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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Animals!

    I really like the japanese word Wah. The air, the psychic vibe, given off by a person. Animals seem to sense it better then we do. I've seen people run informal animal shelters and miraculously the animals get along remarkably well. Its held together by the persons wah, their loving aura creates peace. Michael
  2. anger

    My 4 gig Ipod is full, but I can't get myself to delete Tolle's 2 hour audio book. His voice and demeanor are so relaxing, his words resonate so well that it stays on, while other things are gone. On the other hand he is a bit alien. He's so divorced from life as I know it that its harder to bridge the space between him and myself. McAllister on the Infinite podcast site is similar (& free) and has a lifestyle closer then mine and mind closer to Tolle's . Dealing with anger and difficult people is essential. We're not in a monastery, its simply going to happen. We'd better learn how to deal with it skillfully. So in 'do what I say, not what I do' corner, I repeat, Consciously decide to confront, Consciously walk away or Consciously surrender to the situation. But you can't fool yourself. Anger denied is anger retained, in the back of the mind and physically. Michael
  3. Sorry you're so exasperated. If you have another understanding of the picture then say it. These posts are about the picture and interpretations of it. Please chime in about the top, bottom or middle. Does your teacher use the picture to explain things? Michael
  4. Live Chat? Saturday

    If I'm not staring at the screen, ring the bell to get me Hi Matthew Michael
  5. Its as factual as any interpretation of religious art. Its a pretty famous picture. The above is Chia's interpretation of it through his lense of Healing Tao practice. Here's what another site had to say about it: The painting, together with the Xiu Zhen Painting, are very important in Tao pursuing process. Some qigong master tell their disciples that when they know all the skills they need the two paintings for direction. They mean this one and the Xiu Zhen Painting. Inner Landscape of Human's Body shows practitioners in a very abstract way of all all necessary points in the human's body and their roles they played in the qigong practice. It is not easy nowadays to get the painting. In fact it is a very eye-catching painting. If you're asking if Chia's whole system is fact or fiction, well thats another can of worms. Michael
  6. Hi. Looking for a bit of advice

    When energy practices start over heating you. Stop them. Take some time off til you feel regular. Doing some emptiness style meditations can help too. That is counting breaths, repeating a mantra or just listening to music you like. People who are energy sensitive can go further and deeper, faster then the regular population, but it also increases the chance of burn out on several levels. So go slow, get a book, better yet find a responsible teacher. Yoda suggestions of AYP practices are good, check out the healing tao usa web site too. Michael
  7. NO! Just stop and do a little thinking ...

    Lozen, you know your stuff and have obviously given it more thought then most of us have. I agree with you that he should be punished (but hope its relatively light < 2 yrs), I just think there is courage in his stance. There is also considerable power in it. He's making some pretty big waves and starting conversations across the world. Michael
  8. Urbis - Creative writing gallery

    Sean, TwoTrees, thanks. Urbis looks great. I have bookmarked it. I'll have to join and see if I can get some critiques. Michael
  9. A dilemma

    But its not aimed at teaching You. Some of the stuff written is for the guy who asks, "What is the Doh all about". Plus half the posts are off the cuff remarks thrown on the wall to see what sticks. If we had to check our posts for well thought out intelligent thoughts, we'd hardly be able to post at all. Michael
  10. Live Chat? Saturday

    Thalamus, Thymus, Thelidium, whats the difference. There's an organ in the neck that controls hormone flow, the chi field is either intelligent enough to pick it up or it isn't, words is just words. You did a great job Michael
  11. A dilemma

    I'm reminded of the classic male/female split. I.E. When presented with a problem, women will tend to listen and offer support. Where a guy will immediately seek to solve the problem (no matter how clueless) and move on. For example: Woman:I just cut off my finger tip. Woman2: Oh my god, that must really hurt, I'm so sorry. Whereas Man1:Maybe you should put the tip on ice. Or superglue, I think I read somewhere you can superglue it back on. Based on a true story, names have been changed to protect the foolish. Thus in a worst case situation we are faced with sympathy and inaction, vs. immediate stupid reaction. One more angle on the dilemma. Michael
  12. Hello To Everyone

    Wow, very nice. I also like the glowing yoga palm avatar on your myspace site. I'll have to google around for other Alex Grey elaborations. Michael
  13. Hello To Everyone

    Is your avatar overlays of Alex Grey's work? I have his calendar and I've wanted to work with it, digitize it, add some movement, words and music. Things that people like you have already done. If you have time, let us know what graphics, programs and expertise you use. Michael
  14. Live Chat? Saturday

    Well, its 2:49 a.m my time. Had a great conversation with Forrest, TwoTrees, TaoMeow and Matthewqi who led us in livechat guided meditations. Very nice. My thanks to them all. Michael
  15. Hello To Everyone

    Welcome. You have a great avatar. Impressive myspace site too. Michael
  16. NO! Just stop and do a little thinking ...

    Bravo to the soldier who disobeys because of conscience, not fear. I'm not saying they shouldn't be disciplined. Sign the line, commit the crime, do the time. You break a binding contract you are and should be held responsible, but I think is honor in his stand and in taking whatever consequences follow from it. Michael
  17. Filling in the blanks

    I love this site. We have a nice community of regulars and new interesting posters show up weekly. People may want to consider filling in more information on themselves in their Profile section. It doesn't have to be complete or even totally accurrate, but its nice to get a feeling for where people are from and what generation they belong to. Just a thought. May the Great Red Pig smile on us all Michael.
  18. NO! Just stop and do a little thinking ...

    He says he signed up for patriotic reasons, and then felt duped. He's got good reasons for that. The easy road is to follow orders, I think he shows a lot of courage. Maybe he's doesn't fit the mold of conscientious objector, but a man makes a decision and follows through, but when the newly revealed facts are against him, he should have the courage to change that position and take what ever punishment that might entail. Michael
  19. The Anger within Leidee(s)

    I love my Dad, but working with him was hard. He has a double AA now now now personality and I'm more laid back. What really helped me deal with frustration and anger was the martial arts. I don't think I could have lasted 12 years with him, without them. I couldn't out think or philosophize away the anger I felt, not when the stressor was a constant. Practicing a martial art allowed me to burn away angry thoughts. There an internal physical part of anger and a hard work out works for that too. A good work out often do more to clear the mind then good psychiatrist. So if its possible try a class. There are lots of woman in the martial arts. Learning to punch(and be punched), kick (ass) , scream (Kiai) might be just the release you need. Aikido was particularly good for me since most of it's practice was hands on rehersal. You could attack hard, the person knew what was coming and would turn it into a throw. Then you'd take turns. There are problems you have to face and problems you can walk away from. Too often we stay a middle ground where anger and frustration ferment. Have a plan, face it, walk away from it, or make peace with it. Last, I believe that in our inner core there is a deep peace. Its our sacred birth rite. We can't always access it, but its there, waiting, almost like its watching us. You can find it on walks and during meditation. So even when shit piles up, its there, and no matter what happens, eventually everything will work out. Michael
  20. Filling in the blanks

    I was thinking of Fill in the Blanks more as filling in options in the Personal section. But for my repeated 15 minutes of fame here is an except from my Introduction in 05. "I am a 27 year old Brazilian woman currently doing time in the San Quentin Womans correctional facility. I have a penchant for writing bad checks and lying. Actually I'm lying about the lying(wrap your minds around That). I am just michael. A simple house husband. I am leading such a domesticated life that that the thing I've gotten most excited about lately was a minimalist oat meal cookie recipie I found on the back of McClellns Oatmeal. I entered the rat race, won and quit. Now I have a bit more time to figure things out. In college I got way too top heavy, too much reading, too much philosophy. It was important to get into the martial arts where philosphy is nice, but punch is a punch and must be avoided. I've always meditated. I got involved in the Healing Tao, because it seemed very proactive. I like its beginning practices, the smile, orbit, chi gung routines. I'm just getting into Winns Kan & Li tapes. I think I'll stick w/ it a while longer. See whats ahead of the bend. I think the pre Kan & Li stuff is grade school, Kan & Li gets you into 'high school'. maybe This is a great board, and many kudos to the people I've met here and to Sean who has put a great deal of work into this site." Michael
  21. Empowering our Goals

    Here's a piece that is taken from a discussion in the Lobby. It has to do with empowering our goals, very apt for the new year. - "I use to use talisman to freeze and attach certain patterns of energy. I draw them in a paper with astrological and geometric symbols and then, I charge them with reiki energy. So far, I've attained very good results, but anyway, and knowing more people in here use them, I'd like to ask about your talisman-making style. Should we start off a new thread on this? Let's suppose we want to attract something with the help of a talisman. How do you make it? First, I design in a paper a previous drawing. Usually I square everything in a big square so the energy can be held inside. Then I write the thing I want to obtain in the center and I surround it by a triangle (so, outside the square, inside the triangle and inside of it the text). I put in the blank space symbols of deities and planets that rule the energy that can give me the wish. After it, I charge myself with energy (MCO) and I summon reiki energy so I pass it to the paper. Then I fold it and I keep close to me (usually in my wallet), charging it everyday with my mere thought. That's my technique. I'd like to hear about other's." Somewhere I have a book on sexual magic. I thought it would contain taoist techniques, it was about using sex and its energy as a magical focus to influencing reality/getting what you want. Never really tried it, but got some nice sex pointers from the book. Michael -
  22. I need your vote to change the world!

    Music and the savage baby. Yesterday my 6 year old had a combination of hurt feelings from older siblings and recovering from a tummy ache. It was hard to console or reason with the beast. Thus I turned to music. We Iplod. I hooked my Ipod to dual ear plugs. We played his favorite Raffi songs. I played him my old favorites like the Beatles. In no time we were discussing music and mellowing. I Iplod with my 8 year old daughter too. We'll take walks with dual earplugs, walking and moving from song to song. Child rearing is an endurance event. Its 24 x 7 x 365 x 3 x 25. You wear many hats and need many tricks up your sleeve. Frankly a 3 or 4 hour stint with a crying baby is often the experience du jour. I'm not sure if giving new mothers an unasked for book is the right approach. They leave the hospital dog tired with 100#'s of misc. baby stuff and have very little time. Writing up a synopsis in booklet form might be cheaper, faster and more efficient (with a pitch for the book at the end). Eight pages of printing can become 2 pages in folded booklet form. Hook up with the hospital photograper, everybody buys no matter how verminish the newborn looks like, they would be an ideal source to distribute free booklets. Once written you can send it to the many Baby magazines out there. Again a cheaper fast efficient way to let mothers know about the books method. This method might even make you $$ instead of having to depend on a charity. Alternatively have the book available at the hospital store and use the money to create and subsidize half price coupons. People are more likely to read (and value) what they pay for. Random thoughts Michael
  23. NO! Just stop and do a little thinking ...

    The man speaks well for himself. Calmly stating facts. He risks much with his stand, but taking it will carry far more weight then the arm chair conversations by talking heads here. Good luck to him. The obvious answer is to deploy him and other conscientious objectors in noncombat situations, the need for support is huge, even for those not in Iraq. The ultimate answer is getting out, but you don't want the current blood bath to turn into a blood river. Michael
  24. Placebo

    What I find so amazing about the Placebo effect is that the doctors knowledge plays a profound effect on it, whether they know they're giving a placebo to a certain patient or not. Thus within the placebo effect there is a placebo effect, based on doctors knowledge. Thats why tests have to be double blind, blind to both patient and doctor. Even then you need a third level of controls to figure out efficiency. Homeopathy (Extreme dilution) is the biggest battle ground for placebo effect. Michael
  25. Meditation and Retention

    Wasn't there an old kung fu flick, Ovarian Kung Fu vs. Seminal? As I recall the last climactic battle was a draw Michael