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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. I need your vote to change the world!

    Music and the savage baby. Yesterday my 6 year old had a combination of hurt feelings from older siblings and recovering from a tummy ache. It was hard to console or reason with the beast. Thus I turned to music. We Iplod. I hooked my Ipod to dual ear plugs. We played his favorite Raffi songs. I played him my old favorites like the Beatles. In no time we were discussing music and mellowing. I Iplod with my 8 year old daughter too. We'll take walks with dual earplugs, walking and moving from song to song. Child rearing is an endurance event. Its 24 x 7 x 365 x 3 x 25. You wear many hats and need many tricks up your sleeve. Frankly a 3 or 4 hour stint with a crying baby is often the experience du jour. I'm not sure if giving new mothers an unasked for book is the right approach. They leave the hospital dog tired with 100#'s of misc. baby stuff and have very little time. Writing up a synopsis in booklet form might be cheaper, faster and more efficient (with a pitch for the book at the end). Eight pages of printing can become 2 pages in folded booklet form. Hook up with the hospital photograper, everybody buys no matter how verminish the newborn looks like, they would be an ideal source to distribute free booklets. Once written you can send it to the many Baby magazines out there. Again a cheaper fast efficient way to let mothers know about the books method. This method might even make you $$ instead of having to depend on a charity. Alternatively have the book available at the hospital store and use the money to create and subsidize half price coupons. People are more likely to read (and value) what they pay for. Random thoughts Michael
  2. NO! Just stop and do a little thinking ...

    The man speaks well for himself. Calmly stating facts. He risks much with his stand, but taking it will carry far more weight then the arm chair conversations by talking heads here. Good luck to him. The obvious answer is to deploy him and other conscientious objectors in noncombat situations, the need for support is huge, even for those not in Iraq. The ultimate answer is getting out, but you don't want the current blood bath to turn into a blood river. Michael
  3. Placebo

    What I find so amazing about the Placebo effect is that the doctors knowledge plays a profound effect on it, whether they know they're giving a placebo to a certain patient or not. Thus within the placebo effect there is a placebo effect, based on doctors knowledge. Thats why tests have to be double blind, blind to both patient and doctor. Even then you need a third level of controls to figure out efficiency. Homeopathy (Extreme dilution) is the biggest battle ground for placebo effect. Michael
  4. Meditation and Retention

    Wasn't there an old kung fu flick, Ovarian Kung Fu vs. Seminal? As I recall the last climactic battle was a draw Michael
  5. I'm expecting the boot

    Looks like you're too fascinating to boot You may be stuck with us for a while Michael
  6. Empowering our Goals

    Ditto. Michael
  7. I'm expecting the boot

    You are talking to the right person. Trunk is our expert at the combination of opposites. Michael glad to have you here
  8. A dilemma

    Most of my philosophy I learned early from playdoh and Popeye. When frustrated at the so called learning of others we should repeat the second corollary of his mantra 'They are what they are'. I used to argue more with others on this site and on another(HT). Its a no win game. Too often the criticism I think at others are just as easily redirected toward myself. So where does that leave us, when faced with those on(what we consider) lesser paths? You try to connect, you smile, you say what works for you, maybe a nudge? Ultimately we bump against each other, say good luck, and who knows where we'll bump next? A foolish practice done sincerely probably bares more fruit then great practice done foolishly. Michael
  9. Plans for the Next Year

    A fully realized man when given a wish, asks for a glass of water if thirsty or might say 'no thanks i'm fine'. I am not that man. Next year I'd like to have 2 or 3 short stories published and have longer stories being considered ie the billy shakespeare series. I'd like to be 20 pounds lighter and have an office of solitude available. Thats it for now, I'll come up with more later. What about you? Also how much is work, how much is manifesting? What does karma and states of enlightenment have to do with what we get? and ask for? Michael
  10. Empowering our Goals

    Actually its not 'my' method, most of the post is a long quote from someone at the lobby. I do find it an interesting subject though. 'Charging' items. Isn't that what all great artists do? Using the MCO to increase charging power. In Aikido there were 2 short staffs that were very old. Years (decades?) of use had sanded and oiled them with human hands. Using them, holding them, really did ramp up a kata. They were somewhat kept away from beginners who couldn't fully appreciate them. Charging water with positive intention was around long before emoto's popular book, its found in many diverse cultures, from kabbalah to taoism. Isn't it common place in the east to believe that a persons wah, piece of spirit, rests within objects that held there love and affection? Where does fluffy wishful thinking end and a possible reshaping of our reality begin? As you travel down the road from meditation to mysticism, Magic keeps popping up. Is the definition of magic reshaping the world based ones will through mystic forces? I was always reluctant to get into anything that refered to magic. It seemed either childish, darkish, or giving reign to selfish desires. I've been reading up on Franz Bardon and his system seems above that. Seeking psychological balance through hard work before looking at the world through elemental eyes. Random thoughts Michael
  11. Electronic Notebook

    Its a little bigger then what you're looking for, but tablets have been around for a few years. They're laptop sized but have screens you can swivel and write on. They are popular with contractors and appraisors. Sony has come out with a micro laptop that pretty interesting. I have an old 1 hertz sony laptop, it was fairly cheap and wonderfully small. Its getting pretty slow. Seems like its minutes to boot up, and very all around very slow. I'm thinking of upgrading. Torn between a Mac, $1299 or PC a bit less. I really like my new Mac desktop. Prices should be dropping like stones since new operating systems are coming out. Michael
  12. Microcosmic Orbit

    Hey X, I feel the love I hear where you're coming from. Its like a guy saying I'm a boxer, look I have this booklet. There is a responsibility of more practiced people to give others a reality check. Still even with the booklet, if its written by a professional trainer and followed scrupulously, you won't get a boxer, but you can have someone who's in excellent shape and better then the average bear. I have taken seminars with Chia and Winn, read books, spent regular time on the mat and have my CD's. Its a poor substitute for a regular teacher, but they are from teachers I respect. I'll drop the word enlightenment and say Complete Human Being, is important to me, but as a soccer dad its not my top or even in my top 4 priorities. I think the little bits done daily, and the striving to bring the teachings into every day life moves you along the path. These days I don't want to get too top heavy. Guided meditations done by an accomplished teacher can be very powerful, as much for the 'transmission' by the teacher as for the practice they teach(admittedly its only a tiny bit of what a live transmission is, but there is something there.) I've broken into heavy sweats listening to them, felt my body rock and bob as the energy has moved across it. Must get ice cream for children. Let them have there fun before the ice cap melts and we have to live on a boat. Weeks of 50 degrees here in Chicago in December. Michael
  13. Gangaji

    Me too. She appears on to public station every now and then. She has great presence, very there. I forget the site that 'rates' the gurus from a guy who seriously watches them. It had an interesting article comparing her and her presence to others. Michael
  14. Brain Meditation

    Two thoughts. There is a gentle sun gazing meditation. Gentle because its done with the face towards the sun, but eyes closed. You feel the sun rays entering through the eyes, filling them, then coming through to the brain filling it with light. Then flowing down the spinal cord. (I think its from Chei Nei Tsang collection). Chia has some similar meditations. Feeling the suns light transcribing into its component colors throughout the body. Rawn Clark's Center of Stillness Meditation ( uses visualizations to shut down the senses. Taking each sense and separating it from the body. It includes the thinking mind and emotions as two extra senses. Its nice because it gives you a tool to use when you're not meditating. i.e. too much thinking, let me move my thoughts into a shiny metal sphere and let it circle around me. Michael
  15. Microcosmic Orbit

    Crown Chakra Orgasm. See Xenoliths comments in his introduction at the Lobby. I also think Spyrelix nailed it. I suspect for me its a little bit of energy and mostly being aware of inner and outer nerves along the path of my orbit. Thats why its no head blowing satorilike orgasm. Ofcourse sometimes you fake it til you make it. It does work as a mantra, taking the thought out of the mind placing it in a slow steady motion. Michael
  16. Are you raw curious?

    From what I've read its extemely cleansing and nutritious short term, but long term, be careful and be honest with yourself. It can cause damage. Smile, I've seen similar 'studies' (in Daniel Reid's book for example) on how modern diets kill the cat. I think his example was cats and homogenized milk. Very similar to your study. But..I've also seen it debunked, as a flawed experiment by true believers who fudged data in order to prove there conclusions, ie feeding the critters a really stupid diet in order to sicken them, ie super sizing them. Balance balance balance. Get to pure and its hard to live in this world. The tao flows within its environment. It can move through extremes while keeping balance. Its eats the whopper with half a bun. Michael
  17. Microcosmic Orbit

    I've always liked the MCO. It never seemed as powerful as the hype, such as in Glenn Morris's book, Pathnotes. Or a path to controlled kundalini like Chia makes it out. For me its like an energy mantra. Up and down, flowing. The kind of thing to feel, then let go of. I've been working with Monroe's hemi-sync CD series. An integral part is having energy rise up to the head, then circle down along the body to the feet, then back up. Similar to MCO. As I've said before, the best source I've had for 'feeling' the MCO is Minke DeVos's Tao Basics CD which includes a 15 minute guided meditation. It has biaural sounds, sound effects, moves you slowly through each point, moves one pearl through the point, then 2, then many, until its a river a river of light you sit back and watch. It also moves into the Macro orbit including feet and arms. Not bad for 15 minutes. I also like the chi gung form on Winns Fundamental II video for giving a good sense of energy movement. Michael
  18. Great new gift to myself

    In the past 4 years I've had an Ipod, I've gone through 8 or 10 pair of earphones, breaking half of them when I held them in my pocket. I've never found a small pair that felt good. Course I always bought cheapish ones. I just bought the Bose Inears. Very impressive, great comfort and they stay in the ear well. The sound is better then my over the ear models. They offer only moderate sound proofing, which will probably keep a few people alive. It was between these or the Shure's which were $99 to $379. I can really recommend these. Went to Virgin Mega store. Picked up Rush Radio classics. Can't wait to load it in Michael
  19. Why does humanity live in seperation?

    Well, separation is better then divorce. I didn't listen to the whole youtube, but not enough separation and people don't grow. Everyone is a yes man. Everyone is too nice and nothing gets done. We need a tinge of selfishness and separateness to become fully ourselves and explore our potential. Michael
  20. There are some unsolved anomalies in the crop circle phenomena. What has been debunked in our age? Loch Ness monster, not there now. Thorough sonar readings done patiently and scientifically have knocked out the possiblity. Also most famous photo debunked. Big Foot, pretty much debunked. Massive population explosion in California and the west have left this giant hairy critter no place to rest his feet. UFO's certainly not debunked, but far fewer sightings then in there 70's heyday. The 90's phenomena of abductions seem to be so yesterday. Giant red headed wood pecker. Still up in the air.? Psychic powers? We don't see anyone other then magicians levitating around. The Great Randi still has his $$. The internet has brought together more people involved in psychic phenomena, but I don't know if its brought the absolute proof and shift that has been hoped for. What out there? What is hoped? What is proved? What is teachable? The last is particularly important to me. Can it be taught? Has it been. I don't want a master who produces cheese out of his butt if he can't teach his disciples and students to do the same. Michael
  21. Fu sheng wu liang tianzun

    Hi Taomeow, Glad to have you here. I take it the Talisman sorcery falls into the non discussion category. If not, what is it? Yours Michael
  22. When I simply meditate. I'll sit on a zafu, count my breaths over and over 1-10. After a while I'll let it go and just sit. When its great I'm aware of the spaciousness and quietness in my mind. There is sometimes a nice time dilation effect. I'm not longer feeling my body. Thoughts like 'I can think' hit me with strange fascination. Other times I sit and its du du du dududu, itch scratch, darn kids, dollar trade imbalance etc. Physical exertion can help. Strong emotional moods (even anger) good or bad can sometimes propel me very deep. Michael
  23. Sacred Geometry, Pinchbeck, Crop Circles?

    I think they're great and show what a man with a spike, roap, and small board can do; along with a friend and a lot of time. There are videos that show men who have been making these things for years, even before they were 'big time'. Put a spike in the ground, use rope, walk around it with a board, stomping on crops. Use a compass, let out rope, make another circle. Spirals and mandalas are natural outcomes of various spinnings around different points. A little inspiration and the wallah. I forget the name, but as kids, didn't we all play the drawing game where you put a colored pencil in a plastic round circle, then spin it in a round enclosure. Depending on which hole you put it in you would make amazing designs. Using different holes on the wheel and smaller wheels and you could create amazing mandalas, in seconds. Thus I think most of them are terrestrial artists, maybe some are graphitti artists from space. While its slightly more constructive then cow mutilation, I wish they'd get a life. Looking at those designs you can easily imagine where the spike was put in, where they completed and filled in the circles, where they left swirled outlines. Michael
  24. Why do you practice Tai Chi, Qi Gong?

    The practice is enjoyable for its own sake. The mixing of emotions and feeling with movement is worthwhile in itself. I do think there are health and meditational benefits, but basically it doesn't take up a lot of time and feels good to do. Michael
  25. Great new gift to myself

    Cool, I'll have to try it. Michael