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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. The danger of radical Islam

    You know what I see, Gold had his feeling hurt in an earlier discussion w/ Santiago, knowing Santi is Muslim, the next day he creates a new post 25% of Muslims are bad. He leads off with incendiary information guaranteed to inflame debate, saying Muslims kill there children in the first or second sentence. The subject is worth debating, but Gold uses it childishly and vindictively. If he doesn't see that then he lacks self awareness of his motivations. He lectures pompously and makes broad generalizations, which I find don't hold water. I find him to be a troll (internet variety) Michael
  2. faster punch

    Its a 'natural' hammer swing. Starts w/ shoulder joint, then elbow, wrist kept straight, hammer held snuggly, close to the end. Different muscles then punching, more like a sword swing. My first Karate teacher-(shotokan) taught us to punch w/ the fist parallel to the ground, though his punch generally ended horizontal ie thumb side up. Having played w/ both I'm convinced the truth is in the middle. The fist ends angle, a little higher then 45 degrees. It feels good to me. The other 'proof' is that if I swing my arms out naturally, and freeze them when they're out, my hands are at that angle. Its where they go naturally, thus that is right (for me). How about your hands? Lastly, w/ my right hand I generally make what my Aikido instructor called a jujitsu fist. My second finger sticks out and is locked in place by thumb. The theory is half the surface area, twice the impact. I'd hate to hit anything really hard w/ it, but lots of soft targets on the human body. My sensei used to tap us on the floating rib w/ it, and it was breathtaking. Michael
  3. faster punch

    Talk talk talk. Some of the best experience for me was a hammer and nails class. Grab small nail, tap tap lightly to set it, one motion w/ relaxed intent hit it. If you can get a few in cleanly w/ one blow, grab a bigger nail repeat. Precision, focus and intent w/ immediate feedback. When its looks phoney and long nails fall in w/out effort, boom baby, your on the right track. Its cheaper then boards And nothing brings you down to reality sooner then working w/ a heavy bag. Michael
  4. I've decided to give up diet soda

    Good for you. I like flavored Seltzer water. Pick up a bottle. No sugars real or artificial, I don't really know whats in there . It just says natural flavorings. undoubtedly they find a rat, wring it out over a vat, put in a finger in it and say ah just right Try it, you'll like it, long as you don't think about the rat.
  5. .

    I see proper practice in terms of a circle. You're shown a move. You do it, its corrected you do it again, there's correcting feedback. Once the physical movement is approximately correct you practice it over and over again w/ greater and greater awarness. After the 10,000 times you let the awareness go, the move does itself. I greatly admire Michael McAllistair (of He has said 'You want enlightenment, sit 20,000 hours'. Whats the short cut? 'That is the short cut' he says. Yet the 20,000 isn't about the number, its about an attitude. Setting a practice and sticking to it, not looking for short term gain, no tricks few techniques. You sit (think 19, 648 more hours to go) smile and sit some more. There's more to it then that, thats why he has a Sangha, but its nice to know 20,000 hours of sitting will get you there, now if only it were sleep Michael
  6. Strengths and Weaknesses

    A took a beginners class w/ Chia a long time ago. The younger me found him a good teacher, informed, interesting techniques, enthusiastic. I bought one of his books. The problem I have w/ him and his books are they're too much and too impersonal. Thats not neccessarily his fault. He's damned by his own success. By choosing to reach 10,000's instead of few dozen he's changed the learning equation. Real thorough learning is done w/ a teacher who knows you and corrects you. They see where you're at and pace you accordingly. Still, there are those who have dedicated themselves to his techniques and have reaped huge benefits Xenolith and Little1 come to mind. Again, lack of live feedback will inevitable create unintended casualties who would have been protected by a real long term classes. I see Chia as worthy pioneer in bringing Taoist energy practices to the west. Love him or hate him, he was doing the seminars and writing the books when few knew Americans knew these practices existed. His original students have innovated and effected the whole spiritual movement (for good and worse ). Michael
  7. orgonite

    Does orgonite need to be in resin? Would you be able to replicate it by using a small glass bottle, say one that is pyramid shaped? My kids are always filling colorful sand bottles at fairs. The advantage would be you could change and experiment w/ it. Throw in a copper spring, top it w/ different crystals, create loops of silver, gold or platinum dust, throw in sacred herbs. If its a long thin container you'd be replicating wands or egyptian rods. What do you think? Michael
  8. Corrupt a Wish.

    Twofer I wish Kunlun spontaneous gi gung would become non spontaneous Granted. It becomes a form of relaxed seated zhan zhang. Discussion of it on the bums ends Pietro Wish Granted. As more time is spent in your continuum, your body doesn't age, but your mind and attitudes do. Every year for us, is the equivalent of a dozen for your consciousness. You increasingly have trouble relating to people around you, it gets worse and worse til its easier to shut yourself inside the continuum world forever.
  9. Corrupt a Wish.

    No need to be granted thats the way he already sounds to people I wish the Obama presidency is successful

    For me creating and writing stories is therapeutic. A rorschach test, the long version of Freudian word association. Your thoughts and deeper feelings come out subtlly or not so subtlly in your writing. Many great writers function like channels, Stephen King, Amy Tan, Richard Bach, in discussing how they write tell that there first drafts are unscripted and unplotted. They write from their inner eye catching the words as they flow. Michael
  11. ghosts

    I don't want to swim in a pool of shit. If a major part of your yin eye is visions of hell and suffering it may not be for me. I understand the universe tends to balance things out, where there is great good, evil may exist as counterpoint. Therein lies my thoughts on purification to attain better balance within, not to cling to old notions. I can't help but think cultural conditioning plays a role in what you see. Not that its made up or imaginary, but that the world is big, multi-dimensional and filled with many things. A tour guide who takes you to hell and play in dirty pools is not what I'm looking for. Ultimately I want to learn it all, but in the beginning I'll need balance. Hell offends me in many ways. Beyond morality questions, it seems inefficient in a way that goes against nature. I mean nature is efficient, good recycling, non judging, doesn't waste time and effort on human concepts of morality. Suffering exists within it only as a function of cycle completion. I agree with Eckhardt Tolle's view that despite what TV nature programs show, in nature-animals spend there time looking around, resting, looking for food, etc. The kill and flight are a very small part of the over all time structure. In the western world hell is used as a control mechanism to keep the masses in line, the ultimate threat. Its sad to see it prevalent in the East too. I think it makes a mockery of the belief not only in a loving God, but even a neutral one. It posits a psychopathically cruel infinite being. I don't think nature reflects that. People of all practices who touch God in there deepest moments don't reflect it. my 2 cents Michael "do you know that you are going to swim in this pool of "poo poo" at the end and get dirty anyway no matter how clean you are now?" Actually I don't know that. Thats your belief, not mine. Its a sad one too. You and all your ancestors in hell or just all your ancestors, cause you've escaped by finding the one true religion. No offense, but if thats your cup of tea, I'll fill up my glass somewhere else.
  12. World's Smallest Political Quiz

    So was I. I expected to be more centrist and libertarian. Michael
  13. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted All mankind lives in harmony according to their innermost buddha nature. Alas Lions, tigers, dogs, cats and other carnivores achieve there buddhahood and live according to there true nature. Soon mankind is lunch. I wish..for fish. (sorry, creative juices dried up) too thoughtlless . . I wish I could get through all 10 steps of Initiation Into Hermetics by Bardon quickly easily and effortlessly
  14. .

    I took Kap one w/ Santiago. I'd say its about getting to know the energy systems and locations of the body then starting to fire them up w/ the microcosmic orbit. There's other goodies thrown in along the way like DaMo's cave and shamanistic practices. I think Kap II, which I haven't taken is about putting more pedal to the metal and applying high octane sexual energy to the mix. Through just Kap 1, I haven't attained kundalini, nor did expect to. I'm consider myself somewhat energy insensitive, but I have gotten a stronger feeling for the microcosmic orbit. Just today for example, I heard the Chew, Chew chew sound of a cardinal, but I couldn't find it. One of the shamanistic things I picked up from the classes was creating a purple bat at my throat whose wings go up to my ears. By visualizing that I was able to locate the bird immediately. When I want to get a sense of whats behind me, I'll also use it. I picked up useful routines and insights from the KAP 1, but I don't think its a 12 week $300 course to Kundalini, thats expecting too much from it, though you never know There's always Kap 2. Michael
  15. Pan-ism

    the 'forced to work together..' part seem particularly sticky to me. I'm not sure how 'separated' you imagine your organization getting? Reading your description my first thought was communism. Communism is a beautiful idea, one humanity isn't ready for, it tends to break down quickly into facism. Early Kibbutz's in Israel were fascinating experiments in shared communities. Even the kids were separated & raised apart from the parents communally, but the early Kibbutz's tended to break down. The fervor of the first few generations could not be sustained. You see similar things happening in monasteries across the world. People don't want to be forced to do anything. My home state Illinois was a haven(til upset neighbors burned them down) for Utopian cities in the 19th century. I have no doubt some of them reflected Panistic thoughts in some ways. None of them lasted despite religious fervor(& being driven away, exception being the Mormons of Navoo). I can only think smaller is better. A shared apartment building of like minded people would be where it could start. Is the book going to be mostly theoretical or is the real interest writing about a real Pan istic group. Michael
  16. ghosts

    Yeah, I would, but I'd want to get in some heavy duty purifying first mind and body. When I mentioned kicking the devil in the balls earlier I was being humorously flippant. I don't think seeing ghosts would bother me. There are aspects of the spirit world I'd like to explore. Hell is a different story. I realize if you're going to to look into hell you'd better have a mountain load of equanimity. The hell man creates is pretty disconcerting, to begin to comprehend it, is to bathe in its madness. Worse you see reflections of yourself in the pool. Short answer; if I could peep down the rabbit hole now, I would. To stare at the bottom I'd need some serious time to prepare myself. So how does one begin? Would you be able to teach one such as I? One who wants the method and not the mythology? If you see ancestors in hell, I understand, but I'd rather go in as a blank slate, without expectations. If I might see shocking things I'd need to be prepared with a balance of compassion and capacity to let my mind flow without clinging. In kabalistic terms to see any insult or flattery in the same dull light. I wouldn't want the experience to be tainted and colored by your dogma. I suspect ones mindset and filters greatly effect what one sees. If your view is universal I'll discover it myself. Yours Michael
  17. ghosts

    Speaking of ghosts, I posted a ghost story called Spirit Running in my personal discussion section, the Misc. Stories one. Blood, spirits, revenge, parents..its got it all Michael
  18. What is real?

    A wise teacher taught me to be aware and be wary of I, You and Them thinking. Its like this: Me, I'm wise, so my teacher is wise. You, are not as wise as me, but if you agree w/ me are smarter then most. Them, them who disagree with me are obviously foolish and have foolish teachers. I think the actual example used was the person who does an 'unwise action' and thinks 'I'm brave'. Sees another do it and says you're foolhardy. Reads about another group doing it and thinks 'They are stupid.' Wisdom has to earn its bread. It has to make you a better person; allow you to function better in this world, connect to it better. Thats how I recognize wisdom. Most traditions have it, I find exemplary examples in Buddhisms and its explanations. Course knowng isn't enough, the test is can you live it? I've found those w/ great ability are the ones who talk about how amazing there own teachers were. Michael
  19. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted. Your foot stops hurting, is perfectly normal and on display (in glass jar) at orthotics museum I wish for a beatiful productive garden this year.
  20. ghosts

    This is closer to what I conceive as a spirit world going around us. Again not seeing it, not noticing any effect it has on my life it's not in 'my world'. Not yet. I'd prefer whatever method I use to see this part of reality be experiential based, not told in legends, stories or any book form; because I don't want that prism. I don't want to feel an elephants butt and say an elephant is a lot like a fart . If its my Karma to see into that world I want it done w/out dark glasses. Michael
  21. ghosts

    Don't you Canadian Taoist sleep ? My first thought was I have no personal proof of ghosts. Just second hand from people I've met here. On deeper reflection I had a dream of a good friend and room mate who had died. In the dream we talked then I remembered he was dead, realized I was dreaming, we may have had a few more words and the dream ended. A ghostly visit?? maybe or just as likely a dream of a dear friend. There was morning I was woken up by my mother and my first words to her were "Is Grandpa dead?" He was. Again ambiguous, he'd been sick, I'm sure I saw concern on her face. So its not really proof of anything. I've read some articles (mostly Michael Winn's) on Huns and Po's and it seems like a really complex system. Too complex for me. I like things simpler. I'm still trying to decide on one soul. Mixing me up w/ 7 or more feels needlessly schizophrenic . I did read a book on Childrens reincarnation that had fascinating, factual stories of proofs on young kids remembering past lives and the facts checking out. Some had birth marks suspsiciously like death wounds suffered by there past life. Ultimately the kids mostly forgot there old memories and life for them was the same as anybody else's. A few months ago I had a very realistic dream about dying. (& I rarely remember dreams). I'd just read a book from an author who was severely paralyzed and had died before it was published. In my dream I was also paralyzed and blind. I was being kept alive by a machine and I can hear the outside world. I heard the decision to turn off the machine. I thought , 'No', I felt a wire being pulled out of my chest and realized I had only a few breaths left, a few more heart beats. I let the panic subside, made my peace and looked for what was to come. So the dream didn't end badly, it was infact profound. I suspect its how I'll handle my own death when it comes. What happens after the body dies, I don't know and the trap of too much speculation means I'll create a filters and expectations. If its a chance to know a real truth, I'd rather see it clearly, as close to its reality as possible. Michael Ready to embrace God or kick the devil in the balls if he gets too close
  22. ghosts

    What are they?? I don't know, no clue, different speculations that I can be sure of. Without solid information speculating becomes imagination and later if I have direct contact with 'that world' my understanding would be clouded by what I've imagined. Better to take them as they come. But there is a line of thought that comes closer to leading to enlightened fruit for me. From Ron Jeremy(!! )..'What good will your practice do, once your dead?' For me that question has depths and bite to it. Michael
  23. ghosts

    When I say ghosts don't exist in my (little) world, I mean I'm oblivious to them. I don't see them. I don't bother them, they don't bother me . If they are there or not it doesn't particularly make a difference. Even if you could produce a ghost it would be hard to know what it was. Its that much harder when I can't see the darn things. I've had conversations with people here I respect and they've told me they see spirits and stuff. I believe them. I don't know how much good it does. I never liked the Chinese thought of earth crowded w/ hungry ghosts of dead, clamoring for food, a sort of unseen zombie movie going around us all the time. With no proof one way or another I rather hope the world's designer was a bit more compassionate. I have a similar problem w/ Christianity; a creator who dooms most of his creation to an eternal hell would inspire anger, horror and rebellion in me. Such a being had better keep its power and never turn its back to me. There's an interesting correlation between the Tibetan book of the dead and some Jewish beliefs. Both have soul's confused after death for a few days. But once the spirit has settled in they go where they should. One part of my practice is a giving away meditation. Reminding myself I am not- my body, not my thoughts, not past, future, emotions, giving up my name and all things. Its like putting a toe into the water of an ocean you know you will one day swim in. Beyond the I don't Know, my religious thought tends to be one of union w/ God in death. Not as my thoughts, but perhaps a closeness to the Buddhist Satori, oneness w/ all things, again there are Jewish parallels. Which may I add posits all good people go to heaven regardless of religious affiliation, least thats what the reformed and orthodox rabbis I've talked to have said. There may well be an active spirit world close to but not visible in our heavy dimension. Jewish writings acknowledge it but say its best left alone. Franz Bardon works come w/ some fascinating descriptions and I think serious dream work (ala Bruce ) gives a path to study it. Yawn, late night ramblings.. Michael
  24. Peaceful Greetings!

    Welcome to the board Shidadao. I'd like to find out more about lay monk ship. Are you in a particular monastic order or more self created role? Thanks Michael
  25. How many Kunlun workshops?

    How eccentric is Max? From 1 to 10, I'd rate him an 11, but he doesnt' go the guru route and doesn't seem full of himself. He talks and listens and seems to have a pretty wide experience of things. As a factor of Kunlun practice? I'd say none, whatever strange stories or histories he tells have nothing to do with the very simple Kunlun practice. You can take it or leave it (I put such stories in limbo). Though if you're energy sensitive his presence might rock you. I'm not so its hard to judge it. I'm glad I went to one, its a valuable addition to my practice. Michael