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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Letting Go of Good and Bad

    'Judge not lest yea be judged', saith Santa Luka de Guadalupe. I think the idea of being 'equal' is something which needs careful understanding. In what way are we equal and in what way(s) are we different? Is it wiser to say we are the same or to see our differences. For if I say we are the same then will I not over look the ways in which you are unique, special and an individual. But if I say we are different am I opening myself up to thinking either you or I to be 'better' than the other?
  2. Letting Go of Good and Bad

  3. Medicine Buddha

  4. Medicine Buddha

    Meow is a mantra!!!
  5. Medicine Buddha

    yes it is - in the tradition I am linked to this is how it is taught. But there are other traditions of course.
  6. Letting Go of Good and Bad

    your dad was right - he wanted you to earn good money and not be a common schmuck! 😃
  7. Letting Go of Good and Bad

    well thank you for lumping me in with common folk!
  8. Medicine Buddha

    Traditionally the wang and lung is needed.
  9. Intra ocular pressure

    thanks … I think it is mostly congenital as my father had the same problem at exactly my age. I probably do spend too much time online and perhaps I should cut this- but who else will then be posting inanities on DaoBums? Can you recommend and qi gong for eyes and liver?
  10. Medicine Buddha

    you would benefit from getting the empowerment from a qualified lama
  11. Letting Go of Good and Bad

    We value those close to us and value less those who are distant and with whom we have little or no interaction. This is normal and human - everything else is contrived ideation.
  12. Letting Go of Good and Bad

    Forgive my intrusion but this is a bad argument. If someone is committed of being a serial killer or a terrorist (or similar) then you are better than them. All else is moral relativism and a pathway to hell. Ok I believe in redemption but even that requires that the person accepts and regrets their actions genuinely.
  13. Intra ocular pressure

    Thank you @Taoist Texts that was actually helpful.
  14. Intra ocular pressure

    Thanks to all for herbal advice. Does anyone have any qi gong tips - I already do palming.
  15. Intra ocular pressure

    What do you think of Gingko?
  16. Intra ocular pressure

    Despite Portugal's reputation its not legal here. what do people think of Gingko?
  17. Intra ocular pressure

    Is this it Maddie? https://pharmashop.orientalmed.pt/shop/20-tonificam-o-yin-bu-yin-ji/74-qi-ju-di-huang-pian-lycii-form
  18. I could be prison’d in a nutshell yet count myself the king of infinite space.
  19. Intra ocular pressure

    I don’t think that is the same as high pressure doesn’t usually have symptoms in the early stages. I suggest you go for a check up and see if there’s any problem with your eye.
  20. I want to become powerful

    The service is slow - so don’t hold your breath.
  21. There are more things in heaven and on earth ... etc. I think genuine malevolence exists and should be avoided - whether in a person or entity.
  22. Well of course it depends on the definition. Our vary it seems. I have practiced only in the Mahayana so an arhat is considered a narrow definition of the goal (or that is the impression I get as I have given it little thought). In Mahayana we have the bhumis of the bodhisattva path - so I guess at least first Bhumi although I'm not sure even that is 'enlightened'.
  23. My sweet summer child ... be careful out there won't you.
  24. I don't mind if you find what I say unbelievable that's ok. I think you should check out some of these arhats to see how arhat they really are though. ... and is that really enlightenment? as in awakened as a Buddha? Presumably not.