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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Buddhist-Human-Omnivore

    Its not the 'eating the dead animal' that concerns me. Its the raising in questionable, often crappy (or extremely crappy) conditions, giving it a short unnatural life, then herding it off to a slaughter that it may find emotionally distasteful. That seems worse then picking a carrot out of the ground. Are we really using lessons from quantum physics to bypass personal responsiblity of actualizing a chain of events that cause pain and death to other animals? I eat meat and enjoy it, but do have the sense it is less evolved. I see a sliding scale involved, hunted better then free range, free range better then mega farmed, mega farmed better then mass starvation, mass starvation better then cannibalism, cannibalism better then last nights tofu casserole etc. Michael
  2. The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out ...

    Hey trees, I get "That page is expired" Which parasite should I be looking for? These days I have 3, though someday I hope to upgrade them to symbiotes. Michael
  3. moment of clarity

    man tends to be more rationalizing then rational. Michael
  4. Buddhist-Human-Omnivore

    I should clarify. I think its a moral weakness for Me, because it goes against one of my internal philosophies, ie the simple one of 'don't hurt things unneccesarily'. I think what comes out of a persons mouth has more influence on their karma (path?) then what goes into it. Michael and if Buddha was alive today, he'd xxx a xxx
  5. Guitar Hero!

    (o) O O < ~~ Hows this face? third eye open Michael
  6. Buddhist-Human-Omnivore

    I'm a fellow omnivore. I think eating meat is a moral weakness. Its number 4 on my list of 136. I've got veggie friends. Some have long ethical, biological and social defenses. A girl I went out w/ summed it up well and simply, "Don't hurt things that you don't have to". Thus she didn't eat meat or wear leather. The 'plant feels pain' argument is extraordinarily weak. Even those who can make it with a straight faced have to admit that a pound of beef is gotten through eating a dozen of pounds of plant life. So, I guess I'm saying, feel the love, share the guilt, pass the mistreated, slighted rotted, carbonized animal flesh. Michael
  7. Desire, Sex, Tantra

    Eh, I expect Sean doesn't work hard at this stuff, he plays hard at it. He enjoys the stuff, practice for the fun of practice (uh right Sean?). You have to enjoy the process. Working on the edge might be uncomfortable, a few minutes more, staying w/ discomfort, mental, emotional a few minutes more, but then you let it go. Release . We can't be afraid of enjoying life. IMHO desire is great, but don't be too attached to it. My attitude is "It would be nice, but if not, fine" Let the universe decide. The most Skillful Means, is turning practice into a game. These days I have a mantra, "Something wonderful is about to happen, watch watch watch". Michael
  8. We are puny!

    I've got to do something to get this fat butt moving. I should probably restart. I have a friend who's running a small mellow group. Maybe its an egoey old fart thing. I was never great, but after 13 years, I was better then the average bear, and a Nidan! These days, I'd probably roll like a rock and throw like a girl(sorry ladies). The reality of how far I've fallen urrghh. My kids are doing Shotokan Karate at a nice traditional dojo. Great Sensei, lots of life lessons, strict but happy dojo. But I did my time w/ Karate in high school, now it seems so rigid. I want to find a nice esoteric chi gung school in the Chicago area, there must be some around. Had a bunch of white garbed lunies dancing in circles around a nearby beach last year. If my wife and kiddies hadn't been around I would have no doubt introduced myself and joined them. Maybe I'll just have to keep the stars circling around. Michael
  9. We are puny!

    Eh, that Antares isn't so big. I can hold it in the palm of my hand. The biggest stars and galaxies are just pin pricks of light to me, and as each morning approaches I blow them out, one by one. ME, I am powerful but humble too so I let them catch light again come nightfall and let the earth sail around the sun turning and spinning to keep the whole place toasty warm (cept for poles and some mens hearts) Michael
  10. Desire, Sex, Tantra

    Sexual desire is so powerful and multi-dimensional, physical, mental, even spiritual. It can deeply sooth or burn and scar. To revile it, is like reviling fire. Michael
  11. new member

    Hi Jack, Very glad to have you here. Post a thought, great or mundane as a New Post in the Discussion area. In general we try not to get too commercial and sound like an ad, but it would be great to hear about your thoughts and work. Jump into any discussion. Maybe Personal Pages would be an ideal place for an indepth look at what you work. Many Welcomes Michael
  12. Guitar Hero!

    I played around w/ Guitar Hero at Best Buy, it rocks, lots of fun. But I have a Nintendo Gamecube. The new Mario Dance game w/ dance pad is quite a bit of fun. So much I bought an extra pad. Michael
  13. life is shit

    Goals are important, both long and short term. Keep your eye on short term goals, but long term goals are a path you walk in, not something to keep your eye on, i.e. don't obsess or even think about constantly, but create a daily discipline that you enjoy that moves you along the chosen path/goal. Michael
  14. hello

    You old (green) dogs can teach us new tricks. Don't hesitate to post or jump into a conversation. Michael
  15. ...

    My favorite spiritual podcast is the Zen inspired talks of Michael Allistair at You can find them in Itunes Podcasts spirituality section as well. Allistair is seems knowledgeable, enlightened, but also very much a regular guy w/ wife, dogs and love of basketball. I mention him in the Review section here. Michael Mayber I'll try that Oxy stuff.
  16. Mandatory Draft Bill

    Yup, I think the Draft starts tomorrow. Relax. Other then the majority of people not wanting it, neither does the military or the majority of congress. Things are usually not as dark as you seem to believe. Michael
  17. The Secret of Conscious Co-Creation

    Best quote so far - Hagar -" This movie is working like a kind of existential anaesthesia; ". The movie "I Love(heart) Huckabees" has been making the rounds on HBO. It show cases the talents of two existential detectives Michael
  18. The Secret of Conscious Co-Creation

    When a happy, optimistic guy like Hagar raises his voice at something, you have to listen. I think he's raised a good point. For the New Age types living in relative luxury its all very well to say, oh I create my universe through my happy thoughts. But I don't think thats the way the universe operates. We can all agree that we have the power to interpret things as good or bad, pain or pleasure, hope or despair, or the third choice of remaining neutral toward the events happening to us. But its our inner universe we control, not the outter. Controlling the inner game is the baby, thinking we control the universe is the bath water. Stephen Levine, is a meditation teacher who worked w/ the dying. He was in the trenches w/ desperate people w/ real problems. He saw painful death and miraculous healing. He dealt w/ those who bought into the New Age 'I am God" who were very sick, and saw a cruel psychology playing out w/ them when they got worse. They had the double whammy of being very sick and having to think, I guess I'm really choosing this pain and sickness, even I really don't want it. Sometimes they died feeling like horrible failures. Levine thought healing and grace were available, the mind heals, grace is received but sometimes you still die. Illness claims the body, but the death is a good one, a holy one, peace is achieved. I get littered w/ new age Secret formulas emails daily. Heck all I have to do is look above this window. Use this formula, and win the lottery, money falls into your lap mysteriously, woman will love you, men will envy you etc. That will play well to the younger generation, but work hard, work smart, connect w/ people, that is what will make you a success IMHO. Michael
  19. Best anatomy resources?

    For energy anatomy I like the pictures of Alex Grey. For $15 I bought his calendar w/ 12 pictures. His skeletal systems showing flowing energy are inspiration. He captures the chakras and meridian systems in a way that both anatomical and poetical. You can see his posters at his web site. The calendar seemed to give the best bang for the buck. Michael
  20. Transmission

    I'm sorry I never learned to drive stick. If you can drive stick, you can drive almost anything, heavy machinery, lift trucks, vintage wheels, etc. I don't think anyone even sells stick anymore in the city. Michael
  21. Interactive 3D Performance Pyramid

    Looks great, the layout is perfect, but I take it, that it is still a work in progress, ie. hitting some corners get you text text text instead of info. If you can link the pyramid to more show me stuff; diagrams or live shows it would be even better. It also reminds me that while you had a problem, or more specifically a misunderstanding w/ Scott, you worked through it til you understood each other and got back to grooving and flowing Michael
  22. Royce or Hughes

    Darn you people armed w/ actual facts Michael
  23. Royce or Hughes

    I have to congratulate Royce. Once again stepping into the ring w/ someone 10, 20 years younger, 15, 25 pounds heavier. He showed grace under pressure. With his arm twisted way beyond a conventional arm bar, his face was composed, his body relaxed. The truth may well be that no one in his own age and weight class could beat him or outclass him. Michael
  24. Green For Life book review

    That oxy stuff is a bit expensive at $42 and change. I did a cleanse and used generic psycillium seed capsules for about $5 bucks. I did take a pill or two of Fiber smart caps(maybe 8 or 9 bucks) from nenew life w/ them. So I'd take 3 or 4 Wal mucil and 2 or 3 Fiber smarts each day for 4 days. I ate a little better then normal and drank extra water. And shit long bricks. Toilet paper use was nearly null. Hopefully it did its job. I don't know if its as effective but I prefer swallowing pills to the noxious taste of fiber drinks. The worst was putting in clay, what a ghastly flavor that had, even w/ fresh lemon and maple syrup. I'm sure charcoal can't taste as bad. You know what else had a strong cleansing effect. There was a post on Yogic water cleansing. You'd drink 1 1/2 quarts of luke warm clean water first thing in the morning. Within half an hour you needed some heavy time in the washroom. Swamis swore by it as a cure all. I tried it. It was extreme but nice. I think a couple of guys here did it. I only did it for 2 or 3 days, it did seem like a valuable tool. Michael
  25. Royce or Hughes

    Details man, details. Michael I wonder when it will be reshown on TV? or evideo Details man, details. Michael I wonder when it will be reshown on TV? or evideo