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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Views on levitation

    I find proponents of levitation to be very flighty. M
  2. Buddha speaks!

    Not What, NOW. Who are you when you're sleeping? Who are you when you're dead?
  3. The dream thread

    IMHO some dreams have deep meanings, but more often are just anxiety dreams; mind dumps of the worries that percolate beneath the surface of our consciousness. These dreams aren't bad and aren't prophetic. In fact they remind us of what is important. So your dream has no meaning other then the preciousness with which you hold your daughter. I guess you could 'honor' the dream by taking the time to hug her and remind her how much you love her. Michael
  4. an opinion of the Kunlun method

    Fire or Water? I guess it depends on the practitioner. Where they direct their consciousness and how energy sensitive they are(& how long there sessions are) To me Level One feels like an emptiness meditation done while holding a large battery. I find it watery . Ofcourse I never found the Micro cosmic orbit to be particularly hot. To me it always felt like a circular skin mantra. Michael
  5. Buddha speaks!

    Answer: Just the man. Koan: The sun shines brightly on a thousand paths Which way should a man go?
  6. Thunder Path

    Did I mention my system gives credit for previous life purchases? If I find you've purchased it during your last life, I refund 50%! This is also good for your future lives(except its a 25% discount, due to time value of money.) On a more serious note. As you see lots of paths. Find one w/ heart and practice earnestly. Michael
  7. Thunder Path

    Why sure, I've got my fool proof enlightenment system right here. Just $495, its fast, easy and under your $500 dollar requirement. Guaranteed Enlightenment in this lifetime (though often its just before death). Our Motto: You have nothing to lose, except your mind (&495) Michael
  8. Reiki Tummo

    Very insightful SF. Michael
  9. Head On Top of A Head

    Its not a koan, but the thought, 'What will my next thought be?' has an uncanny ability to quiet my mind for a while. Michael
  10. Hi Sean

    never mind
  11. A taobum tshirt

    I've been visualizing stick figures, some w/ round heads, other squaire or triangular. They're standing standing around a light pole, one is leaning on it. They have t-shirts on w/ slogans. One is sitting, hands in kunlun position. Another in lotus. I see Chinese mountains on one side, skyscrapers on the other. If only I could draw... Michael
  12. Phoenix, AZ Kunlun Seminar November 17-18

    Thanks for the hike advices. So many places to go and sit at, so little time My meeting w/ the Max is back at 4:00. Which is nice. I'm thinking even if we want to be alone and mellow we can still do it on top of beautiful area. Michael
  13. A taobum tshirt

    Hate to bring up an old ghost, but RJ's (?) original design of a sitting taoist was very good. Wonder how he's doing.. Michael
  14. Use of crystals in cultivation

    I purchased some inexpensive Onyx rocks because Yoda and Witch? said they work well at night to uncharge you. If I remembered where I put them, now would be a good time to try them out <sighs> I have a nice guided meditation from Bliss Trips. Its their Earthen CD. A 30 minute walk through a magical forrest. First a stop at a sacred hot tub, then throwing cares away at a river, under sacred tree next, then into a cave. The cave is lined w/ crystals and minerals. She explains the traditional healing powers of a few. You pick out the ones you want and go to an alcove in the cave to arrange your rocks and meditate. Afterwards you go to a garden pond where you find a penny, make a wish and throw it in. When the guided meditation works, its a great trip. The cave experience is particularly interesting and shamanic. Michael
  15. Use of crystals in cultivation

    Its awful when a good conversation is stopped in its tracks by someone who actually knows the facts Michael
  16. All right, you don't believe in astrology...

    I love the Chicago China town. If I was to have a reading. What should I look for in an astrologer, which style? What is considered a good style of answer? How long should it take? I know where I was born and the time, but I don't know time other then morning. If its just a few bucks I would be more then happy to find a chinese astrologer to do a reading. From the point of view of believers, if an astrologer says you'll have 4 kids, is that real or junk astrology? What makes the difference? Michael P.S. the intolerance lines were mostly nonsense to lighten up the conversation, at least the 2nd and 3rd ones were
  17. Phoenix, AZ Kunlun Seminar November 17-18

    I'm flying in November 14th. I've rented a mini van. I plan to stay 2 days in Sedona. I haven't made reservations yet. I have made reservations at the Courtyard Mesa for the 16th and 17th. I thought I had a meeting w/ Max on Saturday at 4:00, but recently read form Diane that they had double booked so could I move it to 7:00 or Sunday. I said I'd prefer not to, but if it had to be thats ok. A hotel called Kokopelli Suites seemed to have a 2 night special in a nice room (w/ jacuzzi) for $189 total. I'll call now and see if its available. Edit-Just called them and made reservations(800 789 7393) for the 14th and 15th. Got the jacuzzi room!! w/ King size bed, $94.50 a night, yeah baby. The concierge will call a week before arrival to see I want any trips. Its a 4 miles from 'downtown' but thats why I have the car. I want to check out the 7 Sacred Springs, a few easy, out of the way hikes. There's a relatively inexpensive horse back riding trip that might be out of the usual for a city slicker. Michael
  18. All right, you don't believe in astrology...

    Jules Verne had a ridiculous sense of clothing. He deserved to be laughed at. I've had friends who were into astrology and I respect them and there beliefs. I think Taomeow's knowledge and practice of the esoteric is amazing. We are lucky to have her here sharing that knowledge and experience. I'm just intolerant of intolerance. Or perhaps I should say intolerant of those who preach intolerance about those who won't tolerate them. Its the double reverse intolerants that really get my goat. Back on subject. The proof of astrology has to be whether it works, plain and simple. Syllogisms like you're made of elements so if you don't believe in elements you're saying you don't exist, Don't wash. Does it work? I might for some special people, not because it works but because of they have special talents. Thats why you're likely to get 3 very different readings from different astrologers even using the same system. Being on this board with all you..esoterics.. has made me stretch my mind a bit. Take the I Ching. On the face of its, its as ridiculous as astrology, since you're thinking that random throws of coins are going to give you answers to specific questions. I've paged through a couple books and Carl Jungs thinking enough to realize that there is enough there to make it a valid tool. I won't be willing to give up my status as a card carrying member of the Skeptical Society though. Michael Michael
  19. All right, you don't believe in astrology...

    Thought about it once and didn't believe in it, old fashion mumbo jumbo superstition, kept alive by people making a dime off the gullible and/or those too who put psuedo science above real science. But reading taomeow I realize, Oh my God I'm not real. I'm a repeater, a regurgitator, blarghghhh. The ancient scientists whoever they were, whenever they were must have been right about why things happen by looking at the solar flares and stuff. Jupiter, Mars Venus they have everything to do with my life because of where they were when I was born(instead of when conceived and more vulnerable) Finally I wasn't a repeater. Then I thought a third time. I've come to the conclusion, its still full of crap. Its worthwhile as a rorchach test to get people to look inward. There are some talented people who would have success in any system due to there own innate psychic abilities, but placement of planets at birth is pseudo science. The planets would actually have almost no effect at all, the moon would have high 90's, the sun the rest. I don't think I'd have written such a negative post or written at all if it weren't for the 'People who don't agree w/ me are simply the repeaters'. Sigh, how pity those who don't believe what I do.. Michael
  20. lost, confused and frustrated

    If the Taoism path of Michael Winn/ Mantak Chia interests you then I recommend the inexpensive and experiential guided meditations of Minke DeVos. Her Tao Basics CD has 4 very well done guided meditations. Her 15 minute Microcosmic orbit is very good. Biaural sounds and sound effects. Leading you from point to point before starting a flow. The others Energy meditation, full body are also great. Her sexual energy meditation includes the orbit, breath retention, packing, very unusual. All her CD's are good. But her Basics is extraordinary. There is a link to her Silent Grounds site here and on Winns page. Being 'sucked' into a good guided meditation is more effective then reading about the experience in a book IMHO. Michael
  21. The question of sex

    When that question comes up I usually disregard the species need to survive and just say - Yes M
  22. Kunlun Level 1

    Rats, it looks like Mantra68 has left the building. I'm heading for the Phoenix and wanted to ask if there were any things I could do to enhance the seminar. I assume He'd think D'uh and write 'Slow and steady practice is all you need, just like the book says'. Still I wonder if making a special effort for celibacy the last week or two would help. Or something.. Michael
  23. name this posture?

    I believe thats called 'Hands resting on Fence Post' taught by venerable master Marcel Marceau from the mime gong. M.
  24. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Right Like anyone would take THAT bet.