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Everything posted by mantis

  1. i'll probably attend one in august, i'm local so theres no hotel costs for me muahahahaha
  2. I experienced Sleep Paralysis

    i've had sleep paralysis consecutively, the most was i think 3 nights in a row and i was scared to go to bed i don't care if you can astral travel - it's not something i'd like to experience ever again; trust me, when your eyes are open and you're watching your grandmothers room vibrate you learn to appreciate "normality." needless to say last time it happened to me i refused to sleep until i passed out from exhaustion best way to get out of it is to close your eyes again and then open them again and try to get up
  3. i got more respect for someone who lives in society and still practices over some weirdo monk who has been in some monastery his whole life and has never experienced nothing.
  4. vajroli

    yeah it was orange-redish, it was coming in through my window
  5. vajroli

    woah that's great, i'll be able to munch on vaginas and walk on fire! hahahaha ps. you really did a number on us these last few days, at least we have a dry weekend!
  6. Kunlun Forum is up

    thank god
  7. help with fire and maybe water methods

    the way i see it if you're an impulse driven hot head fire paths are best for you if you're laid back and kind of woman-like go with the water path
  8. vajroli

    hahahaha if i found someone teaching this i'd definitely do it, it'd be impossible to get rid of her after you munched on her clitoris with your urethra
  9. if you haven't mastered life how can you expect to master yourself?
  10. Taoist Intensive Funds Request

    lol... that sounds like a lot of fun but is it on the 29th of june or of july? june 29th is my birthday and i don't think that'd sit to well to tell my parents "well, im leaving, going to walk on fire" that'd probably be the last straw, hahaha going to try to make one of the july seminars though, whether i have a car or not, i'll drag my old girl there
  11. those falling into further illusion

    i got to get my car first, maybe i'll get it for my birthday (18, 29th)
  12. those falling into further illusion

    haha the KAP course is literally half an hour from my house theres a good chance i'll be taking it this summer, depending on what happens (if i do) i'll definitely leave whatever feedback i'm allowed to afterwards
  13. Taoist Intensive Funds Request

    vajrasattva! you're flooding my street! hahahahaha
  14. Taoist Intensive Funds Request

    all this rubbish do this do that all you had to say was "no cameron, we don't want to give you money" so many people on here talking about ego death etc etc but they're pussies still good luck cameron, whenever you do decide to do the intensive i'd very much like to know how it went
  15. those falling into further illusion

    the attitude of a reborn christian and the intelligence of one to match
  16. Mixing meditations?

    lol one step at a time my friend; personally i think chunyi lin's small universe is a more effective practice for the MO than mantak chia's, if you want results faster just practice it two times a day instead of once.
  17. emotion

    well, i've been thinking a lot about the situations this forum has been going through lately. i have been a ghost somewhat, just sitting back and watching it all. i was reading a post in a blog made by a mo pai member, here it is i know the "mo pai" has been beat to death in this forum, but i cannot understand why. i think people on this forum are deluding themselves. i don't even meditate anymore or do any type of spiritual practice, not because i have given up but for now i am "done" it's just where i am in life. but think; how can you ever hope to achieve higher levels of consciousness and be able to shoot lightning bolts or set things on fire if you cannot even control your emotions? i think it is sad. you see people on here who say they practice daily superman qigong yet once questioned they immediately flip and go crazy and begin to fight and bicker. why? i will pay a debt for posting this but i feel like i should do it. you then have others who ask insincere questions and mask their intentions with the use of happy faces and "peace and blessings" when they do not truly mean it. i can see the ego in action and have been able to for some time, everyone has their own agenda made out of the little bits and pieces of their experiences of life. i sit and i ask myself how do i come for real, how do i get to the real person instead of this "filter." does the real person even exist anymore in our society? my true and honest opinion is that instead of progressing we are here creating a "spiritual" ego. we think because we meditate we are better and because we own a bite sized tao te ching we understand. notice i said "we", i am in no way better than any other but i am trying and i am looking at it from the outside looking in, only because i put myself outside. i only hope whoever needs to read this does, i have written it with myself in mind.
  18. emotion

    thought i'd bump this, it's more relevant than ever now if you can see it hahahahaha
  19. Converting Ching to Chi, Chi to Shen?

    drew hempel is going to love this this book basically is in complete agreeance with the idea you need full lotus to transmute the sexual energy i'll do it, starting with a few minutes though, full lotus can be tough on your knees if you add too much at once
  20. Taoist Intensive Funds Request

    just because you've learned a thing or two doesn't mean you can tell anyone else what is what, stick to your practice and stop trying to play hero.
  21. How about...

    well ain't that some shit
  22. Tragedy in China

    ^ good post
  23. emotion

    and down this topic goes
  24. NLP and Max (Conman) Christensen

    i don't have a car yet but when i get one i'll drive by edit: not as in a drive by shooting just to clarify
  25. NLP and Max (Conman) Christensen

    i'm going to check out your system once i get some cash vajrasattva, i'm in hialeah which isn't too far from your house (or where the classes are held at least).