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Everything posted by mantis

  1. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    i am now officially not a vegan. just made my way with some salami - my god this taste so good.
  2. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    i'm not quite sure as to if i'm just going to completely drop my vegan stuff or just curve it considerably. i weight around 147 and i'm like 5'9 or 5'10. would dha be in the fish oil or is that a separate supplement? when at publix i noticed an isle that had tons of fish oil brands and dosages, do you recommend any brands? thanks for all the help ^^
  3. vegan & being full.

    thanks for all the replies guys and sorry for the hostility i showed her i was just greatly frustrated. i'm going to go with what i feel is right to it - and that's as simple as it'll be for me. thanks everyone.
  4. vegan & being full.

    that post wasn't really meant for you, i'm sorry if you got affended. i'm just tired of people saying this is good this is bad when it comes to food only to have it be bs a few months or years later and what you thought was good actually causes cancer or something ridiculous.
  5. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    so what would you recommend a 17 year old to take? i've been eating tofu, rice, grains, everything you mention as being a sexual energy killer. you might be right, unless i continue stroking i lose my erection pretty fast. i'm willing to take fish oil.
  6. vegan & being full.

    fuck it then everything is bad for you i'm going to eat whatever the fuck i want
  7. hip-hop/violence

    currently where i live violence is not something i can ignore. i am a deep fan of hip-hop and was curious as to what effect it'd have on my practice. i enjoy spirituality and have changed drastically for the better (over 4 years of drug use). i think i am succeeding on the spiritual path but hip-hop is the only type of music i like. what do you guys think? as for the violence bit - down here in miami it's just the way it is. look at someone the wrong way and prepared to get snuffed or fight.
  8. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    what would you suggest for a vegan then?
  9. Witch's "Orgasmic Diet"

    i'm finding this terribly difficult to believe. i was going to say especially the bone structure issue but now that i re-read it's everything. most vegans have a diet in which they exercise regularly and take care of themselves over an average american. also, the rate of osteoporosis for americans is greatly higher than asia which is predominately of vegan or vegetarian culture. most vegans can take supplements including dha and flax seed oil. dha is essentially what the fish oil is attempting to create with it's omega 3's. also, a lot of vegan cuisine and food is fortified with omega 3's at times as well. that is all early humans where exposed to, meat and fish. neanderthals where found during the ice age in which no plants blossomed or anything green for that matter. once agriculture took place humans consumed a lot of greens which i believe helped set a balance. anyone who says what we "originally" ate is what we should eat now i believe is incorrect. the neanderthal, homo erectus, and homo sapiens all only lived from 20-30 years old. there are accounts of indian yogi's and taoist priests who lived on a vegetarian diet and easily reach 100 years old and are still in perfect health. more vegetables = higher alkaline content and it just so happens your teeth flourish in an alkaline content, which is why i know what you're posting is a lie. if you've ever vomited you'll notice how your teeth feel all chalky and what not - that's because of your stomach acid. when you eat meat your body becomes more and more acidic, whereas a vegetable based diet is more alkaline. with a more alkaline based diet your teeth feel smooth and lubricated. i could go on forever on this topic but the bottom line is wherever you got that information (if it wasn't just made up) they're greatly mistaken.
  10. lol don't worry about it you didn't come off as a jerk at all
  11. i wrote the post but most of the techniques described are from various practices which i compiled together with my explanation and how they work for me.
  12. How to Pick Up Girls

    witch what i meant was girls who are interested in i suppose "spiritual sex" if you could call it that.
  13. How to Pick Up Girls

    if only younger women where like you witch, i probably wouldn't get too many action if a girl i slept with started spreading rumors about "he was trying to gather sexual energy!!!" lol
  14. iron shirt chi kung

    after seeing a few kung fu flicks i have now seen this in a movie twice, either labeled as iron shirt qi gong or steel armour. (born invincible and shaolin martial arts respectively). i understand the basic concept of using chi to nourish your armor and absorb blows but even still it seems to fascinate me. is anyone here capable of the technique? i know it is terribly secretive so i do not expect a wide array of conversation i am just a little curious.
  15. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    taoist, look at the the teeth of a crocodile or of a tiger and then re-evaluate your statement.
  16. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    of all the teeth we have, only 4 are sharp. and pero, not all vegans are activists or animal rights leaders which are the only people i see that try to convince people to stop eating it. i have clearly stated in my posts eat it - it's not my body it's yours, but be aware of what you're putting in it.
  17. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    funny yet educational short film.
  18. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    i can understand if you do not agree with being a vegan (or vegetarian), but stooping down to low levels and attempting to criticize it makes you seem overly-defensive when it doesn't have to be. i have posted studies in this topic linking (not one study was done, various) red meat consumption with a variety of diseases, including cancer. you may wish to word this differently to justify yourself in consuming - and that is fine, but the bottom line is that it is still there. someone made a comment about eating plants and then killing worms. this is sad. not only sad but it is the common defense against a vegan or vegetarian. "you can save the cows but not the ants and worms!" well my friend, every step you take outdoors you damage nature somewhat, i guess we should all go back to living in a cave naked so that nature is preserved, eh? to add onto all of this, worms can eat grass, which vegans or vegetarians do not eat, so no, they will not disappear but that is not the point. the point is that any step you take in which you are not killing an animal solely for the purpose of ending your hunger will be that of a positive one. the way native americans and indians treated their buffalo and cattle is very, very different from the way it is now. native americans allowed their buffalo's to be free and with their families, whereas now the females are taken to mass produce milk or to reproduce. native americans also didn't consume meat anywhere near the amount an average american does, which is usually about a steak a day, if not a steak some other animal (poultry, pig, etc.) i will stop posting in this topic as i can tell it is getting on the offensive and it is sad to see it do so. no matter how much information i post if you truly aren't in agreement with the vegan ways or lifestyle you will find a way to mock it in some form or way. this is not to everyone in this topic - you will know who you are. the wooly mammoth was hunted during the ice age, as far as my knowledge goes that is the only form of edible food as no vegetables grow during the winter. i do not take interest study of history as most of it is by word of mouth or an educated guess at how things happened. you are right, however, in that they would hunt for the largest and fattest animal. why? more food for a longer time. nowhere in your post does it justify the hunting of the mammoth other than the simply reason they wanted to survive. i simply do not believe humans must be an omnivore and if they choose to do so they wouldn't have to eat meat - which we don't, if not all us vegans would be dead.
  19. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    hawks have a ferocious beak that they can use to usually kill their prey in a single peck. a dingo is pretty much a dog and if you ever encounter a wild dog on the street unless you are well versed in self defense chances are it will bite you and possibly severely wound or kill you (this is one, not a pack, as they travel in the wild). i do not see the correlation between a bear eating salmon as if it wanted to it could eat anything else. as for the wrestling, keep in mind the sub-sahara where i'd imagine you'd find the kali's has one of the lowest life expectancy rates in the world. i don't know about you but if wrestling crocodiles is in their daily regimen i can see why. for proof see this. simply speaking, without the tools us humans have created we would not survive, which is why we are intelligent over strong like say an ape, or a gorilla. edit: i would have already tried your diet, witch, if i was not a vegan. i am considering ordering those omega-zen3 capsules you listed somewhere around here and taking them for some time. not so much for sexual energy but i am concerned if i am getting enough omega's with vegetables and nuts and such alone.
  20. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    upon second glance of your post you are right. i am a vegan and have been for a while but i decided not to get myself into this conversation as people will always say this is better than that or that is better than this. i believe a vegan diet is an alright choice in that it helps your body become alkaline over acidic, which meat will do. freeform, you questioned the increase of heart disease and obesity with meat, here it is. if you cannot believe what is said simply scroll down and you have all the citations and resources you need. while i am not saying we should all become vegans and drop animals - you should however pause a moment and look at yourself deep to find where you are. while the tao does say your body is wise, you must remember that the taoists where healthy people and where not taking into account the hazardous habits that we have developed over the past few decades. a healthy body will tell you what it needs to remain healthy while an unhealthy body will tell you what it needs to remain unhealthy. if you need proof of this find someone who is obese or close, they will often talk of exercise but seldom do it and continue to munch on junk and lay around.
  21. Eating Flesh Pros and Cons

    well according to what you say witch, i have no sexual energy, which is too far from the truth
  22. iron shirt chi kung

    i appreciate the link and i believe i have seen this website before. the only problem being i just checked on mapquest for directions and it's 5 hours and 30 minutes away.
  23. sorry about that! i'm alive again.
  24. iron shirt chi kung

    i live in miami florida
  25. haha that is just one thing that is too funny not to laugh at, nice