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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Defeating Your Enemies (pt.2)

    That is the exact same story I learned about the origins of Capoeira. The man who told it to me also said that Kung fu was started by a Roger Fu. Apparently Roger had an immature gagging reflex that made him thrash about when he tried to swallow food. Roger learned to turn his choking into a deadly weapons. He was once mugged by the entire bat mitton team and used it to DEFEAT his enemies. Later he changed the name to Kung fu, because Roger Fu wasn't catchy enough. Michael
  2. Am I silly for this or have I found something?

    Naruto is no Avatar, but its still a pretty good albeit slow moving 'deeper' tune series. I saw that episode, you're being soft hearted. The guy was a murderous villain in my book. One last deed doesn't undo a lifetime of evil. Course its such a manipulative set up to begin with, one must ultimately blame the writers . Michael
  3. Stern Yogis

    Hmnn, maybe 4 choices. Surrender to him, Fight (or ignore) what he says, or Find a compromise if possible. Strict is not neccessarily bad. If he's a good man, consider surrendering. If you choose this path, then do it totally. You'll have to come up with your own fourth choice. Michael
  4. Anybody up for a full-moon fast?

    I haven't done a spring cleaning fast in years. I'd usually just do 4 to 6 days and follow Daniel Reids book 'The tao of health sex and longevity'. Which was distilled water with fresh lemon, later on a bit of maple syrup. He also had you on psylliium seed (metamucil) and volcanic ash for additional inner cleaning and hunger control. Doesn't feel much like spring here Chicago, snow yesterday, snow tomorrow. Keep me informed of your experience, I'll do a fast later when it warms up. The use of protein makes sense, unless it de-triggers the cleansing mechanisms that fasting is supposed to use. Michael
  5. Coffee, Tea or Me: Tea it is!

    I go back and forth from semi exotic teas from Chinatown then back to the teas of my youth namely Constant Comment and Earl Greys even Lipton with a bit of sugar and slice of lime can hit the spot awfully well. I'm working through a jar of 'To Life' a fragrant tea from Teavana which has white and green in it. I'll slice a lemon or lime, roll the slices in sugar then freeze it in a zip lock bag. It works great to flavor the tea and cool it down a bit. Michael
  6. humans were taller 30,000 years ago!

    When food and space are abundant animals grow larger. On Islands you have a shrinking effect. In the Phillipines they've found an ancient extinct race of 'hobbits' who hunted the pygmy elephants of the island. Food depravation also causes evolutionary pressures towards survival of the smallest. Michael
  7. What is it that you pursue?

    I've given up my search for absolute enlightenment (not that I know what it is). I'm seeking the Western form of enlightenment which I consider truly enjoying who you are and what you do. (making steady progress). Physical enlightenment, meaning my esoteric energy systems are flowing strongly (slow progress). Psychological enlightenment, meaning being totally in the now, reduced or no ego (making slow progress). From an alchemical taoist point of view I want to feel the sun in heart and hear it sing. Feel the Oceans in my belly, the green of spring in my right side, clarity of winter in my left. To experience within my physical microcosm is the macrocosm of the universe and hear/feel its song. (slow but steady progress). I wrote down when I retired 2 years ago that my goal was superior health and happiness. I'm bunny hopping towards them. da da da da da ta da da da da dah, da da da da da da dadada Michael
  8. McKenna, the I Ching, and 2012

    Right. Something like that but with more words. I can see how just staring at it would act as a Ouji board guiding you to thought places you need to go. I googled I Ching posters and haven't found what I was looking for. Something like your symbol, but with words would be close. Michael
  9. McKenna, the I Ching, and 2012

    Because its so visual I wonder if there is a good poster showing the many permutations of the I Ching. Michael or a huge dart board where you throw 3 darts at once.
  10. Live Chat

    going there now. M
  11. Hi. This is me, and I'm this is what I'm into...

    Nice mask Midwesterner. Michael
  12. One Move

    Wayfarer, which 5 Animal system do you use? I've got Winns and one day it would be great to compare it to other peoples beasts. Michael Its the one Chi Gung tape my kids will do
  13. Taboos

    I have a slight taboo and admittedly stupid one about a subject mentioned earlier. Organ meat, livers brains hearts etc. They are power houses of enzymes and nutrients, but our 'advanced' white flour society has tabooed them. Even standard fares of my parents like tongue and oxtail soup seem wrong to me. Its a wide spread affluent misprogramming. Here's an almost humourous one. In judiasm the G-d is sacred and not to be used or written lightly, so we'll often spell it G-d, or in hebrew Hashem (the name). I mostly use that abbrieviation myself unless I'm talking about other peoples concept of god. In which case I'll use a lower case. Again early programming showing subtle biases and prejudices. Michael
  14. master xiang lintao

    Freeform you're a tease.. Whats the device? I know 2 places that have sophisticated water coolers. I forget the name but you add tap water it goes through various filters and 'magnetic' resonance, at the bottom are various high mineral rocks. Michael
  15. History of Religion

    Great site, thats what internet learning should be about. Not just that simulation, but the others as well. Michael
  16. Dirk is amazing. What other goodies did he present? Michael
  17. penis slapping enlargement

    Slapping seems to make it bigger temporarily, but then it loses liquid and goes back to its old shape. Scroll down, we had a long thread on 'enlargement' about two months ago. Part of it was whether or not it was a worthy goal, part on if it was really possible. You are talking about a small spongy extremity. People did agree that the strength and firmness of erection is more important (to health & sex) and attainable then trying to fiddle with size. Wide concern that pumps were dangerous. Discussions got heated on Chia/Winn methods vs. Dr. Linn. Rather then rehash, go to the old post. Part of the taoist 'slapping' exercises and testicular massages is to keep circulation and hormones flowing strongly. Taoist techniques for control and pleasure are well worth looking into. My 2 cents is that its better to play with connectiveness and technique then worry over size. Yours Michael
  18. zen stories

    Right, What I got from it is that hope implies a wishing for better in the future. In Enlightenment there is only now, and that is enough. Hopefully We're right Michael
  19. zen stories

    The man eating demon monk does have echoes of 'cutting off the finger' in it. Michael
  20. McKenna, the I Ching, and 2012

    There was a library having a book sale today. I went there hoping the universe would point me to an old (or new) copy of I Ching or Ta Chuan. No luck, I did pick up Mutant Woman Down Under and a grocery bag full of books for $2. Somewhere I have an interesting copy of the I ching as individual cards. Wayfarer and Taomeow, you both see the I Ching as an integral tool of Taoism. From Wayfarer I get the understanding of it as an interactive Dao De Ching, from Taomeow I picture it as a tool, a focal lense..onto the universal map..? Michael
  21. McKenna, the I Ching, and 2012

    Thanks Wayfarer I was hoping you'd join in. To me it boils down to is there a supernatural agent responding to the roll of the coins, or is it the genius of the I Ching system to act as a mirror to get me to solve my own problem? I.E. the tarot cards are accurrate (and useful) because I see the cards meaning and mythology through the prism of my own mind. As a modern rationalist its harder to get my mind around the supernatural agent involved. Its easier to see my own minds interpretations. If prescient forces are involved its feels more likely then they are my own unconscious gifts beyond the usual senses. Historically how much credit belongs to the system and how much to the user? Michael
  22. McKenna, the I Ching, and 2012

    On the face of it, I think your playing games with yourself but because you're smart, its a smart game. Your relationship is not with It, but with your own intuition, which is no slouch. Its been a while since I've looked at a book or tossed coins. Tell you what, I'll take a look at the Ta Chuan and see where it takes me. Michael
  23. McKenna, the I Ching, and 2012

    How much faith do we want to put into randomly tossed coins? If you ask that end of the world question and threw the coins every day, you would end up with every possible combination, and they'd form along a bell curve. Its the way of flipped coins. For me the I ching, tarot and similar divinations have value as a Rorschach test, the vagueness allows me to open up intuition along the lines they point to. Its not them, its me. Or is it us? Michael
  24. I don't know perfect, but I know good. Nothing is better then hands on experience with a teacher, Yoga, Tai Chi, Aikido, Feldenkrais, Dance etc. There are nuances in 'perfect' stance where you need some one to press and pull you a bit. That said, stand as if you were being pulled up by a string on the top (backish) of your head. Another string gently pulls your shoulders a little wider apart. Most Westerns have there pelvis region rolled back, they usually need to roll it and there hips slightly forward. Stand with your back to a wall, with your heels touching it. How much space is there behind your back? If you can slip your arms through it, there is too much, adjust your posture (rolling your hips). Books on Zhan Zang standing meditation have good hints. Try Lam's Book of Energy. He recommends using your imagination, resting your arms and extremities on 'energy balls' and relaxing onto them. For belly breathing, try using a clock with a second hand in front of you. Sip the air through your nose as if you were a gourmet. Start 5 seconds in, 5 out should be easy. Once its established, Move to 10 seconds in, out. Wait til its easy, then 15 in, 15 seconds out, slow sips through the nose. In Ki-Aikido we'd do 1 minute breath cycles, very slow, but you work up to it. As the body relaxes it becomes easier. Ultimately you have to let go of the counting and slowness and go natural, but doing the slow breathing turns you on to what natural really is Minke DeVos in Silent Grounds (look for it in the link section) has some great indepth CD's on breathing exercises. Hope that helps. Michael
  25. zen stories

    The boy was lucky it was just a finger, in other Zen stories people lose there arms! Obviously the moral is don't give a zen master the finger. or its not about copying an action its about having the unfettered mind and spirit. Here's one of my favorate Zen tales: One of the guilty pleasures at a Zen Monastery was listening to a Master's dying Haiku. For years they would be retold, compared and discussed. Nearing death one of the oldest and most esteemed Monks Banqui was asked, what are you final words? He said, "I am afraid to die" and was dead. This disturbed the younger monks greatly. One asked a Master "If master Banqui was enlightened how could he give such an anwer?" The master replied, "Banqui was indeed enlightened. Above all Zen is honest" I wrestled with this Zen piece for a while. 'The sign above the gates leading to enlightenment read "Abandon all hope, ye who Enter". Why? Michael