what it does, how contagious it is. We don't have a vaccine or good treatment for it yet. Its deadliest for the elderly, 15% of our population. Most of the world is doing the shelter in place, to protect that population, from a pretty grizzly death, and its not pretty for many when they catch it. Maybe its over reacting, epidemiologists and scientists are collecting data. We're flattening the curve of catching it, at huge expense, but its being done to save lives. We'll know better next time if this was the correct path. But its buying time for better treatments and vaccine to get here, as well to keep our hospital intensive cares from being over run, even more then they are now, in hot spots. You may disagree with the above, but differences in solutions does not mean conspiracies or ill will.
  25. How to fix knocked knees ?

    Little things make a difference. After years of doing squats. Spreading my knees out (away from each other) an inch or two, ie moving them slightly more apart, makes for a much stronger, less clickety, base. Experiment a bit. Sometimes a slight posture change brings nice results. Whether static or dynamic.