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Everything posted by mantis

  1. weak erection

    i have a downward curve so i can't really tell if it's my downward curve that makes it seem so or if i have a kidney problem. both of those are pretty expensive so if i could i'd wait it out.
  2. weak erection

    a day for me is hmm.. i wake up and take two fish oil tablets, get some milk and protein powder and put it in a blender, if i have some i'll add some blueberries as well. this gives me about 32g of protein for breakfast. at around 12:15 pm i have lunch which is usually a natures valley bar which is whole grain. at 3:00 or so i might eat some meat or chicken or some more grains with blackberry jelly added. for dinner it's usually red meat or chicken. i virtually eat no greens, at ALL.
  3. weak erection

  4. weak erection

    i have a natural downward curve which might contribute, and it's always been like this even wayyyyyyy before i practiced retention. the only time i remember it being better was when i was really young.
  5. weak erection

    yeah that post is really instructive, what kind of sour foods would you recommend? i have cleaned up my diet a lot since i was a kid which was similar to yours (candy, fast foods, etc). i have been doing a lot of lower back exercises and squats which are for your legs but i haven't been doing it long enough to realize anything. i have some of the symptoms, weak sore back (was more common back then but now that i work it out it's been good), i seem to have some type of vertigo as i usually see some things zooming past my eyelids that didn't really move. again, what types of food would you recommend? i eat a lot of red meat, chicken, turkey, and whole grains.
  6. Obama getting blown by red neck crackhead or?

    i'm more concerned with people taking what's written on a "blog" as truth over anything, especially when the message is being delivered by some questionable man in a red shirt.
  7. Obama getting blown by red neck crackhead or?

    he failed the polygraph, obama didn't do it
  8. David Verdesi's Teacher Da-Zen/Wu-Zen ?

    for studying under such a prestigious teacher davidilites sure are hostile
  9. Palden Dorje

    not when you aren't eating and are a runaway from your house
  10. watch all the videos
  11. Palden Dorje

    he asked to be left alone, that obviously isn't the case though.. people must always "ooh" and "ahh"
  12. The Deadly Huashan Hiking Trail

    *ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* crap, there goes another one
  13. Mindfulness

    being mindful is simply paying full attention to whatever it is you're doing
  14. New Verdesi Video, Who has seen it?

    "my training is super cool" "what is it?" "oh its super secret to" i'm sure this will help people
  15. i suggest you all to watch!
  16. The Deadly Huashan Hiking Trail

    feel bad for the guy who installed the planks hahahahaha
  17. government's trying to fuck you

    "esoteric agenda"
  18. government's trying to fuck you

    so you're judging a movie that is longer than an hour on 6 seconds and yet you expect me to read your posts and pay attention to what you say haha no
  19. government's trying to fuck you

    did you even watch the videos or did you just decide to blabber? this has very little to do with 2012.
  20. aroused and unaroused would be the equivalent of fire / water; in time, they both get the job done. which to choose? well that depends on you because even in the water you can drown.
  21. Going to China, Question to Dao Zhen

    haha oolong, thanks! personally, i don't think anyone on this website is unqualified to go, it's just a matter of who is really willing to take on the responsibility. there is a lot being asked but so much more being given, i don't think it's possible to thank dao zhen enough. something to keep in mind as well is that the teaching will spread to an additional 5 more taobum members, this is exciting haha!
  22. Going to China, Question to Dao Zhen

    wow going to china to study authentic taoism, a spiritual dream
  23. need a full system

    well, i completed my 6 month vow of basic meditation and wall gazing, now i'm simply meditating in full lotus once daily. agama yoga looked very promising and interesting but the centers are all in other countries and i am way to young to do any of that yet. i am looking for a complete system of cultivation involving energy practices and sexual; does this even exist? i am at a point that cultivation right now seems useless as i do not have an instructor who can show you your flaws. i am located in miami, florida and maybe can travel to other states to learn, i would prefer videos though. i am not interested in kunlun or something that has just sprouted up, it must have tradition; if you can help me with this i thank you sincerely.
  24. turns out david verdesi isn't as high and mighty after all, bummer
  25. Secret of Sexual Energy

    heh i hope you wouldn't do that. i am freakishly stretchable for some reason, i don't even stretch ha ha. i can only hope what drew hempel says is true and it does circulate, if it doesn't i'm okay with that too, i mean, i have this theory that energy will go wherever it is needed and i hope this is true. witch, what do you think about this video? h2lIqjeZqOs i cannot even imagine what it'd feel like to have an orgasm for 30 minutes, i think i'd kill myself ha ha.