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Everything posted by mantis
i have 4 and i don't do crunches or cardio, 90% of exercise is diet
it's practitioners often speak highly about it, i'd say give it a try
william cooper's a real intelligent dude but i don't think secret societies are inherently evil. whenever someone does something in "secret" there will be controversy about it.
some masons might say $200 is a lot, actually, most would. i found this forum and it seems to be a pretty good source of information http://staffs.proboards37.com/index.cgi despite all the controversy surrounding them they seem to be pretty open when it comes to questions and discussing some of freemasonries aspects (with respect to their vows of course).
yes that's for the AMORC, i was 17 when i joined here and i'm 18 now.
i used to practice an online gnostic system if that's what you mean but i have never been a member of a society. the dues for these are pretty cheap to, about $10 a month (or $120ish for a year). i'm not really into that aleister crowley black magic stuff either.
so it looks like half of you believe they're BBQ'ers and the other half think they have something to them. it turns out that the AMORC also has a branch in my city (wow) but i've heard some bad things about them although i'm sure they'd be more spiritually inclined. decisions, decisions.
if they actually contain any practices for spiritual development or if it's just a bunch of guys that get together for barbecues.
saying shit like that you're going to get big brother on this forum edit: and if you don't believe big brother monitors forums, on bodybuilding.com forums (of which i am a member) a member jokingly made a topic about murdering the president and the FBI contacted the admin. edit: it was the FBI, my error, here's the thread http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=5154643
i was born smack on 1990 i think the new coming generation is much worse though, now in 1st & 2nd grade kids have cell phones weeee
100% on point vajrasattva fluoride in the water, internet censorship, genetically modified food, failing economy and school system (they removed hundreds of millions of dollars from miami-dade schools budget), rising crime. whats next? they're going to take away our guns?
i think it is necessary and the energy loss felt after ejaculation is more than noticeable. as for stagnation, it's energy, if it needs an outlet it can find itself in other ways (besides ejaculating); this can be increased creativity, joy (or anger) physical activity, etc. after your reserves are filled (i believe this takes about 2 weeks) your body simply starts breaking down the semen and reabsorbing it, i don't know or understand where this fear of energy stagnation comes from.
i thought the above too for a long time but think about it, if they can visit john chang (meaning they can manifest) wouldn't they be able to see times have changed? that people from all races and creeds want to sincerely awaken? maybe i'm just ignorant i suppose. however i still respect them and if a schools ancestors say you can't practice i don't really think you should disrespect them and do it anyway.
i know of at least two diets that limit grains with good results, the atkins diet and the anabolic diet
wow, your practice opens the small heavenly orbit too? i think you might be right about 2008 being the rebirth of taoist cultivation, systems are coming up on a day by day basis! what exactly is xuanji? a standing posture? now you've got me interested. edit: thought i'd add that 1500 cny = $218 he's giving us a great deal here
pretty cool stuff he has a smile on the entire video
wow, this documentary is incredible! one woman was cured of liver cancer and another was cured of aids! i found the gold ash powder pills for sale online for a hefty price (about $75 usd) at this link. if i had a job right now i'd definitely try them out.
hahahahaha check out the comments on youtube ahahahahaha that's great i didn't know mantak chia tought iron crotch though, if it was like $20 i'd buy it
very interesting, i didn't know the shaolin monks practiced this (aren't they celibate?)
and then people wonder why the chinese lose respect for us americans
i've read and some people here seem to have gotten into it, has anyone had any success with it? i'm on a good diet right now (the anabolic diet) but you have to eat so much and so often that it's driving me crazy, not to mention it's expensive (tons of meat products = $$). the warrior diet seems to be the better approach, you do a "controlled fast" throughout the day (eating vegetable/fruit juices and vegetables) and then have one big meal at night.
see the thing is you don't have to study with them, i don't think wang liping posts on here so you aren't going to change anything. if you don't want to pay learn vipassana and use that, i believe that's how buddha achieved enlightenment so there you have it.