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Everything posted by Apech

  1. I can't help my own awesomeness
  2. Sure. Life has its dangers.
  3. I was told of the details of the 'allegation' and it was incorrect in every detail. What the person thought was going on - was not - as I was supposed to be one of the people involved I can say this with 100% certainty. This highlights the whole problem of moderating subjective assessments. If by 'radiation' issue you mean the natural energy that we as beings emit - then that is exactly what you will encounter on here as we are all cultivators (by and large). If it upsets you then leave the site - I really think it is that simple. IF on the other hand it was due to deliberately directed energy then the responsibility is different.
  4. Just a thought. Are two people separated by physical space necessarily 'strangers'. If they are willing, consenting beings who share feelings and 'intimacy' albeit not physically - does this exclude love? If they choose to do this - is it a problem to the rest of us? Is DBs a place where we impose our sexual ethics on others? Or is it more about personal freedom of expression?
  5. What do you see those ramifications as being?
  6. I don't know the answer to your question having never done astral sex. But just to point out this has nothing to do with Damo Mitchell who does not mention this idea - it was added by me because of the recent sexcapades thread. It may well be that Damo would agree with you. I've just noticed that for some reason Dawei's quote of my OP misses out a vital line making this distinction. The wider question is of course no matter what any individual may think of it - is it any of our business? and should it be moderated? and even more - how could you possibly moderate it successfully?
  7. One nation two threads. http://www.thedaobums.com/topic/41874-does-chinese-civilization-come-from-ancient-egypt-foreign-policy/?p=706757
  8. Losing Members

    Are we losing members? Could it be that we bicker over the meaning of bothersome too much
  9. Losing Members

  10. Sexiverse While strolling down the sexplanade, He stopped at Sexbucks for a sexcafe, Sucking from a straw, he sexclaimed, It's a fucking lovely sexcapade!
  11. Condoms should be rebranded as 'sex-cap-aids'.
  12. While the thread may be gone - 'sexcapades' shall remain one of my favourite words - and I shall be inserting it into every conversation I can manage as lustily as I can.
  13. Farewell Viator

  14. Time to Rotate

    I asked for this to be answered in open forum - why have you removed my post? Under what rules did you do this?
  15. Time to Rotate

    There are a few questions I would like clearing up: << content >> Please answer these questions in the open forum. I don't want any PMs. content removed by admin That started in PM... let's go back to PM.
  16. Time to Rotate

    Don't walk away Rene.
  17. Time to Rotate

    That's a fast disappearing skill these days.
  18. You are spirit

    Can we have a punk version of this thread called 'you are spit'?
  19. Time to Rotate

    I might open it again - I operate on gatito principles these days.
  20. Time to Rotate

    It's toast.
  21. Time to Rotate

    but are you rotating?
  22. Time to Rotate

    You are right. thank you Rene.