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Everything posted by tumoessence

  1. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    Thanks for the report. Rufus Opus is a one of a kind teacher. I look forward to working the material.
  2. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    How it has helped you in life and in internal cultivation. Thanks in advance.
  3. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    Britneyy, Can you say something of your experience with the black work that I am assuming you went through before starting the white?
  4. Looking for a video...

    And this.
  5. Looking for a video...

    I think this is it. I know its the guy that I was thinking of.
  6. Looking for a video...

    I remember that one. I will try to dig it up. I think he was a Bagua guy actually.
  7. The composer is a guy born in 1978!
  8. Happy Thanksgiving y'all

    Not the least..............pumpkin pie.
  9. Favourite Hermetic & Occult Books

    Jason Miller who has a unique way of blending Tibetan and Western meditation and magic has just released a book on sexual practice including practices from a Tibetan point of view including work on the channels and drops. Its called Sex, Sorcery and Spirit. I'm not totally on board with the magical uses of sex,just not there yet, but I am really enjoying the internal practices. He really takes public discussion of these practices to a new level. I am not a representative of his, just sharing
  10. http://www.amazon.com/The-Taoist-Internal-Revitalization-Exercises/dp/B008FJWDY4
  11. Lucid Dreaming

    http://www.amazon.com/Lucid-Dreaming-Gateway-Inner-Self/dp/193049114X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1411089089&sr=1-1&keywords=robert+waggoner This book is absolutely incredible.
  12. Rare Martial Arts (post them)

    Met Daniel a few times at push hands meet up. He uses tai chi chuan as martial art which isn't rare as an art but to be used so effectively as a martial art is rare. Yes he has studied other arts but in his martial play he limits himself to the principles of tai chi chuan. http://www.daviskungfu.com/ A great guy too.
  13. How to cure fallen angles

    Definitely need structural support. Maybe you need an engineer. Or is this a math problem?
  14. Tai Chi 4 Martial Art

    Tai chi is unique as a martial art through how power is generated not in technique. In so far as Taiji Quan is based on yin yang dynamics in generating power I would suggest looking into I Liq Quan as an art that is demonstrating how this is applied martially. Practically lost except in a few cases in the taiji quan world. I liq quan is very accessible as well.
  15. Magical Knowledge

    I didn't realize until the other day that she was married to R J Stewart and that they have had huge copyright battles on material they wrote together.
  16. Juice: Radical Taiji Energetics

    I have been waiting to train with Dan Harden but this bumps up my interest.
  17. CT said I know it sounds almost prudish, and no disrespect to Tumoessence, None taken. BGKA asked for a copy free from the need to sign up for a list. I merely posted an alternate link to direct download. "Disclaimer...................Please take all such postings with the proverbial grain of salt" In other words even though many practices covered and discussed in our forum encourage slowing down engagement with the thought chatter stream, please don't abandon critical thinking as a useful tool. Combined with our knowledge of Tradition, thinking can save us many miles.
  18. Would love it if someone put it up for FREE free . http://holybooks.lichtenbergpress.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Great-Bliss-Tantric-Sex-and-the-Path-to-Inner-Awakening.pdf
  19. DON'T DO IT, when your penis says yes

    Like what Mark Twain said, "Virtue in old age is merely fatigue"
  20. Juice: Radical Taiji Energetics

    you can't get the downloadable format in UK and the continent?
  21. But in practice, standing is easy to learn, so its not so much dependent on learning that form. I went to the workshop that Scott gave in December and the postures are easy to do and learn. I do a Wu style form but found the way he taught standing to be very useful and effective.
  22. trailer for Meredith's practice DVD Together with the book you'd have some serious practice.
  23. Make sure you have harmony between your soles.
  24. BKA's guide on how to pickup women.... and lizard people

    I think the tongue in cheek comes a little later. I would offer to buy you a book and read you a story.
  25. My purpose is to find my purpose

    Give it weight. You have the power....................................and freedom.(most importantly)