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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. I dont like the whole Inner Sanctum idea. IMHO it makes us look too secretive and exclusive. If people have anything to say in sort of confidence we can PM or write people in there Personal Area. But I'll got w/ the flow, could be some advantages. Michael
  2. What are you reading?

    I finished 'Coming to Your Senses' a few months ago. I liked it, valuable tools on cutting through the minds constant chatter. Lately I've been reading biographies. Ploughed through long ones on Kissinger and T. E. Lawrence. Moving onto contemporary writers biographies, finished Stephen Kings, 'On Writing', almost done w/ Amy Tan's 'The Opposite of Fate'. (They're in a rock band together!) Both very good. Just reread 'Diary of The Way' stories and photo essays on 3 mellow masters, high ranking KI-Aikidoist, Herbalist chigungist, Taoist Martial artist. Very good, fast reading. Peace Michael
  3. mirrors

    Glenn Morris book 'Pathnotes of A Ninja Grandmaster' (really good depite title) has a chapter on mirrors. Stories of using them for scrying, face changing and disappearing. Michael
  4. La Petite Mort

    I over did sexually active retention. I think I'll try a slightly conservative approach. Something like one ejaculation after two sessions of non ejac sexuallity. Try it for a while, see if that feel right and achieves a happy medium. In Kaishan Golden Shield Chi Gung, they did stress that you had to go through a 100 days of celibacy in order to gain real power. You could do it at the beginning or middle, w/ the beginning being easier. Michael
  5. To what extent are we crazy(in good and not so good ways)? Are practitioners of unusual energy meditations crazier then most? From piss drinking to sun gazing to organ smiling? Concepts of immortality and enlightenment? Hmmn. What generalities do we share? Searching harder then then the average person or just in stranger places? Peace Michael
  6. La Petite Mort

    Guiedjeff was one of the few guys who earned 4 stars on the rate a guru site. Note Chia got 1 1/2, probably lost a star for alleged plagiarism. Sean if you're interested in Sexual Magic, check out Margo Anand's Art of Sexual Magic. Whether you set up the magic circle and create your personal focal symbol, it has some pretty hot techniques. Peace Michael
  7. La Petite Mort

    Sean, willing to sacrifice himself in the name of sex and science. I say go for it. You know both sides of the issue. You're not biased, you want the truth. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Actually you can, the question is can your intrepid listeners. Let the experiment begin, just stop if you notice a few extra grey hairs early on. Michael
  8. Houston, we have a problem...

    Goodness, what is there 'Tech Support' like? How many plunges were you doing sir?, I see, are you exceptionally hairy down there? Right handed or left handed? 'Sir, you did order the Giganto model you know, To know if its right for you, you'll need a measuring tape and several well placed mirrors' Peas Michael Like Cinderella its all about finding the slipper that fits, or the fit thats slippery.
  9. Houston, we have a problem...

    You mean there's not big resale market for a gently used aneros? Peas Michael
  10. La Petite Mort

    Glenn Morris also said Kunaliniesque experience wasn't based on retention. Western thinking is mostly devoid of its usefulness, w/ sports stars mostly but not always taking retentions side, at least before a game. I don't think retention is much needed for the young. Other then for self imposed disciplinary practice. When you get older, it may be more of a missed meal, or two, older still and loss of a meal and some sleep. Maybe. Peace Michael
  11. Stereotypes and Generalities

    I'm not a big believer in astrology. That said, I'm a dragon trying to find Balance. Always close, til I wobble and over compensate. Peas Michael
  12. Stereotypes and Generalities

    Gee Sean, why does it always have to be me me meme w/ you? Peas Michael Using tools of the dream to wake from the dream. Interesting.
  13. Stereotypes and Generalities

    Its good to keep coming back to the heart center. Compassion, kindness backed by acts. HT and Taoism has the concept of natural/organic righteousness. Without trying or thinking or reward, the natural man on the path just is righteous. So it can't be taught and it can easily over looked by those either not on the path, are looking for the path or are are clueless. Organized religion(western?) gives at least powerful lip service to good deeds and more often then not puts some petal to the metal. Our hospitals, orphanages, bigger charities have roots in the best of religion. Taoism and New Ageism, don't need such arcane things. No right, wrong or absolutes. Heck if your an orphan, your parents wanted to be hit by that piano. Losing them was the best thing that could happen to you. Hmn, thats more new ageism then taoist. How does the taoist view the orphan? Hopefully w/ compassion.
  14. TaoBums Handbook

    How about this? If you're in the mood to chat live and there are a couple of bodies online. PM everyone. Just say Chat now? Then wait a few minutes in LIVE CHAT and see if you get any bites. Its worked for me. Its fun, live conversation is where its at. Peace Michael
  15. old time strongmen

    In a world that needs heroes, Joseph Greenstein is certainly one of mine. His story told by Joe Hyams in 'The Mighty Atom, biography of a Super human" (republished as "Spiritual Journey of Joseph Greenstein) is inspirational. Its so amazing that I can understand how people might think its made up. Joe was born poor, in shetyl. The doctor who delivered him told his mom he'd probably die soon. He lived, but was poor and unhealthy. Even poorer after his Dad died while he was young. With little to live for he ran away and joined the circus and was adopted by a wrestling performer Yolanka. Yolanka was vegetarian and taught him eastern breathing techniques and well wrestling and philosophy. They traveled w/ the circus and even met the famous Indian wrestler Gama. Nice quote. Almost fairy tale like he returns a young and strong to his village. Sees a kosak murder an elder and kills him and is forced to flee town and young bride. Comes to America. Various jobs. One lands him in Japan where he learns Jujuitsu in the 19 teens. Wife comes over. Lots of kids. Develops into great wrestler and has uncanny strength which he sees as more inner power then just muscular. He's invited to vaudville as strong man. Bends horse shoes w/ ease. Twists iron poles into pretzels. He slams spikes through wood. the day Hoover is elected he is so disturbed he slams one down, wrong side up, and it goes through his palm. He shrugs it off and heals quickly. There is more in that vein. He was Jack Lalanne even before Jack Lalanne and way before Charles Atlas. His health, philosophy and spiriitual ideas were all cutting edge, even for now. Do I believe the book. Yes. The author gives proofs, photos and posters. There is collaboration from those who knew and saw him. Joe himself seems too humble to make so much up. He's simply not portrayed as self aggrandizing. He was performing in the early 70's. Ripping horse shoes and performing amazing feats of strength in his early 80's. Do I believe he took on American Nazi's thugs single handedly in the late 30's. Yes. and as soon I have the last couple of bugs worked out on my time machine, I'll check for sure. Peace Michael
  16. Dear "Ron Jeremy"

    The best revenge is leading a long happy productive life. That said, what I've read on is a guess Ron, posting using most of names to print bullshit. Childish, tilting at wind mills. It has all the wit of his latest posting on the HT board. He's pissed away people who should be his friends and allies. Sad. Taobum started w/ the good idea of a no hold barred site of all things taoist. Now its a joke for 2 or 3 people who get off insulting others in the most witless way. Michael
  17. I found some great articles on this site. We/I should repost w/ links to them. Peace Michael
  18. Yoda buys an aneros...

    As you get older its time to drop judge and drop cultural taboos that have no real meaning. But if anyone caught me sticking a thingy up my butt I'd feel ashamed and silly. But that is half cutural taboo half homo phobia, half not trusting in good locks. Keep us posted on the thingy. Peace Michael
  19. old time strongmen

    All time favorate strong man. Joseph Greenstein the Mighty Atom. A giant in strength internal and external. Michael
  20. I certainly spent most of my martial art carreer in an unusally mellow Ki-Aikido setting. But here are some things I learned from my sensei who tended to hang out a bars and made a study of bar fights. #1> Whether you withdraw(best), win (2nd best) or lose (:<( , don't do a Columbo. Don't have ONE LAST THING to say. No moralizing, no angry or soothing words. Just get the hell out of there. Winners turn into losers, withdrawers turn into losers, and losers get pulped by saying that one last comment. Last week, someone got into this trap. When Winn said just post once a day or you'll be knocked off the HT board. They seemed to agree, but couldn't help saying, 'Well Mikey I agree'. Bad move. Just agree. Unless you're an elder Uncle talking to a 5 year old don't call a Michael, Mikey. So close to mutual peace, then the Columbo, then Flush #4. Peace Michael
  21. Pastafarians

    That goes well with an old saying every italian boy learns. "No one is lonely eating spagghetti" Peas Michael
  22. Pains of practice

    Sorry to hear about the back. I had siatica pretty bad a long time ago. Like Alcoholics Anonymous, you can go for very long periods with no problem, but once you get cocky the pain awakens! A surgeon said(no surprise) I needed surgery. I think Seans book will point out that back surgeons shown random xrays will say 80% need back surgery immediately, even though they are random people walking down the street. There is a huge psychological component to back pain. Once it starts it becomes a cycle of pain. The pain causes tightness, the tightness reinforces the pain, round and round. Ultimately, strength and flexibility, are the best insurance against reoccurrence. In the meantime don't be afraid of pain killers, usually a couple of ibuprofen, gentle stretching. If long sitting may be aggravating it, stop for a while. On the other hand, if it gets too out of control a doctor/chiropractor w/ advice and codeine might be just the ticket. Peace Michael
  23. Orgasm

    I think when I was doing boot camp. My orgasms were more just a release of pent up energy & sperm, rather then well orgasmic feeling that runs up the legs and spine. Boot camp was heavy duty exercising and I was often stiff(whole body:) and in a bit of pain. I stopped, and doing the Warrior Wellness which at the beginners level is mostly gentle round calistenic-like stretches has brought back the orgasmic nature of ejaculation. I know many people here are into conservation(Save the sperm whales). When I try it seriously, not celebately, having sex w/ out ejaculation, it makes me even more randy, more sexually charged. Its seems easier to just go straight out celebate. Not that I can or care to do that now. I want my cake and to eat it too. I know the was recommended for such an approach. Your thoughts Michael
  24. CHI ROLLERS!!!

    Wasn't me. Don't have any but you raise my interest in them. My latest recommended claim to fame was bridging using yoga balls. Peace Michael
  25. I'm in Chicago which has incredible light pollution. I am constantly waking up early going to a park or driving somewhere and I never see anything. The shower is will be hitting mostly Friday nite and a bit less Saturday. Up to 60 or more meteorites an hour. Very heavy and its supposed to be nearly moonless which makes for better viewing. Look low and north east. Good luck Michael