
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Adj

  1. There is this rumor among top Martial Artists that there is a kind of Chi Gong that is done several times a day and you do no need to eat for months at a time. I heard of a woman who lived several years like that and would eat a grape every once in a while. Anyone hear of this? Groceries are getting expensive!
  2. I enjoyed that film immensely, whats wrong with it? Maybe I am a newbie? Naive perhaps? What did I miss?
  3. Any entrepreneurial bums?

    Wow thats really awesome.
  4. Building concentration with Mantra

    That is awesome, so if I use a mantra from the Book of Solomon I will connect with the richest man who ever lived and have lots of riches in my life? Awesome... Book of Solomon! On my way!
  5. My girlfriend and I had recently moved into a new apartment together. After about a month here together I am high disappointed with her. She does not care for her dog, or her other animals. I am always caring for them, for their health and happiness. She leaves horrible messes and any time I approach her about these messes it results in a heated battle. Recently I got sick of her messes and took it upon myself to wash, dry, hang up and fold, all of her clothes and organize the closet and undo her wreck in the kitchen. She was very pleased when she got home. I went to work Saturday and on my way home she called me to tell me that she was working on paperwork and that there was a mess from it and that she will clean it up. I expressed I do not have a problem with it. Why should I? But when I left to work Sunday she did not clean it up, and there is an even greater mess. Paper all over the closet, clothes on the floor, the kitchen piled up with dirty dishes. Piss smell from the dog, and a piercing rot from the garbage. Today is Monday and when she left in the morning to school she wrecked the bathroom and now everything is a mess. 3 days, several promises, and none kept. I'm very upset. How can I address this without a battle? And more importantly how do I not get totally pissed off every time this happens?!?! I understand the Tao, but how do I put it into practice? I can't help but feel rage at her disrespectful messes, and even more so her attitude when I approach her on the topic(no matter how gently).
  6. The path is not easy.

    Many of you are acting like I am asking for relationship advice. I am asking for advice on applying the Tao to my relationship. All this stuff the males tend to be posting with seduction advice, and pick-up material, encouraging me to dump her, or whatever the case is entirely disconnected with the OP question. There was no mention of a loss of attraction anywhere. I know where my commitments lay. Dumping her is out of the question. We have way too much fun together just "being" to ever break up. Sitting on her and tickling her silly when she is bad is sometimes a good solution. She plays video games and ignores me when I'm bad.(Which is great because then I can play my own games without interruption. But she does not know that. Shhhhh) And I also know this is a forum on Taoism, not PUA, Mystery, Niel strauss, happy dancing single-man playa STD city w/ field report attached. Stay focused boys.
  7. Taoism and Heavy Metal Music

    All music is beautiful. People do not make music to sound bad. They make it to have fun, relax, inspire, motivate, etc... No one makes music to sound bad. All music is a very natural form of expression and there is nothing to suggest that certain kinds of music offend Taoist teachings. There may be many lyrics that do, but in terms types of music, no way. In the days of taoism they had flutes, and leather drums, and simple instruments. They did best with what they had. If they had electric guitars with distortion pedals they would be rockin' it and you know it.
  8. The path is not easy.

    Totally creepy! When I was a kid my parents would fight loud and angry before they divorced and I remember struggling to try and get them to stop fighting but I was unable to change the situation. In addition my mother was a perfectionist who rode me daily about not hanging up the towel, my coat, not putting my shoes away, etc... As a younger adult I went through my own personal struggles with my disorganization, lost friends, got in financial problems, pissed off other girlfriends and struggled with my business until I was FORCED to change habits, which I have done a very good job at. I have special methods of keeping things organized for myself and it took a lot of personal suffering to reach that point. My girlfriend is like the younger version of me. Full of fight, scatter brained. She is young, 22, and still learning to be an adult. She has not developed these skills. I was just like her at 22. So I should just take this as a joke of bad karma coming back at me and trust that she will learn the same lessons that I did and shape up. She is brilliant, so I am sure she will figure it out. But still! Close the damn bathroom drawer after you put on your make up. I walked into it and hit my groin this morning to go pee. Incredible reply you made there. Wow.
  9. What do you sleep on?

    A hard bed lets you sleep like a rock. There are stone beds of jade and other minerals... With heating elements... And people swear by them... $4k + piano movers
  10. The path is not easy.

    Everyone, you have left some very good feedback, thank you. I did speak with her about it. And how I felt hurt. She fought back. Got mad. Said fuck you you ungreatful bastard. Which I was surprised about. I pretended I didn't hear it and said "I love you, and am sorry this upsets you. You can clean up your mess and think I am an ungreatful bastard, or you can leave your mess and think I am an ungreatful bastard. Either way I am hurt by your disrespect." She responded, "Well I'm not going to clean it!" When I got home, she cleaned it and gave me a kiss and said sorry. Whoooo it was hard to stay calm. Then I said, "I am sorry too. Now make me dinner." and she gasped and we wrestled then went shopping for dinner, which she cooked. And it was good. Thanks again for the advice everyone. I am going to use some of it with future disagreements on this and other topics.
  11. Nature is a bitch?

    Good post and you stirred a string of passion in me. Thank you. As for my response: Nature truly does not exist. Grass exists, animals exists, an ecosystem exists. But nature does not exist. Nature is a concept for how things flow in the universe from one manifestation to the next. From cavemen to internet is indeed an effect of nature and flowing with it. And the destruction to our ecosystem, the air and water, is bringing about the next stage of nature where we focus on preserving it. And as an act of nature the universe is moving us to an era of conservation as witnessed with the development of more economical cars and alternative health care. As our awareness (as a society) of how to keep a healthy body develops, as it is developing, we will move into a stage where having clean air, fresh water, and healthy food without chemicals is supreme. Behold the massive growth of the WholeFoods corporation, an act of -nature-. There are no wholefoods or farmers markets or hybrid cars out in places where the nature of money is controlled (ie north Korea where people are -still- dieing from starvation). Capitalism is the nature of money and how it will naturally flow. Resisting nature by trying to control it (ie socialism, communism, ect...) results in massive suffering. The millions of people who needlessly die for an ideal that fights against the laws of nature (how the universe flows). Can you imagine a whole foods market in Cuba? The best thing we can do is embrace nature (like the WholeFoods corporation did with capitalism) and partake in its abundance and through AWARENESS that can guide our decisions to serve our health and our longevity(which fortunately requires a healthy ecosystem too). At this moment everything is as it should be. Lets cease resisting it and move with it while bringing awareness into our lives.
  12. There are many conflicting views on breath work. I am warned by my primary (martial arts teacher) to never ever do reverse breathing under any circumstance because it damages the body.
  13. What is Suffering?

    suffering = resistance to what is.
  14. fasting

    I once did a 10 day fast. Only veggie broths and juices. Nothing with protein. I also added Spirulina tablets to balance out what I was loosing through fasting. It was an amazing experience. The first few days are tough because you miss food. After that you stop feeling hunger and are just at ease. It is very very cleansing and empowering. My skin cleared up, I had -more- energy, (but would get winded fast), I was in a vibrant mood, everything was brighter and alive. At the end of the fast no one told me that I had to ween back into food and I ate a big sausage sandwich and threw it up and then later on some pasta and threw that up too. 11 day fast!
  15. 3 kraps a day

    I agree, however I once was having irregularity so I decided to fast for ten days. Every day I had three heavy solid bowel movements of blackness. Twice in the morning once in the evening. 6am 10am and 4pm. I lost 10 pounds from that fast, and it was all fecal matter. Amazing. Even now, if I only have one meal, I will still have 3 bowel movements a day.
  16. unfinished sentences

    when looking for advice I first look for the answer within. (within a jar of cookies!) when giving advice I help the person find the answer from within. (within a bottle of Jack Daniels) when in a fight I kick ass because I am a trained weapon. when fighting more than one person I still kick ass and if it is too many people I get to my heels. when choosing a teacher I ask others if they assign a lot of stupid homework. if i meet someone and fall in love we have sex. when i have nothing to do I look at my HUGE to-do list. when i feel life is testing me I cut class and watch "Faris Bueller's Day Off" and still some how pass the test. when I have to do something that I am afraid of I do it anyway -and- get her phone number. when people don;t agree with the way I live that sucks for them.
  17. This is not the place for politics. I am disappointed...
  18. Easynow, Some how you remind me terribly of myself! You have a far greater burden than I, but I feel a very sympathetic and and understand of your situation. From my teenage years I began heading down your path going through similar means of distraction, meditation, drugs, ect... I was also a virgin. But not because of any physical problems because I hated myself so much I could not imagine even getting a girlfriend. I vividly remember the frustration of never having had sex, and watching porn and feeling guilt because I'd never get those girls. I studied pick up game, rather extensively and would go out regularly all piling onto an overbearing hate for my life. I felt burned out, stressed, exhausted, and always depressed. YOur description of how you feel so paralleled mine. Others here like the wise Guru's they think they are will tell you what you should do, but honestly, they know nothing about you and what you are like. But I will tell you what worked for me. I wondered "how can I 'surrender' and allow myself to get grounded?" If I stop thinking -then- I can get grounded. So I decided to join the military. They would think for me. I would just do as I am told and not think and just do and exist and allow myself to transform. But before joining I realized that I have another option to try first. Martial arts. I joined a traditional kung Fu school that stresses protocol and respect. I started transforming rapidly. It turned out that meditation, downers, alcohol, are all too yin, and what I needed to do was BREAK through my issues with a YANG approach. Doing martial arts allowed me to do several things. 1: It messed with my schedule so I could not see any of my friends who would bring me back down this was KEY! 2: It developed my body to the point where I could look at myself and feel attractive and and allowed my confidence in my body to develop profoundly. That kind of confidence translates into inward directed love. 3: It forced me to use a loud voice which developed confidence immensely allowing myself to speak up for myself and believe in what I was saying. 4: It allowed me to surrender. Taking class your body is challenged to the point where you are FORCED to stop thinking. I was given commands and I performed. I fought against my body telling me to stop cause it was tired. It developed my WILLPOWER and DETERMINATION. Before I was wishing to give up and die, what a transformation! 5: At the end of the work out when I am high off of hormones the instructor then tells me something positive. In the immensely receptive state what he said sank in to a core level and eventually became a new way of thinking that would literally ground me. 6: I would leave filled with endorphins from the workout and it would cure my depression and mixed with the Chigong would fix any physical problems effecting my emotional mind. I look back on my life and how it was and it seems like a past life. I had transformed completely. Once afraid to talk to girls I now teach Kung Fu to almost three hundred students. I go from a virgin to have slept with about a dozen and a half different women and have a healthy cut body. All the friends I used to have are GONE. All my new friends are dedicated to their own success. I no longer do any drugs, or excessive alcohol or any of that crap. I no longer study meditation to change myself because I suck but I do it to strengthen and give my body longevity. I am not concerned with enlightenment I am at total peace why do I need to look for something that will bring me what I already have? Im not going to tell you to go out and join the military or a kung fu school and preach to you that it is the cure but I will tell you it worked for me. And I believe it so much I made it into my job and my life. And if you try it, I hope it works for you too!
  19. Blood Type Diet

    How do you determine your blood type?
  20. orgonite

    I didn't know what orgonite was so I did some research. It seems like a big joke to me. I believe in Chi, and its flow through the body and use for medicine and its scientific evidence. But man made objects that can effect the natural world, like weather? WTF? Really! Are we -that- arrogant that we think we can effect the weather with buckets of junk with copper pipes? What?! it seems -crazy-. Prove me wrong. cause its beneficial effects were measurable I would be ontop of orgonite like a hormone raging teenager on a super model.
  21. So much talk about softening the ridged. Too much Yin! There is a total lack of Yang particularly with westerners who have men who completely lack masculinity and are all way too YIN. I think the answer is strengthening the weak, hardening the softies who won't stand up for THEMSELVES and ALLOW others to walk all over them. There would not be these problems if there was not so many damn softies. Wanna know what happens to the ridged if the softies had a pair of balls? The ridged would get their asses kicked. "give me freedom or give me death." Those are the chants of men standing up for themselves in the face of the ridged. And it was those men who allow you to read this post. This whole idea to soften the hard by being a pacifist is entirely idealistic and completely unrealistic. The pacifists again and again have been walked over all throughout history. At one point in CHINA the pacifists grew a pair and from softies became hard. They were called Shaolin. Damo came in and made these pacifist monks into killing machines and they proceed to change the history of the east. Open any history book and they are riddled with those stories. You need compassion AND you need strength. One without the other causes problems. Even Ghandi, who won India's freedom without firing a single bullet was hard as nails. This whole idea of being soft and gentle and stuff is just making things worse. You wanna change yourself first before changing the world. DEVELOP YOUR CONFIDENCE. Develop your ability to SPEAK UP for yourself. Develop your body with HARD work and effort (gong fu) and VIBRATE your STRENGTH and vitality. This whole concept of victims and villains is only from the mindset of LOSERS too lazy to stand up for themselves. Super rich and powerful corporations? If they were such a problem, 90% of the so called victims will go and make their own society. But that does not happen. Because they would rather cry and be controlled than stand up for themselves. They are WILLING victims. How crazy is that? The problem are not the rigid, the problem are the pansies allowing others to walk all over them.
  22. Reverse breathing dangerious?

    Good point, I won't listen to you then. Overall I asked this same question in Xing Yi boards. No one could really answer me. Some say they do, others say they don't do reverse breathing. Ultimately my instructor tells me not to. So I wont, even if it is safe. There is a reason he is telling me not to. Perhaps because I am too young or he hasnt found the time to teach me how to do it correctly. Who knows. I just say Yes Shirfu and listen. And no reverse breathing in my Xing Yi practice or meditation practices until some one properly teaches me how to do it for my meditation practices only.