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Everything posted by mantis

  1. bloodline 2008 film

    glad you guys enjoyed it this seems to coincide with those new documents found by nostradamus which allegedly mean that christianity will fall; it was on a history channel documentary
  2. Supplements

    i used to take fish oil and i really wish i had some now, it really is a remarkable supplement; i don't think it would matter if you took it everyday since unless you regularly eat fish you're lacking those essential oils.
  3. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    have to agree with you here, most of us don't even have the good life (what buddha had) and we can't give even that away (how many of you are willing to become a hermit - possibly forever?). i find it extremely disrespectful, to say the least, that people think becoming a buddha or attaining enlightenment is some type of cakewalk. an increasing percentage of this community can not even control their tempers (myself included) but we think we deserve it all.
  4. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    this is where i agree with william bodri, when he says that you cannot continue your ways and expect the tao to find you; it doesn't work that way, you have to put the sweat & tears in, imho.
  5. The Teaching Of The Buddha

    didn't the buddha also say his teachings would be corrupt by now?
  6. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    okay, we'll see if you accomplish what he did in 20 lifetimes peace
  7. Is a Guru/Master/etc needed?

    lol so are you comparing yourself with the buddha or chang san-feng?
  8. Starman returns

    the irony in this post is killing me
  9. Get to know the real Procurator

    i sure don't see those being displayed to often
  10. Starman returns

    all i have to add to this thread is who cares if he advertises?
  11. Get to know the real Procurator

    R.I.P. Procurator November 6th, 2007 - October 26th, 2008
  12. Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson and Taoist Magic.

    not only is amanita muscaria extremely toxic, it's not really a hallucinogen either it's more of a deliriant, which would make consuming it highly unpleasant; this makes me speculative as to why a cult would want to consume them for any purpose. also,
  13. Enlightenment Poll

    there is a name for what you're talking about but i don't remember it right now - but yes, people like jesus and buddha where bodhisattvas, which is imo on a whole 'nother level; maybe lin ai wei can comment on this.
  14. Tanglang (mantis) boxing

    cool vids mal, i bet you can kick some serious ass!
  15. the tao bums map

    quite a few people in the ocean! arghh damn reptilians have invaded the tao bums!
  16. Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson and Taoist Magic.

    wow amanita muscaria isn't illegal, care to test the gnostics theory?
  17. absolute direct work with fear

    we're the same age, being nervous around women is normal. something i do is imagine them taking a dump, which for some reason usually eases me out a little
  18. the tao bums map

    haha would you look at that, tao bums worldwide
  19. Get to know the real Procurator

    i like procurator too, i feel like he usually knows what he's talking about.
  20. working with the abdomen

    don't think being fat is genetics, i was overweight most of my life and i now have a pack; it took a while to get it (~7 months) but it's here.
  21. silat body conditioning

    dyHqZKEOXTg pUusWhVn2AM& EkhsG29VULY
  22. working with the abdomen

    well, it's obvious this thread is going to go in the direction of "abs aren't good for internal _____." some people believe doing qigong will give you a giant stomach, which to me is just a blatant lie. if you consume more calories than you burn on a daily basis you'll gain weight, that's that. as mjjbecker already posted, the internal strength/power some of the masters of past had was because of a specific training, not having a gut.
  23. working with the abdomen

    i have abs and i don't feel that they have hindered my spiritual growth; some people will say you shouldn't develop muscles to avoid becoming muscle bound (which is hard to do even if you WANTED to become muscle bound) but doing simple stretches can and will avoid any of that. the dan tian is an energetic point so i have a hard time believing keeping a fit physical body would have anything to do with it (my dan tian wasn't any better off when i was fat). edit: if you're concerned there is an exercise farmer burns did to develop the abdomen (he didn't really like muscles, btw). 1. take a deep, deep breath (from the abdomen) 2. contract your abdomen as hard as you can 3. try your hardest to expel the breath (don't allow yourself to) 4. compress the breath to the lower abdomen 5. massage the abdomn 6. exhale repeat
  24. Mmmmm... bacon...

    "ignorance is bliss" i've been a vegan before, it won't work on me
  25. check this link out upper right hand corner has the same symbol he uses, it also mentions that xuan ji practice. here's a quote comments? edit: after looking around, they offer a correspondence course for 250 euros, here's the paragraph. that's about $334 BUT they do seem to offer meeting in person for real training.