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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. I've never bought into the' You and I don't really exist, we're just 99,9% empty space and thought form'. I think its a mistake to apply quantum level physics into the billions(?trillions) of times size we are. At different sizes things act way differently, comparisons become nonsensical. I can do the tricks in 'What the Bleep Do We Know'. Its called stop action camera work. Very simple. When you stop thinking you don't disappear, not when you sleep, not when you're dead. The falling tree does make a sound whether we're there or not. Basic physics and remotes cameras have proven it. For all the space between our molecules you can't put your hand through the computer monitor. Wearing a superman suit does not give the user the ability to fly, nor does the LSD trip or deep hypnosis. Maybe the world can be a little Matrix like, but even there, most rules can only be bent. (Unless you're the One of course ) Michael
  2. In the early days, there were many different martial arts competing. There were fewer rules, no rounds and fighters would compete several times in the same night, injured or not. Those early days were dominated by the Gracies, doing quick take downs. It took years before people learned defenses. In one fight Gracie won, but was too injured to continue to the next fight. The substitute was an Ninjitsu artist. He was the closest to internal I've seen in the octagon. He slipped a punch, connected shoulder to shoulder w/ his opponent, shrugged and tossed him down, without using his hands. Then a skillful ground and pound and he won. As far as I know he never fought again. Michael
  3. Daily Mantra, pep talks and prayer

    The pep talk I've been working with is "I'm more then a body, I am also soul and spirit. Deep peace and harmony are my birthrite, they are at my core always accessible." I'll repeat it in the morning when I first wake up. Its somewhat inspired by Robert Monroe's Focus series. For prayer, look into your families traditions. Sometimes there's a reason you're born into the family you are. Prayers first heard in childhood done with greater awareness might resonate with you. I'll use a short prayer as a mantra. Alternately speaking it, singing it, silently repeating it in my mind, then letting it take me into silence. Michael
  4. Tsa this might be a side track but it does have to do with extraordinary claims and collective psi power.. This would be so easy to do, but I haven't done it yet. In Emotos books one water, where smiling makes for nice crystals, bad words make for ugly water crystals. We don't have the expertise or the microscope for that one. He has another experiment with cooked white rice. One jar is labeled love beauty smile, the other is labeled ugly nasty bad. Both are filled with fresh cooked rice, both are sealed and left out. The rice in the 'nice' jar smells is not rotted and smells sweet and yeasty after 2 weeks. The 'bad' jar rice is green and rotted. When I googled the experiment a year or so ago I expected to see people posting there own rice results. I didn't find any. If it actually works and isn't a matter of not cleaning one jar properly, then its pretty conclusive evidence of mind over matter. Next time I cook rice I'll throw some in a two freshly cleaned jars. Anyone care to join me. I'll snap a picture or two first. Hmnn have to buy jars... Michael
  5. I've been doing some chanting for a while. Old Kabbalistic stuff. Some of it chanting vowels, Eeeeh, for top of head, Eehhhhh for throat, Aaaaahhh for heart and so on down to a groinular Uuuu. Also in the Kabbalistic realm I've been reciting the short Jewish Shema prayer, regarding it in the realm of sacred sound and a call to be awakened and connected to Gd. The vowel recitations seem to be pretty wide spread. Many of the sounds are close to the sacred chants in Japanese Kotodama. The founder of Aikido was very interested in these sacred sounds and considered them his true secret. (see John Stevens book, forget tittle) Certainly you see similar sounds in Alchemical Taoism. My favorite practice from one of Michael Winns fusions tapes is to run the healing sounds circularly through the body, hitting each organ w/ its appropriate sounds and season. I.e. starting w/ cold kidney winter Shhhuuuu, circling to warming green liver Shhhhhh, up to hotter red heart AHhhhhh, then cooling into silver fall SSssss. I've been into the Hemisync Discovery series of CD. They have sections where you quietly hum Aaahhhs, Oooooos, and Aaaahmmmmmns. Lots of ways to use noise. Rawna Clark who has been interpreting Franz Bardon stuff for years has said sound connects us to our astral/emotional bodies. It can go beyond our brain and capture us. So, How do you use Sound in your practices? Yours Michael
  6. How do you use Sound in your practices?

    Thanks for letting me know about it. Too bad the MP3 doesn't include Rinpoche doing the sounds. Like many systems it doesn't include II. Doesn't have Eee either, but hEEee is throat sound and creates a vulnerability that may not be warrior ish. I'll put the book down on my wish list, or next time I'm getting something else from Sounds True. Michael
  7. Ancient Hebrew/Sanskrit alphabet

    I've been working on sacred vowels. Aayee HhEee Ahhh Ohhhh Ooooo and sometimes Uuuhhhh. Where you feel them, what they do. I'm working with a Medieval Kabbalist Abdulah Abulafiahs's system. Its a Jewish system, but its similar to Japanese Kotodama. I'm sure it echoes ancient Egyptian and older Shamanic practices. I have a modern CD 'The Human Voice Project' and its a modern rediscovering of using the same vowel sounds to heal. Certainly Alchemical Taoism is all over sound/vowels as the language of the soul/organs. Every tradition I've seen has connected AAhhhhh to the heart. Its simple too obvious to miss. Its hard wired into us. We Aahh at beauty and to let off steam. Theres a primieval feeling to it. In temple the ancient prayers when song, reflect through the body and its quite an experience. At the deepest level there is the void and silence, but between that and our reality there is vibration that becomes everything. To Yogis it is Ohhhmmmnnn that underlines all of existence. In Judiasm it is the names of G-d and many of them internally echo from head to belly. In Taoism it is the music of the spheres, Winn writes about it. You know what else is great about it? It turns the shower into completely sacred space. The echoes and reverb against the tiled wall. The flow of hot or icy cold water flowing over your head. Its amazing and its right in our homes. If you're interested in the Jewish practice, Sounds True has a book/cd called Ecstatic Kabbalah which I love. John Stevens wrote a good book (among many great books of his) on Kotodama as done by the mystic Founder of Aikido. Its probably somewhere in every tradition. Michael
  8. Baby Gong

    Babies have that perfect zen awareness. They just see. Or laugh, or just cry. Its their whole being. No guile or thought. Its an ingredient we all need more of. Michael
  9. Lucid Dreaming techniques

    I remember one dream. In it I was talking to my college room mate who had recently died. I remembered he was dead and it came to that this must be a lucid dream and the conversation went on. Often in lucid dream even with accomplished people, only one side remembers the conversation. I don't know if that proof it didn't really happen, or if you're contacting a person beyond there normal remembering consciouness. Michael
  10. Letter from David Shen

    But you've been doing this for years and I take it you're not curing cancer either. There are other traditions where the Masters say they're curing cancer through ater. I'm sure David V. is great but he may not be as unique as you say. More power to him if he's allowing himself to be poked and prodded by scientists. That's the path to wider acceptance and thats when it goes from the mystic realm into common place. Your dream where talented qi gong Dr's are at every hospital. Because its the easiest thing in the world to fake, there's got to be objective standards and that is where science shines, usually Part of that dream has to start here, with us, us dreamers. Those who put the bottle infront of the tape. Those who charge their food and drink through conscious intent. Is it new age or are old fashion prayer? We aren't going to cure cancer with it, but maybe it will taste sweeter. Maybe it will be a little healthier. Or maybe just remind us of what we wish to be - more fluid . The majority of us will not be following your path. Your constant division of my side right, all others wrong/dreamers/D&D players(?) is The modern age has given unprecedented access to gurus and teachers of all stripes. When we're ready and if we keep an eye out, our teacher will come. And hopefully we'll wise enough to send them packing when the time is right. Michael
  11. Lucid Dreaming techniques

    Lucid dreaming has been accepted and moved into the main stream. Not only is it widely accepted, but there are pages of techniques for having one. (If I wake up very early, I greatly increase my chances of having and remembering). Thirty years ago they were considered a mystics fantasy, 20 years ago cutting edge research on them is done at the Stanford with students trained as Oneirauts, now you get 10,000 hits when you google the term. It would be nice to see OBE's follow the same pattern. What a wonderful paradigm shift it would be if OBE followed the path that Lucid Dreams have taken. Michael edit -- correction on googling you find 1,000,020 hits. I just looked at great website for anyone interested in Lucidity. It really hits the subject from every angle.
  12. Letter from David Shen

    There was a Kabbalist center that was into changing water back into Eden water. They'd show pictures of the water under microscopes or electron microscopes to prove it. This was before Emotos work. I know there are healers in Mexico who 'charge' water for healing. I had a friend from Burma who's Master would mix spit and soil into round pellets and it would have miraculous healing power. I do think there is healing power in these things, but it helps if the patient sees it and believes it. The patient has to meet the healer half way. Healing water is nice, but its a crutch, the teacher is nice, but he's just a finger. At some point you have to get rid of the stuff (and the search for better stuff) and get rid of the guru, stand on your own and follow your path. Michael
  13. why is crime so low these days?

    Short answer, Yes. Short poem. Keep going w/ the orgonite. For bad guys it is krytonite. So that they stay in at night. You'd think the lower crime rate would translate into a lower prison population. Unfortunately it hasn't. With the 3 strikes and you're out and mandatory sentencing we're locking up a higher percentage of our population then almost any other country. So maybe the small population that creates most of the crime is locked up, as well as there unfortunate bretheren. Michael
  14. The Radical Middle?

    Hey Y. I could deal with that. There is good news. Cancer rates are down. Crime is way down from a decade or two ago. Organics are no longer fringe, we have good examples of bad government to point to. Michael
  15. I don't know how long its been there, but on the HT USA site under articles there is a section of transcriptions of Michael Winns Tao series. From Fundamentals I to Lesser Kan & Li. Well worth taking a look at, and if you're into Winns brand of tao, worth printing out. Though as he says its no substitute for the CD's, DVDs or live instruction. I once tried to transcribe notes from his Dream series tapes. Within 15 minutes I had 4 pages and gave up. He throws out ideas and concepts pretty quickly. Michael

    Hi Cam, 2 or 3 weeks ago someone joined who had a great MySpace page. I forget his name. You could look for him in the Intro section. He had at least a couple of replies there. Michael P.S. who give extra credit for something like that? Internet basketweaving?
  17. Temple burning

    Mbanu's right. In the early 90's the HTUSA discussion board run casually by Michael Winn was the wild west of taoist discussion. It drew the best, brightest and craziest to it. The well written thoughts of long time practitioners mixed with crazed rants. Flame wars that make the Seandenty threads look like a love fest, broke out monthly and raged for weeks. Some culminating in death threats(by katana duels) and curses(mostly satanic). Some posters became certified HT teachers and one HT teacher became certifiable. It was always interesting and when it was good, it was a world class exchange of ideas. In the past there were more teachers active and more people posting. This board under Seans design and guidance has created a wonderful community and its great to see it growing. My thanks to everyone who contributes and most especially to the System Operator Sean. Keep it up and keep it backed up. Yours Michael
  18. Young Blood

    Daniel Reid has some good long books on Taoism, history and health. Many here like Ken Cohens works too. Hit the library. Send out the desire and see what falls in your lap. Michael
  19. Now never comes

    Developing a habit of touching doors as a lucid dream check, good idea. When I try to work on lucid dreaming I find I can't fall asleep. It seems to work best when I wake up extra early and fall back to sleep with a firm suggestion or listening to a hypnotic tape. We should shift the lucid dreaming discussion to its own thread. Michael
  20. Problems with visualizing the MCO

    Spectrum brings up an interesting point. Do some people have more Chi then others. I'd say yes. I think energetics can help to bring better health (ofcourse so can better diet). Even before they say a word, people who have cultivated seriously have a presence about them. The way the sit, the set of their eyes and face, maybe its an unconcious glimpse of the aura. Michael
  21. Man shoots electricity out from his hand

    I don't think you can throw out the baby with the bath water, but a large percentage of 'powers' and claims are scam or misunderstood like our TV repairman. To me it looks like he's reinvented an old carnie trick. Thats far different then seeing chi gung masters who have an electric touch. You've got to keep your mind open and eyes sharp. Michael
  22. The Radical Middle?

    They started it . Elections are turning into billion dollar sound bites and smear campaigns. Humorously you smear members of your own party during primaries before turning your agents, provocateurs and spin doctors on the other side. I have vague hopes that Obama and McCain wouldn't stoop to such a level, which shows a stunning naivete. Michael
  23. I haven't found a great game since I was a kid. What game, game series, or game maker do you like? Michael
  24. Daoist Music?

    Daowadaddy mentioned Deuters 'Wind and Mountain'. On it is Island in the Sun, it puts me under more completely then any other music I've ever found. Michael
  25. Problems with visualizing the MCO

    I hear so many people from different systems saying, "I have dozens of examples of cleaning up the psychic messes that school created". You certainly don't have to wait long to hear that from Winn or Chia, or hear it against them from people from other schools. Energy meditations can be dangerous. If its not done under a qualified teacher(what ever that means) then you'd better be ready to back off if things run hot. The MCO is a tool, a powerful one. Should it be done first or last or arise naturally? I don't know. I think people should follow there schools system, get intelligent feedback and proceed with caution. Michael