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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Dumbing Down University

    Good question. I don't know the respective timelines but the weakening of education has been going on for years here. I'll give you two examples. My dad who is a maths professor said that maybe ten or fifteen years ago they noticed that the new intake needed special lectures in the first year just to get them up to speed so they could start their degree course. This was at Imperial College London which was/is quite a prestigious university here. About six years ago I was learning some Tai Chi at a University near where I lived and some of class were physics students. I told them I had a physics degree from the 1970's and they said oh you probably did proper physics - because they now leave the math out because it is too difficult. Physics without math! Purely descriptive ... jesus I ask you ... he was doing a PhD by the way!!!!! Anyway as you know I'm somewhat left leaning liberal type but the list of policy areas where I am becoming entrenched in traditionalist values is growing: - Education - Law and order - Foreign policy ... I'm sure it'll get longer as I descend into old age ... but hey ... So I guess we led the way on the dumbing down somewhat - but now I think you have taken the lead with the gender studies bollocks.
  2. Shit! It really is missing. Mods? Admin? where is it?
  3. My thread is missing? Go to DEFCON 3 ... divert main power to the DaoBums shields.
  4. Belated New Year Greetings

    Bloody hell it's nearly Easter! But nice to hear from you all the same.
  5. Staff rotation

    ... or even worse death resulting in stiff rotation.
  6. reification and negation

    I think like attracts like is a rather dull approximation - or perhaps even better it is true but does not always result in something good or creative. I have found, experientially for instance that couples who grow to act and look alike have rather bland relationships based on similarities - 'we like the same things' etc. There is a complementarity which goes beyond this which actually might look quite problematic on the surface but is creative. So there are people who find additional qualities such as strength or joy which go beyond likeness. Its possible to see these good combinations if you look for them. This is neithr reification or negation but something else.
  7. reification and negation

    Lighten up yourself.
  8. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    Well - he could be speaking to some kind of truth i guess - not having read him. Baby and bathwater and all that.
  9. Tarot and the 36 Decans

    Thank you both - excellent information.
  10. Nirvana is...

    I'll have to think about all that! Yes the decans are originally Egyptian which is why I'm interested. I have a friend who claims the Tarot is from some inscription in the temple at Philae - but I have never been able to trace this.
  11. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    Aton and Aten are the same. The Egyptians wrote with no vowels so it was really 'itn' where the 'i' is a vowel indicator and is usually translated as 'A' - as in Amun, Atum and so on. To say he has no form as well is incorrect because from early time (and I mean very early) the 'itn' meant the actual visible disk of the sun Ra, which was understood to be his form or body - the shape he took up on rising in the East. The oldest surviving religious text in the world, not just in Egypt, are the Pyramid Text 2350 BC and there was already the idea of the sun disk there. Obviously the tradition was already centuries old before it was written down. Dynastic Egyptian culture lasted from maybe 3000 BC to 400 AD and was killed off by the monotheistic Christians. The Aton worship of Akhenaton (d. 1336 BC) lasted maybe 17 years - the length of his reign. I think this puts it's actual significance into perspective. This is all based on boring old Egyptology and the archeological record.
  12. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    Edward, It's a commonly held theory that there was some link between Akhenaten and Moses. It is however unproven but who knows. What was put forward before, I thought was that Jesus worshiped the Aton ... which is a bit of a stretch given Akhenaton lived in the 14 century BC and Jesus in the 1st AD - and the distinct lack of any reference to solar worship and so on (until you come to Constantine of course). I'm sorry to hear you received negative emails - you shouldn't let that put you off posting. the whole point of DaoBums is we don't agree - so we discuss, sometimes heated but if within the rules not insulting or personal attacks. The only problem I have with the Aton theory is people stating it as fact when it is clearly not proven - also I am fond of Egypt and dislike monotheism intensely. A.
  13. Nirvana is...

  14. Staff rotation

    So true.
  15. Nirvana is...

    Nephthys in Egyptian religion - literally Lady of the 'House' - Neb.t-hwt ... but hwt means temple enclosure - she is the Lady of the Temple = High Priestess. Just thought I'd mention it. @Micheal - can you elaborate on the decans and the Tarot? 36 into 22????
  16. Nirvana is...

    pith? do you have a lisp?
  17. Nirvana is...

    Of course yes, ordinarily, we use the word casually. But philosophically it takes on a different status.
  18. Staff rotation

    Did you feel there was not enough suffering in the world already?
  19. Nirvana is...

    @ RT Always had a problem with the term 'two truths' - I guess I am quibbling at the use of the word truth here. In English 'truth' is something quite definite - it's true or it's not. I realise this is an unsubtle way of looking at things but that's how I see it. There's Truth and there's convention - and convention is just how you take things for practical purposes it's not truth really.
  20. Nirvana is...

    Dukkha - I understand as including change = impermanence . threefold dukkha is pain/discomfort or temporary nature of things or conditionality. I should have said and/or for each of these.
  21. Nirvana is...

    I think the statement that our experience of life is, or at least includes dukkha - is just a fact - it does. It is not an ontological statement but an empirical one.
  22. The Holy Spirit is not Kundalini - Daskalos

    From wiki on St. Theresa of Avila Her practice was an intense devotional absorption into God (i.e. Holy Spirit (presumably)) which produced these conditions - including levitation (this was observed by others apparently). It seems to me that while you cannot write the equation Holy Spirit = Kundalini ... you also cannot divorce them so much as to say they are entirely separate. On an experiential or pragmatic level you could probably chose to work with one or the other as a 'way' but ultimately they would draw together in ecstatic states.
  23. No matter what your intention I think you have demonstrated that owner's permissions are not 'safe' in any part of this board. A particular point is that the hiding action is undetectable and irreversible by either the OP or the person who did it. So unless the original poster realises their comment has been hidden, as Rex did, there is no way of knowing it happened. Unless the Admin are going to trawl regularly for this kind of thing - or grant even more permissions such as 'unhiding' it is not actually possible to self moderate. Chaos could ensue. @T_I - I think at minimum having found you could do these things you should have at minimum PM'd Admin to let them know. Otherwise any idea that this was some kind test is invalid. @Admin & Tinkerer - I hope you are considering removing owner permissions completely now. Apart from anything else DaoBums as searchable resource is at risk if we can't rely on the records of past discussions. Add to this the objections by many individuals to posting in this environment. It's clear that the database software cannot allow owner permissions in a safe and reliable form .
  24. Why couldn't I see it as pink hidden if I had owners perms. for that thread? I would question the idea of 'testing' in this case.