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Everything posted by Apech

  1. According to wiki the ideas of the hun and po souls existed from 6th century BCE - which would pre-date the arrival of Buddhism ... in fact may pre-date the Buddha himself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hun_and_po#History
  2. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Getting ready for coronavirus:
  3. nm

  4. deserves its own thread ... though I would say people these days have fallen into the idea that 'ideas' are dead abstract things with no energy of their own - also the modern mind while being comfortable with physical processes, abstract thought and some concept of the absolute, will run a mile at any thought of entities or intelligences in this universe.
  5. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    Wear a face mask when reading this thread.
  6. Weather Magick

    Et aranearum facere muscas captare.
  7. I'm a bit lost on the timeline but is it possible that the BMAC are displaced IVC peoples???
  8. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-the-soviet-union-ban-microwaves-due-to-health-concerns/ https://ethw.org/First-Hand:There_Was_No_Ban_on_Microwave_Ovens_in_the_USSR#There_Was_No_Ban_on_Microwave_Ovens_in_the_USSR
  9. Bullshit: https://www.quora.com/Are-microwave-ovens-currently-banned-in-Russia-Is-it-possible-to-buy-one-in-a-store-in-Russia?share=1
  10. Reminded me of the IVC seals - is there a connection?
  11. Tentatively, as I am no expert in TCM etc. I would say if by energy you mean qi - then the body does not create it but the other way round. Qi projects or precipitates body - and bodily processes replicate qi processes (as in 'as above so below' - microcosm/macrocosm). So the energy processes in the body reflect the nature of qi - but qi is non physical - its most condensed form (but still non physical being jing). The mitochondria are are actually descended from micro-organisms which once independent entered into a symbiotic relationship with our cells - as the cells were good at DNA reproduction and mitochondria at the chemistry of 'food' i.e. those chemicals which store and release high energy bonds allowing life. So every cell in our body has these two lineages - are double cells - which is very yin/yang I guess. Sorry if garbled - but just some thoughts.
  12. Say Something Nice About Someone Chain!

    Lukey lukey lukey loo, How we all do love you!
  13. Yes it is well known that there are several methods of self propulsion. The key of course is the effective control of power and direction. Rather like a module docking with its mother ship there is a need for sensitive control and accuracy. This is why levitation is a high art of the mahasiddhas and not some game played by guys like us. Obviously I prefer the piss-yoga of a little known Himalayan sect known in Tibet as Serlashing and in Japan as Tin-kel-do. This enables both vertical motion and a shower of golden 'nectar' as I am sure you are aware. But it takes years of devotion and practice and I am a mere novice - which is why I wear a nappy.
  14. What are you listening to?

    Ah forgive my ignorance - thanks for the info.
  15. What are you listening to?

    Continuing the theme of the Great patriotic War:
  16. Even if one were a god who could enjoy unlimited sex - it would be ultimately unsatisfying - it might be a level of heightened pleasure beyond what a human could experience but would in effect be a golden chain which binds you to samsara in a way which is stronger than anything is possible in human life. The dichotomy of siddhis vs. materialism and sex is a false one ... unless by siddhis one means the ultimate siddhi of enlightenment. Following a guru is about following buddha-nature and not the personality of said guru. As a practice you may vow to follow another in whom you have developed a degree of confidence - but you have to remember it is you who have personally vowed to do this - through thick and thin - as a kind of exercise in self-education - as a path to strengthen and build your relation to what is absolutely real (whatever term you use for it).
  17. Greetings Everyone

    Welcome - nice to have a Lord on board. This is a great place for discussion - everyone can express themselves - some even talk to themselves
  18. Can anybody scan my chakras please?

    You will definitely pay later.