when the pupil is ready the master appears........... 'sri madhava, son of man'
truth repeated is no longer truth; it becomes truth again only when it has been realized by the speaker as an immediate experience........... 'aldous huxley'
we shall never be more in eternity than we are now 'christmas humphreys'
there is only now.....'onlynow'
foolish are they who turn their backs to the light and argue about the nature of the shadow in front .....'d t suzuki'
the shortest path to enlightenment is to stop thinking...............'onlynow'
there is no point in work
unless it absorbs you
like an absorbing game.
if it doesn't absorb you
if its never any fun, dont do it...............'d h lawrence'
dont take your thoughts too seriously ........... 'eckhart tolle'