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Everything posted by Apech

  1. The Brexit Thread

    There are already ID cards here in Europe of course and I had to have residency permit with my finger print on it. Actually in most circumstances they are quite helpful - you don't need three utility bills and so on. I think that they know all about you already - if you are paranoid about data gathering then its too late.
  2. The Brexit Thread

    I saw a comment on TV from a Dutch or Swedish politician who said that the British who ran an empire should be able to plan for 2 years of Brexit talks and so on. And I think he like so many misses the point. The British empire was never planned - it just grew through a series of pragmatic decisions and advantageous business deals and so on. We muddle through every situation but some how manage to find a solution in the end. This is the essence really. Our pragmatic empiricism is at odds with German idealism or French existentialism - or whatever else. Our law system is different - not by code but by precedent - this really is why we want to break away - we think differently.
  3. The Brexit Thread

    I think you may need a lie-down I am sure some people will be angry but I think most people are BOBs (bored of brexit) and will accept whatever is offered as long as it goes away. After all we are not French are we.
  4. The Brexit Thread

    I predict that the ERG will blink and Labour abstain (on the condition of people's vote) and Mays deal will be approved on this basis - May will request a Art 50 delay so she can hold a People's vote in which the choice will be her deal or no deal (so technically it will not be a rerun of the 2016 ref.). The public will narrowly support her deal and bob's your mother's brother.
  5. The Brexit Thread

    This guy knows how to build a conspiracy theory, he even works in Madeleine McCann at one point and hints that the only muslim woman in the story must be involved somehow (how long does it take to eat a sandwich ????). It's all pretty much bollocks as far as I can see. But then I imagine his books sell well. Not a patch on the one and only David Icke or even Alex Jones (who was on Rogan yesterday).
  6. The Brexit Thread

    Where are we at with Brexit? I saw that various amendments were voted on last night but to be honest I couldn't be bothered to find out what they were. Is Tommy Robinson connected to Brexit in someway? I saw his documentary where he essentially exposed a BBC journalist called Sweeney for bad practice. It was quite funny to see the tables turned. I don't have much empathy with Robinson as he seems like a hot-head to me. But I think he has the right to express himself - and I don't believe from what I know that he called for violence against muslims. I think that's a cooked up slur. What I suppose it shows is that the lack of good leadership from our politicians makes a necessity of people like him. Ah well.
  7. The Brexit Thread

    It would be easier to say 'politicians' than liars, criminals and idiots
  8. The Brexit Thread

    I don't think its going anywhere.
  9. The Brexit Thread

    Constitutionally ill informed.
  10. I don't know who I am

    Very, very few people know who they are. This is because the 'who' that we are is beyond concept and form. We don't really get to know until our consciousness or spirit turns back to itself in self-recognition. But most of us have not actualised this potential even if we are able to formulate it ourselves. The problem is identification. Identification tends to lock you into a set of ideas about yourself and the resulting set of emotional tensions around these ideas - or self-concepts. We are persuaded by the knocks of life into a particular shape - into a mode of activity which is preserving the bundle of concepts and so on which form our ego - like a little prison of our own making. This makes us feel uncomfortable when the ego is threatened and reduces our scope of action to those which remain in our 'comfort zone'. If you have the feeling of being the person in the room no-one notices then you have to recognise this as an ego power play, its an act of self preservation at a basic level. It is difficult to jump out of this right away because it is a ring bounded by fear - and fear is energy. In order to escape you need to run down this energy barrier by taking little steps. Each time you take a little step then you gain some energy back which sets you up for the next step. You need to decide quietly in your own place to put yourself deliberately in situations where this feeling is challenged. Decide on one small step - do it - and then review - with the overall goal of breaking identification with the set of responses you have been dealt (by your parents, your upbringing, society, religion .. what ever). Getting to the point where you don't feel you can continue as you habitually have been doing - is actually, although it might not feel like it, a great opportunity, as few of us genuinely change anything without reaching a state of total dissatisfaction. Its a ground for change. If you want to change then start with simple things, change your routines, decide on things you can do to alter your immediate environment and confront uncomfortable situations one by one starting with the 'easiest'. Just my thoughts as ever
  11. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

  12. Fraudulent teacher?

    For what it's worth my thoughts on this are that if you have learned effective practices and techniques through taiji and qi gong then why shouldn't you pass them on? If you are asked about your lineage then just answer honestly that you have learned these techniques and practiced them and they work. This is more important than some fancy exotic lineage - as you have found out. The motivation for 'creating' a lineage is probably just marketing so you can charge more etc. But I guess it may have the positive effect of building confidence among those who expect a teacher to be a lineage holder - but this is in essence smoke and mirrors. Lineages are used in eastern traditions to preserve authenticity - and within some cultural systems they are given great stress and importance. In this sense they are helpful to prevent deterioration and loss of energy in a system. But it is not necessarily the case (though often may be) that the lineage holder is the most knowledgable or accomplished person in the room. In the west, in mystical systems the lineages are much looser and most western masters were one off 'geniuses' who left little behind in the way of lineage, apart of their contributions to the culture generally. I don't see any reason you should not teach if there are people who wish to learn what you have to offer. This also does not preclude getting new teachings from others as you go. This way, your development will help the development of your students. Just be honest and explain what you are doing, study hard yourself and be helpful to as many as can.
  13. Well its all relative, I used to live here: a real dung heap
  14. Moon Phase

    I seem to have grown a thick beard and my finger nails are like claws ... is this a bad thing?
  15. I wonder how long the photographer waited for the bus - only for two to turn up at once. The times we live in eh?
  16. A picture of the dung heap for the non-Brits to see it for what it is.
  17. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Nice. It was the fluctuations rather than the mean temperature which concerned me. Ok its mild at these latitudes even if the north is frozen over - but changes in sea temperature and also level must have occurred throughout that period not just at the end. This would mean that crops and so on would suffer - but maybe the seafood diet can go some way to explain it - as fish are very plentiful in cold oceans (cod for instance). Maybe the civilisation had highs and lows through this period and Atlantis itself was the last vetiges of something much older.
  18. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    https://muchadoaboutclimate.wordpress.com/2013/08/03/4-5-billion-years-of-the-earths-temperature/ My problem with the Atlantis idea is that before the Younger Dryas at about 10k BC there was an unstable period from about 500,000 BC as you can see from the above graph. These 'rapid' increases and decreases in average temp would be very unstable in terms of a settled community - for crops and so on and the maintenance of a civilisation. The last stable period is from about 10 million BC to say 2.5 million BC - which actually would fit in some way with Cayce (!). Any comments on this?
  19. Tantra, daoism and sahaja

    This book is very good https://www.amazon.co.uk/Origins-Yoga-Tantra-Religions-Thirteenth/dp/0521695341/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550412905&sr=8-1&keywords=the+origins+of+yoga+and+tantra though a bit academic and dry for some.
  20. Tantra, daoism and sahaja

    Hi, There is some evidence that although tantra developed in India, Daoist practices may have influenced it in some ways. The key differences between Buddha-tantra and Hindu-tantra is the way in which the deities are understood - i.e. real entities or emanations of Mind. The Buddhist Mahasiddhas such as Saraha and Tilopa practice both tantra and mahamudra - and the doha songs are inspiring. When speaking about the fundamental nature of reality in any culture there will be similarities - but the paths lay things out differently and I think it is important to put whatever image or idea in the context of the broader path. Just my thoughts of course.
  21. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Thanks. If the Atlantean culture existed before the last ice age - then for how long do you think. Do you have any prospective dates?
  22. Valentine's Day Sucks!!!

    How old are you?