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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    Fine, he should be banned. This place would be a lot quieter if half of you were banned. Then I could finally type in peace. Get off my yard. Michael
  2. Brainwave entrainment question

    Yes, its very effective, but it had a side effect of turning me green. M. or was that his gamma radiation suite?
  3. Starman returns

    Always welcome friend Michael
  4. Should Li Jiong be banned from Tao Bums

    Ofcourse not. He's an experienced knowledgable practitioner. He's provocative, but the good part of that is it can and does create good conversation. (bad part is being told I'm 3rd rate and unworthy of salvation, but I've been told worse ). IMO Banning people should not be a public affair, it turns into a witch hunt way to easily. It should never be done because you dislike someone or there philosophy. If someone has disregarded the insult policy repeatedly and seems unstable, they should be reported to Sean privately in a PM. Its his unhappy job and shouldn't be turned into gossipy conversation. Michael
  5. man of principle

    Here is a suggestion from the far left field. Look through some of the E-Myth books (any of them). They're business philosophy books, the E is Entrepreneur. The value in them to you is the parts on creating strong clear mission statements. Looking at the big picture and finding where you belong. I've been re-reading them and re-translating them into creating myself instead of creating a business. I found it uniquely helpful. In other words, you figure out the man part, the book explains the process of creating a strong lasting reality based description of what you want to focus on. If you're in a library or book store page through and let me know if my suggestion makes any sense. Michael
  6. My Password Is Being Hacked And changed

    I'd like to point out that Gossamer in his last post on the thread he started (Black magic..) gives a site that he says if clicked on will load a key logger virus onto your computer. If true, thats really bad and should be removed. Kinda like here's a really bad magic site, cool pictures, but don't click it. Its not a good thing to have in a post, if he's right. If he's wrong its still questionable. Michael
  7. Long Distance KUNDALINI KAP Training through Skype

    Just joined today. A good class. I gotta work out the details of using Skype and facebook. I joined this morning loaded up Skype and Facebook, and then didn't know how to join. I got on, but couldn't see the chat and I'm not sure how to acccess the facebook info. I look forward to up to speed by next week. Michael
  8. Another One On Magical/Spiritual Warfare

    For a completely different angle. If you know this individual well enough, you might want to take it to a higher power. Literally talk to his teacher (head witch? warlock?) or parents. There are times when tattling gets results. The threat of exposing childish inappropriate behaivior may cool them off. Michael
  9. Crazy pyramid researcher

    Earlier this summer I was at the beach and we were invaded by a large group with metal detectors. They were an Illinois Historical Society group and their main interest was digging things up w/ the detectors. They were having a find what we just buried outing. I always love talking to people who dug up treasure as a hobby. This group had annual trips to Europe. In England they'd regularly find roman and other ancient coins and artifacts. Could you imagine going to Egypt with an experienced group armed with metal detectors. Even if it was just a fruitless walk, it would be so much fun, the expectations, the hope.. Michael
  10. A hundred years in a generation...

    eh, the world has enough guns. Work on the water one's a legacy of blood, the other's a legacy of life. Michael P.S. besides if you need to shoot 20 things in a second, you'd best be running-quickly P.P.S. I'm glad I was born :
  11. Crazy pyramid researcher

    He's reaching. I liked how he found a relationship of 4-3-2 and came up with '432 squared is the speed of light per second'. Wow they knew that back then!!!! Right, PER SECOND?? I'm more impressed they developed the timex and divided time arbitrarily by hours, minutes and seconds. You take a bunch of numbers work with them long enough you can get tons of fascinating facts. They're purely coincidental, but you can create them. I do think Egyptian civilization may be far older then text books claim. It was an amazing culture. I thought I read some mummy's were found to have traces of cocaine, indicating trade w/ South America. There so many mysteries I hate to see to much effort going in the wrong direction. Michael
  12. Recession happens. We're over due, the business cycles of growth and bust used to move much faster. I think Taoist81 has said it best. If your gut says you must prepare, honor the feeling, but realize the worst is unlikely to happen, don't burn bridges and calmly do what you need and relax having done it. Fear helps nothing. Michael
  13. I am back

    Li Jiong we respect you and your practice. Its the marketing and presentation that we're commenting on. Which may be partly culture clash. Yours Michael and didn't Conficius say there were 118 levels of individuals, so being third rate level is actually quite high
  14. Happy Birthday Ian

    Have a happy one, Michael
  15. I am back

    Joke caught on this end Michael
  16. Opening the Energy Gates of Your Body

    I found standing difficult and well boring. What really helped was listening to a certain guided meditation. The Archaeous series by Rawn Clark. It goes through a 4 element sequence where the legs & waist are earth, belly/gut are water, lungs to shoulder are air, head is air/awareness. By moving slowly into the feelings from solidity to lightness standing 15 minutes became much much easier. The archaeous series is free at ABARDONCOMPANION.COM. Its part of a series, its not intended to be done standing, but works very well. Michael
  17. Vitamin supplements

    I usually take 3 fish oil liquid capsules a day w/ food, in the morning. They're relatively cheap Trader Joe brand. They claim they're molecularly distilled to knock out toxins. They have a similar Omega pill combining fish oil, flax and primrose that I'll also take. I wanted to see if I could tell a different but I couldn't. I'll take a multi from Life Force, its a kitchen sink vitamin, they recommend 2 a day, but I'll take one in the morning w/ food and the fish oil. M
  18. Finaly I Found You

    Sometimes I think the divine experience is like a strobe light; its always one but we haven't adjusted our eyes to it yet. A fellow long term retentionist is Darin Hamel, a long time regular contributor here. To get a feeling for his vibe go to Personal Practice and read up on his logs. You may find an older, well practiced kindred soul. Michael
  19. Body Temperature Meditation

  20. Cultivating the Way: Understanding Enough

    Thank you Lin, very timely. I live very far from that ideal. While I'm happy where I am, I understand that the Way you articulate is ultimately the direction I should move toward. Michael
  21. Finaly I Found You

    Welcome to the site. Sounds like you're tuning in to some pretty high energy with long term retaining and being a strict vegetarian. I can't help but wonder if a little bit of meat, certainly organic and free range, eaten sacredly with thanks, would be a grounding experience for you? (not giving up macrobiotism, but an experiment) I know its a strange suggestion but maybe it resonates. Yours Michael
  22. What would you study?

    Basket weaving, university of Hawaii Really, meditative and relaxing. I'd want to learn to create oversize baskets for composting. Use basket weaving to design awesome hanging gardens for fruits and veggies. Explore weave designs to trap morning dew. Basket weaving.. Hawaii, yeah.
  23. If you find a great teacher and they say quack like a duck, you should quack. If they say rub mud on your belly don't argue or intellectualize, rub. Don't sweat the details its the big teachings and actual practice that matter. If they want money thats also fine, a true teacher is priceless and owed great respect and leeway. I tend to think the guru who preaches my way or hell, my way or you're too ignorant to be not the teacher for me. I'm sure Li Jiong's teachings and techniques are extremely valuable, but his hard sell marketing (not the price which I consider low) is a turn off. Also, it maybe a language translation issue, but his writing doesn't come off as particularly enlightened to me. I've been around the block long enough not to look for western stereotypes, but there is a level of attachment shown in his writing that seems less cultivated. Michael
  24. Dragon or Reptiling shapeshifters

    It's astounding, time is fleeting Madness takes its toll But listen closely, not for very much longer I've got to keep control I remember doing the TIme Warp Drinking those moments when The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling Let's do the time warp again... Let's do the time warp again!
  25. Freaky dream

    I was thinking along the same lines. Out with the bad, the beginning of in with the good. Michael