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Everything posted by rainbowvein

  1. Haiku Chain

    glad to see you back on track, CT. An old letter-box Postmen hate that type, you see Rusted hinges squeak
  2. Haiku Chain

    Vitalized nature Zig zags in my veins. Where shall I seek tune-ups, eh?
  3. Haiku Chain

    Nature's wonderment, How does that dan tien grow? Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat.
  4. Haiku Chain

    Daybreaks, the still. Ness. Lochness. Lakes and rivers flow. Creatures dis. Covered.
  5. Haiku Chain

    Master's turquoise pants Like a pendant on my neck Root myself to earth
  6. Haiku Chain

    Conquered by Softness, My 2-0-1-1 t.p. -- Two ply. Certified.
  7. Haiku Chain

    now i can relax slough off the dark energy my MCO flows!
  8. Haiku Chain

    i just look like this wonderful everpresent me in the mirror
  9. Haiku Chain

    sounds of merriment students arrive to campus city's size doubles
  10. Haiku Chain

    Hi Mark! Lots of good stuff here...you too. take what's here, be done ne'er lament o'er greener grass beyond your front door
  11. Haiku Chain

    grim reaper knows all infant and elder await death's rightful embrace
  12. Spring feeling

    Hello crocus... Hello forsythia... Hello magnolia... Hello bumblebee... Edit: Hello moving hips... L i f e i s g o o d !
  13. Haiku Chain

    it's one of many fluctuating states that i inhabit daily
  14. Haiku Chain

    nature's handwriting the ink is invisible manifest in all
  15. Haiku Chain

    stress about semen or embrace your caveman play it's all in the glans
  16. Haiku Chain

    No wonder she's lost... enjoying the steaming cup purity, leaf, stem
  17. Haiku Chain

    a pink carnation may seem so ordinary yet outlasts the rose