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Everything posted by mantis

  1. I am back

    try this li jiong, if you don't want that information out let me know and i'll edit the link out
  2. really? no matter how long you hold an isometric stretch your only working with your bodies resistance, what makes you think that is the same as adding hundreds of pounds? i'm not saying isometrics aren't effective (which you are trying to insinuate by adding "bruce lee did them"), but you aren't going to get "great power" as you put it from doing that and that alone.
  3. whats wrong with weights? you want true physical strength? go put hundreds of pounds on a squat, doing isometrics isn't going to give you "great power."
  4. Got Ego?

    i love my ego
  5. Small Heavenly Orbit

    i found something that mentions the small heavenly orbit in a bagua article posted by mjjbecker. it doesn't look like you have to focus on any of these areas for it to effectively flow there another cool thing is this part as well and then the final confirmation that the SHO can be opened by bagua practice if you read the article here at he seems to state this is all in the basics of the training. hopefully this will revitalize this topic
  6. weird that money is holding me back....

    in the same article you posted mjjbecker it agrees with what mouse is saying
  7. bruce lee for strength

    if you want to become better at pull ups, do pull ups a basic strength routine that i use is edit: on rest days or weekends you can do push ups if you want since the above program is more for strength not endurance (push ups).
  8. Feet falling asleep in full-lotus

    it's normal and lightens over time
  9. Should we help?

    no one here is qualified to help
  10. Egolessness Cultivation

    almost ALL drug users say the same thing your problems are caused by your drug use
  11. mantak chia?

    well to be blatantly honest my goal is pleasure for now, i think drew said this somewhere as well (that he's just "fooling around"). at this point in my life i don't really want to be enlightened, i'm weird enough as is. neo, i'd say it depends. i don't know if they where getting some type of pleasure from looking at me or bouncing their feet (i'm not a woman) but i've witnessed the behavior drew details is somewhat congruent with what i see.
  12. mantak chia?

    you where arrested for sitting in full lotus? wow it is indeed very possible i've experienced the first two "internal climaxes" drew talks about since he says he does them standing.
  13. Opening the Heart Chakra

    you aren't an indulger? really? post #104 yes, i blindly followed a system.
  14. Opening the Heart Chakra

    the bold parts are complete unfiltered bullshit, look at all of your posts since you've come back - ALL OF THEM are giving UNWANTED ADVICE about how we are attached to this or that or how bliss is bad and how your teacher knows it all. this is the same person who not that long ago told me he'd prefer to indulge in sex rather than master it and overcome it. look at this for example have you opened your heart chakra? if not, how would you know? because your teacher said so? yes, because your teacher said so. you're like a broken tape machine just constantly reiterating what your teacher says. there are people on this forum even that have had heart chakra experiences to validate that they are very real and not just a state of consciousness. while i respect you and your teacher you have to stop trying to preach her doctrine as if it's all that is and all that there will ever be.
  15. mantak chia?

    i believe what drew says because to a an extent i experience what he's talking about. i've had women do things like that (while nowhere near as extreme) they continually look at you, brush their hair, cross their legs, etc etc. drew, what does the climax feel like? although i've never gotten an erection like that i sometimes feel a pumping in my dick when i look at certain women, it doesn't do it for all of them though (they usually have to be pretty attractive). miami is pretty unforgiving and superficial so you won't catch me sitting in full lotus anytime soon in public but i do believe what you say has some merit and is at the very least worth investigating.
  16. mantak chia?

    i think what drew says makes perfect sense
  17. Opening the Heart Chakra

    are they really? how do you know?
  18. bruce lee for strength

    LOL wow i really hope you don't believe that, he died from an allergic reaction to a medication he was given
  19. bruce lee for strength

    did his cause of death have anything to do with his physical fitness? no.
  20. David Verdesi

    if what dao zhen says is true this is putting david shen verdesi in a pretty bad situation, if YOUR master charges very little or close to nothing to teach, why do YOU charge thousands?
  21. blue orbs

    i have decided to post this here as i read someone mention seeing white orbs. well, for a long time now i've been able to see little blue orbs flying through my kitchen into my living room at night. it ALWAYS happens EXACTLY like this i get out of the bathroom, look left to my kitchen (when the lights are off) and i see a blue orb going from the kitchen into the living room. if i keep glancing i can reproduce the effect a few times. at first it was weird now i don't even care. what are these? oh yeah, last night a ball of white light appeared next to my computer, too, pretty damn big; i was scared for about a millisecond lol. keep in mind i do not currently meditate or do anything remotely spiritual besides sit in full lotus twice a day for 20 minutes each.
  22. David Verdesi

    heres one i'm on good terms with the mo pai not
  23. blue orbs

    no it's still on
  24. blue orbs

    because other people in my house don't see them lol