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Everything posted by Apech

  1. Have a look at Daoist Internal Alchemy you might discover something interesting. On the other hand you might not.
  2. Yes he was undoubtedly Romulan.
  3. It's the flow of the Tao (as you put it) that preserves you, if preserved you are to be.
  4. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    How do we ever know if we are wrong without knowing rightness ... in which case we are right not wrong.
  5. Lear is a very profound play, it would be interesting to discuss it. Have you read it in detail?
  6. Well, in this context, I thought you meant by attachment - holding on to life through fear. And necessary literally means unceasing and therefore eternal. But I'm not sure why you asked that.
  7. Thou hast spoken right, 'tis true; The wheel is come full circle:
  8. But that's not the point. the point is that he did not through fear and attachment - which you stated was the motivation.
  9. Buddha and the mind

    Tell us what you mean by 'Mind'.
  10. Why Daoism over Buddhism

    Are you sure about this? It is my understanding that in the Song, Tang, Ming periods (etc.) most people signed up to the threefold system of Daoism, the Ru and Buddhism. - because they were seen as complementary.
  11. I'd have to have a very good reason that's all ... and just being interested is not it.
  12. That's not strictly true, my teacher prolonged his life in order to serve, to teach more people and to create more expressions of truth.
  13. Socialism does work

    I think politics distorts everybody (right and left) - and often their personal lives are the very opposite of their public ones - I know he's not a politician but Bill Cosby and his avuncular family values images vs. drug rapist. Its almost some kind of universal law. By the way that english peer has resigned and is being questioned by the police. He's not the first and will not be the last.
  14. Objective reality

    Best wishes to the wife ... Get well soon
  15. Socialism does work

    Thankfully in the UK socialist lords are maintaining standards and dignity:
  16. So where is the kingdom?

    da great beast huh?
  17. “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--forever.” ― George Orwell, 1984 One of my heroes, Hitchens, argues that Christianity is a model for totalitarian rule. And I imagine the same could be said for Islam. The religions of the book are a kind of heavenly sanction for hierarchical rule over others - right through from the divine right of kings in the Feudal system to the awesome power of the American presidents. The whole idea of the right to interfere in the lives of not only your own citizens but also the rest of the population of the planet comes directly from the sense of moral justification born of religion. Drone strikes are the vengeance of the Almighty from Heaven. Totalitarian rule can be overt - like Stalin or Hitler - or hidden like the current supremacy of the West over the rest of the earth. If we don't all, shed any attachment or reverence for religion, then we are servants of this cause and without taking responsibility for this we have no morals, ethics or good conduct. We cannot cultivate Tao or Te without renouncing religion.
  18. I am God and you are my slave?
  19. Quality of Conversation on Site

    "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
  20. Well, firstly Stalin was trying to replace religion with himself essentially. But the idea to make people subservient is traditionally the field of organised religion. Yes, Jesus was challenging the state (Rome), organised religion (the jewish religious hierarchy) and so on ... but look what happened to him! I see Jesus himself as anti-totalitarian ... but the religion founded in his name as being completely about controlling the masses using divine threat.
  21. Quality of Conversation on Site

    I've changed mine to say it's got a little better. Even the political threads have held back from personal abuse and there's been a few interesting topics ... so I'm enjoying this place more at the moment.
  22. Socialism does work

    Oh no we've had enough of that subject