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Everything posted by mantis

  1. Reptilians?!

    rhyming i think is an integration of both of the hemispheres. on one hand you have the left side of the brain which controls speech and then on the right you have the creativity at work. writing poetry (rhyming, same thing) i imagine would help activate the right side of the brain as well. what do you mean they'd call me crazy?
  2. Reptilians?!

    i'm left handed thus right-brain dominant. i have defeated the system ha !!
  3. Reptilians?!

    ah... the talk of aliens.. hidden government treaties... what's the use of it all?
  4. A Kunlun Travel Tip

    i have a better chance of surviving when my eyes are open
  5. Meditation and Retention

    i prefer to call having sex and ejaculating natural (as it was how we came to be today) than sitting in a cave not ejaculating for years on end to attain something you might not even get in this life. by the way, who said this thing about life times? has anyone come back from the grave and said you won't become enlightened now? i mean, how can you tell? if you practice your entire life and don't become enlightened maybe you're on the wrong path? hmm. i just read this post and sorry if it sounds bitter - i just heavily disagree with the way buddhist monks operate. it's egyptian in every shape and form. buddhists do not address the next life or what happens after death yet it may take many lifetimes to become enlightened. i don't know if i'm not "wise" enough or what but that seems like a contradiction to me. it's like lifting weights wrong your entire life only to realize after many lifetimes you've been doing it wrong the entire time and then do it correctly and get results (results being enlightenment). just meditate, live your life, and fuck what happens after.
  6. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    how do you feel about kriya yoga hundun?
  7. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    wow hundun! you really have balls! lol!
  8. How many teachers?

    i think you're spoiled if you have to ask how many is enough. think about back when these practices where made. it wasn't a question of who, it was a question of when.
  9. Beginning something you can use to wet the mud in the mean time
  10. Hello experts

    i can teach you this be calm let your tensions melt away once you can do this controlling your ejaculation will be no big deal if you want to do this, love yourself and massage yourself. with time you will lose tensions in your body and loosen up this is the enemy of ejaculation. if you need more let me know. side note: experts do not exist
  11. Lama Dorje

    i am
  12. Lin (Aiwei): sexual activity

    i haven't ejaculated for will be 3 weeks now and to be honest i don't feel much different. physically i suppose i'm a bit stronger since my body isn't on the cycle of trying to replenish the lost sperm but if something is going on in the spiritual level i'm not yet keen enough to tell. if i haven't had a wet dream i suppose my body is growing on the inside and it needs the energy so even in my awake hours i keep myself dry. what you all must keep in mind is that lin is a monk and their life is much more different. no disrespect in any way or form to you, lin, i just personally think life must be enjoyed more. i think the monk life is too bland and egyptian-ish in the esque that more emphasis is placed on enlightenment or your next life rather than enjoying what you have. if you cannot be happy now how could you be happy in the next life? or the life after that? mal, i personally think if you enjoy it who cares? it's like picking a career. do what you want first and let the money come later; money comes and goes, true happiness is forever.
  13. Lin (Aiwei): sexual activity

    you are a buddhist monk, am i correct?
  14. Lama Dorje

    that's probably the reason why people in the east look at people in the west like they do. wish for rewards without doing the work.
  15. Lin (Aiwei): sexual activity

    i believe it's sexual kung fu. i can have orgasms and not ejaculate and i don't press on the million dollar point or do any of that other weird stuff. no pre-cum either ^^
  16. age

    the more i read through topics and subjects on spirituality in general i never find things for people in my age bracket. what age did you all begin to be "spiritual"? i've wanted to visit china since i could remember and was always interested in their lifestyle and meditation as well. i physically tried meditating around 15-16 and i've been jumping around since. not that it's been that long ago as i'm only 17 now. it feels as if i'm in this boat alone, eh? a concern about my age comes with the seminars and workshops to... in another 3 months or so i will have completed my half a year vow to only practice my meditation and wall gazing. i wish to attend (wishful thinking here) a kunlun seminar or workshop after. the idea of being 17 years old in a workshop with people 25+ seems to not add up to well in my head. this is what makes me not want to visit local gurus, as i have found a few. any advice?
  17. Lama Dorje

    aaah you witch
  18. Lama Dorje

    what a tease
  19. Lama Dorje

    witch i'm a living testament that your diet works, i'd be crazy if i didn't believe you at this point.
  20. age

    i'm willing to bet it's because of the surge of "ADHD" not to actually get people into spirituality.
  21. Lama Dorje

    the secret thing?
  22. age

    well there is a local taoist tai chi group at but what interests me is that there is a kriya yoga center down in homestead which is really only a 20-30 minute drive. allegedly once i graduate high school i'll get my car so that wouldn't be too much of a hassle. i don't think it'd add up because i know i'd be treated differently in person because of my age.
  23. age

    thank you for all the advice guys. i too have noticed hundun - it's as if you're a big brother to me in this process, i thank you. after i finish my vow i will begin looking further into local teachers and possibly raising some money to attend seminars that interest me. flynn, that is great news! i at times get discouraged since i figure no one around me is interested into the spiritual qualities of life, i can imagine it is the same for you. just as cameron said, i believe the school system should include a form of meditation at the bare minimum to get people familiarized with their spiritual side. it's a damn shame really.
  24. the original statement i made wasn't really an argument and really in the end wasn't meant to be quoted - it's just what i think and believe.
  25. Its Sunday Lets have some Live Chats

    if you're reading this go into chat !!