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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Video about Taoism and Taoist Monks

    Your mind reading how others will take this, and assuming how the world at large will take something. The types of people that do that, won't need this guy, or anyone else to give them evidence. They will come up with it on their own and manufacture evidence. (the movements are the devil... or whatever the fuck). It wasn't an error, it was exactly as he said it. Which is a truth about taoism. I point that out at times as well. Why would he feel bad about it? How do you know he would know? What if he doesn't know how fundamental christians would think? And why does it matter what they think? What makes it irresponsible to present that? Would it not be irresponsible to withhold truths of taoism instead, and deceive people so they will only think positive things of it? Or safe things? Is life only fine, if everyone thinks good things about others? It sounds like you think, you can control what others think, if you present things a certain way. But what if they think what they think, regardless of how you present anything? Let the world at large think and take things as it will. John
  2. Peace. Peace is the power he is obtaining. John
  3. Video about Taoism and Taoist Monks

    No he didn't. He's just pointing out a duality. That good is one side, evil the other. You are the one that makes it bad. John
  4. Neigong at the Beach!

    Currently living in the Raleigh/Durham area and this area feels very positive as well. Either way, I'll be at this seminar, as it's only 6 hour drive for me. John
  5. Rising Dragon Martial Arts School?

    Yea... and if the guy brings in masters, then you pick and choose and you don't need to focus on all of them. As in, each master knows his shit. Looks good to me. John
  6. Oh, yea, add in that to graduate you have to get loans, which are structured in such a way that you can never escape them other than leaving the country. Add in the mix of when you graduate you will be at your lowest ability to generate revenue career wise and you get a shitty situation. So yes there is a college bubble right now, and no you should never take on the debt, unless you can cover it. John
  7. I'd recommend reading The education of millionaires just to help you get some perspective. The main point it emphasizes is to make money, you do not need a degree, and the corporate world is changing, with an emphasis on skills not on degrees. That you can learn everything you need on your own with enough drive. That said information careers are still critical to go to college for. (doctor, engineer, math, whatever) But unless you have a major passion in this, do not do it. Business, networking, starting an LLC, are all things you can learn on the internet and on your own, and business classes do not prepare you for.(yet, I've seen a few classes that have you get off your ass and start something, but for the most part don't) And if you want to focus on spiritual stuff, there are tons of ways you could do it, but yes it does entail starting a business, networking, being with people, developing social skills, etc, which when you focus on the spiritual part isn't that hard. It all depends on how bad you want it. Or you could take up a job in something else to make money, till you can focus solely on spiritual stuff(either by transitioning into a job around it or creating something). John
  8. I'd sign up, as I'm just a few hours away. John
  9. They are drawing on things other than the air, to obtain chi, refine and open up meridian channels. It doesn't have to do with the air as countless others have told you. What they are drawing on, I don't know. All I know is that when I do stillness movement, or flying phoenix, the energy developed is amazing.. and it isn't from me. John
  10. Bad Memories and Love

    I work for the authentic man program, helping men with their relationships and if you would like more help, shoot me a pm, and we'll talk. Just on a pm, because the way a lot of these talks devolve quickly into women hating,victimization, etc. Currently putting on a seminar in Raleigh NC in July 20th-22nd. John
  11. Qigong...demonic related?

    I am SIFU MASTER LAMA DR. John, and this message is correct. John
  12. Qigong...demonic related?

    Probably not. Stick with what you know and trust, and don't let others sway you. Including what I say here. I don't even know where he got all that.... John
  13. Qigong...demonic related?

    Talk with Ya mu if you feel concerned about these things. He is an extremely high level master in the US, and can do healings around entity issues. But none of us really know about the qigong your practicing, but in general continue and it should clear out. I've had rashes pop up after serious qigong practice, and seem to travel around my body. Like if I layed down it would be all over my body, but standing up it would pool in my hands and feet. Eventually cleared itself out, but docs had no idea what it was. John
  14. mercury tooth filling removal

    Diatomaceous earth helps with detoxing metals. John
  15. Jing building foods

    We aren't talking about moral choices, which would be to say, not eat meat as a compassionate thing for animals. But what builds jing. If animals weren't meant to be eaten, why are they so tasty? But really, I don't care about your opinions around vegetarianism/omnivorism. John
  16. Jing building foods

    Oh, and meat is good for jing.
  17. Jing building foods

    I'm going to consider jing herbs in the context of helping the kidneys and liver. So: Eucommia bark, tongkat ali <-big time. Tongkat ali for men.
  18. It's actually different fairly often. Lately doing SM has been extremely strong, hot arms/hands/lower dantien, with body movement and the like. Yea I have done some MCO before I found SM. Practiced for about an hour nightly for a month, then started yi gong for 3 years, with zhan zhuang for hours a day, and now SM. Steamroller, doesn't really occur... sometimes I guess. I really think it depends on the person and what they are needing with SM. John
  19. Was just thinking about Stillness movement seminar and what I've heard of Wang li ping seminars. Both include walking qigong, tree qigong, and sitting. Although from what I've heard wang li ping's sitting seems like engineering, while SM it very intuitive and requires no conscious effort on your part. In fact it's gotten to the point in me that I have to be careful when I practice because I go so deep so quickly. Causes problems if I'm at my desk at work. Just an observation. John
  20. What I mean is that anyone serious enough to become a quality and good leader, will take this training into their own hands, and not rely on society/college/whatever to do it for him, which is what it seems your insinuating. That someone(society) is responsible for the training of leaders. When it is the individuals responsibility to train themselves to be a good leader. Society has 'problems' (as defined by who?) but it always will. The individual is responsible for his beliefs and values, whether they are aware of them or not, and they have results. All that aside, taoist and buddhist politics and ethics would be individual and what you decide for yourself. John
  21. mercury tooth filling removal

    No dude. You need to go to a dentist, so they can extract it, then place a composite in it's place.
  22. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    Just gonna leave this here. Enjoy.
  23. Do You Have A Hidden Agenda ?

    And many others said it was an excellent way. Lets not forget many ancient sages, also advocated eating poison for alchemy. Your quote is incomplete: He's advocating meditation at all times, and not escaping the world. Not avoiding meditation. This is saying be in the world, and meditate. John