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Everything posted by thelerner

  1. Ultimate block/stagnation protocol

    I'll throw two into the hat. One, shaking; shake the body, bend the knees, get the whole body shaking and vibrating, keep it up 10 to 15 minutes, slow down, feel.. Second Pan Gu form. Very Quick & simple. below is the version I learned. note* There is another thats considered more 'official'
  2. note* Wang Li Ping has a book on Amazon- Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. It's $29.. cheaper then a seminar and it might give you some crumbs to follow. I just bought a copy.. again.
  3. This may be a naive question but under that system if you avoid reincarnation, what happens to you?
  4. Financial tips for the bums

    I thought this article explaining Why index funds are such a good investment was impressive- ".. The whitepaper has a lot of math and investment jargon that you can read for yourself. Let’s skip to the conclusion here: Historical cumulative returns of individual stocks are skewed whereby overall market returns are determined by a small minority of stocks. Therefore, all else being equal, a more diversified portfolio is more likely to hold these outperforming stocks while displaying a lower dispersion of portfolio returns. We conducted simulations of various portfolio sizes and showed that those portfolios with fewer holdings underperformed those with more holdings, leading to a higher return hurdle to overcome. As the late Jack Bogle told us: “Don’t look for the needle in the haystack. Just buy the haystack.” I don’t know which will be the most successful US companies in the future, but I know that I will own them via the total US index fund in my portfolio. I will own the next Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, or Visa. I’ll also own whoever disrupts them after that. Since I own a big chunk of global stocks inside the Vanguard Total International Stock Index fund, I’ll be covered if they come from the other side of the world. Now, when you own the entire haystack, you will get the losers as well as the winners. Also, I won’t be as rich as if I invested in them when operated out of a dorm room. It just turns out that in this capitalist structure, owning them all still works out pretty darn well..." To sum it up, these needles are the super star stocks that will go up over 10 or 100 fold. In that time some companies will be shooting stars, some will fail, others plod along.. most will do average. People who own the super stars will do fabulously, but its near impossible to tell a shooting star from a super star. But buy the haystack and you'll get a couple. The article has a good graphic that reveals a good perspective. I notice its based on Michael Batnick's work, one of my favorite financial writers. For more indepth look at the study look to the Agony & Ecstacy stock pdf- I love the line In 90 AD, Pliny the Younger wrote of medical problems associated with asbestos mining; 2,000 years later, nearly 100 asbestos producers filed Chapter 11 Course imo having some higher dividend stocks (1/4?) and a few stocks (1/4) with good prospects makes for good balance.
  5. (imo) In martial arts and cultivative arts with diligence and decade or 3 of study you are more likely to become like a master's top students then the master. Thus you should look at what top Western students Jim Mcmillan and Danaos Kostas accomplished. Mr Kostas has a very good Q & A session on the bums.
  6. Deleted

    When a story or youtube has a name in all caps like CHIEF ARCHITECT.. then doesn't go on to name them, you might want to be suspect. There is a conspiracy industry that goes into high gear at any disaster, shooting first and well never asking questions beyond what serves there dialog. Here an interesting article on how the propaganda machine shoots first- A Timeline Of How The Notre Dame Fire Was Turned Into An Anti-Muslim Narrative "This is how disinformation spread from fringe message boards and social media to far-right websites and cable news. The devastating fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral led to an outpouring of anguish and sympathy. It also prompted conspiracy theorists, anti-Muslim campaigners, and far-right figures to begin spreading baseless claims and conspiratorial theories that Muslims were to blame. At no point have French authorities said the fire was deliberately set, and as of now investigators say all signs point to it being a tragic accident. But by the time official information began to spread, the seeds of an anti-Muslim narrative had been planted using false claims and innuendo. It quickly cascaded from fringe message boards and social media to far-right websites and cable news. Here’s a timeline of how a coordinated online campaign to link Muslims to the Notre Dame fire unfolded. (Note: Authorities have not released any definitive information about the cause of the fire, which means we still don’t know for sure what was responsible. This story shows how baseless and false claims sought to fill that information vacuum.) The first hours (11 a.m. to 2 p.m. ET) Fake Twitter accounts pretending to be CNN and Fox News were the first to start spreading disinformation about the fire. Each account was created this month and claimed to be a parody of the real organization. It took Twitter two hours to remove the fake CNN account, and even longer to remove the Fox News imposter..." Me> I'm not claiming arson wasn't involved, I'm saying people don't know yet. That the authorities have investigations underway and should get to the truth but it may take a little time. Conspiracy theorists (or the hoaxers who play them) are already spitting out garbage on a couple fronts and that it might be best to take premature claims with a grain of salt.
  7. Mental and physical routes to enightenment

    I may be doing this. What is the difference between them- awakening and enlightenment? Sometimes we're conceptually hamstrung by our language.
  8. Mental and physical routes to enightenment

    maybe, but that varies from Superbeing to living and dying in a state of smooth flow. There's such diversity I was hoping to side step it, on the other hand, it'd be valuable to have people mention what there definition of enlightenment contains. Hoping that this thread doesn't get hung up on a definition though. That'd be a fine other thread, I was aiming this one at the mental state versus energy cultivation path. It may well be the mental path gets you that state of smooth flow, and the energy cultivation aims towards levels of immortality. I get the feeling they converge under some roads.
  9. Deleted

    Join The Lerner.. for a beer maybe. Your path has to be your path. We're all cutting and pasting here. There are things to learn from UG, rideforever.. they both have that crotchety thing going..
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  11. Deleted

    I always felt UG was an example of what happened when a crotchety old man got Enlightenment. 'Off my lawn, you damn seekers' - stern crazy wise, loveable despite himself.
  12. Accepting futile situations?

    I'd say find another job, but that's what most jobs are like, isn't it? Especially when starting out, though in some ways it never ends, there is always tedious work that needs to be done. My mantra was I'm doing it for the money and just do it. The anger, sadness, even the frustration is voluntary; to some extent you're choosing to suffer it. Put your mind somewhere else and poof, it goes away. Where to put your mind.. quitting time, or on what you're doing or having fun when possible with fellow workers. Another tactic is after work volunteer for a charity and do work that is even more boring. Karma yoga might be just what is needed. Great practice cause there you are volunteering, its your choice, and when you stick to it, you'll find a sense of freedom. Strangely enough.
  13. Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?

    I've always had the feeling that if you want to accumulate power you've got to develop strong equanimity first. Ie not being affected by the slings and arrows the world throws at you. Cause we all wobble and the more 'juice' you get the more crazy happens the higher you go- Manic behavior, Messiah complexes, plain old paranoia await those who haven't gotten strong balance down. That's what so much of the dharma literature is about. Not secret techniques but humility.
  14. Deleted

    The few accomplished sages I know aren't into judging people. Its not there bag. Thankfully I have ordinary friends who are willing to tell me when I'm full of shit. Which generally doesn't take much mystic insight.
  15. Strengthening the Blood

    Here's a question. When do you need to strengthen the blood? For woman would it be after a period? For men, after ejaculation or when feeling weak or seasonally?
  16. Deleted -".. You are not going to reach your goal of completely controlling your thought. Thought has to function in its own way, in its disconnected, disjointed way. That is something which cannot be brought about through any effort of yours. It has to fall into its normal rhythm. Even if you want to make it fall into a normal rhythm, you are adding momentum to that. It has a life of its own which has, unfortunately, established a parallel life within the movement of life. These two are always in conflict. That will come to an end only when the body comes to an end. Thought has become the master of this body. Thought has totally mastered the whole thing. It is still trying to control everything that is there. You don’t have to do a thing. You are not separate from that, that’s all I am emphasizing. You cannot separate yourself from the thought and say, “These are my thoughts.” That is the illusion you have, and you cannot be without any illusion. You always replace one illusion with another illusion; always. You accept that you are always replacing one illusion with another illusion, so your wanting to be free from illusion is an impossibility. That itself is an illusion. Why do you want to be free from illusions? That’s the end of you. It’s not that I am frightening you, I am just pointing out that it is not just a lighthearted game to play. That is you, you as you know yourself. When that knowledge you have of yourself is not there any more, the knowledge you have about the world also is not there any more, it can’t be there any more. It is not going to come to an end that easily. It will always be replaced by another illusion. You don’t want to be a normal person. You don’t want to be an ordinary person. That is really the problem. It is the most difficult thing to be an ordinary person. Culture demands you must be something other than what you are. That has created a certain momentum, a powerful movement of thought. You can use it to achieve something, otherwise it has no use. You can build a tremendous philosophical structure of thought, but that has no value at all. You can interpret any event, but thought is not intended for that. At the same time, you forget that everything you have around you is the creation of thought. You are yourself born out of thought, otherwise you would not be here at all. In that sense it has value. Yet it is the very thing that destroys you. That’s the paradox. Everything that you have created in this world has become possible through the help of thought, but unfortunately, that very thing has become the enemy because you are using thought for purposes for which it is not intended. It can be used for solving the technical problems very well and efficiently but it cannot be used to solve the problems of life. Anything that does not suggest your positive thinking you call it negative. But positive and negative are only in the field of your thinking. When the thought is not there it is neither positive nor negative. As I was saying, there is no such thing as a negative approach at all. It’s a gimmick.-"
  17. Man can be more rationalizing then rational. Often we use our big brains and intellect to rationalize reasons why our conclusion is right, while conspicuously ignoring or disregarding contrary evidence. Also 'right' tend to be context bound. Often people are arguing over things with different contexts in mind. Neither is wrong so much as principles may not apply equally in all circumstances. Reality is tricky and absolute statements are always wrong.
  18. Deleted

    Most of the time having Kindness as a default is a good idea. Hopefully basic intelligence warns us in cases when things are off. If one is constantly being nasty and thinking they're really being deep, it may be a sign their ego's taken over. I've found strong competent people to be as kind or kinder then weaker less competent ones. I think its because they can afford to be. Nastiness can be a defense mechanism brought on by fear, conditioning and wanting to score imaginary points.
  19. Movement Arts That Are Non-Martial

    I'll put in long distance swimming, has the slow motion affect, builds endurance and knocks out the dragon middle man. In Gabriel Roths Sweat your Prayer system the Stillness section has nice slow free style motions.
  20. Deleted

    There's the admonition to THINK before you post. Is it True Is it Helpful Is it Inspiring Is it Necessary Is it Kind? Course thats reads a little cliche-ish. Take it to literally and we'd be cutting out 3/4 of our material. I'd be willing to throw out Inspiring, as its a nice bonus but not necessary. Is any post really Necessary? Probably not, we can put that in the bonus section too. True is important so keep that. Helpful to whom? Hopefully someone and not totally for egoic satisfaction. Is it Kind?.. is a good question. We're not in pre-school, we don't need to always be nice, yet most of the time kindness keeps the community working better and keeps us in our better selves. I'll often re-write my most critical posts by taking out the You's and turn them into more generic less pointing and less personal. Appropriateness and politeness are worthy of consideration before hitting the return key. Write often enough as an asshole and you become for all intents and purposes an asshole.
  21. Strengthening the Blood

    I find Taoism correctly links bone to blood to general health. There is the practice of Bone Breathing. Where you slowly visualize each bone lighting up. Putting attention on something tends awaken it a bit, and our blood marrow creates the healing white blood cells. Not that its a miraculous cure but it may be a worthwhile immune boost. Giles Marin has a nice audio version, done with a slow french accent- 32 minutes of lighting up your bone structure, very relaxing too, he even hits the teeth. You can probably find other versions of it on the web somewhere.
  22. Deleted

    One year I started using the Ignore list function. It slowly grew. People who annoyed me, had different opinions, made grammatical errors, the very young, the very old. Soon I was the only one left. I had the bums to myself. ahh those were good days.
  23. My Story - Answers Wanted

    If I did its because I been there. Good luck to you. Keep your head above water and sooner or later you get the ground you need to be at.
  24. On Meditation

    yes, and that is why my carryon is always a parachute.
  25. Deleted

    I think the ignore list can be a smart way of dealing with the problem, but it also seems like a beginners way. Ie slightly more advance is just ignoring them, not reading there posts.. taking there bait. Even higher then that is reading them and having a high enough perspective so that it doesn't bother you. You have the freedom to answer or not, without it disturbing you later on, and the intelligence to leave it alone once you've made your point. Hard because we all have our buttons. In that way, the trolls have something to teach us. And its good to realize sometimes we are the trolls or at least act trollishly ** sometimes, and thats okay, if done sparingly cause its part of life. **Here's another word I should patent inorder to get filthy rich. No one use trollishly**, its mine. does quick internet search.. r a t s.